Read Between Page 9

  “No!” Michael rebutted. “That’s not a good plan. I won’t allow it.”

  “Michael, I will remind you again. You follow my orders. You will be able to protect her too, or else you’ll be sent back and will not be welcomed. You decide.”

  “There has to be another way.”

  “I’ve weighed the odds, and I see no other way. We’ll have to capture one of the demon spirits and have him take us to Aliah’s hide out. He’s already killed several Claudia Emersons, thinking they may be the one.”

  Michael looked distressed. I could tell he didn’t agree, but he had no other choice. “Could I stay with her at all times?”

  “Michael, you know that I cannot grant that. I can only allow you to stay as long as you can. That was agreed upon with the Royal Council; I cannot undo what has been done. Since you cannot guarantee your stay with her at all times, Austin needs to be her guardian angel. There is no need to worry. The Royal Council does not know Claudia is special. They’ve actually left the decision up to us. I guess you could say, in human terms, they’ve retired. This decision was made recently, and they left Phillip in charge of Crossroads, as it always has been, and the Divine Elders in charge of Earth. The Royal Council will stop their visits. They feel the Divine Elders are capable of making decisions that were in their hands.”

  “I guess I have no choice,” Michael said, glaring at Austin. “Could I ask Davin, Caleb, and Vivian to join me as well? They have proven their skills and can be useful if there is a need.”

  “Yes, besides Austin, there will be Patrick, Holly, and you remember….” She was hesitant. “Trinity?”

  Michael looked bewildered. “Trinity? I thought she was…?”

  “She was near death, but we managed to save her. Let her in,” Katherine said to Patrick. “She’s been waiting to see you. Ever since she found out you were alive, she has been begging to make contact with you. I kept you a secret from her because you two exist in two different worlds. But when I found out of your involvement, there was no way around it except to let her know that you are alive.”

  Patrick walked out the door and walked back in with Trinity. She was tall with long, wavy, dark hair. Her eyes were mesmerizing, like the sunset glowing of violet hues. I had never seen that color of eyes on anyone before. I wondered who she was and why she wanted to see Michael.

  “Michael,” she said excitedly, running toward him. She immediately wrapped her arms around the strong back of his neck, squeezing him tightly as tears ran down her face. Then she placed her lips near his, giving him a soft, long kiss that one would give to someone who meant more than just a friend.

  “Trinity…is it really you?” Michael asked, cupping her face, gleaming with happiness. “I thought you were dead. I thought one of Aden’s followers killed you.”

  “I was near death, but Katherine found me and gave me peace and hope. I belong to her. She didn’t send me to Crossroads. She made a deal with the Royal Council.”

  Michael turned to Katherine. “I thought you just said you couldn’t undo what was done.”

  “The situation at hand was different. I saved her, and Phillip saved you. If I could change your duration of time on Earth, I would, just for Claudia’s sake, but I can’t. However, the more of us looking out for her, the safer she will be. I also need Trinity…and you know why.”

  The conversation ended there. Why does she need her? I wanted to know, but I was not in the position to ask questions. Trinity stood right next to Michael, unable to take her eyes off him, placing her arms around his waist. She might as well have undressed him with her eyes, the way she was looking at him. I wasn’t sure, but if my instincts were correct, they’d had something once upon a time. And at that moment, my heart shattered, and for the first time, I felt insecure about Michael’s feelings for me. I forced myself to look away. Anger and jealousy seeped through, and I wanted to tell her to keep her hands to herself and that Michael was mine. Then I remembered that she would be watching over me. That’s just great!

  “Now that our reunion is over, let’s talk about our plan. Claudia goes back. Michelle and Gracie will try to lure Aliah’s followers to us. We’ll capture them and force them to take us to him. It will require teamwork. You must trust each other or our efforts will be wasted. Is this clear with all?”

  “Yes,” Austin agreed.

  “Yes,” Michael nodded.

  “Good. Michael, you need to report to Phillip and make sure he agrees with our deal. I do not want him to hold this against me. Austin will take Claudia back home.”

