Read Beyond Redemption Page 11

Sam had a worried expression on his face. He sat next to Josh, who had his head down on his hands. As James leaned on the wall with his arms crossed, Alan paced back and forth, rubbing his chin. Wade and Kevin both sat on the floor, their legs outstretched into the middle of the hallway, doctors gave them looks as they stepped over their legs.

  “I'm going to find the person who did this, and I'm going to physically murder them.” Josh said with his head still down.

  Sam sighed and looked at him.

  “Because apparently, just regular killing them doesn't seem to work. So, I gotta make sure they're actually physically dead.” he explained.

  Just up the hall, Jake quickly walked towards them.

  “We have to get out of here.” he told them.

  Wade and Kevin both quickly stood up. Josh brought his head up and looked at him.


  “Something happened,” Jake had a look of worry on his face, “And it isn't good.”

  “What about Joey?” Sam looked at him.

  He looked behind him and started off towards Joey's room. Josh got up and followed behind him as Sam and the others all got up, watching them as they both approached Joey's room.

  “We need to get him out of here.” Josh told Jake.

  Jake nodded and peeked into Joey's room, he had just gotten out of surgery and was now resting as a nurse checked his vital signs.

  “He is in a coma, even if he wakes—”

  “When he wakes up.” Josh snapped, cutting him off.

  Jake nodded and corrected himself, “When Joey wakes up, I don't know whats going to happen. We can't take him with us. Let alone out of this room.”

  Josh rubbed his temple as Sam came up behind him.

  “Guys...” he said, “I may have an idea on how to keep him safe and alive.”

  Josh and Jake both turned to him. They looked at each other then finally at him. Sam made a face and looked down then back up at them.

  “This is going to be really risky, but, it just might keep him alive.” he admitted.

  Josh nodded and looked at him, “Okay, what do we gotta do?”