Read Being the Bad Boy's Victim Page 30

  “I missed you too, Bells,” Connor whispered quietly to me, rubbing my back comfortingly.

  I snuggled my head into his chest while he ran his hands through my hair. I heard Jess say something, followed by retreating footsteps. After a couple of minutes, I pulled away, looking straight into his eyes. I bit my lip gently and opened my mouth, ready to say something.

  “Wait,” he said gently, “let’s at least get inside before we talk.”

  I nodded and grabbed his hand, causing him to chuckle and grin. Once inside, I sat on the couch, next to Connor. After taking a deep, relaxing breath, I turned to him.

  “How’s your grandma?” I asked quietly, avoiding his eyes.

  “She’s good, much better now,” he said softly.

  I nodded and bit my lip nervously again, knowing full well that I was about to crack.

  “I’m so sorry.” My voice cracked and I took a painful swallow, trying to hold back the tears. Before I could say anything else, I was pulled onto his lap and into a warm embrace.

  “Shhh… Shhh…” he murmured, rocking me back and forth.

  The tears fell freely now and I rested my head on the crook of his neck while I cried. He whispered sweet nothings in my ear while he stroked my head and cradled me in his arms. When my cries began to cease, I found the strength to pull away and stand.


  “Why are you being l-like this?” I asked, breathing raggedly.

  Confusion flashed across his face before an understanding look replaced it.

  “Bells, what you said hurt me, but you have gone through hell and back. And you know what? It’s insane how much I care about you. Even if you really don’t want me, I’m not going to give up.” He was now standing, his hands outstretched towards me.

  “I want you,” I said, clearly. “I was pushing you away for no reason, and I’m so sorry.”

  “What was that?” Connor asked, taking a step forward, a smile slowly appearing on his lips.

  “I want you,” I said it louder this time, an answering grin gracing my lips.

  “I’m sorry, one more time?” Connor asked, taking another step closer so that he was right in front of me.

  I rolled my eyes playfully and stood on my toes. “I want you!” I shouted, my voice croaking due to the volume.

  He grinned at me and leaned down slightly, but he paused before he could make contact and asked, “Can I pick you up or are you still sore?”

  That one sentence made my heart swell and caused tears to gather in my eyes. He really cared and it made me feel so happy, I was overwhelmed. Without warning, I jumped on him, forcing him to catch me and wrap his arms around me.

  “Thank you,” I said, putting my arms around his neck.

  He smiled at me again, causing my insides to fill with warmth. He lowered his head and gave me a small peck on the cheek.

  “I have a surprise for you.” His grin made me giggle and I felt butterflies fluttering in my stomach.


  “Yeah, but it requires leaving the house and taking a fifteen-minute drive. Are you okay with that?” he asked, searching my face for a reaction.

  I bit my lip and nodded. He leaned down to place me on the ground, but I only tightened my grip on him.

  “Nope! You have to carry me!” I was giggling madly and felt free as a bird.

  “As you wish,” he said with a wink.

  He carried me outside, towards his car. After he placed me in the passenger seat, I watched as he sexily slid over the hood of the car and landed… flat on his face.

  “Connor!” I shrieked, getting out of the car as fast as I could. I ran to where he was lying and couldn’t help bursting into fits of laughter.

  He lay there, groaning and holding the side of his face, but the playful look in his eyes reassured me that he was okay. “W-what were y-y-you thinking?” I asked between laughs, crouching down to his level.

  He gave me a crooked smile before standing up, pulling me up with him.

  “If Channing Tatum can do it, so can I!” The determined look on his face made me laugh even more.

  “Okay, okay, laugh at me. Go ahead,” he said, his hands grasping my waist.

  I continued to laugh until my stomach ached and tears ran down my face.

  “Can I have a kiss on my cheek?” He pouted slightly and playfully added, “Kiss kiss, make better?”

