Read Beyond Page 5

  She looked up, finally realizing he wasn’t Austin. Blinking, she said, “You…no Auss. Wh…where Auss?” Claudia was desperately trying to escape his hold as her body swayed unsteadily , but simply gave up when her efforts were in vain.

  Michael’s heart dropped. She might as well have stomped on it. He knew she wouldn ’t recognize him, but the reality hurt so much.

  “You cute, ” Claudia smiled, raking her hands through his hair, sending shivers down his spine. Michael grinned . Claudia ’s smile that always touche d Michael ’s soul —the smile that always melt ed his heart —did neither tonight. She knew not who he was , a nd the only thing he felt was pain beyond words.

  “What ’s wrong with her?” Michael asked, finally shifting his eyes to Austin, seeing him struggle with the dark shadows.

  “Ummm…a little help here would be nice, ” Austin plead ed . “What are you doing here? You shouldn ’t be here.”

  “Katherine never told me to stay away. Claudia may not know who I am, but I promised her I would always look after her. It ’s a good thing I came. What kind of guardian angel are you to bring danger to her?”

  Austin didn’t say a word , knowing Michael was right .

  “What ’s wrong with Claudia ?” Michael demanded to know.

  “How about you be my guardian angel just for tonight ?”

  “Answer me first. Besides…they ’re not harmful…unless they travel up to your chest and squeeze you to death…that ’s all.”

  “Duh. Did you forget already? You erased her memory.”

  “Not that. Why is she talking funny?”

  The demons completely encased his body , like a wrap on a mummy. “She ’s wasted, ” he replied, guilt overlaying his tone.

  “Wasted? What? You mean like intoxicated?”

  “If that ’s the word you want to use…then…ye a h. Hurry up.”

  “How could you let this happen? Make it go away.” Michael was furious.

  “Hey, I ’m as surprised as you. She eats once a day or sometimes goes without for days. She sleeps a couple of hours. Her speed is just as fast as mine. I didn ’t think she could get dr u nk. I was trying to cheer her up. Lately, she ’s been kind of…depressed. Don ’t worry. She ’ll be fine in the morning.”

  Michael pulled Claudia closer , eyes piercing into hers with adoration. He had missed all her changes. He would have loved to see her in action. How proud he was of her.

  “Hello. Stop googling eyes at her and get me out , please.” Austin had no choice but to be polite.

  Michael stepped closer to Austin. Claudia had been quiet until now. “Ausss…you have the predddy, ” she giggle d . Claudia extend ed her arm and point ed toward them. “Cannn ’t seeee.” Her index fingers lit up, glowing like light bulb s . Michael and Austin looked shocked , and watched her as the dark shadows uncurl ed themselves and back ed down.

  “Nooo…all gone, ” she pouted.

  But they were still there, swirling faster and getting thicker and longer.

  “What are they ?” Austin asked.

  “Dark shadows, ” Michael sa id . “They only appear in dark places, but they were locked away. I hadn ’t seen them in ages.”

  “I guess they ’re ancient , like you.”

  Michael ignored Austin ’s sarcastic remark and t ook out his sword . “Lucien .” His sword lit up , and h e sliced the shadows in half as they plunged toward him and Claudia. It had no effect on the shadows.

  Free at last, Austin summoned his bow. The impact from the silver flames and Michael ’s sword together created enough light; the dark shadows disappeared.

  “That was easy. I guess they prefer to stay away from the lights, ” Austin observed.

  “It was a warning. Wh at ever released them is coming. I need to find more information. You need to warn Katherine.”

  “Ooo…danceee…fasssst, ” Claudia mumble d , bending over to wretch.

  “It ’s alright, Claudia, ” Michael whisper ed .

  “You, ” she poke d Michael ’s chest , “know me?” Then she r an her hand up and down his arms. “Nice , like Superman…bigger than Auss.”

  Michael heard soft chuckles. He knew his friend was watching, but he didn ’t want to make a big deal of it until now. “Come down, Davin. I know you ’re there.”

  “What ? Davin was here the whole time? I knew I smelled something rotten, ” Austin grunt ed .

