Read Beyond Redemption Page 1

Beyond Redemption

  Copyright 2016 Taylor Evans

  For The Only Good Ones Left In This World.

  (You're the change that needs to happen)

  Warning! This eBook Contains Graphic Descriptions About The Five Lifelong Friends Who Have Died In The Preveious Version. The Sorrow That Is Held In Might Be Dramatically Upsetting And May Cause An Unwanted Outburst Of Emotion. If You Have A Problem With Holding In Your Pain Until You Have No Choice But To Explode You May Want To Consider Avoiding Reading Passed This Message. Then Again, I'm Just Words In The Beginning Of This Ebook.


  Enjoy Only If You Dare!


  “What doesn't hurt you, will kill you.”

  I hoped I'd never see those six words again. But they just kept repeating over and over again in my head. Somehow, they keep coming back. I don't remember who said them. They we're only written on the wall that was behind Sean's dead body...

  I knew they had a meaning. And I needed to find out what they meant.

  “I knew I'd find you here.” a familiar voice said behind me.

  I smiled and pat the giant headstone where my friends were laid to rest.

  “How long you've been out here?” Sam asked, walking up behind me.

  I shrugged and sighed, “Couple hours.”

  He nodded and looked at me, “You alright?”

  “Are you?”

  He sighed, “Good point.”

  There was a moment of silence as we both looked to the ground.

  “Wade told me to come get you. Josh was trying to get a hold of you.” he said.

  I looked at him, “Is he okay?”

  “Yeah, he's okay. He has something important to tell you.”

  I dug in my pocket and snatched out my cell phone.

  “Actually,” Sam put his hand on top of the phone, “Josh wanted to tell you in person...”

  I knit my eyes then nodded and put my phone away.

  “He's at the safe house with the guys.” he informed.

  I nodded and started passed him. He followed next to me with his hands in his pockets. My car was parked on the side of the road. The neighborhood that our old safe house was in was now entirely covered with grass. There was a play ground there and a little pond by the huge rock I put down with all their names on it.

  We passed Kolas and memories swirled in my head. I looked up at the roof of the building and half smiled.

  “You sure you're okay?” Sam asked me.

  I nodded and looked at him, “Yeah man, I'm fine. Why do you keep asking?”

  He shrugged and looked down, “I was just wondering.”

  I sighed, “Sam, it takes a while for the pain of loosing someone to get numb. It never goes away completely.”

  He nodded, “I know. I just...” he sighed, “I just want to know that I'm not the only one that feels like this. The pain is unbearable and I can't take it much longer, man.”

  I stopped and faced him as he stopped and looked down.

  “Sam, I know how you feel, I seriously do man. Right now, we have to work on finding their killer.” I put my arm on his shoulder.

  He nodded, “Yeah, I know. I need to find him.”

  I proceeded towards the white van I had parked on the side of the road. The area looked familiar but I had a feeling that something important was missing, and I knew exactly what that was. I unlocked my van and got in the drivers side. Sam got in his car that was parked next to mine. We started our vehicles and then pulled off down the road.

  We stopped at a red light. My safe house was just pass our old neighborhood. Well, pass this decent sized field. The light changed and I stepped on the gas with Sam in his car behind me.

  I pulled into my safe house lot and parked out front of the building. Sam pulled to a stop in front of me and got out the same time I did. I looked at him as he came up to me.

  “You okay?” he asked.

  I nodded and walked passed him then opened the front door to the safe house and went in. We were greeted with familiar faces. Wade and Kevin were sitting on the couch by the window. Wade had his phone in his hand and looked up at us as we came in.

  Alan and Josh came out from the kitchen and stopped in front of us. Josh sighed and crossed his arms.

  “What's up?” I asked, looking at him.

  “I'll tell you what's up,” a ghastly familiar voice croaked, “The fact that your stupid ass didn't know your own father was coming.”

  My heart stopped. I swallowed and looked over to Josh as my father came out from the back room and smiled at me.

  “What's he doing here?” I asked.

  “What? I can't come see my two kids?” my father asked.

  I shook my head and looked at him, “We don't wanna see you.”

  “That's not anyway to treat the guy who raised you.” he came towards me.

  I backed up, “You didn't raise me. In fact, you did basically the opposite. Get out.”

  “Joey...” Josh sighed.

  “Is this what you wanted to tell me? You should have told me on the phone. Why'd you even bring him in here?” I shook my head.

  “Because I wanted to see my sons. Is that such a bad thing, Joseph?” my father spit.

  “Actually yeah, because of what happened the last time I saw you,” I rolled my eyes, “I don't have time for this shit. Get out and never let me see your face again.”

  “I dunno who the hell you're talking to like that.” he stepped up.

  “Who else would I be talking to like that dumb ass?” I spit.

  He gave a bitch face and came closer to me. Josh got between us as he faced my father.

  “That's enough. Dad, tell us why you're here.” he said.

  “I came to see my sons. Is that so bad?” my dad asked.

  I shook my head, “What a time. You just had to come today? Of all the days in the past 12 years! You came to see us today.”

  “I was caught up.”

  “In what?” I yelled, “You know what. I don't even care. I was happy you left.” I started towards the back room.

  Alan looked at me as I walked passed him.

  “And its the fact that,” I stopped and faced my dad again, “You came on days of all days.”

  Josh looked down as I turned back around and walked into the back room. I put my hand on my face and shook my head as I entered the room. I then ran my hand through my hair and sat down on a stool that was next to a wall.

  My brother came into the room and stood in front of me.

  “I can't believe you brought him in here, Josh. What the hell were you thinking?” I looked up at him.

  “Hey, I didn't bring him here. He followed me here. I came to see you and all of a sudden the bastard is knocking at the front freaking door.” he hissed.

  “What're we going to do?” I asked, “I need to find Kyle and Ryan and I can't do that with him here watching everything I do.”

  “Joey, he said he wanted to make things right.” he informed.

  I huffed, “That all went out the window when he stabbed me in the freaking side.”

  I lifted my shirt and he looked down.

  “Look Josh, I'm sorry, but, I can't get over what that bastard did to me and Megan. He might not of touched you but he sure as hell scarred us.” I said standing up.

  I walked down the steps to the bottom floor and looked at the notes on the wall. We were close to finding Kyle. I couldn't stop now. I sighed and looked back to Josh who had his head down.

  “Josh,” I sighed, “If he does or says anything that I don't like... He's out of our lives for good this time.”

  He half smiled and nodded, “Alright. Joey, thanks bro. I know it's hard. He said he changed. Let's see if that's

  I nodded and turned back towards the wall then started to carefully take down each piece of paper. If my dad was gonna stay here, he can't know about what we're doing. I picked up a folder from a desk to my left and placed the papers inside it.

  I faced Josh and raised my eyebrows, “Shall we?”