Read Beyond the Dream Page 10

  Chapter Five: A Gathering of Champions

  The discussion of the Silent Council continued for many hours and many hours more after that. They quizzed Mortiune on all that he knew of Anthony Hallow, they learned from him the tragic past of this lonely mortal that had given rise to the talented jackals assumption that he was the Sad Father the prophecy spoke of. They went through each line and compared it against the life of Anthony Hallow. They debated the meanings of the children of 'prayer' and 'the meadow' and what was meant by the ocean of ancients. By the time they were done talking Karmalaine could have easily recited the prophecy from memory.

  He was tired in a way that only a dream could be, tired of the static gloomy light of the Hall of Providence. There were still a great many things to discuss. Mortiune reported the violent storms which he'd encountered on the way there whereupon he was told by the Magister Elementis that control of the elements had been lost, a consequence it was assumed of the waking of the dreamer and the disruption which that must be having on the dynamics of Avalen.

  The Magister Elementis told Mortiune that there was still some semblance of control over the city itself but that beyond Fenn the elemental forces would act of their own accord for the foreseeable future. Mortiune suspected that the Magister Elementis was aware of more than he was letting on but the King did not press him on the matter, so neither would he.

  As the discussion started to wind down there were only a few more essential matters to be discussed. One of these was the security of the city.

  “My King”, began Vulthian, “as per your instructions all ten thousand silver claws have been mobilised. But they are stretched thin, their commitments on guarding the palaces, as well as all of the city’s sky-ports and the bridges in and out of the city leave few left over. If the talented jackals mean to start a conflict then in their current state the silver claws do not have sufficient strength to fight back. I would ask that we seek assistance.”

  “From whom?” asked King Corul, stroking his chin.

  “The Arachnid King”, stated Vulthian.

  “No Vulthian!” said Lemer Starys, “do not speak of such folly.”

  “He may speak his words and their folly shall be judged by me”, said the King

  “Thank you, My King”, responded Vulthian, whose gaze did not wander from his monarch. “As you will know the Arachnid King is currently visiting from Entlewood. In the vastness of their forest web-forts the Arachnid King commands tens of thousands of spider spears. He is a loyal subject and I am certain that if asked he would lend his strength to your own in order to bolster the city’s internal defences, leaving the silver claws free to strike back at the jackals.”

  The King pondered his words. Karmalaine saw Lemer Starys give a vile look to Vulthian.

  The King’s reply was swift, if slightly cryptic, “Whether the folly is in the proposal or my response time will be the best judge”, he said, as if debating with himself, “make it so.”

  “Yes, My King”, responded Vulthian, who made to turn but was stopped by the King’s voice.

  “Only the sky-ports and the city gates, Vulthian. The defence of the palaces and my family will remain with the silver claws.”

  “Of course, My King”, said Vulthian with a bow. Vulthian turned and went to speak to one of his fellow silver claws who strode swiftly down the hall and out through one of the gargantuan doors. He then returned to the rest of the Council where the King asked more questions.

  “Can any amongst you deem how it might have been possible for the jackals to have woken this man?” he said.

  “We know that such a feat is not possible this side of the mortal form. The body which appears on the pedestal here is a projection of their physical self created by the subconscious mind of the sleeper in their real world”, started Mortiune. “To have woken them here would have required a complex dream weave to be cast on their real form.”

  “The Brazen Gate”, whispered Evessa Tremaine. Again the King nodded and Karmalaine was inclined to agree. From his studies he knew that there was only one method by which a dream may pass through into the mortal world. The Brazen Gate had been built by Archamel Torimund, an angel of Archaven who served the Great Fenn in the early days of Avalen.

  It was said that the gate was only used once, and the consequences of what occurred in the mortal realm were so far reaching that the Fenn sealed the gate and forbade any from entering it. It had always been of curiosity to Karmalaine that the gate was sealed and not destroyed, unless the Great Fenn meant for his own rules to be broken.

