Read Beyond Page 7

  When he opened his eyes, he spotted an unknown female standing toward the back , and wasn ’t sure if he should be on the alert. Good or bad, all vampires gave him the creeps.

  Is he Michael? Sophia telepathically communicate d to her brother, Alexander, who was sitting.

  Yes, Alexander replied .

  What’s his deal?

  Not sure really, I can ’t connect or read him. It must be some kind of angelic block.

  Okay, then what are you learning from him?

  He’s explaining a little about why the angel hunters want the half angel, half human beings , and explaining to the students how we were able to cloak Benjamin. I think he may be a good addition to our teaching staff, if we can convince him to stay.

  Michael continued as he watche d Sophia settle herself on a chair. He observed through their gesture s that she and a male were communicating silently . He didn ’t care what they were talking about , as long as it wasn ’t about attacking him. “We angels know it ’s for the protection of those here on Earth, but it ’s not always what is best …as least it doesn ’t always feel right.” His tone was low and tapered off at the end.

  Sophia Pierce telepathically communicated to her brother Alexander again .

  I can sense his pain. Michael is hurting more than any angel should. I always thought they were full of peace and joy, but I ’m learning how wrong I ’ve been.

  Alexander replied , I know what you mean. I feel it too.

  “Michael, why is it you ’ve been sent to us?” Eliza asked. Michael immediately sense d her different aura. She was not a vampire. He concluded she was one of their friendly witches.

  “One of my leaders, Katherine, is one of the Twelve. She believes nephilim can be trained properly and used for good, whereas others may disagree. She trains a group of angels known as venators. They reside beyond the realms of Heaven in a place called Nubilus City.”

  “What do you believe?” Sofia asked, looking boldly at Michael with her green eyes. She wanted a reassurance from him .

  This was the same woman that was sitting toward the back of the room next to a strikingly good looking male with blonde hair and brown eyes. Michael assumed they were the twins. Though their hair and eye color looked different, he could see the resemblance. “It doesn ’t matter what I believe. I follow my orders.”

  “I would sure like to know if you feel being on our side is the right thing .”

  “If you must know…yes, I do. I don ’t agree with everything the Twelve order, but this I do. I ’m proof that Katherine is right.”

  “You were nephilim —half human, half angel?” Benjamin interrupted .

  “Was and still am. It ’s not something you outgrow.” Michael chuckled to himself, amused by his question.

  “Sorry. Of course not. I ’m just a little confused by this new life of mine .” Benjamin blushed and tuck ed his long blond locks behind his ears.

  “I understand. I don ’t remember my life on Earth, but I have seen the transition with others and know the difficulties involved. I won ’t be staying long today.”

  “Thank you for coming. I hope you will stay longer next time. We could learn from each other, ” Caspian invite d .

  “I will stay as long as I can, but when I do leave, know with assurance that I will return again.” Michael nod ded and urgently strut ted out the door.

  The Pierce family was satisfied with Michael ’s answers. They ’d gain ed trust in him. Though they could see the pain written all over his face, they could feel his genuine good heart, that he was someone you could count on. It wasn’t just his pain they could sense …his eyes betrayed the rest . He was lost. But lost to what was the question that remain ed to be answered .

  Chapter 8

  The A lpha team landed in Paradisus. Claudia couldn ’t help but marvel at the surroundings , but no one else seemed to care. The trees , majestic and fruitful, towered over them. Tightly placed side by side, l ight seeped through the leaves and branches , creating a light show with the sun’s rays.

  The shrubs and bushes were unique in shape and color. Everything about this place reminded her of the garden in Nubilus, only grander. Her newfound keen sense of smell overwhelmed her as she inhale d the aroma of her surroundings. The bouquet of scents calmed her jagged nerves . She tried not to show it, but she was scared out of her mind. Even with the numerous one on one training sessions with Austin and some quick refresh er training right before they left Nubilus , she was sure she wasn ’t ready to be out in the field.