  Davin jumped down from the roof top. “Hmmm…must be smelling yourself, goose. What did you do? Take a bath in the trash bin?” Davin laughed out loud and then frowned when no one else laughed with him.

  Claudia rubbed her hand up and down Michael ’s chest and giggle d . “I likie….”

  Davin squirmed at seeing Claudia in Michael ’s arm s and the pain on Michael’s face. As usual , he trie d to lighten the mood. “What would humans say ? ‘Dude, she ’s blasted, wasted, trashed and so high , ’” Davin laughed .

  Michael flashed an evil eye and Davin immediately stop ped speaking , lowering his eyes from Michael’s gaze.

  “Claudia, you ’ll be okay. I promise, ” Michael sa id .

  “How you know me?” s he muttered.

  Michael knew better, but he couldn’t help himself. Claudia wouldn ’t remember this conversation, but he didn ’t care. He wanted to tell her. Tenderly cupping her face, he gaze d deeply into her eyes, his own eyes subdued and filled with misery. “Yes, I know you. I ’ve always known you. I will always know you…even if you don ’t know me.”

  She looked at him, confused, her eyes lighting up brighter than the full moon, then slowly closing. Before they closed completely, he enclose d his wings around them and presse d his lips on hers , giv ing her a kiss she would remember.

  Davin stepped in front of Austin , and Austin roll ed his eyes. Even if he had a clear view, he would ’ve turned away. He knew better than to fall in love with someone who was spoken for, if love was what he was truly feeling . It didn’t matter, as h is mother would forbid it anyway . Being Claudia’s guardian angel was hard enough, but living with her was torture. He had to find a way not to care. Seeing them together was a wakeup call. She did not belong to him. She was not his to take.

  Claudia took a dramatic deep breath .. “I seeee…starrrsss.” She point ed aimlessly above her head, lean ed back , and f ell fast asleep.

  “Wow! That must have been one hell of a boring kiss. It put her to sleep, ” Austin snickered.

  Davin choked, clearly fighting laughter, and ma de a coughing sound instead ; he was obviously amused, but trying to contain himself for Michael’s sake.

  “You were inside too, weren ’t you?” Austin ask ed Davin.

  “Well…someone has to look after you two. What were you thinking , coming here again?” Davin sa id , scowling.

  “I don ’t need to explain. And what were you doing inside?”

  “Dancing , I ’m sure, ” Michael interrupt ed , giving him the evil eye again.

  “Hey, when a pretty girl asks you to dance, you don ’t say no. Don ’t you know the rules?” Davin says.

  “What rules?” Michael arche d his brows in confusion.

  “What ? There are no rules, ” Austin blurt ed, irritated.

  “It ’s Davin ’s rules.” Davin crosse d his arms.

  “Whatever. Just don ’t spy on me again, ” Austin huff ed .

  “I ’m just doing what I ’m told.”

  “Who told you to spy on me?”

  Davin pointed his finger toward Michael. “That ungrateful guy.”

  “I told you to look after Claudia, not spy on Austin. Get your words straight.”

  “Same thing. Don ’t get mad at me , I ’m just the middle person. I ’m leaving.” Davin turn ed his back and sho t up to the roof.

  “You should take her home.” Michael embrace d Claudia one last time, memorizing the feel of her fragile , small , feminine frame in his arms, her silky hair that was so soothing to touch , and her mere presence that brought him to life . As he place
d her in Austin ’s arms, his heart contracted and the pain ripped through his entire being, not knowing when he would see her again.

  “Don ’t do anything foolish. Even if she wants to, ” Michael t old Austin. “I ’m asking you. Not demanding. For her safety…please.”

  “I ’ll do what I can. She has changed. I don ’t know if it ’s for better or for worse.”

  “I know, ” Michael replie d . “We ’re all changing…for the better , I hope.”

  With Michael’s last word s , Austin envelope d his wings to close and disappear ed . Michael stood for a moment, staring forlornly at the now empty space, then silently vanished.

