Read Belly Dancer & The US Marine Page 4

  Chap 5

  The Final Lap

  Farah being the strong in determination among the two did not take any stance. She was hoping, like any other girl that the guy should take the initiative. If that’s not the case, she felt Allah had some other plans for her. But despite her predicament, her heart still longed for Chris. But she kept quiet. Waiting for the hint and the hunch.

  Needless to say, it was Chris who felt in deep thought of meeting her. But just meeting her wouldn’t amount to much if he wasn’t willing to convert to Islam – that was the only option he had, if he wanted to marry Farah or risk seeing her getting married to some other guy.

  One night he confided to his friend Mark;

  “Mark, I’ve decided. I’m converting to Islam”

  “Holy Crap! What are you saying? Your father was a pastor, your family is a pious Christian family and you’re converting to Islam only for one simple desert Arab girl. Why can’t she convert to Christianity?”

  “She’ll be killed if she does that”

  “Oh yeah. What kind of culture is this where people are slaughtered for changing their religion”

  “But that’s the only solution I have. Or else I lose her”

  “Then take my advice. Lose her. You’ll be gaining much more than that. Just get married to an American babe once your duty is done and you won’t be troubled by her thoughts”

  “How can I marry someone else knowing fully well that I love someone else? That would be doing injustice to all the three people – myself, the American girl and Farah”, reasoned Chris

  “Oh injustice to Farah. Does she even think of you anymore. She’s more practical than you are. As it is girls are more grounded and realistic when it comes to relationships than men like us are, who generally go with the lowest hanging fruit. By the way did she even make an attempt to contact you? You’re totally out of her mind dude. Get over her. The earlier the better”

  “Maybe she’s waiting for me to contact her. I think I just need to meet her only once. And if after that she doesn’t like me, then I’ll be happy that atleast I made an attempt, or else this regret will never let me live peacefully”

  “Dude, the more you meet her the more you’ll fall for her. Get over her”, objected Mark

  “I just cannot. Just cannot. No matter what, I need to meet her. I don’t care about the future, I just need to meet her”

  “Has anyone been able to stop a mad raging bull and Romeo in love. Go ahead. Bang your head and come back”

  “I surely will”

  Chris gets in touch with Khalid to fix an appointment with Farah.

  To his surprise, Farah agrees to meet him at the same place near the banks of the river Euphrates.

  When they meet, the scene was just to be seen. An outburst of emotions and pent up passions couldn’t stop flowing. No sooner did they see each other than tears began flowing down their cheeks. What followed was tight hugs and kisses all over. After they gained composure, there was sudden bursts of laughter, as if understanding that their decisions to go separate ways fell squarely on its head.

  “So finally we’re back where we left”, remarked Chris

  “Literally”, laughingly said Farah

  “I want to marry you Farah. I just can’t live without you”

  “Same here. I’ve tried a lot to talk me out of this relationship but just couldn’t. Just couldn’t get my mind to come to a world without you”

  “So what now?”, asked Chris interestedly

  “Let’s get married, as you said”, stated Farah

  “I was dying to hear these words. Yes, I’m willing to convert to Islam and accept your ways of life. But just cannot imagine my life without you”, said an ecstatic Chris

  “Well if that’s the case, let’s speak to the local cleric I know. He’ll perform the ceremony of conversion to Islam and the same Imam will also solemnize our marriage”

  “Yes that seems great. So you’ve done your homework Farah”

  “Actually my younger sister, who is worldly wise, confided in a local Imam, who is also a trusted family cleric; and he assured us protection from radical elements”

  “Sounds pretty good”, averred Chris

  “I’ll book a date for our marriage after a week you can get converted just hours prior to that”, confidently Farah stated

  “Yes Madam”

  “After our marriage is registered with the clerics, we can then register with the government so that it’ll be easy for me to get to the US with you”

  “Oh yes. Well thought of”

  “I’ll book 21st June as the date of wedding i.e. exactly 1 week from now at a small quarter just next to the public works department”

  “That’s good Farah. You’re a planner and an initiator. I like that”

  “Also one thing?”

