Read Beyond Redemption Page 6


  I walked up the front desk and an officer was sitting in a chair, spinning, as he stuffed his face with a glazed doughnut. My hand hit the bell and I waited for him to stop and look at me. When he didn't I hit it once more, but, he just kept spinning and eating. I rolled my eyes and kept hitting it repeatedly.

  “If you hit that thing one more time, I will throw you in jail for murder.” he stopped the chair and pulled it up to the desk in front of me.

  “Can I help you, Mr. Walker?” the fat cop looked at me.

  I nodded and looked passed him, “Yeah, I wanna talk to my brother.”


  “Why?” I blurted.

  He gave me a look, “Officer Walker is not here. Come back when he's not on the job.”

  “Where is he?” I rolled my eyes.

  “How would I know?” he cocked his head to the side.

  “Well, maybe if you weren't stuffing your fat ass face, then you'd know.” I snapped.

  He stood up and put his hands on the desk as he leaned closer to me.

  “The last time someone talked to me like that, he winded up hanging on a wall inside of an old ass building. Do you remember? You were there. That kid got what was coming to him, the douche bag...”

  On instinct, I quickly grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him close to me.

  “You ever say anything about him again, I'll—”

  Two hands grabbed me from behind and pulled me off of him, I pulled away but someone else grabbed me and before I knew it, I was on the ground with a knee on my back and cuffs slapped on my wrists.

  “But him in a cell!” the fat cop ordered.

  Hands yanked me up and led me past the desks and into the back. The fat cop got in my face and smiled.

  “You're lucky they grabbed you before you could finish what you were going to say.” he said.

  The cop behind me pushed me passed him and into the back room with cells. He opened the second cell and then took the cuffs off me and threw me inside with three other people.

  As he shut and locked the door behind me, I rubbed my wrists and turned to look at the three guys that were in the corner of the small holding cell.

  “Whatchu do, man?” one that looked like a caveman asked me.

  I looked at him and shook my head, “Nothing.”

  “Bullshit,” the bald one next to him stood up, “We all did somethin'.”

  I looked out of the cell and the caveman came up to me.

  “You look familiar.” he spoke with a scratchy voice.

  I perked my lips and backed away from him, “Y'all don't, so...”

  “What's your name, boy?” the baldy asked.

  I looked to the side and the caveman came in my face. He was a big guy and I'll admit, I felt a little intimidated by his size.

  “You have a name, don't cha?” he asked.

  “Joey.” I blurted.

  He backed up a bit and studied me, “I'm Hank. That skinhead is Keller, and that—”

  “I'm Aron.” the guy that was sitting down spoke as he stood up.

  I half smiled, “Good. My first cell friends. Now, can—”

  “We're not your friends.” he told me, coming up to me.

  I knit my eyes then nodded, “Whatever man.”

  “I know you.” Keller pointed to me, “You're that ass who killed my bro.”

  “What are—”

  Aron took off his leather jacket and turned it around.

  “That look familiar?”

  My heart stopped. He had a black leather jacket that had the Black Dragon's biker symbol on it. I looked up to him then at the other two, they all had the jackets on.

  “Hey, look, I can—”


  Right in the stomach. The sudden force of Hank's fist brought me to my knees. He then grabbed my hair and pulled me away from the corner of the cell.

  “You and your friends murdered half our family.” Aron got in my face.

  “They had it comin',” I cringed at the pain.

  He nodded and began to pull his hand back to hit me in the face. I elbowed the big guy behind me in the side of the torso and he let go and I quickly hit Aron in the face then turned around and kicked Hank in the kneecap as hard as I could at that angle.

  The bigger they are...

  He yelled in pain and fell to his face. Keller rushed towards me, head first and pinned me against the cell bars as Aron rushed towards us and grabbed my hair.

  “You'll pay!” he yelled as his hands went around my neck.

  I hit him in the side of the neck with my hand and kneed Keller in the face as I pushed both them away from me.

  “Look I don't wanna fight!” I yelled to them.

  Hank stood up and limped over to me fairly quickly. I gave a quick sigh and bent down to dodge his flying fist. Keller grabbed my leg and I fell on my face as Aron suddenly put his foot on top of me and leaned over to get in my face.

  “You're trapped in here with us, boy. Ain't no one gonna hear you. They don't care if we kill ya.” he spit.

  I clenched my teeth and tried to breathe with the amount of force on my back. Aron removed his foot and I was quickly flipped over on my back as he got on top of me and in my face. He pulled his fist back and caught me in the face, just above the cheek bone. He didn't stop. He pulled back over and over and hit me in the same spot. He began to slow down and when he did, I grabbed his fist and struck him in the side then pushed him off of me.

  I got on my stomach and spat out blood. Hank came from behind me and grabbed my foot, he pulled me backwards as I turned on my back and pulled my foot out of his hand. It all happened so fast, he came towards me as I was backing away and kicked me in the side of the legs. Then, with a heavy thrust of his leg, he came down on my right leg.

  A sudden horrid pain shot up from my ankle and ached my entire leg.

  I cried out in pain and turned to the side as yelling was heard beyond the bars.

  “Get back!” a voice commanded.

