Read Blessed Creation: A Christian Poetry Collection Page 2

  ~ the creation ~

  of the universe!

  He is Creator! by Sandra L. Hickman

  HE IS.....

  The rising sun entering like a soft melody stirring the senses.

  Awakening your heart with a song.

  HE IS the orchestral conductor of the morning

  heralding a brand-new iridescent light-filled day.

  HE IS the One who opens your eyes to see another day.

  HE IS the beating heart inside your chest...

  You are His creation into whom He breathed life!

  HE IS gently welcoming you into His daily-presence,

  like a fresh cool breeze welcomes relief against the swelter

  of the searing heat of a brown scorched summer.

  HE IS.....

  The sun setting boldly in loud profusion

  like a magnificent grand concerto!

  HE IS the Maestro taking a bow!

  HE IS the sunset-splendour behind the ocean

  where dark waters meet vivid red-orange skies,

  beaming lights of dazzling yellow...

  The purple and pink masterpiece of a spectacular night-sky.

  HE IS the almighty Artist magnificently framing the seascape.

  Masterly painted perfection from a holy palette,

  displaying the Magisterial Lordship of creation!

  HE IS..... The Creator!

  From nothing He made everything!

  All that ever was and ever will be was in Him,

  and accomplished by Him alone!

  The cosmos, the galaxies, the Milky Way and planets.

  The waters and the ocean tides, the sun and sky,

  the moon and the clouds ... owe their existence to HIM!

  The billions of stars lighting up the darkness,

  like tiny diamonds twinkling as heavenly lights!

  Showcasing the most stupendous of visual delights.

  All these things were created by His Word.

  The One-and-only, who is GOD all on His own.

  HE IS.....

  The DNA of creativity which was inherited to us...

  Gifted to us by the Creator and Father of all time!

  This masterpiece of man, created in His image.

  So let us shout with great Thanksgiving!

  Let us sing loudly in songs of love and worship

  to this Jesus, the Christ who is our All-in-all!

  HE IS... Creator!

  The Rising & the Setting of our Salvation!

  The Dance by Ruth Asch

  When God put a heart in Adam

  He tied the invisible knot

  which held all together

  in its secret chamber.

  He said ´This heart will beat

  until the end of your days,

  each pulse will drive you on

  though your spirit fails,

  and the strength of life will flow in a wider stream

  whenever you hear a beat to echo its thrum.

  Every regular sound will stir you to move,

  my son.´

  When God created Eve in wonderful curves,

  saw love spring between them:

  new ´life´ and her man -

  He said ´Now let sound echo

  the beauty which swerves,

  at each syncopation, each lilt -

  your hearts will skip, your bodies sway

  possessed by the joy of my plan.´

  And all Creation saw that it was good -

  and they called it: Dance.

  For Real by Wanda J. Burnside

  Women, God especially created you

  To be special in so many ways

  You are amazing and spectacular

  You’re not just a lump of clay!

  You are a WOMAN!

  Realize just who you are

  You’re a real diamond . . .

  You outshine the stars!

  God put Adam to sleep

  To create and form you!

  He took one of Adam’s ribs ….

  It’s a mystery what God had to do.

  God gave you His full attention

  In His hands you were held.

  You’re His creation of unique beauty

  For in His eyes you were beheld

  He smiled while He created you.

  For when Adam woke up from sleep

  God absolutely and certainly knew

  Adam would see a real Masterpiece!

  A Man's Mind by Cheryl Hoffman

  Since I was Tom Thumb's

  petite little sister,

  the scientist used me to help deliver

  the info. from the volunteer mister,

  injecting me into Mr. Smith's ear canal,

  with the first door appearing pretty banal,

  it boasted a picture of a grizzly bear,

  opened it up and heard a bit of swear words,

  also thoughts alternating between

  sports, lust and making money,

  you were obviously feeling kind of ornery,

  had to close the door on those thoughts pretty quickly,

  because the testosterone fumes were literally overwhelming me...

