Read Beyond Page 4

  “Why are you after Claudia? I thought we were going after the angels with Holy Spirit souls that are clueless as to who they are .”

  “We still are. That is your job , to get your team to find them . But Claudia is special …t he head master wants her.”

  Victors’s mouth opened to speak, but before he could ask his question, she spoke again , assuming what he would ask. “Don ’t ask me who the m aster is …I have no idea who he i s. We are not to ask questions, ” she lied. Her eyes glued to the floor , afraid he may see right through her.

  He nodded, acknowledging that there w as information he would never be told, especially since he had just joined the angel fighting team. “I was told the Curators recently had a meeting , and they are aware of the recent killings .”

  “Go od. Maybe some of them will join us.”

  “I doubt that.” Victor look ed over his shoulder to gaze at t he dusty window that was hardly visible from the outside.

  “You doubt so much. Relax. You look nervous . Are you sure you weren ’t followed?”

  “Yes. I know what I ’m doing.” His tone was short.

  She raised her brows. “Watch the tone.”

  “Sorry.” His gaze lowered , and he shuffl ed his feet.

  “Let ’s get this over with. I ’ll contact you if I need you. In the mean time, you need to search for Benjamin . He is half human and half angel . He is your next target. I suggest you handle this one with caution. I was told the blood seekers —they go by ‘Pierce family ’—are p rotecting him, ” she said, gradually unfolding her pea r l white wings.

  Victor could do nothing but stare . She saw his envious eyes and lit a proud smile. “I don ’t know what God was thinking when he left wings off of Earth angels .”

  Victor stared at the ground . “I ’m sure he had good reasons, ” he mumbled .

  “Hm mm ….” she said and prepared to take off. “Oh…and by the wa y. Watch out for Michael. You don ’t want to mess with him. If he ’s there , I would…run. Pick another day.” With a downward sweep of her wings, she disappeared, uplifting the settl ed dust that now swirl ed around him .

  Chapter 4

  “Hurry up, ” Austin called .

  Claudia roll ed her eyes. “Okay…okay. I ’m just…can ’t a girl just get ready ? Apparently you haven ’t been around them when they do, ” she hollered. “Or maybe you have, ” she mumble d , wondering how many girls he had taken to the nightclub . Not that she cared —h e was only a friend after all.

  Claudia looked at herself in a mirror that was nailed inside the closet door. She’d asked Austin to place one there . It was hard to imagine she wouldn’t have one already. Look ing at her reflection, she saw a g lamorous girl in a black dress that clung on the top and fla re d out a bit toward the bottom, hitting just above her knees . But t he plunging neck line that showed a part of her cleavage made her slight ly uncomfortable.

  She couldn’t believe she would buy a dress like th at . At least it was just a bit sexy, and not like the dresses she had seen on other girls. She knew she would feel self-conscious, but she only had a few dresses to pick from and this one was less revealing. Oh well —t oo late to buy another dress . I f only she had a simple , sparkling necklace to wear.

  With her hair in soft curls and wearing only a light touch of makeup¸ she was set to go. But when she looked into the eyes of the girl standing in front of her, she only saw sadne ss . She looked lost, empty and alone. Wasn ’t she happy? Was there more Austin hadn’t shared with her ? She had always felt that the eyes were the window s to a person ’s soul. One way or another, she had to find the missing pieces of her memories . There had to be more to herself than being a venator. Or was there?

  A soft knock on the door snapped her out of her thought s. “We ’re only going to a dance, not to a prom. I ’m sure —” Before Austin could finish, Claudia had slipped on her black heels and opened the door.

  Austin cleared his throat. “Hey …you look…, ” Austin stammered, his eyes wide and a grin splitting his face. Embarras s ed, she gave him a warm, shy smile.

  Austin wore dark jeans and a black T-shirt with intricate design s that clung to his firm chest. “You don ’t look bad yourself, ” Claudia said . His eyes were glued to her in a way that made her feel uneasy. “Are we going to stare at each other all night or what?” she said lightly with a slight tease in her tone.

  As usual, Austin add ed to her words. “That might not be a bad idea in bed, ” he grin ned slyly, twitching his brows up and down.