  “What?”, asked Chris

  “After the booking of dates for marriage, the would-be bride is not supposed to meet the would-be groom, until the day of the wedding”

  “What the f***?” remarked Chris in an agitated manner

  “Yes this is the custom”

  “Goddamn custom!”

  “I think we should leave now. Khalid will help you with the address”

  “Bye sweety. Cannot live a day without you”

  “Just one week darling and we’ll be set”, assured Farah


  “See you”

  “See you soon. Goodbye”

  All was set. All was done. The wait now for both Chris and Farah was for the Big Day of their lives. Though without much fanfare and pomp, this wedding was no less than the biggest event in their lives. In a war-torn Islamic country, weddings were like this – more substance than form, more solid than superfluous, more grounded than in the air.

  Finally the D-day arrived.

  Chris along with his colleague Mark in traditional Iraqi clothes reached to the small quarter as mentioned by Farah. As they reached there, they found the quarters locked. Upon asking the neighbors they came to know that the cleric had gone to Karbala to perform religious duties. Even Farah’s mobile phone was unreachable since the last 3 days.

  Chris sensed something foul.. Did anyone know about this? Was she alive or dead? Did someone harm her? Was she safe? But hold on to his faith that everything will be fine

  Before he could let his mind go on a mental trip, he decided to meet Khalid to know about Farah’s whereabouts.

  As Chris saw Khalid at his usual place in the central square, he was down in the dumps and saddened. Upon inquiring about Farah he said with a heavy heart

  “She’s gone. Farah is gone”

  “What? She’s gone where? Where is she?”, asked Chris in desperation

  “The local Imam was a traitor. He told everything to her distant family; who were against her marrying outside the fold”

  “But I converted to Islam”, stated Chris

  “That could not satisfy them”

  “But where is she now? I need to meet her”

  “No need meeting her. She has gone to Karbala 3 days ago with her family to get married”

  “How’s that possible? I was supposed to marry her? That’s not fair”

  “Nothing is fair in this lawless land. Maybe Allah wanted this to happen”

  “No. I’ll at once go and set things straight. I’ll rescue her from this forced bondage”, a determined Chris stated

  “Don’t even attempt to do that. Or else to guard the honor of the woman, her husband or brothers will certainly kill her”

  “Why didn’t you tell me while all this was happening?”

  K: Because her cousin swore me upon Allah that I shall not tell you of their plans or else they’ll also have me executed. And if you do the same they’ll not hesitate to kill you

  “This is not done. I will nevertheless go”, claimed a devastated Chris

  “Don’t go. Now she is married and settled in her own life. Your going there will complicate things and migh
t get her life in trouble. If you don’t care for your life at least care for hers”

  “What am I supposed to do?”

  “Go back to your duty and never come back. This is the only way to make sure that Farah is alive”

  Not knowing what to do, Chris was torn apart. His world crashed in front of his own eyes. Tears welled up in his eyes at the way fate has played out in his life. He was not the one to give up, but he had no option. He wanted to see Farah alive.

  He went back to the bank of the river Euphrates and cried for hours before coming to terms with reality. He thought to himself, ‘If not anything at least the fact that Farah is alive will bring hope and joy in my life’.

  He had no option but to think this way. He never felt so lonely in all his life. He had for the first time found the perfect one and destiny played a spoilsport in his life.

  So be it. Not all love stories have happy endings. Some are just not meant to be. He felt that the life of a person is more important than love.

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  About The Author

  Hi friends, I’m Aditya Sawdekar from Mumbai, India. I have experience and background in Arts, Science, Marketing, Banking, Business Planning and Teaching English.

  I love writing short stories that can be read in an hour or two; as believe that the world needs more short doses of fiction (and non-fiction) due to busy lives and short attention span.

  Hope you always do well.

  Here’s my Facebook page:

  And my e-mail: [email protected]

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