  The second door had a picture of Winnie the Pooh,

  which I thought looked adorable and very cute,

  opened it up and took a peek inside,

  heard some awful and horrible whining,

  the man's thoughts were switching from

  thinking he had the 24 hour flu,

  to thinking he had a horrible disease

  and was literally dying,

  and not knowing if he needed a nurse or a hearse,

  I left the room baffled and got on with my research…

  The last room had a picture

  of Gentle Ben posted on it,

  peeked inside and it was all nice and quiet,

  his thoughts were all about pleasing

  his wife and kids and praying to God,

  there was no denying this room

  showed his intimate, tender side,

  before I knew it I heard some loud snoring,

  the man falling asleep from sheer exhaustion…

  Well I thought I'd better get back to the real world,

  as I slowly crawled back out of the ear canal,

  with my bag of his mixed emotions,

  of macho-ism, tenderness, humor, Mr. Fix It,

  Mr. Bread Winner and some Peter Pan thrown in it.

  And She Shall Be Called Woman by Mercy Susanna

  One bone you chose

  That shields his heart

  Mist up with flesh

  A pluperfect art!

  You made me his crown

  Strong yet so fragile,

  Gentle and quiet

  Worth in your sight.

  Lord, I was barren,

  You cast off my disgrace

  While I picked my pieces

  In the dust of the earth.

  From Eden did I hear,

  A hushed tone of voice;

  Arise, Oh little girl

  The womb has been opened.

  You conquered those doubts

  That pull me down from the sky,

  Hence unlocked my thoughts

  And gave me wings to fly.

  So my soul sings with joy

  for You took my heart;

  Lord, You have turned me,

  Into a pluperfect art!

  Before Time Was Invented by Laura Urbaniak

  Before time was written and God made man,

  I held a deep love for you, so divine-

  Sometimes confusing, hard to understand,

  but after many years I called you mine.

  Before the constellations took their shine,

  I knew you were the only one for me-

  One night of fine dining and Merlot wine,

  captured your essence and set my heart free.

  Before hands could touch and eyes made to s

  you were the gentleman of my sweet dreams-

  I know we were destined, you’d marry me,

  life is surreal and not as it seems.

  There are no words saying the life we’ve led-

  I’ve loved you before time was invented.

  Breathless Southern Nights by Daniel Turner

  Relaxing to a rain song serenade

  That breaks the stillness of hot southern nights

  Fat bullfrogs harmonize while crickets play

  A melting moon drips waxy yellow light

  The motion of the porch swing cools your sweat

  It's rhythm synchronizes with fireflies

  Romantic nights like these remove regrets

  Because they seem to somehow hypnotize

  And yet to you they may not sound unique

  With rain song serenades and melting moon

  Our breathless southern nights have a mystique

  Tranquility sings such a peaceful tune

  If you think southern nights are not your thing

  Come spend one with me on my old porch swing

  The Larger Pulse by Bear Jack Gebhardt

  Beneath the stars,

  walking home down Sylvan Court

  I’m caught by the sound of a single cricket--

  two beats: crick-et, crick-et,

  stead-y, stead-y,

  here in the sum-mer eve-ning.

  Then, surprise! feel these feet

  hit the street

  first left, then right, then left then right

  keeping time with cricket chirp!

  Who can doubt


  larger than us both

  sets this pulse

  here on earth?

  Twinkling Star by Connie Marcum Wong

  Oh brightest twinkling star

  Stationary as you are


  Watching seasons change

  As they slowly rearrange


  From winter's snowy birth

  Whitening most of earth,


  To see sweet flowers sing

  With the breath of spring,


  Into heat of summer's sun

  Where cooling rivers run,


  Until the bright hued trees

  Lose their lovely leaves.


  You watch it all from afar...

  My beautiful twinkling star.

  Dew by Joanna Daniel

  Drops from heaven, sprinkled

  delicately by God

  directly on flowers

  disappearing during

  daytime under sun rays

  designed for natural

  delight and refreshment.