  Keys unlocked the cell door and four officers pushed Hank, Aron, and Keller against the wall. Two cops grabbed me and helped me on my feet. I couldn't walk, the severe pain in my leg made it basically impossible. The officers led me out of the cell and into the lobby.

  They brought me to a bench by the front door, I cringed as I sat down.

  “Cuff him to the bench.” the fat cop ordered an officer.

  I huffed as the officer cuffed my left hand to the side of the bench.

  “C'mon man, haven't I suffered enough?” I asked, looking up at him.

  The fat cop walked passed me and I slowly sat back and let out a painful sigh as I closed my eyes and shook my head.

  I guess everyone wants me dead, I thought.

  “What's up, boss?” a familiar voice spoke.

  My eyes shot open and I saw the back of Josh's head and jacket as he was walking behind the front desk.

  I whistled, “Hey, asshat!”

  He stopped and looked to the side.

  I sat up a bit and whistled once more. He turned around and I lifted my hand and nodded.

  “Yep,” I sighed and lowered my hand.

  He walked passed the front desk and ran over to me.

  “What the hell are you doing here? What happened? You okay?” he asked, bending down next to me as he observed my bloody face.

  I cringed and he pulled his hand away.

  “I came here to talk to you. But Officer Barney had something other planned.” I said.

  He looked at me and knit his eyes.

  “He came at me.” the fat officer said behind the desk.

  “You started it!” I spit.

  “Walker, you need to have better control over your kid brother.” the officer miffed.

  Josh stood up and looked at him, “He's a grown man. He can handle himself.”

  “Like you did back there?” the officer smiled at me as he pointed towards the cells.

  “That's not fair, there were three of them.” I

  “What're you talking about?” Josh looked at me.

  “Your brother has a big mouth and he doesn't know how to keep it shut. He got into a fight with three other prisoners and they gave him what was coming to him.” the officer laughed.

  I pulled on the cuff and pointed to him, “You threw me in there for no reason and I didn't start shit!”

  “Then how do you explain your face?” he raged.

  I sat back and shook my head.

  “If I were you, I'd keep him in a holding cell all night. He needs to learn a lesson.” the cop said to my brother.

  Josh nodded and looked at him, “Yeah thanks, but, uh, I can deal with my own brother. Don't need your help. Is he being arrested?”

  “I didn't do anything, bro.” I told him.

  He nodded and took out keys to the cuff then took them off of me.

  “Go home, Joey.” he turned and started off.

  “You're not even gonna talk to me?” I asked him.

  He shook his head and continued. I sighed and grabbed on to the side of the bench then pushed myself on my feet. I balanced myself and tried to take a step but, as soon as I put pressure on my right leg, pain shot up. I cringed in pain and grabbed a hold of the wall next to me to keep me on my feet.

  I sighed and balled my fist.

  “Need help?” the fat officer chuckled.

  I pointed towards him and looked at him, “Sh—shut the hell up...”

  He put his hands up and turned away from me. I swallowed and attempted another step.

  I've been through worse, I told myself.

  I placed my foot down and, again, as soon as I tried to take a step, a shot of pain ripped through my leg. I yelled out in pain and my leg gave out as I crumbled to the ground. I took a breath and clenched my fist.

  “You okay, sir?” a lady bent down next to me.

  I nodded and sat up, leaning against the side of the wall.

  “Want me to call you an ambulance?” she asked me.

  Two men were behind her, watching me. I shook my head, “Nah, I'm fine.”

  “Are you sure? You don't seem fine.” she pointed out.

  I nodded and closed my eyes then swallowed and opened them.

  “Joey?” Josh came out from behind the front desk, “You okay, man?”

  I rolled my eyes and shook my head, “You suck, ya know?”

  He came up to me and bent down, “What happened?”

  “Remember when lard ass told you about me getting my ass kicked by three guys?”

  He looked at me.

  “Well,” I sighed, “They also messed up my leg.”

  “Can you stand?” he asked.

  “Yeah, but it hurts like hell to walk.” I adjusted myself and cringed in pain.

  “We need to call a bus.” the female officer told Josh.

  I shook my head and put my hand on the ground and got on my feet. I leaned against the wall as I looked at my brother.

  “Just take me out to my car, I'll drive myself home, like you said.” I said.

  “Joey, you can't walk.”

  “Well I'm not going to a hospital. So,” I sucked my teeth, “You wanted me to go home.”

  “What is up with you?” he looked at me.

  I shook my head, “Nothing. Can you help me to my car or not?”


  I looked at him, “What?”

  “I said, no, Joey. I'm not helping you towards your car. You wanna be a ass, fine. You can walk by yourself. I'm not dealing with it.” he raised his arms and backed away.

  “Fine.” I huffed and stood up straight.

  With my hand on the wall, I began to take a step. I knew it had to be fast, and I knew I couldn't put pressure on it. I used my toes and slowly began towards the front door. With each step I took, pain shot through my leg and the top of my scalp tingled and I clenched my fist. But, the pain became almost bearable to the point where I made it towards the front door.

  I took a deep breath and pushed the door open. I looked down to my feet to make sure I was walking at the right angle when a red dot appeared on my chest, over my heart.