  I laughed and stood on my tiptoes towards his right cheek, and right as I was about to make contact, he turned and kissed me full on the lips. After he pulled away, my eyes were as wide as saucers and he gave me a smile and a quick peck.

  “Gotcha, Bells!” He walked me back around and opened the door for me like a gentleman.

  “Thank you,” I said, giving him a mock curtsy.

  He rolled his eyes in amusement and cautiously made his way to the driver’s door and climbed in.

  “So where are we going?” I asked as we pulled away from his house.

  He glanced at me before staring at the road ahead. “Can’t tell you that,” he said, smiling lightly. “Because if I did, it wouldn’t be a surprise.”

  I grumbled under my breath and slumped forwards. Connor laughed and looked at me.

  “Aw, wittle Bella is upset,” he teased, causing me to smack his arm.

  “Shut up!” I muttered, making him laugh even more.

  About fifteen minutes later

  Finally, the car came to a stop on a street dotted with tiny shops and cafés. I sat straight up and looked around curiously, confused about why we were there.

  “Close your eyes!” Connor insisted, his eyes lighting up in delight.

  After a very intense staring contest, I gave up and closed my eyes. I let him lead me out of the car. After two minutes of walking, he stopped.

  “Okay,” he whispered, his breath tickling my ear. “Open your eyes.”

  Opening my eyes slowly and blinking because of the bright light, I finally managed to focus on the coffee shop I was then standing in front of. After a few seconds, I realized what I was looking at.

  “Sally’s,” I whispered. I felt my body crumble, and Connor wrapped his arms around me and supported me.

  “Bells,” he murmured, “please don’t cry.”

  What happened next must have surprised him, because it was extremely spontaneous on my part. I whipped around and began hitting his chest violently.

  “What is wrong with you?” I snapped, smacking him with each word.

  He was shocked as I continued to attack him.

  “Why are you being affectionate and caring all of a sudden?” I growled out at him, increasing my blows as I spoke.

  “Bella! You need to calm down!” Connor exclaimed grabbing my wrists and pulling me close.

  I didn’t stop there though, I continued to struggle until I knew it was useless.

  “What is going on with you?” Connor asked, breathless.

  I stared at him hard before speaking, “You were never like this before.”

  Connor’s only response was to stare at me in shock.

  “You’re treating me differently and I’m scared,” I admitted quietly, looking down.

  “Come on, let’s go inside,” he said softly, his hand landing on my back.

  I jerked away from him and glared.

  “No!” I snapped defiantly.

  He cocked an eyebrow and started to sport a smug grin.



  “Fine,” he shrugged and took a couple of steps towards me, until he was directly in front of me.

  “What are you…? Ahhh! Connor!” I shrieked, my body now slung over his shoulder.

  “What? Didn’t you miss this?” he mocked as he entered the coffee shop, with me still on his shoulders.

  My cheeks settled for a bright shade of red as people stared at us. “Connor, put me down!” I hissed, covering my face with my hands in mortification.

  “Hello!” I heard Connor speak. “We’d like two slice
s of blueberry pie.”

  There was an awkward pause before I heard the waitress speak.

  “I’ll be sure to have that ready for you… uh, the both of you, in just a moment.”

  I could hear the amusement in her tone. Connor thanked her before making his way to an empty booth, and finally, placing me on my feet.

  “You son of a bitch,” I muttered, sitting down.

  “Charming,” he said, grinning. He sat on the opposite side of the booth, and after a couple of minutes of silence, two plates of blueberry pie were placed in front of us.

  I hungrily devoured the slice as soon as I got my hands on it, only stopping when I noticed Connor was staring.

  “What?” I asked. My expression was completely serious. Unfortunately, a piece of pie flew out of my mouth and splattered gracefully on the table. Looking at the splatter, then at each other, Connor and I burst out laughing, not caring who saw.

  After we finished our pie, we left the coffee shop and walked to his car.

  “Well, that was nice,” he said, once we were in the car.

  I laughed and glanced at him. “Sure was.” I smiled, comfortably leaning onto my seat.