  Davin was still lurking around, waiting for Michael to apologize , when he realize d Michael was gone . Davin wasn ’t happy with Michael. He ’d g iven Davin the evil eye, twice. How dare he ? He was looking after Claudia since Michael had other things to take care of. How was he supposed to know Claudia would act that way ?

  He jumped down from the roof. Out of anger, he kick ed an empty bottle near the trash bin. It flew across the alley, shattering into pieces. Oops! He didn ’t mean to do that. Someone could have gotten hurt. But who in the ir right mind would walk in the dark alley in the first place ?

  “It ’s nice to see you too, ” Davin frowned. “And I ’m not helping you with the plan.”

  Davin, Michael call ed him telepathically.

  Startled, Davin jumped. Michael was nearby …h e just couldn ’t see him.

  Angrily he said , “Oh , no you don ’t. Get out of my head.”

  Davin, Michael sa id again.

  Davin covered both of his ears with the palm s of his hands. “I don ’t hear you. Lalalalalalalalala….”

  I’m sorry. It was great to see you , my friend .

  Unable to stop Michael, he let out a defeated sigh. He didn ’t want to be mad at the perso n he missed the most. At least he ’d c o me back to apologize. Davin place d a big smile on his face without a word as he wait ed to hear what Michael had to say.

  Thanks for looking after her. I felt your concern . It led me straight here.

  “I promised you I would. And I always look after her when you ’re not around.”

  I know. Thank you for keeping your word.

  “Now you keep your word and be careful. Have you met Caspian yet?”

  Yes. He’s alright.

  “Whatever happens, don ’t let them bit e you. Carry h oly water at all times…and garlic…and a cross. That ’s what I learned when watching movies. Don ’t know how accurate the information is. Oh…don ’t be quick to trust. Don ’t look them in the eyes , because they can compel you.”

  I know. Don’t worry about me. Keep your energy for Claudia.

  “I have enough energy for the both of you.”

  I bet you do.

  “Are you working on the plan?” Davin asked excitedly.

  Yes…when I have time. Just remember your part .

  “You know , I didn ’t mean it when I said I wouldn ’t help just a minute ago. I was just…upset.”

  I know. I’m sorry I got mad at you…it’s just that…sometimes I wonder if I made the right decision regarding Claudia. I…I miss her so much that it hurts. Michael sighed deeply . I don’t know how long I can do this .

  “I know….” Davin closed his eyes and opened them, taking in Michael ’s pain and wish ing he could make it go away. “It ’s too late to think about what ’s already been done. Just concentrate on what needs to get done. You know we are on your side , no matter what it takes.”

  I know. I’ve asked too much.

  “You would do the same for us . That ’s what friends are for .”


  “You can give me a hug next time.” Davin laughed out loud. “Before I forget, what are the dark shadows?”

  Before our time, the first group of Earth angels massively procreated with the humans to create an army. Their intentions were to bring down the Twelve and take over Crossroads. Though these Earth angels are not as powerful, they had help. Somehow , they summoned one of God ’s first angels that had fallen. When the Royal Council found out, the Earth Angels ’ s ouls were stripped , along with those of their children. Their physical entities were turned into shadows, cast away into the Abyss. They are harmless to angels because they can ’t take our souls, but they can take human souls and inject themselves into their bodies. If that happens then we have a problem. This also means the dark shadows were summoned by a powerful angel.

  “So…you knew all that time the shadows would not harm Austin.”

  Yeah…I was playing him.

  Davin laughed out loud. “You do have a sense of humor…sometimes. That was way cool what you did to Austin, making him think he was in danger. Come back and visit soon. I miss bothering you.”

  Michael chuckled . You know I will. Peace out dude!

  Davin laughed so hard , it echoed loudly through the alley , starling a couple of stray cats.

  Chapter 6

  My heart thumps faster and I feel tingles down my spine, the kind of tingle that tells you that you’re in love, or that you have a crush. I can’t see his face, only a figure, like an illuminated shadow. My instinct tells me that I know him , but I haven’t the slightest clue who he is, or why he is here. Who is this person that has me completely enthralled? I want to know so I move closer, but the closer I get the further he is away from me, and the light around him dims.