  “May I have a moment with Claudia alone?” Michael asked.

  “Yes, of course, but make it quick,”

  Katherine replied. They all followed behind her, out the door.

  Chapter Eleven

  “Claudia,” Michael whisked me in his arms, holding me ever so tenderly.

  I melted in his arms, and my feelings of anger and jealousy faded. It had been some time since we had a moment like this together.

  “I want to explain,” he said.

  “Tell me who she is,” I demanded, sounding like a jealous girlfriend. I couldn’t believe how harsh my words came out of my mouth.

  “You’re mad at me.”

  I released myself from his hold and walked toward the window. I changed the subject.

  “Who is Aliah?”

  “Aliah was one of God’s first angels. A life time ago, the Royal Council stripped a group of fallen souls, and Aliah took their bodies. These fallen became spirits without their bodies. Spirits are like what you would call a ghost. They can’t harm you unless they enter through a vessel, a living being. This is the reason why Aliah was known as the demon spirit creator. He was supposed to place their bodies and souls in the deepest part of the Abyss so the two could be joined to be punished. Instead, he hid the bodies and allowed those fallen to become spirits. We were told that he allowed many to escape to enter your world. When the Royal Council found out, he was accused of premeditating a war against the angels. Aliah was cast into the Abyss, locked away into eternal darkness for his punishment.”

  “What do you mean by entering through a vessel?”

  “These spirits can only enter through souls, possessing human bodies. The non-believers and weaker souls are easy targets.”

  The movie The Exorcist came to my mind and I played out the horror images from the movie clip in my head. It made me shiver, remembering the nightmares I had after I saw the movie.

  Michael continued. “Now that he’s out, they will obey his orders.”

  “They’re looking for me,” I muttered.

  “I’m here, Claudia. I’ll protect you. I promise,” Michael said.

  “You can’t really keep a promise. It’s just a word. Can you promise me that I won’t die? Can you promise me that you’ll love me forever? Can you promise that we’ll be together after this all ends?” Michael was quiet. He knew I was right. “Promise is saying I’ll do my best, but I can’t guarantee. Don’t promise me something that you can’t guarantee,” I said weakly. Then I changed the subject. “Where are we?” I looked down as far as I could see, turning my head to the left and to the right. All I could see was a sea of white plump clouds—no cars, no street lights, no people, and no buildings. It felt as if we were part of the clouds, floating aimlessly across the sky.

  “We’re above the Grand View Hotel, but Katherine’s private corridor is high above. So the only thing you’ll see is clouds.”

  “It’s beautiful and peaceful here…reminds me of Crossroads. So does that mean she owns this place?”

  “Yes, many angels on Earth have normal human jobs. They need to blend in. Katherine is the owner of the Grand View Hotel.”

  “How do you know all this?”

  “Holly explained while we were being transported here.”

  “Oh, I see. So, did you have a thing with her too?” I asked sarcastically. I couldn’t believe the words that were coming out of my mouth. I knew the answer, but I was mad
at myself for being insecure.

  Michael gave half a smile. “Jealous, are we?”

  “Why didn’t you tell me about Trinity? If you told me, I would have been prepared.”

  “What Trinity and I had was a lifetime ago. You and I are present.”

  “Love doesn’t just go away that easily. When you love someone with all your heart and soul, it doesn’t matter how many lifetimes ago. It clings to your heart. It goes with you wherever you go, even if you don’t want it to. Love is like…like…” I couldn’t think. The first thing that popped in my mind was the ocean, the beautiful ocean that surrounded Island of Eden. “Love is like the ocean. Sometimes it’s smooth and sometimes it’s rough, but it’s constant. It never dries out,” I stated, hoping this kind of love was not what he felt for her.