  They walked forward in a tight circle along a pebbled path with their bow s ready by their side s . Claudia, Davin and Austin led the way and everybody else followed .

  “Are we almost there?” Michelle whined to Holly in a whisper.

  Holly narrowed her eyes at her. “What are you, a child?”

  “And what are we looking for?” Gracie asked, her tone sounding slightly irritated.

  “Weren ’t you listening to Austin ’s pep talk?” Holly chided .

  Gracie giggled. “I was too busy looking at his body.” Michelle giggled alongside her .

  Holly rolled her eyes and shook her head. “Great.”

  Elissa pivoted to them. “Quiet, ” she whispered . Holly glared back at Elissa with a “don ’t be talking to me like that ” expression. Elissa gave an apologetic shrug and sheepishly turned back. Her words were meant for Michele and Gracie, but when Holly spoke Elissa didn ’t bother to explain.

  “So, what ’s up with Claudia and Austin ?” Delilah blurted to Holly .

  “None of your business , that ’s what ’s up. Don ’t think about it , and don ’t even ask, ” Holly replied, giving her a serious look, the kind of look that sa id, “I ’m going to say this just once so hear me now.” Thinking of Austin, she knew he would be the one left with a broken heart at the end. Austin was like a brother to her , more so since Patrick was gone. She didn ’t want to think about Patrick. It was the only way to push away the torment that left a big hole in her heart. Every time she went there, the hole and the pain only got bigger. Keeping herself occupied was the only way she could make it from day to day without missing him, without falling apart.

  The others were too busy listening, observing and reacting to any sound they heard so they stayed quiet . They had walked more than a mile through a valley and nothing unusual was detected. As they got closer to the hills, Austin let out a sigh of relief , and hoped that it was a false alarm. And if Katherine was right about some type of energy, he hoped it was a friendly one.

  “I don ’t think there ’s anything here. I mean…we ’ve been walking for…ever, ” Michelle complained again , dragging out her last word.

  “Girl, I ’ll pluck every single feather off your wings if you don ’t stop whining like a child, ” Holly huffed.

  Michelle scoffed. “I ’m just saying. Can ’t a girl express her feelings?”

  “Not in front of me.” Holly , too caught up in arguing with Michelle to notice the team had stopped, plowed into Davin.

  “Hey, don ’t touch my precious behind, ” Davin chuckled, placing his hands behind him , making her blush.

  “Shut up. You wish.” Holly pushed him playfully. “You ’re just lucky I didn ’t accidently hurt your precious somewhere else.” She gave a wicked smile.

  Wanting to lighten up the mood, Davin shout ed , “Holly touched my butt and she ’s gonna touch somewhere else!” Everyone laughed. They needed something to laugh about, something to distract them from the stressful environment. Embarrassed, Holly flushed with warmth, but she couldn ’t help laughing too. They looked toward Austin for further instruction.

  The hills prevented them from moving forward, and Austin had to make a decision . Should they move ahead or should they go back home? Austin was just about to tell his team they were going home when the ground started to shake, causing them to lose their balance.

  The land continued to vibrate, and it grew stronger by the second. A funnel of black appeared , i
ts origin unclear . It first spiraled upward, getting thicker and darker. Then it circled around them so fast, it took them a second to register what was happening.

  “What the heck is it?” Davin yelled. “Is it friendly?”

  “I don ’t know. I don ’t want to find out. Let ’s get out of here. Everyone retreat, ” Austin ordered.

  Just as Austin’s spoke his last word the ground underneath them collapsed , and they were f alling, falling, falling. The venators whip ped out their wings, breaking their fall . Without wings, Claudia continue d to plunge , out of control , terrified . Austin d ove speedily to catch her. Safe in his arms once again , she placed her arms arou nd him and looked up.

  From below , the venators’ wings looked like one massive, white umbrella gracefully floating about. They didn ’t soar back up; instead , they followed Austin, heading down to the darkness.

  “I need to get me some, ” Claudia said, referring to his wings.

