Read Belly Dancer & The US Marine Page 3

  Chap 4

  Two Souls One Body?

  Lying on his bed in his military camp one night, he thinks of the situations that unfolded in the past few days regarding him and Farah. He though how naïve was he to think of a semi-literate Arab as a potential life-partner. He knew that he wasn’t acting intellectually but passionately. He smiled as he got lost in his thoughts fully knowing that he had been in similar situations and he would take at least a few days to a few months to get over this. Meanwhile, her thoughts were okay for him to bring him a sense of pleasure to get over the pain of separation.

  When he narrated the incidents to his batch mate and fellow Marine Mark Jason, Mark couldn’t control his laughter,

  “Bubs, that was one hilarious short-love story. Couldn’t you find better than a desert Bedouin girl. Haven’t you come across sassy chicks in America? You cannot be so immature”, remarked Mark

  “No buds, there was something in her that attracted me to her. I don’t know what. Her eyes, her pleasing and quiet personality, her determination to fight against all odds, her grace and style in dancing, her maturity while dealing with rough people, pain in her eyes, the spark in her body and above all her simplicity and humility that would put anyone to shame”

  “So you’ve experienced all that, now what. Your heart still longs for her?”

  “No man. It’s over. I don’t think a Yankee like me is a match for her”, stated Chris

  “Good. At least you realized that. I can understand it would be very difficult to let go of someone you’re head over heels with”

  “Yeah. That’s the case. It’ll take time but I’ll soon get over it”, assured Chris

  If Chris was struggling to get over his obsession, Farah was not far behind in her thoughts. She too was lost in a sea of thoughts, until she could contain no longer before confiding in her younger sister, Shazia – apple of her eye and the only person she could trust.

  “Oh! So a belly dancer and a US Marine? Strange love story huh!!!”, Shazia teased Farah

  “Don’t tease me Shaz. Though I want to forget him and I will, I don’t know why I can’t forget him. I don’t know what’s pulling me towards him. Despite knowing fully well that both our lives are doomed if we get together”

  “Babes, calm down. This is usually the case when you’re totally in love with someone. But think of the positive side, you got out of it before you could get more involved. Right?”

  “Oh yes. Intellectually thinking, that is the case. But you know, life seems incomplete when I’m not around him. You know what I’m saying?”

  “Oh yes I can understand (sarcastically). You met him only twice and out of that once he groped your breasts from behind, to make out with you. This is all that men want. And you simply can’t get over him. God save this girl”

  “Don’t you think I haven’t taken that into account? I sensed mental turmoil he was in and let go of that incident. But there were certain things that I haven’t found in any men I’ve come across”, explained Farah

  “Oh really. Go ahead. Tell me what this jackass has which no one has?”

  Looking out of the window far away, Farah said, “I could see a certain kind of child-like innocence and agile mind searching for higher truths. He had the demeanor of a man who is always on guard for the unprotected, irrespective of his profession. Not only is he courageous, but also very empathetic and understanding – a rare combination. He is soft spoken and cares for people, he rarely raises his voice and thinks more than he acts. I think he’s in the wrong profession but at the right place”

  “At the right place? Aahhh…Seems Allah has sent him only for you. Right?”

  “Yes. Yes. Yes. I think Allah has made him only for me”

  “Okay if that’s the case, then go ahead with a holy union with him”, replied Shazia

  “I’ve thought many times, but the hard reality stares starkly in my eyes. We belong to different cultures, different lands, different ethos, different upbringing, different societies, different temperament etc. Everything is different. I don’t know if things will go well down the line”

  “But sis, love is blind. Just go with the flow. You’ll certainly find the right circumstances to make things happen”

  “That’s true. Love is blind. But marriage is an eye opener. It’s better to get things straight from the beginning, or else it’s not difficult to go separate ways. On top of that he’s an American. No matter how good, he wouldn’t contain himself if he could lay his eyes on some other lass more understanding and beautiful than me. Unlike Arab or Asian men, Americans are more promiscuous and go with the flow. It’s very difficult for one to make them toe the line”, explained Farah

  “Oh sissy, you’re so confused. On the one had you like him citing all the character traits which no other man has and on the other hand, you deride him as being weak for not being able to stick in times of challenging situations. Gimme a break. I don’t know where are you heading on your mental trip. You are a woman. You should be able to control a man. You should straighten him up; the same way you did when he grabbed your boob”

  “Hmmm….what you’re saying is also true. I just need to keep quiet and leave everything to Allah. May be he shall guide us. If he’s the right person, I’ll get the hint or the hunch or else we go our separate ways”

  “Yaah…don’t take too long to get your hunch or hint. Or else you’ll be married off by our elder cousins”

  “Oh yes yes. That’s so true”, admitted Farah

  As time moved on after about a month or so, both Chris and Farah were forlorn and lonely. They had lost all interest in their jobs or daily life. They both withdrew from society and spent time alone. This was affecting their performance, professionally.

  When they could contain no longer, they knew it was time to get together sort things out.

  But who will make the move. Who will take the initiative? Will Chris convert to Islam and will Farah get over the fear of her family objection and societal criticisms.