Read Being the Bad Boy's Victim Page 5

  Suddenly, he pulled over to the side of an empty road, slamming his brakes in the process. My breathing hitched as he turned to look at me, moving closer.

  “What makes you think you’re not safe with me?” he asked, anger lining his every word.

  “I-I mean, well… you…” I struggled to find the right words. Normally, I would have just said, ‘You’re the badass playboy who has been arrested so many times before. Nothing about you is safe.’ But he was obviously still pissed about what happened with his dad, and making things worse was so not my intention.

  “Never mind,” I muttered, staring straight ahead.

  “I’m not moving this car until you tell me,” he snapped, glaring at me.

  Wow! Stubborn much?

  “Just ignore it.”

  “Stop being such a pussy.”

  That did it.

  “You are a complete douchebag who uses girls and is constantly being arrested. You wouldn’t believe the number of people who told me to stay away from you. You’re dangerous. Therefore, I’m not safe,” I finished my rant while not looking at him, even once. My heart was beating rapidly as I waited for a response.

  Then I heard it—a deep chuckle. I looked up, surprised to see Connor smiling and staring at me, something twinkling in his eyes as he laughed.

  “Why… why are you laughing?” I asked, astonished.

  “You’re the only girl who’s ever told me off,” he finally said when he had finished laughing.

  I couldn’t help but crack a small smile. Honestly, I was expecting Connor to flip a shit.

  “You hungry?” he asked.

  I glanced at the clock and noticed that it was now eleven o’clock. We had left the dinner nearly two hours ago.

  “No,” I replied, just as my stomach decided to do a very realistic, and quite audible, impersonation of a starving bear.

  Connor let out another laugh and started heading down a road filled with multiple restaurants and coffee shops.

  “Here we are,” Connor announced, pulling into an almost empty parking lot.

  I looked up to see a cute coffee shop in front of me.

  “I used to come here a lot when I was younger,” he explained as we sat down in an empty booth.

  “Why’d you stop?” I asked, hoping to keep the conversation going.

  He shrugged, looking down at his hands. “I guess I just grew up. But I mean, I still come here every now and then.”

  “Welcome to Sally’s! What can I get you?” the waitress purred at Connor. Her blouse was way too tight, her breasts nearly spilling out.

  “Yeah, a new waitress,” Connor snapped, not looking up once.

  I tried to hide my laughter by faking a cough as the blonde’s jaw dropped and she scampered away.

  “That was rude!” I hissed at Connor, despite the almost uncontrollable laughter bursting from me.

  He just gave me a smug smile as an elderly waitress came up to us.

  “Hello, dearies! What can I do for ya?” she asked, smiling.

  “Can we have two slices of blueberry pie and two decaf coffees?” Connor said politely.

  She smiled as she wrote down the orders. “Haven’t seen you here in a while, Connor Michaels. Last time you were here…” she paused, glancing at me, then added, “Oh, never mind.” She then headed off to the kitchen.

  “What was that?” I asked, playing with the hem of my dress.

  “Nothing,” he quickly replied. “So, UPenn? Really?”

  “Changing the subject? Really?” I countered. I watched as Connor let out his carefree laugh.

  “Here you are,” Sue, the waitress, announced, placing down the tray before walking off.

  Another ten minutes later

  I was in heaven. Connor watched as I scarfed down my second piece of pie. It was, without a doubt, the best pie I’ve ever had!

  “Nomph yum umbr. You gonna eat that?” I asked as Connor played with his first piece with a fork.

  “No, no, go ahead,” he said, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

  I quickly grabbed his plate, eating his piece within record time, which was approximately three minutes. When I finished, I leaned back in the booth, sighing with contentment.

  “You enjoyed it?” Sue asked, piling the plates and cups into a tray.

  I nodded meekly, wiping my mouth with a napkin for any food particles stuck on my face. Meanwhile, Sue handed us the bill before she headed back to the counter.

  “Ready to go?” Connor asked after placing a twenty on the table.