  Shak ing her head , she smile d, amused. “Ha ha…in your dreams.”

  “Ouch…I guess I ’ll have to dream then.”

  Austin fl ew them to where his car was parked, off the i sland . The first thing Claudia noticed was the new black car, different from what she remembered. “This isn ’t your car !”

  “Correction. It is my car. I got a new one. I was tired of the other one so I switched.”

  Claudia circle d it, then came to a stop when she stood in front of the trunk , lightly brush ing her fingertip s over t he letters ‘PORSCHE 911 Carrare.’ “And convertible too !” she squealed , grinning as Austin pushed the remote button and the top folded back automatically . Opening the door like a gentleman, Austin assist ed Claudia into the passenger seat .

  After he was settled in the driver ’s seat, Austin look ed at Claudia and imagine d he was ta k ing his amazing girlfriend out on a date. That thought warmed him and he spe d of f happi er than he had ever been.

  Austin drove to the Black Velvet, the only nightclub nearby. After pulling into the valet park ing section, he stepped out of his ca r . He glanced at the door . Always a long line , he thought. Good thing I’m a VIP member . Out of habit, h e swept the perimeter for anything unusual . When he spotted a limo, cold painful shivers slithered down his spine as h e recalled the last time he was t here , when he ’d encountered soul eaters and almost lost his life . He was sure they weren ’t around anymore since Aliah was dead. He assumed they were safe since there had been no demon activities the last couple of weeks.

  After Claudia stepped out of the car, Austin hooked her arm onto his. “This is so you won ’t get lost. Who knows, a guy may snatch you when I ’m not looking …I would .” He winked, making her blush , but she didn ’t budge from his arm . In fact, she seemed to cling to the security of it . Austin wasn ’t sure why , but she acted a bit nervous. Was it from being at a nightclub for the first time , or was it from being somewhere off of Island of Eden with him , and doing something that normal people d id ?

  “Hey , Bob, ” Austin greeted cheerfully to the same guy who was working the last time he was t here with Holly, Trinity and Patrick. How times ha d changed. So much ha d happened. Both Trinity and Patrick were gone. He hadn’t care d much for Trinity, but he did for Patrick. He trie d not to think of him …i t only brought on pain he couldn ’t handle. The only o ther person that put his mind at ease was the girl standing next to him.

  “Mr. Picasso. Yes…come in, ” he gestured, unhooking the chain , then look ed at Claudia and smile d .

  When they were some distance away, Claudia giggled . “Mr. Picasso?”

  Austin chuckle d . “I even have a VIP room. Would you care to join me there for a midnight snack?”

  “Serious ly ? You have your own private room? And what kind of snack woul d you provide for me?” s he asked .

  “Not for you , my dear. I was thinking about what a delicious snack you would be ,” Austin teased, tickling her by pretending to sink his teeth into her neck.

  Claudia punche d him lightly in the arm. “You never stop, do you? You ....” She stared as they entered through the double door. Her eyes grew wide . Austin was right. She could get lost. Not only was th e place huge, the re were hundreds of people , and she looked overwhelmed by the intensity . Austin ’s eyes never left her s . He was enjoying her expression , and wondered what she was thinking at th at very moment.

  Claudia’s eyes focused on the
strangers on the dance floor . Their bodies moved in chaotic motion with one another , producing an animalistic heat with the beat of the music. The bass was pounding so loud ly she could feel it pumping through her heart. She had never seen so many bodies mo ving so seductively before. I t ma de her feel uncomfortable , and she wondered if Austin would ask her to dance. Th e place reek e d with a mixture of a floral fragrance from perfume, cheap cologne, alcohol and cigarette s . But the smell she most enjoyed was Austin ’s fresh ocean breeze.

  Step by step, as Austin led her down the stairs, her curiosity intensified. Wanting to quench her thirst, her gaze went straight to the bar. As if Austin read her mind, he led her there.

  Austin drummed his fingers on the table as he tried to catch the bartender ’s attention. Waiting patiently, he lean ed into Claudia, almost too close for comfort. “Did I tell you how beautiful you look tonight?”

  “Just tonight?” she teased back, but she wasn ’t good at flirting. All she could do after that was blush and give a shy smile.