  “Is not the gate guarded by salamanders in one of the deepest parts of the first pillar?” asked the Prince.

  “It is, My Prince, and we've had no word from the salamanders of any transgressors seeking passage to the mortal realm”, answered Evessa. Karmalaine never failed to be struck by the Witch-Maker’s beauty when he was in her presence. Her lustrous purple hair was flat at the back but cascaded in curls to frame her face. This colour helped to give a healthy glow to her pale complexion, pale but flawless, much like the Prince’s own features. Her eyes matched the colour of her hair and were a well of mystery the depths of which young Karmalaine could only imagine given the longevity of servitude she'd shown to the crown. He often found himself staring at those eyes and wondering at the wonders they'd seen.

  “Evessa”, said the King.

  “My King”, she responded.

  “Proceed to the gate room, take a detachment of claws with you, speak with the salamanders and quiz them on any suspicious activity.”

  “As you say, My King”, she replied, walking away from the throne with a grace that made it look as if she was floating.

  Who knows, thought Karmalaine, maybe she is.

  The King continued issuing orders to each member of the Silent Council. He sent Lemer Starys back to the dream-stone wall to alert the Octaris and tell them to be wary of any threats coming from within Avalen.

  Whistler Trodolkin had remained silent thus far in the council. The King despatched him back to Whistlewood to inform Prince Brukiel of the unfolding situation. He told him to tell Brukiel to be ready to muster the forces at his disposal in the event that the talented jackals attacked. The King told Trodolkin to take ten sky-ships from the Ravenclaw fleet in order to bolster his own forces and to ferry them about swiftly if needed.

  Vulthian Kel-Parr was dispatched to coordinate with the Arachnid King on the deployment of spider spears in the city. The King also told Vulthian to send out messenger globes to float through the city, informing the people that the spiders were being deployed for their own safety, by the will of the King, and that they should remain calm and continue with their daily lives.

  The Lord Captain of the silver claws departed and King Corul turned to Magister Elementis. “Magister, what chance of getting word to anyone outside of the city?” he asked.

  “The storms are fierce, My King, but the Ravenlords are hardy creatures. I am certain that they can endure the elemental chaos to carry the King’s word to wherever it is needed, though the palace’s inkling wells may be an easier method of communicating”, replied the magister.

  “That may be, however the places I need to send word to are not in possession of inkling wells. Additionally, I feel the presence of the Ravenlords may convey my words in a more fitting manner”, responded the King thoughtfully.

  “Of course, My King. What words would you send and to where?”

  “You will send three of the ravens each to Torabane, Archaven, Mirgarden and Bloodren. They will carry the message that a threat has come which threatens each of their houses as well as our own. They will each send a delegation here to Fenngaard, we will speak and decide how to respond collectively to the actions of the jackals.”

  “Yes, My King, though I must offer some advice on this matter. Can you be certain that none of these old foes are in alignment to the jackals cause?” asked the magister worriedly.

  “No”, responded the King plainly, “but
I know two things: the words in the prophecy contain threats specifically against each of them, 'the tall men', 'the fire bellies', 'the demons', and 'the angels'. From that the prophecy heralds the downfall of each.”

  He paused and Karmalaine spoke up, “What of the second thing father?”

  “Secondly, if any of them conspire against us then I would have them nearby that I might smell their treachery upon them and dispense justice.”

  “And if they do not come?” asked Magister Elementis.

  “Then their absence is a demonstration of their complicity in the jackals’ plan. Despatch the ravens then return to me.”

  “Yes, My King”, said the Magister, leaving Karmalaine alone with his father.

  “What would you have me do father?” asked the Prince.

  King Fenn Corul Geddon looked at him with cold hard eyes: “Gather your brothers and sister and bring them here to the Hall of Providence. Until this matter is resolved they will dwell here in Fenngaard with me.”

  “As you will so shall it be, father”, said Prince Karmalaine, turning and leaving the King to dark sombre thoughts.