Read Beyond Page 8

  Everyone was held hostage except for Claudia , and nobody saw Michael ex cept for Davin and Austin. So far, the shadows seemed harmless , and they all waited with anticipation and wondered how they were going t o get out of this situation . Claudia stumbled back in shock, unsure of what to do. The shadows from her dream w ere no longer a drea m. They were right in front of her. Terrified, re membering how she felt as they tried to cover he r, she started to panic and lost her breath.

  Needing to help her friends, she shook the terror out of her mind . If she use d her bow, she would pierce right through them. As she frantically tried to figure out what to do, the ground started to rumble and shake once again . She positioned her hand against the wall for suppor t , but t he part o f the wall her hand touched shif ted and turned. Like a secret wall, it turned 180 degree s , taking her with it . But just before the walls closed completely, Michael darted in , pulled Claudia tight ly into the safety of his arms , and held her from behind.

  They stood in darkness, but Michael’s sword and Claudia ’s bow provided just enough light to see a part of their surroundings. Their silhouette reflected on the wall, almost looking like a sideways heart shape. Claudia didn ’t know whether to trust the person holding her, but she didn ’t want to find out. She desperately tried to release her bow and herself from his unyielding hold, pushing and shoving, but to no a vail .

  “Don ’t move. I ’m here to save you .” His tone was low, sounding nervous. During the last encounter, she was unaware of him, but this time the situation was different. Michael ’s heart was pounding out of his chest, matching the rhythmic pattern of Claudia ’s. He fought back the urge to hold all of her tenderly in his arms. This was the second time he had c o me to her rescue. It was just as difficult, if not even more so . Her proximity was overwhelming. His heart fluttered with happiness, yet the pain of leaving her again torment ed him , ripping through his heart.

  “Then why are you holding me hostage?” Her tone was tolerant, though she should be angered at the person holding her. Something about the sound of his voice gave her comfort. She ’d heard his voice before, but when and where?

  “I ’m not holding you hostage.”

  “Hmmm…let ’s see. You have your arms around me and won ’t let me move…so I guess you have another definition of what a hostage is then?” she answered back with a sassy tone.

  Michael smiled and laughed inwardly. He loved her spunky side. “I guess you ’re right.”

  “Let me go. I can take care of myself.”

  “Just stay still. It ’s dark. You never know what can appear.”

  “Hmmm…so I ’m your shield? What kind of hero are you?”

  Michael grinned , trying not to laugh. “No. You are not my shield. And you ’re right. I ’m no hero.” But I used to be. Open up your heart, let me in and remember me. I want to be your hero again.

  Claudia felt a sudden sadness in his tone so she decided to ease up. “Do I know you? Have we met?”

  It was a simple question, but it put him in a state of confusion, leaving him speechless. He wanted to face her and tell her the truth. He had no choice but to l ie. “No. Stop asking questions, ” he demanded with a harsh tone, not meaning to, but it was the only way he could remain strong and not fall apart.

  Claudia was determined to see the man who se voice gave her tingly , pleasant chills. “Fine. If you ’re here to save me , then show your face. I won ’t fight you then, ” she said , trying to be brave, needing to know why his voice sounded familiar , even if his tone sounded cold all of a sudden.

  Michael knew he shouldn’t, but he couldn ’t r esist her request. He wanted Claudia to see him, to remember him , thoug h he knew she couldn ’t. His muscles began to relax , and he wondered if he would regret his decision. Just as he was about to release her and try to f i nd a way out, a light appeared. First it was dim and then it grew brighter . They had to look away and close their eyes from the light’s intensity. The light finally formed into a figure.

  “You have somet hing I want, ” the stranger said calmly.

  “What…my sword?” Michael snickered.

  “Give her to me and I ’ll let you free.”

  Michael was in a state of confusion. It took him a second to realize who this stranger was. He should have known. Para disus had once been resided in by Earth angels , and only Curators could place a hold on this place . It was t he reason he couldn ’t use his unique power and the reason why he couldn ’t just take Claudia out of this place. “Callum, you ’re an Earth angel. Why do you need her?”