  “Sure,” I replied, following him out of the coffee shop.

  As I took my seat in the car, I realized something.

  “Oh gosh, my bracelet is missing!” I said, “I must have left it in the diner!”

  Connor made a move to get out of the car, but I stopped him.


  He turned to me, surprised.

  “I can go get it.” I quickly got out of the car and headed back into the diner.

  Back inside the diner

  “Um, Sue?”

  “Oh, hello there,” Sue said, her warm smile all over her face.

  “What were you going to say about Connor?” I asked. Finally, I thought to myself. The whole time we were there, this had been on my mind. I watched as her smile faded a bit and she glanced around nervously.

  “I–I–I can’t…”

  “It’s okay, I won’t say anything. I am just curious,” I reassured her.

  “Okay… well, it’s just that every time Connor comes here, he has a new gal.”

  I raised an eyebrow. Well, that’s the Connor I know.

  “Anyways, I have been watching him for quite a while, and he is very well-known around here.”

  “How so?” I asked, genuinely interested.

  “Well, sometimes I listen into the conversations of other people. This one girl and her friend were talking about him. I recognized them both. They came here with Connor separately. From what I heard, this is his thing, his little M.O,” Sue admitted, fiddling with her hands.

  “What?” I whispered, shocked. Wow, all this was just an act?

  “Sweetie, he’s just using you.”

  I turned my head to the ridiculously annoying voice. It came from our previous waitress. I watched as she made her way to me, an angry expression on her face.

  “He did the same to me. He took me out here, made it seem like he was sweet and caring. Then, he f—” She glanced at Sue, and continued, “We did it, and he didn’t even bother sleeping over. Oh no, sirree! He left right afterwards.”

  “So then, why were you trying to flirt with him back there?” I asked, confused.

  She shrugged. “He hurt me, yes, but something about him makes you want to change him. Stupid, I know. But honestly, I still wish I could.”

  I nodded. So many thoughts were going through my head at the moment.

  “Thanks, guys, but I really should be going,” I said as I turned to leave.

  “Be careful, dearie!” Sue called out as I exited.

  I gave her a small nod before walking back to the car.

  “What took you so long?” Connor asked, looking slightly suspicious.

  I buckled up and pulled the hem of my dress down.

  “I, urm, well, I couldn’t find it,” I said, trying to sound disappointed. I glanced up at him through the veil of my hair.

  He still looked slightly suspicious, but he seemed to shrug it off as he started the car.

  “Can you take me home now?” I asked, accidentally letting a bit of hostility slip into my tone.

  “What? Why?” Connor asked, a little surprised. “We could go to this park I know and just talk.”

  After Sue and the waitress had told me all about Connor, I had planned to keep quiet and pretend like I didn’t know anything. But as the seconds ticked by, I just couldn’t help myself.

  “And just talk?” I scoffed. “Just take me home.” I turned my head forward, angrily clenching and unclenching my fists
. I could start to feel my temper flare up at the thought of Connor merely using me.

  “What crawled up your ass?” Connor snapped, slowing down.

  I couldn’t help myself as I turned to face him.

  “Sue and that waitress girl told me about you,” I snapped.

  Connor rolled his eyes, continued driving, and said, “And?”

  At that, I had reached my boiling point. “Did you honestly think that you could just use me like that? Is that how low you think I am? I get it. You’re the playboy of the school. You use girls all the time. But honestly, this is actually pathetic,” I spat out, venom dripping out with every word.

  “It normally works,” he casually said with a shrug.

  Maybe it was the fact that he didn’t even try to deny it or the way he said it like it meant nothing to him but that did it.

  “You’re sick!” I screamed. I couldn’t help myself as my hand flew out in an attempt to slap him. I let out a yelp of surprise as he caught it, only inches from his face. After I got over my shock, I began pulling my hand away, which caused him to stop the car.

  “Don’t be so dramatic,” he snapped, dropping my hand before starting to drive again.

