Read Beyond Redemption Page 5


  We pulled up at James' safe house and he quickly brought Kyle inside before anyone asked questions. Vinny opened the door with a smile on his face as he saw us come in behind James.

  “Hey ya guys.” he greeted.

  “Hi Vinny.” Sam sat on the chair next to where James was tying up Kyle.

  I shut the front door behind me and approached them.

  “Who's that?” Vinny nodded to Kyle who was still out-cold.

  “Vinny go to your room.” James ordered, standing up straight.

  “What? No, but dad!”

  “Go. You don't wanna see this.” James looked at his son.

  Vinny sighed then nodded, “Yes, sir.”

  He trudged off into the hall with his head low.

  “Joey, give me that box.” James pointed to a black little box on the kitchen counter.

  I ran over and pulled it out from underneath a pile of papers. As I picked it up I noticed there were spots of dried blood on it.

  “What's this for?” I asked as I handed it to him.

  “This is how I get answers.” he spoke and took the box from my hands.

  He placed it on the ground and opened it up. Inside were different weapons. Some were ordinary household utensils and others were surgical instruments. But they all obviously did one thing. And I knew that because of the leftover dried blood from James' latest victim.

  Sam moved over and looked in the box, “Some of that blood is still wet...”

  He looked at James as he picked up a roll of duck tape. He began to put the tape over Kyle's mouth as he looked over at Sam.

  “Can you stop judging everything I do?” James asked, giving him an odd look.

  Sam nodded and backed away, “Yes. But, only because I'm scared of you.”

  James smiled and turned back to Kyle as he started to open his eyes.

  “Ah the maniac's awake.” I spit.

  He made a muffled sound as he shook his head and opened his eyes wide. He struggled in his bonds and was breathing heavily as he gave us an evil look.

  “I would tell you why you're here, but, you obviously know that one.” I smiled, sarcastically.

  He tried to talk but a muffled sound came out as he pulled on the bonds around his hands.

  “Okay listen... We are going to ask questions and if you say anything other than the answers, I will make you wish you were dead, you understand me?” James pointed a scalpel at Kyle.

  He nodded and swallowed as James nodded for Sam to take the tape off from around his mouth.

  Sam reached up and ripped it off of Kyle's lips.

  Kyle cringed in pain then began to say something but James lifted the scalpel to his mouth and he shut up.

  “Where is Ryan?” I asked.

  Kyle turned his head to me and spat on the ground in front of my feet. James grabbed him by the hair and yanked his head back then placed the scalpel on his chin.

  “Let us try this again,” he miffed, “Where is he?”

  “Where he always is.”

  “And where's that?” I asked.

  “At his agency. Where else, Captain Bob?” he spit.

  I gave a bitch face and shook my head at his words.

  “If you're lying, I will skin you alive. You understand me?” James violently threatened.

  Kyle nodded and Sam put the tape back over his mouth then looked at me.

  “We're not just going to barge in there, are we?” Sam asked.

  I shrugged, “I dunno yet.”

  “We need a plan.” James said.

  “We need more of us.” I pointed out.

  “Call the guys.” Sam suggested.

  I sighed, “They don't wanna help.”

  “I'll call them.” Sam stood up then walked away and took his phone out.

  I rolled my eyes and cracked my back as I stood up straight.

  “What do you want to do?” James turned to me.

  “Make sure he doesn't get out. I'm taking a ride.” I said taking out my keys to the van and going towards the front door.

  “Where?” Sam asked behind me.

  I sighed, “I'm gonna talk to my brother.” I opened the door and walked out of the safe house.

  The white van was parked on the side of James' safe house. I walked around the building and got in then started it and fixed the rear view mirror. A sigh came out of me and I found myself closing my eyes as they watered up. I took a deep breath and backed up out of the grass.

  I then stepped on the gas and took off down the street. The radio came on and a familiar song played. The light in front of me changed from yellow to red and I came to a stop and rested my elbow on the side of the door next to me then put my fingers on my chin.

  I looked out the window and watched the three kids that were playing on the other side of the street. My eyes went to the left side view mirror as something in the car behind me caught my attention.

  Inside of the white car a man was watching me with a look on his face that read: Agent. I sighed and sat up straight as I put my left hand on the steering wheel and the other above the pistol that I had next to me.

  I locked the doors and kept watch from all sides to make sure no one came up on me unexpectedly. The light changed and the car in front of me continued forward with me behind them. I made a right turn and stepped on the gas. The white car stayed behind me, but at a distance. The police station was right around this corner ahead of me.

  I slowed down and turned into the visitor parking lot and the white car kept on passed me. I let out a sigh of relief and parked into an empty lot and shut the van off. I scratched my head and picked up the gun next to me and put it in the glove box, I wasn't about to bring it in or let it be seen.

  A woman in a police uniform walked passed my van as I got out and locked it up as I shut the door behind. She looked at me and smiled. I nodded at her and started towards the front of the police station.