  “I would give you mine if I could.” Austin swirled down into a dark pit .

  The cut of the terrain landed first with a loud thump , causing a dust storm. A huge gush of cool air flooded them when they landed on the ground. I t was difficult to see what lay ahead . With a command, their bows and Davin ’s sword lit up. The light from their weapons illuminated their way .

  “We ’re not walking through this dark tunnel , are we?” Michelle asked as she st ood next to Gracie.

  “Are you not a venator?” Holly sneered. “We go where Davin, Austin and Claudia go. We go as a team.”

  “I don ’t think it ’s a good idea, ” Gracie said.

  “Fine. Do whatever you want. Stay here by yourselves. I don ’t care. Just stop complaining.” Holly saunter ed and ca ught up with the group. Michelle and Gracie decided it wasn ’t safe with just the two of them , so they quickly caught up with the rest of the group.

  The team gathered tightly, observing and listening for any paranormal activities.

  Michael flew back to the c liff where he and Claudia had spent precious time together. He stood on the edge, looking down to the city lights where the humans reside d . As they hustle d and bustle d from day to day, they were unaware of the angels, demons , vampires and witches living among them. How vulnerable they were. At one point he’d wished he was one of them , but now he wouldn ’t change a thing.

  The harsh winter was calm and merciful tonight, parting the clouds, allowing countless dazzling stars to shine brightly upon Mother Nature. The w hite blanket of snow that had settled for a long winter nap was slowing melting away.

  The memories of their happy times together rushed through. He needed to hold onto them. They were all that kept him from falling apart .

  He had urgently left the supernatural school when he sense d Davin ’s warning. They were heading out to somewhere beyond the realm of Nubilus City, a place called Paradisus. Knowing Claudia was protected by Austin and Davin wasn ’t good enough. He promised he would always keep her safe , and no matter what he was doing, he would be there for her.

  Claudia was and w ould always be his first priority , even though Katherine would disagree. Katherine was unaware of Michael ’s visit s . He justified his action by thinking she never gave him a direct order to stay away.

  Michael wondered why they would venture out there. It hadn ’t been occupied by any angels for as long as he could remember. With a flap of his wings, Michael prepare d to take flight when Davin ’s warning intensified.

  When Michael reached his destination, he placed himself on top of the hill , careful not to be seen. The massive circular cut of the land was definitely performed by something unfriendly . He could see nothing but a black hole. Without wasting any time, he soared carefully insid e. Michael felt a r ush of air. It was heavy and stunk like soil, but he could still smell the lavender aroma that lingered from Claudia. He could feel their presence, but was unaware how many the re were.

  “Lucien.” With his lit sword raised by his side , he cautiously pr oceeded on the dark walk. He tried to reach Davin ’s mind , but for some reason, he couldn ’t get through , as if the place had some kind of energy that would not allow him to do so. The venators steps were light, swift and graceful , so that it was not possible to trace their footprints or listen for their steps.

  After a while, Michael saw bright lights that projected out of the venators ’ bows , so he made sure his sword was not visible. He spotted Claudia, Davin, Holly, Michelle, Gracie and Austin, but he didn ’t recognize the others. Suddenly, the venators halted and became befuddled when they came to a dead end.

  “Great! Now what?” Michelle threw her hand s up in the air .

  “Chill out an d relax, Barbie, ” Holly snapped .

  Michelle scoffed and looked at Gracie for support and sympathy.

  Michael attached himself to the ceiling of the underground . He was desperate to get Davin ’s attention. With precision, he dropped a pebble right on top of his head.

  “What the heck?” Davin murmured, then looked up and spotted Michael. Beaming a smile, he quickly looked down. A myriad of expressions crossed his face, then he suddenly looked up, grinned, and started singing, “Why aren ’t you speaking in my mind? I ’m sexy and I know it.”

  Everyone stared at Davin and tried hard not to laugh out loud. Claudia couldn ’t hold it in and let out soft giggles. Austin looked at him strangely and shivered in disgust. “I don ’t think so.”

