Read Between Page 8

  Irritation crept inside me. I wanted to yell at him for invading my personal space and my mind, but all I could do was glare at him, to tell him that I was not playing his game. I didn’t want to admit it, but there was a part of me that had grown fond of his friendship because he had been there for me whether I wanted him there or not.

  I looked straight ahead to where the ocean met the sky with a celestial glow and thought how beautiful and peaceful this place was, but my instinct told me something was wrong. I could feel it to the depth of my being. My heart pounded with apprehension as I turned my back to Austin and walked cautiously out toward the cliff…this time, with my boots


  Chapter Nine

  Anxiously, I walked away from the house to wait for Michael. The cool wind swept my hair back, brushing it against my face. It felt sticky and smelled like salt. Yuck! Not exactly what I wanted to smell like when Michael put his arms around me. As I waited, I marveled at the beauty of this place. It looked like a romantic getaway for honeymooners. The house was white, humongous, modern, and beautifully architecturally designed. And what I hadn’t notice before, because I was too busy trying to escape, were the beautiful statues of angels surrounding the house. Some had their wings open, and others had a bow in their hands with no arrows.

  Looking out into the endless ocean, the sun reflected glistening colors of turquoise and violet. I was mesmerized by the beauty that was so inviting that I wanted to jump in, but this time, not from attempting suicide.

  As I wondered when Michael would appear, I was greatly startled by the rapid movements of the clouds, turning the white, fluffy clouds to dark gray. The clouds tumbled and rolled again, this time leaving a portion of the sky black, preparing for a heavy storm. Then boom! Thunder roared and lightning cracked across the horizon, flashing multiple times. The clouds parted in the center; it looked as if Heaven had split open. The holy rays beamed brightly, penetrating through the clouds, blinding me for a brief second. Chills shocked down my spine, stinging like an electrical current, and my heart stopped.

  Out in the distance, I saw ripples of water, causing the waves to be bigger than usual. It looked as if hundreds of dolphins were moving together in a straight line formation. Though I was frightened, my intuition told me I was safe, so I stayed instead of running back to the house.

  Was I hallucinating or were my eyes playing tricks on me? Michael appeared first in my vision, gliding in the middle, as if he were water skiing on his feet. Davin was to Michael’s right, Caleb and Vivian were on his left, and there must have been about 20 other alkins. I was completely spellbound by what I was seeing, their power and strength. Glowing with happiness to see them all again, my heart felt full and my stomach fluttered with happiness. My heart pounded faster the closer they approached. Then suddenly, they shot out like a shooting star, blazing towards me, and landed on the cliff. “Michael,” I called and ran toward him.

  Instead of being in his arms, I collided into something; I realized it was the invisible shield as I fell flat on my bottom. Feeling extremely embarrassed and in pain, I looked up at him. Michael looked worried and was pounding on the shield, sliding his hands over it, trying to figure out a way to break in. “Claudia,” he cried out. He drew his sword and sliced through it, but it was no use.

  Michelle said she had turned off the first shield. Were there two? Austin must have forgotten to shut it down…or not. Immediately, I got up, stumbling with a throbbing ache, and hobbled to Michael. Butterflies fluttered in my stomach as I looked into his deep, irresistible eyes. Separated by the shield, I carefully placed my hand on his as if I could feel his warmth. After what felt like a few seconds, he looked past me, and his eyes filled with fury as if he had seen his worst enemy. I turned to see Austin standing behind me, gloating.

  “Austin, let them in,” I demanded.

  “Michael needs to promise to keep his hands to himself, like a good little boy,” Austin mocked.

  I turned to look at Michael. His body was filled with rage, his muscles tensed, and then finally he relaxed. “All right,” he confirmed.

  Then the shield was gone. Michael ran toward me and held me like he hadn’t seen me in years. He gave me a feather-like kiss, but it was enough to make me feel safe. “Claudia, my Claudia…I’m so sorry. I couldn’t find you! I tried everything. You know that, don’t you? Please forgive me.” Michael looked desperate. He had done nothing wrong, and yet he felt this was his fault.

