Read Beyond the Dream Page 11


  So it was that Magister Elementis dispatched the Ravenlords from the Misty Tower where they lived in Fenn. They were larger by far than their cousins who inhabited the rafters of the Fenngaard palace. They also spoke the dream-tongue and had since the old days been loyal messengers and representatives of the Geddon family. Three each were sent to the other four centres of power outside of the City of Fenn.

  Far to the north flew three, to Torabane, the Hollow Mountain, home of the God-giant Rokumung and his sons, the giants. Through the rain and wind the birds flew, for it seemed the whole of Avalen was cloaked in storms. They flew through caves down into Torabane and presented themselves to Rokumung, who had grown so large that he could not lift his mighty frame from the Throne of Skulls on which he sat. He was now at one with the throne, for his body had sat there for centuries and merged with it.

  When the Ravenlords told him of the King’s summons he roared at being spoken to in such an imperious manner. But he remembered the Binding and his oath of peace and he said he would send his first son, Balg-Miur, and a trio of other giants to the city of the small folk to hear the words of the King.

  Far to the south the Ravenlords also flew, and as they closed in on the Tower of Mirgarden, home to Draxes the Dragon King, they were joined in the sky by creatures whose wingspan was so large that they were left but pin pricks in the shadows. The dragon guards escorted them over the vast dry deserts of the south to the top of Mirgarden, the Golden Peak, where the gold dragon Draxes greeted them. All around the tower dragons of every hue flew: the silvers, the reds the blues and the greens and many more shades lesser and greater.

  Draxes heeded the summons of the King. Three of his finest he would send, Veramax the Green, Cyra the Silver and Astare the Black. So the Ravenlords gave their thanks and made to return to Fenn and as they went they were passed by three shadows, green, silver and black who flew ahead of them on for Fenngaard.

  To the east three more Ravenlords flew, to Archaven, home of the angels, the dreams of light and life. They flew through blinding clouds infused with the holy light of the heavens. Eventually they found themselves in the presence of the lord of that place, called Arcturion, the Angel Lord. They were humbled before his wizened gaze and were wroth to issue such a thing as a summons to a being of such purity and power, but they stammered out their King’s words beneath a benign smile. Arcturion gave them his thanks and assurances that his angels would attend a gathering of such import.

  Five of the legion did he send: Elwyn, Colwyn, Alwyn, Denwyn and Kalwyn. Five brother angels who would heed the word of the King in Fenngaard and carry the word and will of Arcturion with them.

  The final trio went west, far west beyond the Sentinel Forest, beyond the Mercurial Mountains, beyond the Dagmir Swamp and beyond the Firelands. These three Ravenlords found themselves afraid, for they flew into the only place in Avalen where evil lived and breathed. Past the floating rocks all bathed in sooty red, down the fiery chasms and into the heart of darkness they went. Bloodren it was called, named for Azarak Bloodren its first lord.

  Azarak did not rule there now for he had fallen in the elder days after aligning his house with the jackal. But after the Binding there was forgiveness in exchange for peace and now the demons lived there, restrained by the hand of their new lord Gulgazish, a ruthless demon who seized power following Azarak‘s demise. He was all of claw and sharpened horn and bloodied hoof when the Ravenlords met him.

  He cackled and spat at the summons and threatened the ravens with all forms of torture and pain for their affront, but his wrath dissipated swiftly and was more for show than malice. Gulgazish would send two of his minions to the Hall of Providence: Golgoleth the Bloodfiend, and Bolach of the Fury would represent Bloodren at this gathering of champions taking place in Fenn.

  So they were called, so they would gather soon enough.