Read Being the Bad Boy's Victim Page 32


  “No!” I choked out. “I don’t want to try a long distance relationship. I don’t care that I’m being selfish right now because… because I don’t want to not have you with me. I…”

  Connor immediately pulled me into his arms, sensing the tears that were about to spill.

  “It’s not fair,” I muttered, pushing back the tears for once.

  “Florida isn’t that far away from UPenn,” he said into my hair.

  So he is going to Florida State, I thought to myself. It hurt me to think that I wasn’t by his side while he got his letter, like he had been there for me when I got mine.

  When he pulled away, I caught the mischievous look in his eyes, but it quickly went away.

  “You okay now?”

  “I don’t want long distance,” I said softly, “I want you.”

  “Mother of God! Just do it already!” James’s loud voice echoed from below, making me jump in surprise.

  My body froze as I realized what I just said, and how it could be misinterpreted.

  “What? No!”

  Connor’s face was completely serious as he spoke. “I knew it. You want my d—. You want it! You desire it!”

  I shrieked and jumped at him, but he darted away and out of the room, heading down the stairs as he continued to yell.

  “Bella has an aching need for…”

  “For what?” Jess interrupted him as she leaned against the kitchen counter.

  “My dick,” Connor replied casually, while high-fiving Matt and James.

  I stood at the end of the stairs, my chest heaving as I panted for air.

  “You suck.”

  “I know something you can suck.” Connor didn’t even skip a beat as he shot back his reply.

  Matt and James roared with laughter and Connor dropped his right eyelid into a sexy wink, making me blush furiously.

  “Oh, my gosh!” Jess exclaimed, looking at us both. “Remember that first day when Connor kept making all those sexual innuendos about you?”

  “Holy shit!” I gasped out, unable to control myself.

  Jess was on a roll now. “And then he pushed your tray all over you during lunch!”

  “You jerk!” I cried out, remembering how much Connor and I fought at the beginning of the school year. “That pasta burned me!”

  Connor pouted and reached out to hug me, but I scoffed and marched over to Jess.

  “Thanks, Jess,” Connor said sarcastically while he tried to get a hug from me, which I was determined to deny him.

  Another memory came to me and I let out a loud laugh. “Remember when I first asked about Connor? And you thought I was talking about a guy I liked?”

  “Hey!” Connor protested, while Matt laughed loudly.

  “You called me…”

  “A girl on a mission!” Jess finished, making me burst out laughing. She grinned at me and tilted her head, thinking.

  “And then you warned me all about Connor and his friends…” I trailed off, giggling at their surprised expressions.

  “And what did Miss Poston say about me?” James asked, snatching a giggling Jess in his arms.

  “That you were a big, bad wolf,” I giggled as Jess fervently denied it.

  Connor took that moment to try and make a grab for me, but I sneakily sidestepped him.

  “I personally love to think back to that time you tripped me in gym class, and I passed out.” I shot a pointed glare at Connor, making him pale slightly and open his mouth like he was about to say something.

  “I remember that, too!” Jess said, pulling away from James and coming to stand by my side.

  “Hey! That was Connor, not me!” James cried out.

  Connor glared at him and he just shrugged before they both looked back to us.

  “Okay, so maybe I wasn’t always an angel.”

  Jess and I scoffed and rolled our eyes.

  “But… now I am?” Connor seemed lost and unsure of what to say.

  “I think we all know who the real angel is,” Matt said, pointing to himself with a bread roll.

  We stared at the food that was in front of him, and I realized what I wanted to do. Grinning, I turned back to Connor and James.

  “Well, Connor, you tripped me, shoved food in my face, and…”

  “Remember when I took you to McDonalds?” Connor cut me off, a smile spreading across his face.

  “That was the worst!” I laughed out.

  “What do you mean? That…”

  “I jumped out of the car, Connor,” I deadpanned, making him pause to think about it.

  “Oh yeah!” He started laughing loudly as he remembered. “And then we had that heart to heart about me…”

  “Not being good at dating,” I whispered out, now grinning.