  “I love you, not her,” he said, inching his way toward me. “I didn’t know what love was until I found you. I knew with all my heart and soul that it was love that I felt with you, even though we were trained not to want it. All I wanted was to be with you, but I couldn’t. I would wait for your visits. I kept you a secret. Miraculously, you found a way to cross over. Then you turned my world upside down. I knew that we could never be. But still, all I needed was your smile and just having you near me made me happy, and I felt complete. I couldn’t have known that the best was yet to. You loving me back was the greatest gift I could ever imagine. I didn’t know I could be even happier or love you even more, but I do.”

  I wanted to run to him, to place my arms around him and kiss him madly, but pride, jealousy, and disbelief held me back. Michael continued. “You need not worry about her. Don’t you know how much I care for you? Haven’t I proven to you time and time again? I will tell Trinity about us. I don’t even know if that will matter to her.”

  I wanted to tell him that he was wrong. I saw the same sparkle in her eyes that I’d seen in others who were in love, but I didn’t say it. “Tell me about her.”

  Michael sighed. “We were together once upon a time when we were Aden’s followers. I convinced her to rebel against Aden. During our escape, I was badly wounded and I saw a sword pierce through her body. That is all I remember, and the rest is a blank. I found myself at the Crossroads in Halo City.”

  “You didn’t bother to find out if she was alive or dead?”

  “If she was alive, Aden had her, and there was no way I could find her.”

  “Do you love her?” I asked hesitantly. I needed to hear it again.

  “I already told you that I don’t. Honestly, I don’t even know if it was love that I felt with her. Many things have changed. I have changed. You are all that matters to me. You are my constant…my ocean.”

  “Does she have to come with us?”

  “I don’t think we have a choice as to who watches over you. Trinity is one of the best. She will be able to protect you, and she has a special power that none of us has.”

  “I guess I have no choice,” I sighed, wondering what power she had that was so special, but I didn’t want to talk about her anymore.

  “Claudia, don’t waste your energy arguing about something that isn’t there. Don’t waste time being angry. We don’t have enough time as it is. Spend that energy and time loving me.”

  His words hit home. Katherine said to make it quick, and I didn’t know when I would see him again. He was right. I was acting foolish, wasting precious time, rotting away with insecure emotions.

  “Michael, I’m sorry.” I ran to his arms.

  He welcomed me with open arms and kissed me tenderly on my lips. “I missed you so much that it hurts. I never knew pain until I thought I had lost you. Not knowing where you were or if you were in danger or if you needed me…was the most heartbreaking feeling I had to endure my whole life. And you know I’ve lived what feels like forever. The only way I could try to reach you was to get into your dreams.”

  “It worked. You came into my dream, asking me to help you find me.”

  Michael chuckled happily. “Wow! It really worked? Now I know I can appear in your dreams every night and do things I want to do.” He arched his brow slyly.

  “You don’t need to appear in my dreams. I always dream of you. You are my dream come true; just don’t become my nightmare,” I said softly and jokingly.

  Michael chuckled and kissed me on my forehead. “I have to leave for a bit. I don’t like him looking after you, especially when I know he cares for you more than he should.”

  “Hmm…jealous are we?” I teased.

  “More than you know. Only my wings get to wrap you. Only I get to be the one to hold you in my arms and whisk you away.”

  Michael’s wings opened. He pulled me in, and our bodies touching the way they did shot tingling sensations all over me. I looked up at him, placed my hand on his cheek, and then sensually touched his lips. He kissed my fingers softly, and then I lost control. I drew him in, kissing him madly as I gripped his strong masculine shoulders, wanting more than a kiss. This wasn’t the right time or place to display our physical affection for each other, but we didn’t care. We were totally making out until there was a knock at the door. Michael stole a quick kiss before Austin walked in, making me giggle.

  “Claudia, we need to get going,” Austin said, raking his eyes down at Michael. Then Austin held out his hand with my cell phone. I snatched it and checked my messages. Mom, Patty, and Kristina had texted me several times. It looked like Austin had replied for me. Great, I thought with a roll of my eyes.

  “Don’t worry, they don’t know a thing. As far as they are concerned, you are just fine,” Austin said lightly.

  “Keep your hands and your mind to yourself,” Michael warned.