  The Weaver by Patricia Callan

  silver draped over

  the canopy

  a web on saplings

  the spider fastens

  sun and light

  she weaves

  her secrets

  over the void

  morning steps out

  on a tightrope

  Creation of a New Day by Kim Rodrigues


  carved from

  crimson dawn.

  sailboat, glides by,

  slow, peaceful – down a tangerine river.

  sunshine shyly hides behind the dawn’s smile.

  puffy clouds dance,

  across warm

  tree tops.



  of light


  the happy hills -

  red, green, blue chorus of hallelujah.

  Early Morning by Sandy Loam

  I hardly need an alarm clock

  for I have my own personal clock,

  which wakes me up long before any others go off,

  Sometimes I can do some leg raising,

  as well as some toe and arm wriggling

  before rising.


  I heat up water to boil my tea:

  Put some in a cup or glass

  With ginger and fresh lemon grass.

  Outside, God has provided a fresh soft breeze,

  To cool every part of the body and …O2 to breathe.

  I toil in the soil a bit,

  chop off dry banana leaves.

  Thank You, God, I am up and about.

  Nature Prayer by Preston Graham

  Above the grass a-buzz with bees

  upon a mellow summer breeze

  the morning sun warms by degrees

  and from my sleepy memory flees

  the smother of the night’s unease

  which led me broken to my knees.

  Might I accept that what one sees

  in humble moments such as these

  by skyward visions through the trees

  entranced by warbling ancient seas,

  these secret, sacred, reveries

  piercing, piercing, my soul appease.

  Thus, when swallowed by disease

  or trapped between realities

  oh might I grasp and ever seize

  my God, I beg, I beg it please

  the healing warmth of summer breeze

  to guide me whole, back from my knees.

  Sublime Flowers by Sara Chansarkar

  Would be so colorless without flowers

  A glimpse of the heaven’s mystical street

  A reminder of God’s sublime powers

  Smiling at the world after spring showers

  Tulips, lilacs-nature’s unique free treat

  Would be so colorless without flowers

  Not one wise chemist working insane hours

  Can ever conjure up fragrance so sweet

  A reminder of God’s sublime powers

  Adorning tombs of beloved dead of ours

  Love and sorrow, flowers say at their feet

  Would be so colorless without flowers

  How to say it, the lad in love cowers

  A red rose helps unlock his tongue indeed

  A reminder of God’s sublime powers

  Trapped in life’s concrete towns, roads and towers

  Orchids in a pot make me smile and tweet

  Would be so colorless without flowers

  A reminder of God’s sublime powers

  Sunflower - Ring of Fire by Sandra M. Haight

  Of all the lovely flowers God has made,

  there is one beauty that has touched my heart,

  with petals marching round like on parade,

  and graceful leaves attached that stand apart.

  A work of art in gold with center, large

  and raised, dark brown rimmed by a russet hue;

  sunflower beauties, often seen in charge

  in fields and gardens, standing tall in view.

  Oh lovely ring of fire, your flames aglow,

  like dancers poised at center, gracefully

  sway to and fro, present your fiery show,

  so beautifully mesmerizing me.

  The Daffodil by E.A. Francis

  She bows her head in grace and humility,

  wrapped in her robe of delicate yellows.

  Her center, like a fluted wine goblet,

  directs the flow of her gentle song of praise,

  While her oval petals announce Creation’s glory,

  one day at a time.

  Indeed, she rests on her stem as God rested at Creation’s end,

  awaiting the fullness of redeeming joy,

  when she will lift her whole being

  unto heavenly glory.

  He Comes! He Comes! by Sally Clark

  Aspens quake, shimmering

  with anticipation, crying softly

  into the wind their joy in the Lord;

  spilling golden coinage to forest floors,

  an offering of riches to pine and spruce


  their glory spent, they silently await

  the winter s
nows that come to

  hush their yearning.