  “Good evening, ” the bartender sa id , breaking the silence . “What can I get for you?”

  “A beer for me and….” Austin turn ed to her .

  “Water please ,” she said loudly, speaking over the music.

  Austin chuckled . “Water?”

  “I ’m thirsty , so I want water. What ’s wrong with that?”

  “Water and mojito for her, ” he said. “Make it strong.” The bartender nod ded and le ft .

  “What ’s a mojito?” she inquired. “I didn ’t order one.”

  “Don ’t worry. You ’ll like it. Just try it , and if you don ’t like it, don ’t drink it.”

  Claudia leaned over and whisper ed , “Have you forgotten? I ’m not twenty-one yet.”

  Austin let out a chuckle. “I didn ’t forget, but you ’ve forgo t t en you are a venator. You can do whatever you like.” His brows arched mischievously.

  Claudia shrugged her shoulders. “Right.” I n a way she was grateful. She ’d wanted to get away from Island of Eden , go somewhere exciting , and try new things. She told herself to be more adventurous and not act so sheltered , like Austin ke pt telling her she was.

  When the drinks came, she took her first sip, and her face betrayed her effort not to show a reaction to the bitter taste of the alcohol . It twisted her tongue and made her facial muscles cringe.

  “So…what do you think?” Austin asked, hoping her taste buds ha d now become like his—tasteless.

  “Actually…not bad, ” she said , trying to sound convincing. A fter a couple more sips she smiled, and seemed pleasantly surprised. “I like it! It taste s like something between Sprite and lime juice , but with a heavy dosage of alcohol.” She smacked her lips and tongue.

  “You can actually taste it?”

  “Um…shouldn ’t I be able to, unless I have some kind of taste bud amnesia ?” Claudia questioned, laughing at her own joke.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Of course I ’m sure. Why? Was it supposed to taste like something else?” Claudia seemed thoroughly confused.

  “Strange, ” he mumble d, wondering why Claudia ’s taste buds ha d n ’t adjusted and become more like his , practical ly immune to alcohol. But then again, she should ’ve been able to pass through the field of grass at Island of Eden without feeling the way she had . She ’d failed that test. Perhaps her body ha d n ’t adjusted to becoming a full venator yet. He brushed the thought away. Suddenly he felt a presence.

  Austin sipped his beer to look like he fit in with the crowd, trying not to be obvious that he was looking for someone. Every so often, he shifted his eyes to the dance floor. The presence was not a dangerous one, but he wished he could spot wh er ever he or she was located.

  Claudia wondered why Austin kept look ing elsewhere during their conversation , and was surprised at her irritation that he wasn ’t giving her his full attention. She was sure he was eyeing a girl he wanted to dance with , b ut why did she care? She shouldn ’t care.

  Without warning, heat rushed to her face , then travel led down to her stomach. When she placed the palm s of her hands on her cheeks to confirm the sensation , she was surprised by the contrast in the temperature. Her whole body felt like it was on fire. Her heart thumped faster , and her pulse ra ced too fast for her to keep up. Everything around her seemed to be moving in slow motion. With her head spin ning and her body fe eling disconnect ed from her mind , she thought it was s trange that the tension that encased her when she first walked into th e room was gone. Completely at ease and with high spirits, she thought she could conquer the world . Free as a bird , she wanted to soar as she blazed with heat that manifested through her entire body.

  “Claudia, ” Austin scold ed , feeling concerned and mystified. “You ’re not supposed to chug the whole thing down like that.” The tall glass she held was empty , and h e had only turned away for a minute. She had consumed all of it too quickly. Even so, being a venator and with her selective memory, she shouldn ’t feel the effect of the alcohol, at least not like this. Or sh ould she? It stunned Austin to see her this way. She ate and sle pt a lot less than her human life needed. She surely could move almost as fast as him. He ’d wanted to test her limits, but this…he was extremely baffled. Perhaps she was still more human than venator.

  Claudia sprang off the barstool, wrapp ing her arms tightly around Austin. Unaware of her strength, she almost knocked him off his stool. She pressed her chest i nto his ; he could feel her heart beat escalate. “Hellooo there. Less danccce.”

