Read Birds' Christmas Carol Page 6



  The children went out the back door quietly, and were presently lost tosight, Sarah Maud slipping and stumbling along absent-mindedly as sherecited, under her breath,"It--was--such--a--pleasant--evenin'--an--sech--a--short--walk--we--thought--we'd--leave--our--hats--to--home."

  Peter rang the door bell, and presently a servant admitted them, and,whispering something in Sarah's ear, drew her downstairs into thekitchen. The other Ruggleses stood in horror-stricken groups as thedoor closed behind their commanding officer; but there was no time forreflection, for a voice from above was heard, saying, "Come right upstairs, please!"

  "Theirs not to make reply, Theirs not to reason why, Theirs but to do or die."

  Accordingly, they walked upstairs, and Elfrida, the nurse, ushered theminto a room more splendid than anything they had ever seen. But, ohwoe! where was Sarah Maud! and was it Fate that Mrs. Bird should say,at once, "Did you lay your hats in the hall?" Peter felt himselfelected by circumstance the head of the family, and, casting oneimploring look at tongue-tied Susan, standing next him, said huskily,"It was so very pleasant--that--that" "That we hadn't good hats enoughto go round," put in little Susan, bravely, to help him out, and thenfroze with horror that the ill-fated words had slipped off her tongue.

  However, Mrs. Bird said, pleasantly, "Of course you wouldn't wear hatssuch a short distance--I forgot when I asked. Now, will you come rightin to Miss Carol's room, she is so anxious to see you?"

  Just then Sarah Maud came up the back-stairs, so radiant with joy fromher secret interview with the cook, that Peter could have pinched herwith a clear conscience, and Carol gave them a joyful welcome. "Butwhere is Baby Larry?" she cried, looking over the group with searchingeye. "Didn't he come?"

  "Larry! Larry!" Good Gracious, where was Larry? They were all surethat he had come in with them, for Susan remembered scolding him fortripping over the door-mat. Uncle Jack went into convulsions oflaughter. "Are you sure there were nine of you?" he asked, merrily.

  "I think so, sir," said Peoria, timidly; "but, anyhow, there wasLarry;" and she showed signs of weeping.

  "Oh, well, cheer up!" cried Uncle Jack. "I guess he's not lost--onlymislaid. I'll go and find him before you can say Jack Robinson!"

  "I'll go, too, if you please, sir," said Sarah Maud, "for it was myplace to mind him, an' if he's lost I can't relish my vittles!"

  The other Ruggleses stood rooted to the floor. Was this a dinnerparty, forsooth; and, if so, why were such things ever spoken of asfestive occasions?

  Sarah Maud went out through the hall, calling, "Larry! Larry!" andwithout any interval of suspense a thin voice piped up from below,"Here I be!" The truth was that Larry, being deserted by his naturalguardian, dropped behind the rest, and wriggled into the hat-tree towait for her, having no notion of walking unprotected into the jaws ofa dinner-party. Finding that she did not come, he tried to crawl fromhis refuge and call somebody, when--dark and dreadful ending to atragic day--he found that he was too much intertwined with umbrellasand canes to move a single step. He was afraid to yell! When I havesaid this of Larry Ruggles I have pictured a state of helpless terrorthat ought to wring tears from every eye; and the sound of Sarah Maud'sbeloved voice, some seconds later, was like a strain of angel music inhis ears. Uncle Jack dried his tears, carried him upstairs, and soonhad him in breathless fits of laughter, while Carol so made the otherRuggleses forget themselves that they were soon talking likeaccomplished diners-out.

  Carol's bed had been moved into the farthest corner of the room, andshe was lying on the outside, dressed in a wonderful soft whitewrapper. Her golden hair fell in soft fluffy curls over her whiteforehead and neck, her cheeks flushed delicately, her eyes beamed withjoy, and the children told their mother, afterwards, that she looked asbeautiful as the pictures of the Blessed Virgin. There was greatbustle behind a huge screen in another part of the room, and athalf-past five this was taken away, and the Christmas dinner-tablestood revealed. What a wonderful sight it was to the poor littleRuggles children, who ate their sometimes scanty meals on the kitchentable! It blazed with tall colored candles, it gleamed with glass andsilver, it blushed with flowers, it groaned with good things to eat; soit was not strange that the Ruggleses, forgetting that their mother wasa McGrill, shrieked in admiration of the fairy spectacle. But Larry'sbehavior was the most disgraceful, for he stood not upon the order ofhis going, but went at once for a high chair that pointed unmistakablyto him, climbed up like a squirrel, gave a comprehensive look at theturkey, clapped his hands in ecstacy, rested his fat arms on the table,and cried, with joy, "I beat the hull lot o' yer!" Carol laughed untilshe cried, giving orders, meanwhile, "Uncle Jack, please sit at thehead, Sarah Maud at the foot, and that will leave four on each side;Mama is going to help Elfrida, so that the children need not look aftereach other, but just have a good time."