  Five Thousand by David Subacchi

  This is the only miracle mentioned

  In all four gospels. A sight so moving

  To witness. Five thousand souls all feeding

  On five loaves and two fishes provided.

  Something great never to be repeated,

  Counting the baskets of scraps remaining,

  Dumb with awe our credulity straining

  The power of this man demonstrated.

  Afterwards we made our way home slowly

  Some shocked and others high on argument;

  We were common folk simple and lowly

  Not used to dealing with such excitement;

  But by night certain that he was holy

  We all lay awake filled with amazement.

  God Fearing by Jeffrey Lyndon Lee

  A life without a reason, now has a meaning

  I will always keep hope and faith to keep living

  As I read my biblical verses for wisdom

  The music in my spirit gives my life rhythm

  I’m always in need of Jesus my loving friend

  To help keep me away from harm and sin

  But those without God who attain these goals

  Soon find emptiness remains in their souls

  If only they would believe in God's Son

  And repent of the sinful deeds they've done

  In the hour of pain and anguish

  Suffer not our hearts to languish

  Since our hope is in the Lord

  Not what the world can afford

  But fear is love, and love is fear

  God gave us his Son Jesus to show us he cares

  Clinging to God and Horses by Jenean McBrearty

  To live in Kentucky is to believe in God,

  to believe in His book,

  because His Word lives here.

  Everything that’s been made

  was made by Him.

  What we see, He saw before.

  He’s put perfection here,

  He put His horses here.

  Manes and legs,

  fetlocks and flanks,

  withers and tails

  forged together by His right hand,

  by a holy hammer,

  an animal created by a Master Blacksmith

  that keeps us in Kentucky awed and humble.

  Personal Attraction with Ghana by Funom Makama

  I love the air, I cherish the freshness of my Ghana

  I bask in the heat to sweat the liberty of Ghana

  beauty in life and substance to form a distinct Ghana

  Arts in fun’s colours, where should I be if not Ghana

  I kiss the clouds that pour your rains my Ghana

  and embrace the poles that permit your winds dear Ghana.

  Small, gentle but mighty, that’s just my Ghana

  your beauty grows but slowly, why oh why Ghana

  don’t underrate your capable hands my sweet Ghana

  in your team you still are a big brother gentle Ghana

  unity lingers when I smell the cologne from Ghana

  from the soils to the seas, God’s legs surely walk in Ghana.

  A home of hope and peace is this lovely Ghana

  Boadi, Amanianpong or Danquah my names in Ghana

  Oh! Quaye, Akesseh and Frimpong still from Ghana

  the mind finds rest with the beautiful bed sheets of Ghana

  cornered by curtains of life only made by one in town Ghana

  a home to my heart and one I’ll always find in this lovely Ghana.

  We Are One by Vince Suzadail, Jr.

  We believe in the same God

  But in many different ways

  We believe in Jesus Christ

  And offer Him glory and praise

  We pray in different languages

  From sun to setting sun

  By our actions you may know us

  We are Christians We are one

  We believe in life hereafter

  Not the body but the soul

  We believe that Jesus loves us

  By His Resurrection made us whole

  We believe in God the Father

  And that Jesus was His Son

  We believe in the Holy Spirit

  We are Christians We are one.

  Label Less by Danny P. Barbare

  As if so proud, to wear the

  chip of the sun on

  the shoulder

  a heart soft as a cloud

  white as a smile

  a label less hope from

  horizon to horizon

  a love more so than one in

  the same.

  Land of the Color Blind by Robert B. Moreland, PhD

  See them every day the same routine,

  heads down, going to jobs they hate;

  come home to their land of want

  with mounds of choking debt,

  one more purchase buy.

  “Someday” retire

  to rest that



  How can they never see the beauty

  blossoming around weary feet?

  God’s own symphony singing

  glory of the spheres plain!

  Life’s bounty, a rose;

  goldfinch singing,

  sun dappled



  I praise you Abba Father as the

  sun rises above the great lake;

  cloudless sky painted canvas,

  waves caressing the shore!