  “I’m here,” he says. “I’ll always be here.” He starts to fade, leaving my world.

  “No. Come back. Who are you?” It was too late. He was gone.

  Now it’s pitch black and darkness engulfs me. I feel a sense of tranquility, but the feeling disappears when I hear another voice. “I’m coming for you,” it says with a low wicked whisper.

  The tone not only disturbed my sleep, it freaked me out , sending icy chills down my spine , because I knew from the depth s of my soul it was something malic ious . I tossed and turned, tangled inside the sheets, trying to calm my nerve s and trying to wake up from the nightmare. Who was calling me? I couldn ’t recognize the voice. My eyes were tightly shut, unable to open even though I desperately wanted them to. Then suddenly, without any reason, I was bound by some magic and I couldn ’t move.

  It was coming for me. Even with my eyes closed, I could feel the evil presence as I panic ked to wake myself up. Needing to escape, I tried to move, but no matter how hard I t ri ed, I couldn ’t move a muscle. It was like my mind and body had disconnected. Then my eyes popped open from some force of energy I couldn ’t explain. My view was clear now, but I just couldn ’t move. There , below my feet , was what I had feared, but it wasn ’t a person. It looked like a shadow of something. It started crawling up my legs, covering me like a black blanket, slowly making its way up.

  It was getting closer to my chest by the second and terror emanated from every inch of me. Scared out of my wits, I screamed from the top of my lungs, but my voice wouldn ’t carry. Now I was covered from head to toe and I felt short of air , h eaving , p anting. I knew I was dreaming, but I couldn ’t make myself wake up. In complete darkness, unable to move and unable to breathe, I did the only thing I could do.

  My bedroom door burst open, and t he blanket flew off me. I felt Austin scoop me off the bed in one swift motion . My arms were tightly wrapped around his neck like a scared little girl, quivering.

  “Claudia, what ’s wrong? Why can ’t you move?” He seemed worried and mystified.

  From Austin’s rescue, my body and mind began to relax , and slowly I could feel myself regain control. The dream vanished like it had never happened. “I…I…don ’t know. I think I was dreaming or something.” I ’d dreamt this dream several times before , and every time it was the same. His voice was distingu ished and soothing . I would never forget that voice, nor would I ever forget the way it made me feel . But the latter part of the dream was new.

  “I heard your voice in my mind. At first I thought I was hearing things until
you said , ‘Help me Austin. I ’m going to die.’ That is when I realized you were speaking into my mind. You ’re safe. No evil can enter here. It must have been a nightmare.”

  Feeling excited that I spoke into his mind, I asked , still unbelieving, needing to hear it again. “You heard me?”

  “Yes. Now you can add that to your list of things you can do. It ’s too bad you can ’t hear m y thoughts .”

  “Don ’t worry. I think I ’d rather not, ” I smiled teasingly, still in his hold.

  Austin grinned . “So , what do you remember about last night?”

  As I considered his question, I realized I was still in the dress I ’d wor n last night. This t old me I had most likely passed out. “I remember going to the nightclub and you ordered a drink for me. Hey , why is it every time I drink what you give me, I end up passing out ?” I recalled when I thought he ’d drugged me with hot cocoa , but it was his angelic powers affecting me instead.

  “I ’m not guilty. I did no such thing , and I can ’t help that you faint from excitement in my presence.”

  I giggled for two reasons; from Austin ’s comments , and from the fact that it was my first real alcohol ic drink …but that would be a secret I wo uld n ’t share. “You can put me down please. I ’m much better.” I gestured toward the bed.

  Austin laid me down and propped a pillow behind my back so I could settle myself in a sitting position. “But seriously…are you okay ? A nd what do you remember about last night?” He sat on the edge of the bed and his eyes were open wide with curiosity.

  “I don ’t remember much. I remember the drink and sort of dancing. Did we dance?”

  Austin lifted his brows while his eyes beamed with amusement, like he had a story to tell. “In ways you don ’t want to know.”

  “Ahhhhh…I ’m sure I embarrassed myself.” I buried my head on the pillow.