Read Being the Bad Boy's Victim Page 33

  “I owned that exam!”

  Laughter echoed throughout the hallway as Jess congratulated him with a big kiss, causing Matt and I to shriek and shield our eyes in mock horror.

  “Ah, there’s my baby girl.”

  A surprised gasp escaped me as muscled arms came around my waist, pulling me into a warm chest. A large smile spread across my lips, and I turned around and wrapped my arms around Connor’s neck.

  “So, I’m guessing you found that last exam easy?” I questioned, noticing his large smile and twinkling eyes.

  “It shows, huh?” He gave my forehead a quick kiss and I giggled.

  “That and, well, the fact that in reality you’re a genius who hides it from his parents because he is just oh-so-rebellious,” I joked lightly.

  Connor threw his head back and laughed, a mischievous look dancing in his eyes. Although I was slightly suspicious about why he constantly had that look in his eyes lately, I decided to ignore it and just focus on what was happening at that moment.

  “Can I talk to you?” I asked quietly, watching as more and more students began to exit the classrooms.

  “Of course,” Connor responded, a flicker of concern flashing through his eyes.

  I grasped his hand and began walking towards the school exit. “Nothing’s wrong,” I said quickly, not wanting him to worry. I could see him visibly relax as we exited the school and stood on the stairs outside the doors.

  “What’s on your mind?” he asked, leaning against the wall next to me.

  “I don’t want to be annoying and bring it up again, but why are you going to Florida State?” I asked, before realizing how that must have sounded. “N-not that it isn’t a g-good school! Just…”

  “If I’m as brilliant as they say I am, why am I going there?” Connor finished for me, raising an eyebrow questioningly.

  I let out a shaky sigh and nodded.

  “Listen, Bells.” His eyes shifted around nervously, and he looked as if he was trying to think of something to say. “I-it’s just the choice I’ve made.”

  I stared at him silently before finally speaking, “As long as you’re happy.”

  “I just finished my final exams and I’m standing with the girl I love.” He grinned at me and added, “I’ve never been happier.”

  “You little charmer.” I winked, going up on my tiptoes to kiss him softly.


  Our bodies jolted apart as Matt stood by the door with his arms across his chest. I blushed furiously and hid my face in Connor’s chest while he just beamed and winked at his friend.

  “Well, we are going out to celebrate later today, so…” Matt glanced at me and smirked suggestively, “Unless you and Connor were planning to celebrate in a different way.”

  My eyes widened and my jaw dropped as I looked up at Connor in horror. Immediately, I began pounding his chest and screaming profanities at him while Matt just watched in amusement.

  “I didn’t say anything!” Connor cried out, holding up his hands in defense.

  I paused, narrowing my eyes at him, before looking back at Matt. “H-how…?” My heart was still racing from when I attacked Connor.

  “Well, I wasn’t positive, but after your little freak out…” Matt beamed at me, causing me to almost die with embarrassment.

  “You tricked me!” I pouted and glared at him while Connor just laughed, not at all bothered by it.

  “Wait ‘til Jess finds out!” Matt cried out, an evil gleam flashing through his eyes.

  My body stiffened, as did Connor’s. We were both aware of how crazy Jess could get, when she finds out about it.

  I acted instinctively as I lunged at Matt, and tried to strangle the life out of him. Connor joined in and began punching… well, not exactly.

  My badass boyfriend helped me by bitch slapping Matt’s arms.

  Bitch slapping! And not even his face! Nope, his freaking arms.

  “Cat fight!”

  All of our heads snapped to the direction of the door, where James, Jess, and the majority of the senior class was now crowded, watching us in amusement. I froze, along with Matt and Connor, before remembering why I was even in this position.

  “Feel my wrath!” My war cry erupted from within me, interrupting the silence that had engulfed us.

  I continued my attack on Matt, only to be stopped again, but this time, by someone a little more important than the student who had spoken before.