  “That wasn’t the surprise though.”

  My eyes widened and I shot upwards. “Wait…what?” I asked.

  “Yup,” he said, popping the p.

  “Then, where are we…?” I started to ask.


  I started giggling uncontrollably, and my sides started to hurt. “Fine, Connor. I’ll let you win this one,” I said, resting my head against the cushioned seat.

  Then, Connor started the car and we were off again. And before I knew it, I was asleep.

  When I finally woke up, it was early afternoon. A soft breeze surrounded me, and the sound of waves and seagulls filled my ears. I sat up and looked around in confusion.

  I was at the beach.

  “Surprise!” Connor cried out, running up to greet me. He was shirtless!

  Yep, Connor Michaels was shirtless! Sweet baby Jesus!

  “I… I… What?” I was so confused when I stood up from the beach towel I had been sleeping on.

  “Jess told me you were looking for an escape. So, here we are!” Connor said.

  “You did this all for me?” I asked, looking around at the empty beach.

  Connor backed away quickly, holding up his hands in defense. “Before you go all batshit crazy on me, you need to understand that I’m only trying to have fun with you.”

  I tried to keep my face straight but due to his choice of words, I couldn’t help but smile.

  “But I don’t have a bathing suit,” I pouted, shuffling my bare feet awkwardly.

  “You don’t need one,” Connor said with a wink, before lifting me up and placing me on his back.

  “Giddy up, horsie!” I cried out, bouncing lightly on his back while he jokingly began running towards the waves.

  Unfortunately, Connor wasn’t that coordinated, especially when there was someone on his back, so he ended up tripping, falling flat on his face, and flinging me into the waves. After I had enough of being “waterboarded” by the ocean, I stood up, walked over to the beach towel, and sat down.

  “Uh, so… You look nice,” Connor said, sitting next to me as he brushed the sand off himself.

  “Oh, really? I don’t know. I think the whole ‘soaked look’ is a bold move for me,” I replied sarcastically, but my eyes were twinkling.

  Connor laughed loudly before responding, “It seems you’re always soaked around me.”

  My jaw dropped and my eyes bugged out of my head. He did not just say that! Wait, yeah. Yeah, he did! I playfully smacked him on the arm, but he just responded with a chuckle.

  An hour or so later

  I don’t know how long we sat there before we finally decided it was time to go back home. The only problem was… I was still soaked.

  “We can stop by a store and I can buy you some clothes,” Connor offered.

  “Yeah, you boob. You better be getting me new clothes.”

  He chuckled and pecked my forehead as he started the car. “You know you love me,” he replied confidently.

  We drove for an hour before we found a store, and I practically sprinted inside it. Connor and I walked through the aisles while people gave us weird looks. I even heard one elderly woman call us smelly, crazy kids who didn’t have proper parents. Smelly? Yeah, blame the salt water.

  “Here,” Connor announced, handing me a large sweatshirt and a pair of sweatpants we both found.

  As we paid for the items, I noticed a DVD that was for sale.

  “Hey, Connor?” I asked, making him pause.


  “Anything Channing Tatum can do, you can do?” I asked.

  His eyes glazed with confusion, but he still nodded and grinned.

  I held up the DVD and laughed.

  “Magic Mike?” he asked, laughing along. “I’ve got the moves! I swear I can do the same moves he did in this movie!”

  I laughed even harder, which probably made everyone stare at us. Then suddenly, Connor ripped off his shirt and stood up on a bench.

  “Give me a beat!” he called out.

  A random guy pulled out his phone and started playing a song. Once the beat got started, Connor started dancing—well, gyrating his hips and flinging his arms around in a very strange manner.

  I thought I was having a seizure from how much I was laughing and how hard my body was shaking.

  “Bells! Join me!” Connor said to me, holding out his hand.

  I surprised myself when I got on top of the bench next to him. There we danced for the rest of the song, which ended with claps from the crowd and us laughing uncontrollably.

