Read Blessed Creation: A Christian Poetry Collection Page 1

Blessed Creation:

  A Christian Poetry Collection

  Edited by Kim Bond

  This anthology is dedicated to our Lord.

  Copyright © 2016 for each poem is held, all rights reserved, by the individual author. Printed with permission by Kim Bond.

  This publication was designed to be distributed and shared online free of charge in its entirety. Other reproduction or distribution in part or whole is prohibited. Questions about the use of this publication should be directed to Kim Bond by email at [email protected].

  The works contained within this publication are not intended to teach Christian theology or doctrine. They are purely fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are used in a fictitious manner. This collection is published with much gratitude to participating authors for sharing their God-given talent and donating their work for this publication.

  Table of Contents

  One Glimpse of Light by Phyllis McKinley

  Behind the Design by Christine V. Mitchell

  He is Creator! by Sandra L. Hickman

  The Dance by Ruth Asch

  For Real by Wanda J. Burnside

  A Man's Mind by Cheryl Hoffman

  And She Shall Be Called Woman by Mercy Susanna

  Before Time Was Invented by Laura Urbaniak

  Breathless Southern Nights by Daniel Turner

  The Larger Pulse by Bear Jack Gebhardt

  Twinkling Star by Connie Marcum Wong

  Dew by Joanna Daniel

  The Weaver by Patricia Callan

  Creation of a New Day by Kim Rodrigues

  Early Morning by Sandy Loam

  Nature Prayer by Preston Graham

  Sublime Flowers by Sara Chansarkar

  Sunflower - Ring of Fire by Sandra M. Haight

  The Daffodil by E.A. Francis

  He Comes! He Comes! by Sally Clark

  Five Thousand by David Subacchi

  God Fearing by Jeffrey Lyndon Lee

  Clinging to God and Horses by Jenean McBrearty

  Personal Attraction with Ghana by Funom Makama

  We Are One by Vince Suzadail, Jr.

  Label Less by Danny P. Barbare

  Land of the Color Blind by Robert B. Moreland, PhD

  Winter's Dream by Norm Hutcherson

  Grace Completes Nature by Eve Roper

  Being Human by Kim Merryman

  High Altitude Faith by Penny Peyser

  A Transformed Heart by Ramelle T. Lee

  Drawing Power at the Cross by Gordon McConnell

  Seasons by Molly ~ wound dresser

  Beauty of the Vine by Judy K. Haught

  The Will by Rachel Lausier

  Bitter Fruit by Nicholas Froumis

  Nature's Blessing...The Draw-ups of God by Mr. Ben

  Genesis by Matt Adams

  Creation by Simon Cockle

  Note to Readers

  One Glimpse of Light by Phyllis McKinley

  Oh if You would,

  But a moment or two,

  Lord, open my eyes

  To a glimpse of You.

  Let me hear Your voice

  In a flutter of leaves,

  Feel the buzz of Your Spirit

  In the hive of bees.

  Let me inhale Your fragrance

  From the jasmine vine

  And the vials of oil

  In needles of pine.

  Let me absorb Your power

  By the ocean’s roar

  And laud Your strength

  As the eagles soar.

  Blow me a kiss

  From the cloud drifting by,

  Let me feel Your embrace

  From the clear blue sky.

  From sunrise to moon glow,

  In each drop of dew,

  Let me open my eyes

  To these glimpses of You.

  Then though I must

  Reside in this world

  Where darts are flung

  And darkness swirls,

  I’ll be more readied

  To withstand the fight

  For having that glimpse

  Of Your wondrous light.

  "For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities – His eternal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse." Romans 1:20 NIV

  Behind the Design by Christine V. Mitchell

  To every design,

  there was a mind

  working behind.

  It played a part,

  inspired the art

  that touched a heart.

  A meadow, a tree,

  a big bumble bee,

  the fish in the sea.

  A sparrow on high,

  scaling the sky.

  A bright butterfly.

  A river, a spring,

  water splashing,

  so refreshing!

  Radiant rays

  on bright sunny days,

  beautiful haze.

  A sweet tortoiseshell,

  a graceful gazelle,

  looking so swell.

  The crisp morning dew

  as day starts anew,

  refreshing view.

  A beautiful dove,

  a rainbow above,

  symbol of love.

  Earth’s grand design

  came from a Mind,

  working behind.

  And to work He went,

  God omniscient,

  precious moment.

  Right from the start,

  God’s perfect art

  that touches our heart!

  Earth’s only Creator

  and Originator.

  There is none greater!

  His the design,

  His was the mind,

  working behind