  Solitude and peace;

  You surround me

  bathing in



  Winter's Dream by Norm Hutcherson

  Paint drying

  On a wind swept sign

  Birds calling

  Seeking the beauty

  Of the rain

  Clouds passing

  Through open doors

  Christ instructing

  This is the way

  In this sun kissed land

  In a time of challenge

  We should just

  Get down on our knees

  And give thanks

  For despite the follies

  Of our earth bound choices

  It is the Lord

  Who remains forever

  Firmly in control

  Grace Completes Nature by Eve Roper

  Dark trees, ferns, await dawn’s stability.

  Winking sunlight through pines tranquility.

  Minsters conceptual reality,

  becoming a part of you willingly.

  Brilliance with mental capability,

  showing modesty and humility.

  A living, breathing, viability

  fluttering independent entity,

  shine purely within the vicinity.

  My mind’s eye exceeds my ability.

  Being Human by Kim Merryman

  B-orn to make a difference in this fast-paced world, we

  E-agerly embrace the challenges that come our way.

  I-ndividuals, yet part of a collective whole,

  N-eeding to connect and belong, thus recognizing and

  G-uarding the sanctity of life.

  H-umility and honesty are traits to be admired and,

  U-nderstanding and compassion are jewels of great worth.

  M-any are the choices we are faced with everyday,

  A-nswering to our conscience, come what may;

  N-avigating through life's adventures, our God piloting the way.

  High Altitude Faith by Penny Peyser

  Sat next to someone in an airplane seat

  Who boldly asked if Jesus was my Lord.

  Taken aback, her eyes I couldn't meet.

  "That's such a pers'nal question," I implored.

  Beware of challenges when strangers dare

  Demand a testament of true belief,

  Especially when
you're stranded in mid-air

  And changing seats your one shot at relief.

  I asked if she was on a mission now

  Perhaps a Mormon, or another group

  Had given her some quota or a vow

  That she must add more members to their troop.

  The engine stalled, she queried me again.

  I grabbed her arm and shouted out, "Amen!"

  A Transformed Heart by Ramelle T. Lee

  When I gave my heart to Jesus,

  He set my soul free!

  Over a trillion angels danced in heaven.

  For my sins were forgiven.

  That stony heart is gone for good.

  My heart is bursting with joy.

  God changed me inside out.

  And a transformed new life

  Remains in my heart!

  Drawing Power at the Cross by Gordon McConnell

  Growing up throughout childhood

  being always keen to read

  there was a particular favourite

  it had awesome effect indeed

  The life of Jesus picture book

  this affected me more than I knew

  in those early years read of the cross

  Jesus suffered at Calvary was true

  Every time I read this at the cross

  it made me to stop and slowly think

  of what does this mean for me

  Jesus forsaken His life to sink

  Then three days later to rise

  from the dead by God's power

  conquered death the son of God

  years later to be my believing hour

  In my late 20s in night of sadness

  my wife Jean had died at early age

  these memories of years long ago

  came afresh again to turn my page

  The light came that Jesus died

  for all my sin the price Christ paid

  this is the power of the cross

  Jesus comes in and forever stayed

  Seasons by Molly ~ wound dresser

  Father—Creation that you've made!

  Spring's sweet buds, and Summer's glade;

  Pumpkin's orange in Fall's bright pallet,

  Forest's sleep 'neath Winter's mallet...


  Your seasons teach me lessons stern;

  Lessons that, I needs, must learn;

  That all year 'round — these changes show,

  I must change if I'm to grow!


  Why do I fight it? Fists clenched tight...

  Why resist with all my might?

  ...with each new season in my life,

  Relentless Change's pruning knife?


  Cutting away the worn, with cost,

  And though I weep at what I've lost;

  Change will not yield — but cutting still,

  Bids me swallow this bitter-pill...


  'Tis not the death of Heaven's dream...

  'Tis not The Father's heartless scheme!

  But Tender Wisdom from above,

  Calling him Home...

  Because — he's Loved!