  “I know, Michael. Don’t be sorry. It’s not your fault,” I reassured him.

  Davin, Vivian, and Caleb gave me a hug, too, then quickly backed away in defense.

  “You had no right to kidnap her. What is the reason for this?” Michael’s tone was hostile.

  “I follow orders from the Divine Elders. I do not need to explain to you. You are out of your jurisdiction. I’m guarding her now,” Austin replied.

  I peeled my eyes away from Michael to turn to Austin. Did he just say he was guarding me?

  “They told you to kidnap Claudia? I don’t think so. What is the reason? I demand to know,” Michael shot back, approaching closer to Austin.

  “Don’t take another step…I’m warning you. Anyway, why do you care? She is safe. Aden is dead. You should follow your Divine Commandments. Thou shall not love mortals; it is forbidden.”

  “That’s a question I do not need to answer. You are outnumbered. Clearly, you can see there are many of us and one of you. I’m taking Claudia back to her home, where she belongs.” Michael grabbed my hand and burst out his wings.

  “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”

  “Watch me,” Michael taunted.

  “Actually, you need to look up there,” Austin pointed behind him. Everybody else was so busy focusing on Michael and Austin arguing that none of us had noticed what was behind us. Standing on the roof and surrounding the house were hundreds of angels. Some had their wings expanded, others held up their weapons—what appeared to be bows—in defense, and some were standing there with their hands crossed as if to say “Don’t mess with us.” It was a mesmerizing sight—beautiful and graceful. I knew they existed, but seeing numbers of them together was a whole different story. Then I realized the statues were missing.

  “Oh, my God,” I garbled.

  Davin took a couple steps toward me and muttered, “No, I think the term here would be, ‘Oh, my wings.’”

  Davin was right. I had never seen so many angels with wings right in front of me. We were in awe of what we were seeing; even Michael looked intimidated.

  “So, where were we?” Austin mocked. “Count again. How many of us are there now? Claudia stays here under my protection, and that is final.”

  “No,” Michael said and the alkins behind him stood in a straight line next to Michael. Their swords were up, ready for battle.

  Sensing the alkins move, the guardians did the same, standing in fighting stance in line with Austin.

  “Wait! Stop!” I yelled. I felt so perplexed. Angels don’t fight angels. “Please, Austin, I want to go home. I’m not in danger. You can clearly see that I will be safe with these angels.”

  “I follow the Divine Elder’s order. I’m sorry, but I need to bring you in.”

  “That’s not going to happen. Claudia comes with me,” Michael stated.

  “Think again,” Austin said, and suddenly I found myself gravitating upward.

  Michael looked horrified, and he grabbed my hand. The force was too strong, and I broke free from Michael’s hold. As I floated higher, Michael extended his arm, using his power to pull me toward him. He was succeeding when all of sudden, an alkin leaped into the air, blocking an incoming bolt that looked like lightening. The impact caused a fire of silvery flame that blinded my eyes. It was so bright that it even caused many to look away. That’s when Michael lost his hold on me, and they were thrown back. I managed to look up to see a female angel floating in midair with her wings open. She was holding a bow that was half her body length, which she p
ointed straight toward Michael.

  “Michael!” I managed to shout, but it sounded more like a whisper from all the commotion.

  Quickly they got up as the second bolt headed toward him.

  “Michael, watch out!” Davin shouted and raised his sword. He blocked the blow but was thrown a few feet from the impact.

  The other alkins were ready to charge forward, but before any of them could react, their hands were bound behind them by what looked like a cuff. The cuff was beaming, glowing like the sun. Michael and the alkins looked stunned and then outraged.

  “We come in peace. What is the meaning of this?” Michael asked angrily.

  Austin ignored Michael’s question and gazed his eyes where I floated. “Holly, put her down carefully, and watch her,” Austin commanded. “As for you,” he looked at Michael, “you are now my prisoner.”

  Davin let out a nervous chuckle. “In human language, what the heck? Are you nuts? You know we can’t survive here long enough to stand a trial. We’ll become weak, and you know the outcome.”