  But even when I saw the people openly judging us, I couldn’t care less. Why didn’t I care?

  Well, because we were just two smelly, crazy kids, who were able to get through hell and back, hand in hand.

  Chapter 23

  My brows furrowed as I attempted to focus on the brightly colored flash cards that were scattered across my floor. A dull ache had begun to spread throughout my back as I hunched over and snatched up the card I was looking for.

  “Babe, come on, you need a break!”

  At that, my attention was diverted to the overly happy Jess, who was leaning against the doorframe.

  I nervously bit my lip, looked back at the flash cards, and shook my head, “Jess, you know I can't.”

  “But…” Jess began to protest.

  “I need to study!” I insisted, my eyes wide and frantic, and constantly glancing back to the flash cards.

  “Alright, alright,” Jess said, sighing in defeat. “I’ll be off then.”

  I didn't even glance up as Jess went out, and felt myself grow anxious as I stared at the piles of binders and stacks of flash cards that I still had to go through. With finals coming up, I had much to review and catch up on, which I had actually been doing the whole week.

  It was now Saturday, and I was absolutely exhausted. But despite all the stress that was overwhelming me, I simply refused to rest even for one minute.


  My head snapped up at the sound of my younger brother's shy voice. “Yes, Luca?”

  “Can you come help me find my…?” he hesitated, “uh, well… my book.” He looked around nervously and his face was now bright red.

  I stared at him, confused by his nervousness. After a couple of seconds, I ran my hand through my hair and although I really didn't want to, I decided to get up and help Luca.

  I let out a groan as my body protested my first movement in hours. Giving my brother a tired smile, I stepped out of my room and entered his.

  “So, Luca…” I was cut off as a hand was placed over my mouth, and an arm wrapped around my waist, pulling me backwards into a hard body. My breathing hitched and I immediately tensed.

  “Relax, Bells. It's just me,” Connor whispered huskily, instantly making me relax.

waited for him to move his hands so I could turn around, but instead, I felt his head dip down to the crook of my neck. His hand that was covering my mouth moved to the opposite side of my neck and slid into my hair. A shaky breath escaped my parted lips as he lightly tugged on my hair, causing me to tilt my head, giving him more access to my exposed neck.

  “Connor,” I whispered, unsure if I should stop him.

  It had been a little over two months since the incident and it seemed that everyone now had a tacit sense that we were back together.

  “I really owe Luca one,” Connor breathed out, his lips brushing against my neck, causing a bunch of goosebumps to spread across my body. He expertly found the weak spot below my ear and began sucking gently, sending a wave of pleasure to wash over me.

  I let out a soft moan, which didn't go unheard by Connor. I felt him smile against my skin at that and nip it lightly, making me whimper in delight. He pulled away and removed his arms from my body, and I pouted in disappointment. He let out a light laugh as he moved to stand in front of me.

  “A little bird informed me that you need a break from all this non-stop studying.”

  I frowned slightly and opened my mouth to protest, but when Connor raised his eyebrows at me, as if he was challenging me, I knew I wouldn’t be able to win any argument.

  “So,” Connor continued, “I am going to kidnap you.”

  At this, I cocked an eyebrow, and crossed my arms. “Oh, really?” I asked, a hint of amusement tainting my tone.

  Connor stepped forward, wrapping his arms tightly around me. “Really.”

  “And how…?” I was interrupted as he lifted me up, tossing me over his shoulder. I let out a yelp of surprise and fisted his shirt in my hands, at the same time, praying that he wouldn't drop me.

  “And we're off!” he exclaimed with joy as he walked out of Luca's room.

  When he carried me past my room, I saw the piles of flash cards and realized I had to stop this.

  “Connor! Connor, put me down!” I cried out, surprising him.

  He quickly gave in, put me down, and looked at me with concern and confusion.

  “I can't go. I have to study,” I muttered, taking a step back, bumping into the wall in the process.