  “I think so, ” Gracie wink ed , giving Davin a luring smile.

  Davin wink ed back flirtatious ly .

  “What was that for?” Holly sneered.

  Davin had an excuse ready . He shrugged his shoulders. “I ’m bored. There ar e no demons here. Let ’s go. Or…are there?” The last question was for Michael.

  “Shhhh….” Elissa said. “Don ’t you feel presences ?” she whispered.

  “Me, the sexy one, ” Davin chuckle d .

  Eliss a smile d and shyly turn ed away , obviously caught up in Davin’s charm Michael roll ed his eyes , thinking , Here he goes again , and h e ld in his laughter.

  “Alright, that ’s enoug h. Look around, ” Austin direct ed , shaking his head disapproving ly at Davin ’s interruption.

  “But…but t here ’s nowhere to look, ” Delilah retort ed .

  “Just ch eck .”

  The venators started to move away from the circle formation . It was a perfect opportunity for Davin. He looked up and pointed to his head. Michael understood and shrugged his shoulders to let him know he didn ’t know why he couldn ’t speak to him telepathically . Then Davin pointed to Claudia to let Michael know where she was.

  Claudia turn ed on cue. “Why are you pointing at me ?” she asked worriedly , look ing where he was pointing, at her stomach , and wonder ing if something was there.

  “Ummm…I was pointing to the wall and you got in the way ,” Davin said nervously. “Oh…sorry, ” she said apologetically .

  When Claudia turned and peered up to the ceiling, she saw a dark shadow plastered to the wall . Austin had informed her about them , and told her to stay away if and when she spotted one. They looked exactly like the shadows from her nightmares , and that alone paralyzed her .

  She needed to warn the others, but how could she do it without alarming the shadows too ? Claudia was too frighten ed to look up to get a clear view to see how many there were. She imagined c ountless numbers of them hovering above with their creepy eyes watching, waiting for the right time to attack. There was no other way. She would have to just shout out loud.

  “They ’re up there !” Claudia finally bellow ed , pointing over her head.

  They? Michael thought . He thought she saw him and froze. He was alone…right? What Michael had failed to notice were the dark shadows looming nearby, blending in with the venator s ’ shadow s that reflected from the bow s ’ light .

  The venators held their weapons in defense. The dark shadows dropped right in to the center, camouflaging with the darkness . The shadows had no weapo
n s , but their yellow, glowing, intimidating eyes were spine-chilling enough to want to move away from them. The silver flames sho o t ing out from the v enators ’ bows were ineffective . Mystified, they continue d with multipl e blows, but nothing happened. Their flashes hit the shadows dead on, but they only bounced and scattered, leaving behind a mini silver firework.

  The shadows’ swift, smooth movement s w ere almost like dance s as they gracefully moved from side to side, confusing the venators . Sometimes the shadows would mov e behind them , forming a perfect shadow of their body, making the m think it was their own shadow . Others pa c ed up and down the inner walls. When the shadows seemed to have had enough of their fun, they charged forward and coiled up the venators’ legs, twisting and winding and stopping at the waist. The venators never saw it coming.

  “What the heck!” Michelle groaned .

  “Not ag ain. Stay still, ” Austin directed .

  “Great!” Davin hissed, observing Michael inching his way to Claudia , and sighed wi t h relief knowing Michael wasn ’t tangled up like the rest of them. “You brought your clingy friends, ” Davin said to Austin. “Wherever you go, they follow.”

  Austin rolled his eyes. “They didn ’t wrap enough of you. They missed your mouth.”

  “What would humans say ? Up yours, ” Davin spat.

  Austin scoffed with a humorous grin. “Do you even know what you ’re saying?”

  “Nope…but it sounded good saying it , and it sounded right to say it.”

  “They should have wrapped my ears .” Austin rolled his eyes again , looking extremely annoyed that Michael was there with Claudia while he was here all tied up , having an irritating conversation with Davin.