  “Dramatic? You are the most vile…” I started

  “Awful person in the world?” he guessed. “Yeah, I know. And, hun, you knew it, too. So, thinking that I would just go out with you to some diner without an ulterior motive is your fault. You can’t be mad at me for that,” Connor said without a single ounce of care.

  “Take me home. Now!” I snapped, tears threatening to fall at any moment. Hold it in, I ordered myself. Everything will be okay. I stared out the window as it started to drizzle.

  “Don’t be a bitch,” Connor snarled. “You did this to yourself.”

  I let out an angry scream as I slammed my hand onto the dashboard.

  “Stop the car. Now!” I screamed, surprising Connor.

  He slammed on the brakes and stared at me, completely shocked. I angrily flung open the door and began walking down the road, not knowing or caring where I was going.

  He could call me names and act like it was no big deal. But I’d be damned if Connor was going to blame this one on me.

  By now it was pouring, which meant I was soaking wet as I attempted to walk home in heels and a now latex-tight dress.

  “Bella, please come back inside the car,” Connor asked, driving next to me.

  I snorted in a very unladylike fashion and continued to walk away. Despite the pouring rain, I heard him groan in frustration.

  “Damn it, Bella! Get in the car now!” he yelled, getting annoyed.

  I whirled around, my hair whipping me in my face. Connor glared at me through the open window of his car.

  “Rot in hell!” I snarled, flipping him off at the same time.

  Connor slammed his hands on the steering wheel.

  “Fine, be that way,” he snapped, rolling up his window and driving off.

  My blood ran cold when he did that. To be honest, I hadn’t really planned this out. My whole life, I had always been stubborn, so refusing to get back into the car wasn’t anything new for me. But him driving off? Now, that was really unexpected.

  Whatever, I don’t need Connor. I wiped my eyes as the rain flooded my face. That was when I really took a look around at where I was.

  And after observing my surroundings, I came to a conclusion—I was in the middle of fucking nowhere. I took off my heels and picked them up as I trudged along the side of the road.

  Fifteen minutes later

  “Connor!” I wailed, collapsing by the side of the road. The rain had gotten worse and I was starting to hear faint thunder. My feet were sore and I was beginning to panic, which explains why I was repeatedly screaming his name every five seconds. Suddenly everything lit up, and I turned around.

  “Connor?” I asked hopefully, trying to see through the rain. I started moving closer to the road, waving my arms like a mad woman. I froze when I realized it wasn’t him, but one of those creepy guys that drive around in tattered vans.

  “Hey, doll face! Lookin’ for a good time?” I flinched and moved away, shaking my head rapidly.

  “Don’t be like that,” he said, opening his door.

  I let out a strangled scream as he advanced on me.

  “Get away from me!” I screamed, running as quickly as I could towards the opposite direction. Surprisingly, I made it pretty far before a searing pain hit my foot. I let out a bloodcurdling scream and fell to the ground, cradling my foot. It was really dark, but I could still see the blood gushing from my foot. Once again, everything lit up—a sign that a car was coming. My heart began pounding and I struggled to stand.

  Come on, Bella! Run! I began hopping down the side of the road, trying to stay on the tippy toes of my injured foot, for fear that I would make the wound worse. A sense of alarm filled me as I heard the car stop and a door slam.

  “Get away from me!” I screamed, moving faster. The footsteps behind me grew louder and closer as I desperately tried to move farther. Tears were streaming down my face as a pair of arms wrapped around my waist, forcing me to stay still.

  “Please, let go of me!” I wailed, struggling against the arms wrapped around me.

  “Bella, shhh, I’ve got you.”

  At the sound of his voice, I went limp, collapsing onto him. I was completely drained, the sobs still racking my body. I didn’t shift, even once, as he lifted me up and carried me as if I were a helpless child towards the car. I curled up in the passenger seat, cradling my foot delicately.

  I stifled my sobs as Connor started the car. “Listen, the second I left I felt really bad, but I couldn’t find the way back. Are you okay?”

  I nodded, hoping that he wouldn’t see my foot.