  “My mind has a mind of its own,” Austin replied. “Someone actually told me it was toxic. I think she likes it lethal, don’t you think?”

  Hot flashes burned through me, and my face felt hot. I wondered if Michael knew Austin did his mind trick on me. At that moment, I wished I could place a gag in Austin’s mouth and make myself disappear.

  “Don’t make me regret what I’ll do to you if you don’t,” Michael shot back.

  “Whoa, tough guy. Just remember, I’m her guardian angel now,” Austin smirked.

  “Katherine may have appointed you, but in Claudia’s eyes, I am still her guardian. Just keep that in mind,” Michael huffed.

  “She might change her mind. These mind tricks can do wonders for the mind and the body,” Austin teased. Then he gave a short laugh. “We’re fighting over something that cannot be.”

  “When it comes to Claudia, I’ll make it happen.”

  “Is that what you said about Trinity?”

  Michael gave Austin a look that could kill. With a fierce fire look in his eyes, he looked like he was about to punch him. “Don’t test me. Speaking of which, you have quite the reputation.”

  “I guess you’ve finally met your match then. No, you are only half of what I am.”

  “You and I are nothing alike.”

  “Thank God!”

  Michael ignored Austin’s comment, turned to me and planted a kiss on my lips. Just then, Holly strode into the room like she owned the place. “Boys, lose the male ego. We have a job to do,” she stated. “Michael, Trinity is waiting for you. And Claudia, I’m at your service. If these two can’t handle themselves, I’ll clip their wings. See you at school.” Holly gave a quick smile and left the room.

  See you at school? Did she attend my school and I never knew? Maybe I had heard her wrong; I didn’t think much of it, but hearing Trinity’s name gave me cold chills. I felt the same uneasy feeling creeping up on me again. Austin opened his wings and waited for me. “Come, Claudia, let me take you away. Maybe somewhere he can’t find us.”

  I gave Austin a disapproving look as I hesitantly walked toward him. “You need to watch what you say,” I scolded and turned so my back was toward him. Michael was not pleased at all. I knew it irked him to see me leave with Austin, in his arms, just as much as it bothered me to see him
go to Trinity.

  Michael smiled warmly, letting me know everything would be fine. “I won’t be long.”

  “Do take your time. Three is a crowd,” Austin commented.

  I was afraid Michael was going to attack him, so I intervened with my words. “That’s enough, Austin. Just take me home.”

  Austin enclosed me half

  way with his wings. The last thing I saw was Michael letting out a huff as Austin taunted him by giving me a nibble on my neck. I was about to step out of his hold when he enclosed me completely and we disappeared.

  Chapter Twelve

  We transported directly to my room. I turned to him as soon as he released me. “Don’t ever do that again!” I yelled and pushed him as hard as I could. He didn’t move an inch, so I pushed even harder and punched him even though he couldn’t feel a thing. He just stood there, allowing me to use him as a punching bag, and my hands hurt like hell. Ouch!! The knuckles and the palms of my hands were red.

  “What’s wrong with you? You’re supposed to be a guardian angel, not a pain in the…butt. Why are you so mean?” I yelled again as I tried to lessen the pain in my hands by rubbing them together.

  “Say it!” His voice was loud. “Say the word. I know you want to,” he challenged, moving in my direction with authority.

  “What?” I yelled.

  “Say it. What were you going to say? It’s okay. I won’t judge you. I know your anger is not for me, but for Michael. Let it out. I dare you to say it.”

  “You’re crazy,” I fired back.

  “I’ve been called worse.” Unexpectedly, he shoved me. He barely touched me, but it was enough for me to stumble.

  His action made me furious. I wanted to shout out from the top of my lungs, but I fought back the urge. “You’re such a pain in the aaa…”

  “Say it!”

  “Ahhh!!!” I pressed my hands to his chest. “Why are you such an ass???” I couldn’t believe I said it, but it felt so good! Then I thought, How does he bring out the worst in me? I’m not an angry person, and I don’t normally shoot out cuss words; Mom and Gamma taught me better than that.