  “Half breeds like her are the reason why there is divinity among the angels. There are angels looking for special kind s like her. Some want to wipe them off the face of the Earth, but I want to help them.”

  “The Twelve are handling it. Your help is not needed.”

  “That is where you ’re wrong , and Katherine won ’t listen.”

  “I ’ll listen. How can you help?”

  “I can hide her until we ’ve capture d all the Earth angels that have turned against us.”

  “Why should I trust you ? So far everything you ’ve done has given me every reason to doubt you . Why go to all the trouble of freeing the dark shadows? And why go to such length s to bring them here?”

  “I didn ’t release them. I followed them here. They lured you here because they want her. The shadows are harmless unless they take over the souls of humans , which you already know. No need to be afraid of them. Your friends will be released soon enough . You know you are underground , don ’t you?”

  “I know where I am. Don ’t mock me. And you haven ’t answered my question.”

  “Uh…yes. I heard about you. Too bad….”

  “Th at ’s enough!” Michael roar ed . He didn ’t want to confuse Claudia, but then again, why should he stop him ? It would give Claudia something to think about.

  “Not only are you di srespectful, you are rude. Don ’t waste any more of my time. Give her to me.” Callum started to approach closer.

  “Stop where you are, ” Michael demanded. He raised his sword and placed it across Claudia ’s neck. It was only an act, but he felt uncomfortable knowing Claudia would think he would do her harm. “I ’ll kill her, do you understand ?”

  Claudia gasped and panicked, surprised by Michael ’s sudden threatening gesture. She held tightly to her bow, ready to use it. She was not going to die in the hands of this person who seemed quite complicated.

  Callum stopped. “Don ’t be a fool.”

  “You really want to take a chance?” Michael challenged, slightly piercing the blade against the nape of her neck. Claudia squirm ed as a drop of blood stream ed down. He needed to show Callum he was serious. Take the bait , Michael thought as he expanded his wings , ready to enclose Claudia . “Release your hold on this place.”

  Callum felt he had no choice. “You may escape this time, but others will find her and others like her. You should take my offer. It ’s the only way.”

  “There is always another way. Now…release it.”

  Callum closed his eyes, looking heavy in thought, then opened them. “It ’s released.”

  Michael could feel a new wave of energy. Without a second to lose, they disappeared .

  Chapter 9

  Michael took her to Island of Eden, and t hey stood on the cliff. Claudia was completely engulfed in his wings, unable to feel the breeze. A sense of warmth and comfort she hadn ’t felt since she woke up from the accident rushed through her . Though she was with a stranger, she remained unafraid. The cut healed quickly, and she had figured out the reason why the stranger had nicked her.

  Claudia ran her hand delicately up and down the soft, silk like feathers, allowing the light to peer though the layers. It all seemed familiar to her, like she had done this before. She was captivated , and a feeling of rapture consumed her. Her back was still against him, and s he didn ’t want him to let go.

  It took every ounce of will power to hold Michael back from
showing himself. What did it matter , anyway? She wouldn ’t recognize him, but being alone with her and being this close drove him mad. His hands were just a touch away, wanting to lace his fingers through her hair and place his lips on hers, to take her in. Every second lost , they could have been together.

  “Claudia, ” he sang her name softly, like a sorrowful melody, hardly audible, but she heard.

  “How do you know my name?” she asked. “You know me, don ’t you?”

  Claudia slowly turned toward him, inch by inch. It suddenly dawned on her why his voice sounded so familiar. “I know your voice. I ’ve heard you in my dreams !”

  Michael’s heart burst with elation . Slowly , he thought. She would have to remember him slowly or else it could all fall apart. It would be too overwhelming for her. He ignored her question and continued. “I ’m sorry. I didn ’t mean to hurt you. I needed to convince him that I was serious.” His voice was so tender, every word carefully spoken with sincerity.

  “I ’m healed. Don ’t worry , and I ’ve had worse I ’m sure…I think. What would ’ve happened if you couldn ’t convince him? Would you have hurt me even more?”