  “What in the world is going on here?” Principal Helen asked, pushing through the wall of students that blockaded her exit. Her eyes widened as she took in the scene that lay before her.

  “Seriously?” She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms in annoyance. “You guys are lucky it’s the last day of school, or else, so help me, you all…”

  “Helen, lighten up!” someone shouted from behind her. A look of shock appeared on her face and everyone knew exactly what to do next.

  “Haul ass!” some blonde girl yelled, sprinting towards the parking lot. We all scattered, Connor holding my hand tightly as we ran towards his parked car. James, Matt, and Jess followed. They climbed into Matt’s car and gave Connor a quick nod.

  “My house,” Connor informed me, as he pulled out of the parking lot, oblivious to Principal Helen’s angry shouts, which were quickly fading behind us. A loud laugh escaped me as I took in everything that just happened.

  “Aren’t we going to get in trouble?” I finally managed to choke out between laughs, my stomach aching painfully while I tried to calm myself down.

  A grin spread across Connor’s face when he glanced at me, “Course not, darling. We’re done with that school. She doesn’t have any power over us anymore.”

  I couldn’t help but scoff at his statement. “Power? Connor, what power did she ever have over you?”

  I rolled my eyes when I heard Connor’s gasp of surprise, followed by his laughter.

  “You’re right, she ain’t got nothin’ on me.”



  “Never again.”

  “Hey, that sounds cool.”

  “Yeah.” I nodded. “Never again.”

  My heart was pounding mercilessly in my chest, and it felt as though I was on crack. I was on a high at that moment, drowning in a pit of emotions.

  “Bellaby is so pretty,” Sophie stated loudly, looking at me in awe as she did so.

  I gave her a shaky smile and looked back in the mirror, admiring my reflection. The white dress fit me perfectly, and instantly I was happy that I chose to wear flats instead of heels on my big day.

  My graduation day. Yeah, that big day.

  “I absolutely love how they let you wear your own dress instead of those god-awful robes,” my mum exclaimed, her eyes gleaming with excitement.

  “Well, it has to be white so…”

  “Hush up, Bella! Enjoy the moment!” She clapped her hands and hopped up and down.

  “I’m ready to go!” I announced after giving myself a final look over.

  Graduating is just something you never think is going to actually happen. As far back as I could remember, I never really thought about actually making it through high school. I mean, who does? No, I just automatically thought about college and all the great things that would happen, the new people you would meet, and the experiences you would have after. Thinking about the actual day of graduation never really crossed my mind, until that moment.

  “Oh, pumpkin, you look fab!” my dad said, laughing like a child.

  I laughed and shook my head at him. “Good try.”

  He chuckled in response and herded us all out into the yard, where he insisted on taking as many pictures as possible, before Luca started complaining.

  Inside the car, I felt my stomach tighten when it started. My parents were talking in the front seat while Sophie and Luca argued about who was going to graduate first. I wasn’t sure if they were just playing around or they really don’t realize that they were the same age and would
most probably graduate at the same time.

  A few minutes later

  “We’re here!” My dad announced, causing my stomach to drop.

  To be honest, I had no idea what I was so nervous about. I had passed all of my exams with flying colors, and I would be going to UPenn in a couple of weeks, due to the early programs I had signed up for. I was on the right track. Nothing was wrong. And yet I was a bundle of nerves, and my hands were clammy.

  The sun was shining brightly and the giant tent that sheltered the field created the perfect setting. I quickly said goodbye to my parents before walking off to the gym, where all the students were waiting.

  The gym was crowded, filled with excited kids who were ready to graduate as soon as possible. I spotted Jess standing by a group of girls, admiring one another’s dresses.

  “Jess!” I finally called out as I neared her. A grin broke out in my face when I saw how excited she looked when she saw me.

  “You look gorgeous!” she cried out, catching the attention of others nearby.