  “And then you tried to get me in bed after I drove you home.”

  What?! I seethed inside.

  I gasped and ignored Jess and Matt's laughter, and James's smug smile. “No, I…” I stammered.

  “Kissed me and then invited me in for… Well, you know what for,” Connor directed his last words at James, but it was still loud enough for everyone to hear.

  “Dick!” I turned and grabbed Matt’s half-eaten sandwich, slapping it on Connor’s face. “That was for the pasta.”

  There was a moment of silence as the sandwich slid down the side of his face, and fell to the floor.

  “M-my sandwich…”

  I turned back to see a heartbroken Matt. But before I could apologize, his face twisted in anger and he threw a bread roll at me.

  “Boys against girls!” James yelled, rushing to the fridge.

  I managed to grab a ketchup bottle and sprinted over to the sink where the mini-hose thing was.

  “Oh, my God! Stop it!” Jess was running in circles as Matt pelted grapes at her and James splattered her with yogurt.

  My eyes met Connor’s dark ones, and I visibly gulped as he made his way over to me.

  “Don’t take another step!” I warned, raising the ketchup bottle.

  “Oh really? I don’t believe you.” His eyes flickered to the bottle then back to me.

  “Yeah, well, you better believe it, babe.” I grinned at him as I began spraying him with the ketchup. Then, I pulled up the mini-hose and began what Connor would most likely consider as waterboarding.

  Oh, mini-hose, how I love you so!

  “What the heck are you doing?” Jess shrieked, causing me to look up at her. She was lying spread-eagled on the ground while James straddled her and Matt smeared chocolate all over her face.

  “Aha!” exclaimed Connor.

  Then my mini-hose was knocked out of my hands as Connor pushed me against the counter, his crotch grinding up against my ass. Call me an old lady because I just had a hot flash right then and there.

  “Hmm, looks like I’m already making you wet,” Connor whispered, grinding his hips some more.


  I craned my neck to see Jess throw a watermelon at Connor’s head, which was, mind you, right next to mine.

  A watermelon! A mother-freaking watermelon!

  Connor ducked and pulled me down as the watermelon exploded on the cabinet behind our heads. I couldn’t help but grin widely when I realized he had sheltered my body with his own.

  “Awww!” Matt cooed, “Connor is protecting his girl!”

  James and Jess grinned at us. But when I took in Jess’ chocolate-covered face, I got slightly scarred for life.

  “He’s like your bodyguard,” James pointed out when we stood up.

  Connor smiled at me, his arms wrapped comfortably around my waist.

  A nice, pleasant silence followed. Then, Jess decided that she should ruin it by…

  “And I… will always love you!”

  We all jumped in astonishment as she sang her head off, chocolate-smeared face and all.

  “You’re mental!” I said, cutting her off.

  She gave us all a dramatic curtsy before dancing a

  “You like her because…”

  I gasped and reached out to slap Matt’s chest as he profusely apologized. Then, I let out a short laugh and looked around the ruined kitchen, my eyes stopping at the chunks of watermelon that lay scattered at one corner.

  “I can’t believe that crazy bitch threw a watermelon at us,” I declared with amusement.

  “There is a God!” Connor breathed out as he shut the door after Matt, James, and Jess left.

  They decided to go watch Despicable Me 2, while Connor and I stayed behind to rest, after cleaning up everything, that is.

  “Your hands are prune-y,” he observed, lifting one of my hands up as he sat on the couch next to me.

  “Well, that was the second shower of the day for me,” I replied, my eyes closed.

  Connor shifted me so that I was pretty much sitting on his lap, with my head resting in the crook of his neck. Because of the unexpected, but gentle movement, I let out a soft groan.

  “What’s the matter?”

  “It’s nothing,” I murmured, squeezing my eyes shut.

  “Bells,” Connor’s voice was soft and so concerned that I gave in.