  “No, of course not.” At first his words came out sharp and loud , then he quickly calm ed, keeping in mind that Claudia didn ’t know anything about him. “It was extremely difficult for me to even cut you like that .”

  “Why do you care? Why do I not know you if you know me?”

  “I …I should go. You ’re safe here, ” Michael said flatly , unable to answer her question.

  “Where is here?”

  “Island of Eden.”

  “You know this place. Then you must be one of the venators who ’s gone rogue . Is that why you won ’t show your face to me?”

  “Yes, ” Michael agreed , thinking that was the best explanation.

  “Then you know how to release the shield from this place?”

  “Yes. Once you ’ve been here, it takes an imprint of you. It ’s like the i sland is a being , and it knows who is a friend or a foe.”

  “Yes…that is true. That is how Austin explained it. But w hy did you save me? My friends are more than capable of saving me.”

  Michael stood still and didn ’t say a word , because he had no explanation.

  “If you ’re going to be my hero , at least tell me your name.”

  “You don ’t need to know .”

  “I promise I won ’t tell. You can trust me.”

  Michael knew Claudia was as good as her words. He wanted to tell her, but something was stopping him. He was more afraid to say his nam e , a name she couldn ’t recall, a name that was long forgotten. The pain was already too much to bear. “Maybe some day.”

  Michael was so preoccupied with answering Claudia ’s question s and trying to push away the pain that he wasn ’t prepared for what Cla udia did next. She turned, but luckily Michael was faster. Unsure if she caught a glimpse, h e held her tightly in his arms so she couldn ’t move or turn to see his face. He f elt himself melt and burn in her touch.

  He lost his breath when her hair brushed again st his face. Hi s emotions were running rampant—ever y emotion that could be felt was happ en ing all at once. Michael didn ’t know what to do. Closing his eyes, he took all of her in, trying to hold onto to her as long as he could. He needed to leave, but couldn ’t get his body to listen.

  Claudia remained still, enjoying his embrace but not knowing why , and was surprised that she felt some kind of mysterious connection to this angel . He was a complete stranger, yet his touch gav e her comfort . She knew he would have to leave. Her friends wer e most likely on their way , hoping to find her here since they were split up.

  “I have to go. They ’re almost here.”

  Claudia wanted to ask a question, but she couldn ’t open her mouth to speak. She felt lost in his hold. Slowly her right hand found it s way to his face.

  “You don ’t give up , do yo u ?” Michael chuckled lightly.

  “No, I don ’t, ” she said , and ran her hand to feel every inch of his face. His brows were thick, his nose nicely defined , he had high cheekbones , and lips as soft as his feathers.

  Michael closed his eyes, quivering, enjoying her car ess, bringing back the good memories.

  “Next time, I ’ll know it ’s you when we meet in the dark.”

  Michael grinned, happy to hear her words. “Please b e safe. I may not be there next time.”

  “Oh…, ” she sighed , disappointed.

  With one last tight squeeze, Michael soared into the clear blue sky and disappeared.

  Beautiful, Claudia thought as she watche d him ascend. “Just like Superman , ” she giggled.

  “Who is like Superman ?” Austin asked, knowing who she was referrin g to, but pretend ing not to know.

  Claudia jumped at his sudden appearance and turned to f ace him. She was lost for words as her heart pounded with nervousness. “Ummm…n ever mind. I ’m just talking to myself. So… how about questions like…how are you? Or …ar e you okay? How about those questions?”

  “I ’m sorry.” Austin g ave her a hug. “What happened?”

  “I…there was an angel…, ” she star t ed to say. She wanted to tell him about the angel who saved her, but then she remember ed he had gone rogue and didn ’t want to get him in more trouble. But why was she protecting him? Perhaps it was out of obligat ion since he saved her. The mysterious angel was not on her mind anymore. She needed to know the part s of her life Austin was not sharing. She changed the subject .