  “What happened to your foot?” he asked, eyes wide.

  “I–I–I c-cut it!” I wailed, sobbing.

  Connor kept glancing at my foot as he drove.

  “Just hold on,” he muttered, speeding up.

  I nodded and leaned my head against the headrest, trying to stop my crying.

  “Here, wrap it in this,” Connor muttered, handing me a purple cloth.

  I sniffled and lifted it up.

  “A girl’s top?” I asked, a hint of amusement obvious in my voice.

  “Just wrap your foot in it,” he said, a small smile playing on his lips.

  So, I began wrapping my foot, hissing out in pain every time it touched the cut.

  Another twenty minutes later

  We pulled into the driveway of a freaking mansion.

  “Uh, Connor? Where are you taking me?” I whispered, confused.

  “This is my house,” he muttered. “Your foot just needs some bandages.”

  Despite my weak protests, Connor carried me inside and upstairs into the bathroom. I couldn’t help but gape in awe at the interior of the house. It was gorgeous, like the inside of a museum.

  “Wait here,” he ordered as he set me down on the counter. The bathroom was nearly the size of my room!

  I watched as Connor pulled out a large first aid kit and unwrapped my foot. He grimaced upon seeing the cut while he cleaned the wound, pulling out some Neosporin. He gently dabbed it onto my foot, then wrapped it in gauze.

  “There you go. That should be okay now.”

  I looked up and smiled at Connor. I felt my eyes start to droop, fatigue taking over.

  “You look awful,” Connor stated. I glared at him and gingerly hopped down from the counter, looking into the mirror. Oh, God! I really did look awful. My hair was sticking up in every direction and there was dirt splattered all over me.

  “I need a shower,” I murmured, wincing at my appearance.

  “You can if you want,” he offered.

  “No, no, I should be getting…” My eyes widened and I froze. “My God, Connor, my parents!”

  Connor’s eyes widened and he cursed loudly. “Fuck! They probably think I hurt you or something.”

, God! Can I borrow your phone?” I asked, hobbling out of the bathroom, as fast as I could manage.

  Connor groaned and lifted me, making everything much faster. He then handed me the phone the second we got into the kitchen.

  “Mum?” I asked, holding my breath.

  “Baby! Where did you go?” my mum’s worried voice sounded over the phone.

  “I’m okay.” Tears were almost falling from my eyes. “I’m at Connor’s house right now.”

  There was a moment of silence before she spoke again.

  “Pumpkin, his parents went back to his house after you guys left. They said you two weren’t there. Wherever you are, it’s not his house.” My eyes widened and I glanced at Connor, who seemed to be distracted.

  “Did I say his house? I meant his friend’s. Don’t worry, Mum. I’ll be okay. I’ll be home soon,” I said.

  “Pumpkin, there is no way in hell I’m letting Connor drive you home through that storm! You just stay there for the night and then come home by eight o’clock tomorrow, not later.”


  “Absolutely not, Bellatrix!” she shrieked through the phone, causing Connor to look up at me. “It’s too dangerous for either of you to be driving. I will not allow it!”

  I sighed as a sign of defeat. “Okay, Mum, see you tomorrow at eight.”

  Connor raised his eyebrows.

  “Bye, pumpkin. Goodnight!” she said lovingly.

  I groaned and hung up the phone. What’s wrong with that woman? I mean, telling a girl to sleep over at a stranger’s house? Sometimes I worry about her. Then I remembered something—I wasn’t at the Michaels’ house. Could this possibly be the place where Connor usually takes the girls he’s about to screw?

  “So you’re sleeping over?” Connor asked, standing next to me.

  “I will not fuck you!” I shrieked, hitting him over the head repeatedly with the phone.

  “Bella! Bella stop!” he cried out, shielding his head.

  I dropped the phone and began whacking him with my hands, which made him try to grab my arms. After a good ten minutes of fighting, Connor managed to grab my arms, holding them in one hand over my head and pinning me to the wall.