  I blushed and ducked my head down, telling her to quiet down repeatedly. Jess’ dress was a short fit and flare, and she looked amazing in it.

  “Have you seen any of the boys?” I asked, when people finally started turning away.

  “Not yet…” she trailed off, looking around. “Oh, is it because you want a quickie with Connor before graduation?”

  My jaw dropped and I stared at Jess in surprise. She knew! Oh my God! She’s going to kill me. I instantly began backing up, holding up my hands in defense.

  “I… I can… how?” I stuttered, still making sure that I kept her at a safe distance.

  She gave me a hard look before cracking a smile. “I can’t believe you weren’t going to tell me! I know how important that was for you!” Her eyes were wide as she quietly scolded me.

  The second I saw her smile, I was instantly relieved. “I was going to tell you, I swear! It’s just…” I cut myself off. “It was Matt! Matt told you, didn’t he? That little…”

  I was silenced by Jess’ loud laughter, and I stared at her in confusion. When she was finally able to compose herself, she added, “Bella, when we came back from the movie, we kind of put two and two together when we saw you guys in the same bed, naked.” She wiggled her eyebrows in a teasing manner.

  “B-but Matt said…”

  “Honey, he was there, too. Whatever he said, it was probably only just to tease you and Connor.”

  “I’m going to kill him,” I muttered. “So, basically, you all saw us naked?”

  “Well, you were covered with the sheets. But I mean, come on! It’s not that hard to put two and two together.”

  I shook my head in disbelief, jolting when Jess hit my shoulder. Her eyes were fixated on something behind me. A deep blush rose to my cheeks when I finally turned around, taking in the sight that had all the girls drooling.

  Ladies and gentlemen, Connor Michaels has arrived!

  He stood by the entrance, James and Matt flanked him. With his signature smirk and a mischievous gleam in his eyes, he looked absolutely breathtaking. His dark suit enhanced his handsome features, and it made my heart almost burst through my chest.

  “Guys, I know I look better than all of you, but please keep the staring to a minimum.”

  He did not just… but he did.

  Laughter echoed throughout the gym and a few wolf whistles and catcalls were thrown into the mix. I couldn’t help myself and joined in with the laughter as the boys made their way over to us. When they reached us, I gave them all a quick hug before smacking Matt in the chest, telling him I knew about his little joke.

  It felt nice, standing there in the gym. People I cared about surrounded me, and there really wasn’t anything else I could have asked for at that moment. When Principal Helen appeared at the entrance, we all knew what to do. Standing in our assigned order, we walked out in pairs. The red carpet lined our way to the field, and the applause that began told me that this was the real deal.

  It was happening.

  This wasn’t just a graduation signifying our departure from high school. It wasn’t just an ending for us. In fact, it was a beginning. This was our start in the real world. No more outrageous gossip of who liked who, or what the next school scandal would be. No more high school drama.

  The graduation went perfectly. My parents made it their job to be the loudest when my name was called, and my dad had no problem in embarrassing me by urging me to crowd surf.

  Later, my family took me out to dinner, where we met up with the Michaels and the Postons. Matt and James were there, too, making it a huge family dinner—one that I wished would never end.

  My few weeks of summer freedom went by so quickly that I wasn’t sure if they even happened at all. They were filled with laughter, jokes that would always be funny, and memories that wouldn’t be soon forgotten. There were also kisses that would take my breath away and fill me with butterflies at the very thought, dates that I would cherish forever, and pictures to remind me always of the good times.

  Unfortunately, all good things come to an end. This was something that I truly understood while I stood in front of my car, surrounded by my family and friends.

  “You better text me every day,” Jess told me through her tears.

  “I promise.”

  She gave me a soft smile despite her trembling lips. Although she had promised me she was happy that I was going off to college, it was easy to see that she wished I would stay a little longer.

  “I hate goodbyes,” Matt whispered in my hair as he gave me his final hug.