  A sprig of holly lay by each plate, and nothing would do but eachlittle Ruggles must leave his seat and have it pinned on by Carol, andas each course was served one of them pleaded to take something to her.There was hurrying to and fro, I can assure you, for it is quite adifficult matter to serve a Christmas dinner on the third floor of agreat city house; but if every dish had had to be carried up a ropeladder the servants would gladly have done so. There was turkey andchicken, with delicious gravy and stuffing, and there were half-a-dozenvegetables, with cranberry jelly, and celery, and pickles; and as forthe way these delicacies were served, the Ruggleses never forgot it aslong as they lived.

  Peter nudged Kitty, who sat next him, and said, "Look, will yer, ev'ryfeller's got his own partic'lar butter; I suppose that's to show yercan eat that much 'n no more. No, it ain't neither, for that pig of aPeory's just gittin' another helpin'!" "Yes," whispered Kitty, "an'the napkins is marked with big red letters. I wonder if that's sonobody 'll nip 'em; an' oh, Peter, look at the pictures painted righton ter the dishes. Did yer ever!"

  "The plums is all took out o' my cramb'ry sarse, an' it's friz to astiff jell!" shouted Peoria, in wild excitement.

  "Hi--yah! I got a wish-bone!" sung Larry, regardless of Sarah Maud'sfrown; after which she asked to have his seat changed, giving as excusethat he gen'ally set beside her, an' would "feel strange;" the truereason being that she desired to kick him gently, under the table,whenever he passed what might be termed "the McGrill line."

  "I declare to goodness," murmured Susan, on the other side, "there's somuch to look at I can't scarcely eat nothin!"

  "Bet yer life I can!" said Peter, who had kept one servant busilyemployed ever since he sat down; for, luckily, no one was asked byUncle Jack whether he would have a second helping, but the dishes werequietly passed under their noses, and not a single Ruggles refusedanything that was offered him, even unto the seventh time. Then, whenCarol and Uncle Jack perceived that more turkey was a physicalimpossibility, the meats were taken off and the dessert was broughtin--a dessert that would have frightened a strong man after such adinner as had preceded it. Not so the Ruggleses--for a strong man isnothing to a small boy--and they kindled to the dessert as if theturkey had been a dream and the six vegetables an optical delusion.There was plum-pudding, mince-pie, and ice-cream, and there were nuts,and raisins, and oranges. Kitty chose ice-cream, explaining that sheknew it "by sight," but hadn't never tasted none; but all the rest tookthe entire variety, without any regard to consequences.

  "My dear child," whispered Uncle Jack, as he took Carol an orange,"there is no doubt about the necessity of this feast, but I do adviseyou after this to have them twice a year, or quarterly, perhaps, forthe way they eat is positively dangerous; I assure you I tremble forthat terrible Peoria. I'm going to run races with her after dinner."

  "Never mind," laughed Carol, "let them eat for once; it does my heartgood to see them, and they shall come oftener next year."

  The feast being over, the Ruggleses lay back in their chairs langu
idly,and the table was cleared in a trice; then a door was opened into thenext room, and there, in a corner facing Carol's bed, which had beenwheeled as close as possible, stood the brilliantly lightedChristmas-tree, glittering with gilded walnuts and tiny silverballoons, and wreathed with snowy chains of pop-corn. The presents hadbeen bought mostly with Carol's story money, and were selected afterlong consultations with Mrs. Bird. Each girl had a blue knitted hood,and each boy a red crocheted comforter, all made by Mama, Carol andElfrida ("because if you buy everything, it doesn't show so much love,"said Carol). Then every girl had a pretty plaid dress of a differentcolor, and every boy a warm coat of the right size. Here the usefulpresents stopped, and they were quite enough; but Carol had pleaded togive them something "for fun." "I know they need the clothes," she hadsaid, when they were talking over the matter just after Thanksgiving,"but they don't care much for them, after all. Now, Papa, won't youPLEASE let me go without part of my presents this year, and give me themoney they would cost, to buy something to amuse them?"