  Austin looked at Michael. “Actually, I just need you. As soon as I take you, your friends will be released.”

  Davin was fuming with anger. “You’ll kill him. He can’t stay here. You know that.”

  “I’m only following the Divine Elder’s order,” Austin replied calmly.

  “Again, in human language, that’s B.S.,” Davin shot back and looked at me, confirming he said the right letters. “And all the letters in the alphabet that mean the same thing…and that’s a mild version of what I’m really thinking.”

  I was horrified at what I was hearing. This wasn’t happening; I didn’t understand. Why would the Divine Elders want Michael?

  “Austin, please, you can take me. I’ll go with you. Set them all free, including Michael,” I begged.

  “I already have you.”

  “Austin, please. I’ll do anything. Just…” And those words were the last spoken from my mouth as Holly bound my hands and gagged me.

  Austin sprang toward me and released his massive wing. He took the gag out of my mouth and released the binding on my hands. “Sorry,” he said and gave Holly an angry look. “I didn’t say Claudia.”

  Holly nudged her shoulders with attitude.

  “Holly, bring Michael. Patrick, release the rest,” Austin commanded. He turned to me and enclosed his wings around me. I struggled to break away from his hold, but as usual, what was the point? In complete darkness, I was in Austin’s arms,

  and I knew we were being teleported to the unknown.

  Chapter Ten

  I wasn’t sure where we were, but we were standing in someone’s office. A tall bookcase, which was situated behind a mahogany desk, covered the back wall from the ceiling to the floor. A crystal chandelier hung in the middle of the room, giving it an elegant look. There was a black leather sofa on the right, adjacent to a rectangular coffee table. An arrangement of beautiful, tall flowers was placed in the center of the table. The décor was elegant in its simplicity. Looking out through the window, I knew we were someplace high above; all I could see was the blue sky.

  Austin stood between Michael and me. Michael’s hands were still bound behind him. I leaned forward to glance at Michael, and he gave me a warm smile to tell me everything would be fine. The door flung open, and I tensed up. Holly, the girl who had gagged my mouth, walked in first. I would like to gag her, I thought. Her ebony hair was just above her shoulders, streaked with blonde highlights. She was petite and slim—a figure much like mine—with striking facial features. Then Patrick walked in. He was taller than Michael with honey-blonde hair and bright green eyes. He wore a warm, friendly smile. Both Holly and Patrick held their bows that were superbly imprinted with designs in gold; these were the bows that magically shot what looked like lightning bolts.

  After a few seconds, a woman appeared in the doorway with her hair in a stylish bun. Her beauty took my breath away, and at that moment, I knew I had seen her somewhere before. She wore a red, sleek dress, looking sensual, especially with her black, spiky high heels. Pearl earrings dangled from her ears, and her neck was lavished with a strand of pearls. Taking graceful steps, she headed toward the front of the desk. As soon as she set her eyes on us, Austin bowed. The lady in return nodded her head to acknowledge him.

  “My Lady Katherine, this is Michael and this is Claudia Emerson,” Austin introduced.

  Katherine? My eyes grew wide with sudden revelation that this was the Katherine; the one in the painting at the Grand View Hotel. I couldn’t believe I was standing right in front of her. I was in awe of her appearance but frightened because I didn’t know what she wanted. If memory served me correctly, I wondered if her wings were golden, just like the painting of her.

  “You’ve done well,” she replied with a proud tone, looking at Austin. Turning to Michael, she said, “Sorry you were bound, but had you come in peace, this would not have been necessary.”

  What!!! I thought. That was not the way it happened. I didn’t say anything because it was not my place to do so, and more so, I didn’t want to correct Katherine.

  “However, I do agree some actions may have been hasty. Austin tends to be a little dramatic.” With a flick of her hand, she released Michael. His hands were free, resting by his sides.

  “Thank you,” Michael said. Even as a hostage, he was polite.