  I held on tightly and gave him a bright smile. “It’s not like I’m never going to see you again,” I snapped, hitting him jokingly.

  “Oh, yeah!” He grinned. “Now, remember, if there are any hot single girls, don’t be afraid to share my number.” He gave me a sly wink before stepping aside so that I could say goodbye to James.

  “Don’t party too hard, babe,” James said, grinning at me. “We all know that you can’t handle your…”

  “Shut up right now!” I hissed, glancing around to my oblivious parents. Thankfully, my parents were practically deaf, so they did not even notice what James was saying.

  James laughed loudly as he pulled me into a giant hug, rocking us back and forth in an exaggerated manner.

  “Okay, okay, unhand my girlfriend now.”

  The sound of Connor’s gravelly voice made me pull away from James, and I immediately went straight into Connor’s arms. In his arms, I felt safe, secure, calm, and relaxed—feelings I never wanted to forget. He placed a light kiss on my lips, before pulling away, and standing by Matt’s side.

  “Pumpkin, I hate to say this, but we need to go now if you want to make it,” my dad said, a sad expression crossing his features.

  I nodded in understanding and gave my friends a large smile, which greatly contrasted with the tears that filled my eyes.

  “Bye, guys,” I whispered.

  Instantly, I was engulfed in a large group hug, and I wanted it to last forever—only it couldn’t.

  It was time for me to leave, to go off and conquer whatever new obstacles that college life would lay before me. So I slipped into the car and gave them all one last wave as my dad drove out on to the street.

  When my friends became mere dots before finally disappearing from view, I leaned my head against the window and closed my eyes. The feeling was bittersweet. Even though I knew I would stay in touch with them all, I couldn’t help but feel like I would never see them again. This was obviously not true, since Jess already scheduled when we would Skype, call, and text, and she even went so far as to plan a visit in the fall.

  Fortunately, we all had at least two weeks together during winter break, and it was already decided that we would all go to the beach together in the summer for a week.

  It wasn’t a final goodbye, but it still hurt.

  We were all going off to different places—Jess was going to be at Boston College, M
att was going to UVA, James was going to NYU, and Connor was going to Florida State.

  We would all face new challenges, some easy to get through while others would be harder. We were all growing up.

  Yes, I was nervous as hell about going to college. But there was something—something I just couldn’t put my finger on—that told me I would be able to get through this.

  Well, perhaps it was James’s voice relentlessly telling me that I was going to own this shit, or Matt’s lectures about how I was going to kill it at college. Maybe it was Jess and her strong faith in me, and the way she could always so confidently tell me that I could get through anything, and that nothing could hold me back.

  Or maybe it was Connor, the bad boy, my bad boy.

  “So? How is it? Do you like it?” Jess’ excited voice echoed throughout my room as she rapidly fired off questions. I grinned as Matt, James, and Jess squished together, eager to fit the frame that the video camera provided them.

  “It’s great, Jess. I absolutely love it. Everyone’s so friendly.”

  “Do you have a hot roommate?” Matt asked, grinning widely as he tried to peek around my room.

  I laughed loudly and angled my laptop to my roommate’s side of the room.

  “I told you guys already, she arrives later today!” I laughed even louder at Matt’s disappointed expression.

  Jess giggled and leaned onto James, and I felt my heart clench.

  “Where’s Connor?” I asked softly, praying that I didn’t sound desperate.

  They all looked at each other, sharing knowing looks. “He was busy today,” James finally said, a small grin playing on his lips.

  I couldn’t stop the frown from showing on my face, but quickly tried to replace it with a smile.

  “My main courses start next week!” I announced, my eyes shining brightly.

  “I can’t believe you cut down your summer to nearly nothing, just for some program for extra credits that was optional. Optional!”

  We all laughed at Matt’s exclamation.

  “It was amazing though! I really liked it!” I said defensively.

  After we completely caught up on everything, we said our goodbyes and ended the video chat.