  She was clearly intoxicated. He sat there, frozen , not knowing what to do. He felt the presence again, closer now, so he snapped his head to the right.

  “Don ’ lookie at chickies.” She placed her hand on Austin ’s cheek to force him to turn his head to her.

  Stroking her arms, he tried to calm her down. He took pleasure in knowing she was jealous when he was looking at other girls. “I wasn ’t looking at other girls. You know I only have eyes for you. Just sit down for a minute. Let me ta ke you home.”

  “Nooooo. Me don ’ wanna. Me wanna dance.” Claudia headed out to the dance floor without him, almost tripping on her heel s. Austin caught her fall and took her to the dance floor.

  He knew better, but Claudia was extremely flirtatious, dancing and having the time of her life , and he decided to stay. Claudia swayed seductively in ways he had never seen her move , as his arms firmly held onto her waist to hold her steady.

  “I always knew you had a seductive side, a not so innocent side.” He chuckled. “If I ’d kn own you would loosen up this much, I would have given you a drink a long time ago .”

  Claudia moved with the rhythm of a girl possessed by the beat of the bas s . Her hips swayed in a beguiling motion , sending Austin ’s heart into such a frantic pace he was sure it would explode . Her hair flowed to the same rhythm , i n all the right places. For a moment Austin forgot himself. His eyes could see only Claudia, beautiful and sweet as the dawn. For a moment, there was no other person in the room.

  The music had taken her, had taken them both. She wrapped her leg around him and leaned back, unafraid of falling. Austin felt a moan escape his throat. If only I didn ’t have to control myself with you. The thought struck him like a winter-chilled blade . He had to take a deep breath from her sensual caress. In an unwanted slow motion, he pulled her up and took a step back. “I should take you home. Maybe that wouldn ’t be a good idea either. I think I need to cool off.”

  He fought his attraction through the next several songs, then Claudia suddenly stopped.

  “Had enough?”Austin asked, laughing inwardly, amused by seeing another side of her.

  “I…don ’…feel….” She leaned over , prepared to vomit .

  As Austin rushed her to the nearest exit, he sensed the presence again , stronger this time. Before he closed the door, he looked over his shoulder, pas t the long narrow hall , to make sure they weren ’t being followed.

  Chapter 5
  The golden full moon lit the sky , a beautiful night in contrast to where they were—an alley. Austin quickly swept the perimeter, but the gruesome stinky smell of rotten food mixed with mildew twisted his head to the left. He spotted several empty bottles near the large trash bin, a few parked cars, and a dimly lit street lamp that flicker ed every few seconds.

  Austin held Claudia loosely so she could move freely. “Claudia, let me take you home.”

  “Noooo. Me likie herre, ” she whined. “Me tummie…don ’ likie….” She turned and ben t over to puke…but nothing happened . Swaying slight ly back and forth, her eyes focused on the ground. “Preeedddy ,” she said.

  They were in an alley for crying out loud. What could be pretty? It was a good thing he looked down . Claudia ’s index finger traced the movement of dark shadows that twirl ed around them. They were long and thin, resembling snakes without heads. Austin had never seen anything like it, but before he had a chance to evaluate, he focused on something white that buzzed by his face . With a swift movement of wing s , Michael appeared .

  Austin looked guilty for holding Claudia the way he was. He could do nothing but stare , and didn ’t realize the dark shadows were multiplying, coiling up his legs.

  Michael’s eyes were full of concern as he raced toward them with his sword. Austin tosse d Claudia into Michael ’s arms , knowing he would catch her, then found himself unable to move. He called out for his bow, but he couldn ’t stop the shadows without shooting his own legs.

  As soon as Claudia was in his arms, Michael gasped a deep painful breath and held her tightly , savoring th e moment. He breathe d in her scent, lavender and honey—mixed with cigarette s and alcohol—and pressed his face into her. How he had missed her . Even having her in his arm s tormented him . “Claudia, ” he sang her name. It took every ounce of his will power to stop himself from whisking her away. Time stood still as he drank her presence in, unwilling to let go. But his heart pounded out of control and his hand started to tremble , not knowing what he should do, anticipating Claudia ’s reaction to him.