  “Let me introduce myself.” Katherine regarded both of us and turned to Michael. “I am Katherine, one of the Twelve. The Twelve were separated many lifetimes ago. Phillip, Margaret, and Agnes make the decisions in Crossroads and I, along with the rest, do so on Earth. We are located throughout Earth and meet when there is a need.

  “Phillip and I have disagreed on how to handle conflicts on many occasions. We offered our help, but he refused. Because Claudia crossed over to Halo City, Phillip believed it was his right to handle the situation. But I believe that for anything that happens on Earth, we have the right to intervene. Imagine me, going to Crossroads and taking over, making demands. Phillip does not know our ways, and I can say for sure that you and your friends do not know the culture of this century. Phillip was overly confident with your skills, but Aden and his followers were weak. There is a bigger problem at hand. Aliah, the demon creator, escaped when the gates were open.”

  Katherine paused. Fear emanated in Michael’s eyes and Katherine understood his expression.

  “Yes, Aliah escaped when the gates were opened. We didn’t know until Michelle and Gracie found Austin. Austin tends to attract female friends,” Katherine said, cocking her brows. Then Holly let out an agreeing cough. “Michelle and Gracie gave us pertinent information and asked to be forgiven. They still have to do penance for their sins, but as long as they prove themselves, they will be forgiven.”

  “Where is Aliah?” Michael asked.

  “We do not know. All we know is that he has been sending his demon spirits to kidnap young girls that fit the description of Claudia.” Katherine looked at me blankly.

  Katherine’s words had just confirmed my hunch of why Claudia was missing. My heart sank thinking about her—how scared she must have been and with no guardian angel to protect her.

  “Claudia needs to be protected at all times,” Michael stated, his eyes pleading with his request.

  “We’ve been protecting her ever since we found out. I’ve assigned Austin to be her guardian angel,” Katherine replied.

  “She doesn’t need one; she already has me.”

  Katherine looked harshly at Michael. She didn’t like his response. “Have you not heard a word I said? You are from Crossroads, and you are out of jurisdiction. I run Earth as I see fit. I’ve already assigned Austin and that is final. It was her grandmother’s wish.”

  I blinked in surprise. I didn’t make the connection until now. Gamma was an Earth angel; of course she would know Gamma.

  “Lucy Reed and I were good friends. She begged me not to tell anyone about Claudia and her secret. She asked me to watch ove
r her if something were to happen to her. May she rest in peace. I’m sorry we couldn’t help her. She kept everything to herself. I’ve fulfilled her request and assigned Austin.”

  “But…” Michael continued.

  Katherine interrupted. “I’ve heard many things about you Michael…good and bad…what you did in the past and what you have done presently. I could use your help, but we need to do things my way…not your way. Understand me clearly. Disobedience from you, and you will no longer be welcomed on Earth. You’ve already broken one of your Divine Commandments: You’ve fallen for her. I can feel it in your heart, and I can feel it from her.” When Katherine set her eyes on me, I immediately gazed down, unable to look her in the eyes.

  Katherine continued. “I have the gift of emotions. I can feel your sorrow, pain, hatred, guilt, love, and every emotion you can think of. I’m assuming Philip doesn’t know about this. I’m not sure what he would do, but I know that he cares for you deeply. He may even pretend he doesn’t know. Yes, it is forbidden, and we ingrain it in your minds that it is so, but falling in love is the least of our concerns. We have more important things to worry about. We were not created to judge. That will happen when Judgment Day comes. But that doesn’t mean we approve of angels falling in love just because we do not reprimand them. You’ll be reprimanding yourself when you are left with a broken heart.

  “If I had it my way, angels and humans would cohesively live together, but Philip and a few others do not agree. At the end, we are left behind with a broken heart, and the humans move on to their Heaven. This is a long story and I don’t need to bore you with this. Let’s talk about the plan. We need to draw Aliah out of hiding. He sends his demon spirits to do his dirty work because he can’t leave his dimension. He is stuck somewhere…what we call Between. Since he is aware of Michelle and Gracie’s betrayal, they cannot locate him. We need to use Claudia as bait.”