Read Blessed Creation: A Christian Poetry Collection Page 3


  And so these tears — this Season's end...

  This bitter loss of Beloved Friend;

  I will accept because I know,

  Change must come... and you must go...

  But never forget, how we loved you so!

  Beauty of the Vine by Judy K. Haught

  O' Lord, we see the fruit of Your labor as beauty.

  You have created each of us, and we have a duty.

  Like a climbing vine growing tender young buds,

  My seeds, they cry out, 'I am ready.' My existence

  comes from the very soil God created.

  May You be seen as the great Creator where I grow.

  With His tender loving care, I will thrive,

  I am growing, climbing, stretching, reaching for

  freedom. Waiting to come alive.

  In a quiet place I stretch my earth bound vine.

  A lovely shade of green, growing tall. I stand

  proudly. God will show me to all.

  Only God could add more color to His creation.

  A lover of the Lord will agree, His vivid colors

  take our breath away.

  It is morning. I feel the warmth of the Sun.

  What joy, what bliss. I feel my first morning kiss.

  My color is brilliant, I will be His delight.

  Many will view me, pure and bright.

  Slowly the Sun begins to dim for me.

  My petals are closing up.

  O' Lord we rest tonight. Tomorrow I will awaken

  again and bloom in splendor and glory.

  Ahhh, Mighty God I bow before you. I nod my

  head, my eyes they close and dream of the morn.

  My petals open...Greeted by the morning Sun.

  The Will by Rachel Lausier

  God, you are the universal creator;

  the loving, eternal and infinite author of my life.


  In this chapter, help me to be the character that brings solace and serenity where there is suffering and sorrow.

  I know not what challenges await in the chapters ahead

  or how the plot unfolds.

  But I trust that it is your love that is the burning flame on the wick;

  Your grace that is the candlestick;

  and your light that permeates through the darkness.

  Bitter Fruit by Nicholas Froumis

  I wonder if the apple was bitter

  the instant she decided to partake?

  Seduced by the lies of that vile critter

  on the way to mankind’s greatest mistake.

  Perhaps that’s why I’m left unsatisfied

  after sampling this mysterious fruit.

  Because no matter how many I’ve tried,

  the separation from Him is the root.

  Nature's Blessing...The Draw-ups of God by Mr. Ben

  The sun’s unparalleled beauty of illumination at day…

  The moon’s complementary brightness at night…

  The earth’s peculiarity of revolution…

  The water’s outstanding universality…

  The wind’s timeless motion…

  The fire’s power of flaming warmth…

  The plant’s unique culture of adaptability…

  The animal’s lifestyle of survivability…

  The loving relationship among all planets…

  The monitoring positions of the stars…

  The accommodating stance of the skies…

  The Reality of humanity’s consciousness…

  sum up to Nature’s Blessings...The Draw-ups of God.

  Genesis by Matt Adams


  What was before there was not?

  Before there were words. Before there was flesh on earth. Before we had any say in it; any comment

  or accusation, there was God. One being. Three persons. Father. Son. Spirit.

  They were created of the same substance. They were like one another and yet unique. They shared

  everything in common and yet were in need of nothing. It was an unending tapestry of love, from the

  Father to the Son to the Spirit to the Father to the Son. How could they not help but share their cup of

  wine so full of rich life?

  The Spirit flowed out and over their cup into the vastness that only God knew. The Spirit overflowed

  to create space and time. In unity they spoke, created and loved- loved what they were creating.

  The vast nothingness, to us, soon became an expansive space. It had boundaries that were endless.

  The Spirit moved and swirled in ways only the Spirit can, creating beauty with every gesture. As the

  Spirit moved Jesus spoke for the Father. His words created words. His life created life.

  Everything exploded into existence. It was like paint cans being poured onto a canvas thousands of

  feet below. The paint crashed, the creation splashed, into existence. To us chaos. To God art. The

  science of art. The art of science.

  Black holes. Galaxies. Planets. All began to find their shape. They swirled around in unison as the

  Spirit moved around about them. They were slung into place, like a ball into a glove.

  The giant explosion of colour and light and greatness was taking shape. There was calm coming into

  the universe, order, but always freedom and life.

  Creation by Simon Cockle

  Walking, in place of working, one morning,

  I came across a spent firework on the edge

  of a ploughed field. The cardboard tube

  had collapsed in autumnal damp

  but the label still carried the legend

  ‘Star Blitz’ in metallic letters, rushing

  from the depths of space in a drama

  of silver jags. At once, it came into light;

  the tearing of sound from air when launched,

  the whistle and hiss as it wrote its way up

  to the sky, ending with its magnesium bloom,

  a splutter of sparks and the silent fall to earth

  through darkness. And, even now, all

  I had to do was stand back and wait.

  Note to Readers

  Some poems in this collection were selected because they express a love song to God such as "One Glimpse of Light" and "He is Creator!" Other poems such as "For Real" were chosen because they reflect God's affection for you. His love for mankind is displayed every time the sun rises, a bird sings, and a flower blooms. I pray this poetry collection stirs your heart to rediscover God's love through His amazing gift of creation.

  All we had to do was be born to receive God's creation, but the Bible tells us He gave another gift to mankind. This one cannot be received unless it is unwrapped with faith. The Bible states that Jesus died for the sins of the whole world (1John 2:2), but we must believe in Him to receive forgiveness and eternal life (John 3:16). If you have never put your faith in Jesus Christ, please consider accepting God's gift of salvation with this prayer:

  Dear Father, Thank You for the gift of salvation. I accept! I believe Jesus is Your Son who died on the cross and rose on the third day. I trust His blood will pay for my sins. I invite Your Spirit to live in me and lead me to eternal life. In Christ's Name, Amen.

  Congratulations on your decision to become a Christian. I pray you will draw near to God by spending time with other Christians, contemplating Scripture, and reading other forms of Christian literature.

  This book aims to glorify God and help others come near to Christ. If you enjoyed this publication, please consider sharing it with someone. You may also be interested in other Draw Near books such as:

  Creator: A Christian Poetry Collection

  Spiritual Citizens: A Christian Fiction Anthology

  Never Forsaken: A Testimony Collection

  Beseeching Grace: An International Prayer Collection

hank you for reading! May God's favor shine upon you.

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