  “My back hurts,” I whispered. “It’s not too bad, just a little sore.”

  Without another word, Connor lifted me and carried me up to his room. He gingerly placed me on the large bed.

  “Get on your stomach,” he told me.

  Was it wrong that only dark and dirty thoughts filled my mind at the sound of those words? Still, I nervously swallowed and did as I was told, my body trembling slightly. I bit my lip when I felt the bed dip down, and Connor climb on top of me, legs on either side.

  “Relax,” he instructed me.

  Well, let me tell you something, when a guy—who’s hotter than the sun—was straddling you and lifted up your shirt, you would certainly find it hard to relax.

  Then I felt his warm, soothing hands on my back, as he began kneading my muscles slowly, testing the area out.

  “Where’s the pain?”

  “Uh… I… it’s…” I couldn’t even form a proper sentence. I was in such bliss.

  “The pain?” Connor asked, his lips by my ear.

  “L-lower back,” I choked out, tightly squeezing my eyes shut. A light gasp left my lips as I felt cool air wash over my exposed back and Connor took that moment to lightly pull the large sweatpants down an inch or two. I had no doubt that part of my ass was then on display.

  I felt my body go limp as Connor’s magical hands worked his way through my tense muscles. I couldn’t help myself and let out a soft moan, which made Connor freeze.

  Nicely done, skank.

  “Bells,” his voice was strained and he seemed like he was in pain.

  I shifted so I could see him better, worried that he might be hurt.

  “Connor? Are you okay? Is there…?”

  “I want you so fucking badly.”

  I choked on air and felt my body go rigid before I could calm myself down.

  “You don’t know how badly I want to take you.” His lips was hovering over my ear now. “Right here, right now.”

  It felt as if years had passed before I spoke.

  “Then, take me,” I whispered.

  Connor’s eyes snapped up to meet mine, a surprised look on his face. I let out an impatient groan and managed to roll onto my back underneath him. He continued to just stare down at me, still in a state of shock.

  “Oh, for the love of…”

  He cut me off with a tantalizingly sweet kiss. His mouth molded perfectly with mine, and the hot spark in my stomach grew. He pulled away after a couple of minutes, his forehead resting against mine.

  “Are you sure about this?” he asked, his eyes searching mine.

  “I’m nervous,” I whispered.

  “I’ll be gentle,” he promised.

  “I know you will,” I replied as I pulled him in for another heated kiss. And then I felt his hands grip the end of my t-shirt, pulling it over my head and tossing it to the floor. That broke up our kiss, which gave him the opportunity to look over my body, nodding his head appreciatively.

  “You’re stunning,” he whispered, before taking off his own shirt.

  My eyes trailed over his perfectly sculpted body. “And you’re photoshopped!” I declared with amazement.

  Connor threw his head back as he laughed loudly, before looking back at me.

  “It’s like you don’t even realize how perfect you are.” He shook his head, as if in disbelief.

  His mouth returned to mine and after a couple of minutes, his lips travelled to my neck and I felt his hands cup my breasts, kneading them gently. With all kinds of sensation building up inside me, I didn’t even bother stopping a loud moan from escaping my lips, making Connor smile against my neck.

  I sucked in a breath as his hands trailed down to my hips, toying with the top of the sweatpants. I felt butterflies fluttering in my stomach as he kissed a trail down my exposed belly, and gently pulled off the sweatpants, discarding them quickly. My hands gripped the sheets as he hooked his thumbs into the sides of my underwear, causing me to squirm.

  “You sure?” Those two words held so much concern and care in them that they took my breath away for a minute.


  He expertly slipped off my underwear, though his eyes never left mine. I felt my nerves explode within me as his eyes trailed down my body, only stopping once they reached the now exposed area.

  A husky groan came from Connor and he looked back up at me with pleading eyes.

  “Please, Bells, let me make you feel good.”

  I just nodded at him in response, unsure of what he meant.