  "You can have both," said Mr. Bird, promptly; "is there any need of mylittle girl's going without her Christmas, I should like to know?Spend all the money you like."

  "But that isn't the thing," objected Carol, nestling close to herfather; "it wouldn't be mine. What is the use? Haven't I almosteverything already, and am I not the happiest girl in the world thisyear, with Uncle Jack and Donald at home? Now, Papa, you know verywell it is more blessed to give than to receive; then why won't you letme do it? You never look half as happy when you are getting yourpresents as when you are giving us ours. Now, Papa, submit, or I shallhave to be very firm and disagreeable with you!"

  "Very well, your Highness, I surrender."

  "That's a dear Papa! Now, what were you going to give me? Confess!"

  "A bronze figure of Santa Claus; and in the little round belly, thatshakes, when he laughs, like a bowl full of jelly, is a wonderfulclock. Oh, you would never give it up if you could see it."

  "Nonsense," laughed Carol; "as I never have to get up to breakfast, norgo to bed, nor catch trains, I think my old clock will do very well!Now, Mama, what were you going to give me?"

  "Oh, I hadn't decided. A few more books, and a gold thimble, and asmelling-bottle, and a music-box."

  "Poor Carol," laughed the child, merrily, "she can afford to give upthese lovely things, for there will still be left Uncle Jack, andDonald, and Paul, and Hugh, and Uncle Rob, and Aunt Elsie, and a dozenother people."

  So Carol had her way, as she generally did, but it was usually a goodway, which was fortunate, under the circumstances; and Sarah Maud had aset of Miss Alcott's books, and Peter a modest silver watch, Corneliusa tool-chest, Clement a dog-house for his "lame puppy," Larry amagnificent Noah's ark, and each of the little girls a beautiful doll.You can well believe that everybody was very merry and very thankful.All the family, from Mr. Bird down to the cook, said they had neverseen so much happiness in the space of three hours; but it had to end,as all things do. The candles flickered and went out, the tree wasleft alone with its gilded ornaments, and Mrs. Bird sent the childrendown stairs at half-past eight, thinking that Carol looked tired.

  "Now, my darling, you have done quite enough for one day," said Mrs.Bird, getting Carol into her little night-dress; "I am afraid you willfeel worse to-morrow, and that would be a sad ending to such a goodtime."

  "Oh, wasn't it a lovely, lovely time," sighed Carol. "From first tolast, everything was just right. I shall never forget Larry's facewhen he looked at the turkey; nor Peter's, when he saw his watch; northat sweet, sweet Kitty's smile when she kissed her dolly; nor thetears in poor, dull Sarah Maud's eyes when she thanked me for herbooks; nor--"

  "But we mustn't talk any longer about it to-night," said Mrs. Bird,anxiously; "you are too tired, dear."

  "I am not so very tired, Mama. I have felt well all day; not a bit ofpain anywhere. Perhaps this has done me good."

  "Perhaps; I hope so. There was no noise or confusion; it was just amerry time. Now, may I close the door and leave you alone? I willsteal in softly the first thing in the morning, and see if you are allright; but I think you need to be quiet."

  "Oh, I'm willing to stay alone; but I am not sleepy yet, and I am goingto hear the music by and by, you know."

  "Yes, I have opened the window a little, and put the screen in front ofit, so that you will not feel the air."

  "Can I have the shutters open; and won't you turn my bed a little,please? This morning I woke ever so early, and one bright beautifulstar shone in that eastern window. I never saw it before, and Ithought of the Star in the East, that guided the wise men to the placewhere Jesus was. Good night, Mama. Such a happy, happy day!"

  "Good night, my precious little Christmas Carol--mother's blessedChristmas child."

  "Bend your head a minute, mother dear," whispered Carol, calling hermother back. "Mama, dear, I do think that we have kept Christ'sbirthday this time just as He would like it. Don't you?"

  "I am sure of it," said Mrs. Bird, softly.