  “So….” Claudia poked Austin on his strong chest. “What parts of my amnesia are you not telling me about?” Her tone was autho ri ta t ive and serious.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Don ’t give me that innocent tone.”

  “I don ’t know what you ’re talking about.” Austin walked away.

  “Austin!” Claudia ran after him. “Please stop. I didn ’t mean to take it out on you. It ’s just that I feel like a part of me is missing. A part of me feels empty and I can ’t explain it. I….”

  Austin didn’t let Claudia finish her words. He already felt guilty about keeping her past from her. He lift ed her chin . “Hey…you ’ll be okay. In time, everything will come together. You just need to give it a rest and let time heal.” He enveloped her in his embrace, holding her tightly, know ing that one day she would know the truth. Knowing that one day, these special times together at Island of Eden would be no more. He felt his heart br eaking already . These times together were sur ely the best time s of his life, but he had to find a way to stop caring for her that way. One day, he would be one of the Twelve. “So , how did you escape?”

  “He let me go ,” she said, flashing her eyes on the ground, shuffling her feet.

  Austin had seen Michael dart in with Claudia . He wondered wh at Michael told her, but he deci ded it was best not to acknowledge he knew.

  “You should get some rest.”

  “I ’m not tired. Could you practice bow shooting with me?”

  “You don ’t need any practice. Your aim is perfect.”

  “I…I…just felt so useless back there.” Claudia explained how frighten ed she was when she saw her friends all wrapped up and she couldn ’t do anything to help.

  “Hey, ” Austin lifted her chin to force her eyes on his. “It wasn ’t your fault. And plus, if you had shot the dam n shadows, you would have shot right through us. It ’s a good thing you didn ’t try.” Austin winked , trying to lighten her mood , but it didn’t work. “Claudia , you okay?”

  “I…you…I mean…I know I have selective memories and all, but are you my only friend? I mean…don ’t get me wrong. I enjoy your company, but don ’t I have friends that are…girls ?” Claudia asked, trying to be sensitive to his feelings.

  The gentl e breeze tossed Claudia ’s hair. Austin lost himself for a sec ond, gazing at this being in front of him, t he person who had somehow captured his heart. He couldn ’t quite understand what he was feeling
, bu t he knew one thing for sure ; he would do just about anything for her. Austin broke out of his trance and chuckled as he placed strands of hair behind her ears. “Is that what ’s bothering you? Of course you have friends. I ’ve been selfish, keeping you all to myself. Why don ’t I call Holly ? You two can hang out.”

  “Just Holly ?” she asked hesitantly.

  “No…Holly can gather the group of girls you hang out with.” Austin was trying his best not to lie.

  “Sure .” Claudia sounded cheerful. Feeling excited , she wrapped her arms around Austin and gave him a peck on his cheek. “Thank you.”

  Austin lit a sly grin. “Why don ’t you plant another one a little bit more to the right ?” he asked, referring to his lips.

  Claudia giggled . Austin was always flirting with her. For sure, he always made her feel attractive. She had become attached to him in ways she had been afraid she would be . He was her guardian angel , and though falling in love was forbidden, she couldn ’t help the human emotions inside her. Besides his goo d looks, he was sweet and caring . He made her feel special. To Claudia, Austin was her best friend, her confid a nt , and someone she could trust completely .

  “Forget what happened today, okay ?” Austin suggested. He really wanted to say forget about the guy who saved you today.

  “Sure, ” Claudia replied, but she only said it to be agreeable.

  “I ’ll race you to the door.” Austin took off without giving her a chance to reply.

  “Hey….” Claudia laughed out loud. She ran just as fast, but her mind was suddenly occupied by the angel that smelled like honeysuckle. She could still feel herself inside his hold , where she felt so small, but safe. Feeling s she knew she shouldn ’t have erupted throughout her body from the sound of his voice and from his tender touch ; from t he way he sang her name like it was a song he knew so well , and from the way he was there for her as if he was her guardian angel. He was her hero today, he was part of her past for sure , and she knew there was more to her life than just being a venator. She just had to find a way to remember.