  Biting my lower lip nervously, I felt his hand gently pull apart my legs, leaving me completely exposed. A heated feeling shot through my body and I held in a whimper. Connor lightly lifted my legs up, and let them rest on his shoulders.

  A loud whimper escaped from my lips as he blew a light stream of air directly into me, and I nearly lost it as he gripped my inner thighs. His mouth hovered directly over my center, which made me squirm and shift underneath him.

  After what seemed like years, I then felt his tongue making contact, causing me to squirm and shake with delight. He didn’t hesitate or tease me from that point on, and eagerly began lapping me up. His mouth trailed up to that sensitive spot, and I felt a wave of pleasure flood me when his tongue flicked across it, and then began sucking down on it. But as an overwhelming amount of pleasure washed through me, Connor pulled away. I felt like screaming as he let my legs drop to the side. It was then that I realized he was taking off his pants and his boxers. I let out a gasp at his size, and felt my hands grow clammy. He leaned over me, his body hovering over mine, as he reached into the bedside table, pulling out a condom. Using his teeth, he ripped it open, and quickly put it on.

  “Are you…?”

  “Connor,” I cut him off.



  He didn’t need to be told any more as he guided himself to my entrance, and lightly pushed the tip in. I felt the burn. And as he gently began sliding in as slowly as possible, the burn grew.

  “Ready?” he whispered.

  I bit my lip and nodded, my eyes locking with his. With that, he rocked his hips forward, and fully pushed himself into me. I let out a gasp as the pain flared up. His head was buried in my neck, and he whispered sweet nothings in my ear as the pain began to fade. He pulled back a bit and slowly began thrusting in and out, building up speed as the seconds ticked by.

  It just felt so amazing that I found myself rotating my hips in response and unable to hold back my moans. Before long, there was a deep sensation building up within me, and I felt my body begin to tremble.

  “C-C-Connor,” I gasped out, “I… I…”

  “Me too, babe,” he panted. “Wait, just wait…”

  He rocked his hips back into me, hitting my G-spot and sending us both over the edge. I felt myself tigh
ten and release, then peak uncontrollably. Moans poured out of our mouths like prayers, and my body continued to shake and spasm underneath his muscled one for a couple of seconds.

  “I love you so much, Bells,” he whispered after a couple of minutes. “You know that, right?”

  “Mmmm,” I hummed out, giving him a small smile.

  He gently pulled out, climbed off the bed and returned moments later, still stark naked.

  “I’m exhausted,” I whispered to him.

  “Then, let’s sleep.” He crawled in next to me, pulling our bodies close. After a little bit, I finally spoke.

  “I love you, too, Connor.”

  And even though we were drained and practically unable to move, I still felt Connor’s face break into a wide smile, and his arms pull me in that much closer.

  Chapter 24

  I nervously chewed on my lower lip as I put down my pencil and breathed out a sigh of relief.

  I’m done! I had finished my last exam. Then as I glanced at the clock, I realized that there was less than thirty minutes left, which means that I could leave.

  A little over two months ago, I would have never imagined that I would be finishing high school. But now? Well, things have changed from two months ago.

  As soon as I exited the classroom, I was tackled with a hug. I laughed as Jess squealed in delight, bouncing on her toes, and attempted to squeeze the life out of me.

  “We did it!” she cried out, finally pulling away. “We are done!” Her excitement and joy was contagious, and I couldn’t help but grin back at her.

  “Yes, yes we did!” I laughed and hugged her back.

  “Awww,” someone cooed, “How adorable!”

  I looked up to see Matt walking towards us, a wide grin spreading across his face. I guess Jess’ enthusiasm had spread to me, and I couldn’t help but fling myself at Matt, hugging him tightly.

  “Oh, good lord,” Matt sighed, jolting backwards a step as Jess lunged at us.

  We laughed as we pulled away, noticing Matt’s amused expression.

  “Jessica Poston!”

  At the sound of her name being screamed, Jess whirled around as Matt and I looked down the hallway in confusion. At the end of the hallway stood the one and only James Bell.