Read Blind to Men Page 4

  "Not entirely. As a matter of fact, I've heard about you since I was a child. Your story has always fascinated me."

  Kylor stared into her eyes and took a deep breath, as if suddenly hooked by fond memories.

  "When the time came to break the curse, I offered my services. I wanted to know and protect you, so I took a solemn oath."

  Holding on to the woman's strong hand as they got to their feet together, she smiled her gratitude despite her blurred vision.

  "Tomorrow's summer solstice. Will you break the curse then?"

  "I will."


  Looking somewhat embarrassed at something she couldn't fathom, her guardian got up briskly, retrieved her cloak, packed their belongings in the saddlebags, and faced her.

  "I'll show you tomorrow. Shall we go?"


  What else could she do but signify her consent? It didn't matter for she had now many things to work out.

  They stayed off the dusty paths and kept to the forest for most of the day to avoid the royal guard. Her companion decided to set up camp for the night when the light began to fade.

  With trained, precise gestures, Kylor built a fire. Flames quickly licked the dry branches while she watched without seeing. Evening turned to night, a cool wind rustling in the tall trees.

  Soon, the fire blazed, warming her body. They shared dried meat, cheese, bread, and fruit in comfortable silence. As the flames lazily twisted and coupled before her eyes, she reflected on everything she’d learned.

  She'd see the legendary city of Palance before long, meet the queen, and possibly her Amazons. The curse was to be broken. Her life might take a turn she couldn’t imagine, and if worse came to worst, she would be sacrificed to fulfill a false prophecy.

  Perhaps she should flee in terror, but the whole adventure was much too appealing. She was dying to discover the mythical city, court, and people she couldn’t yet see nor hear.

  Most of all, she really wanted to stay with Kylor, to learn more about her, to kiss her and stroke her cock the way she had done the night before. Giving so much pleasure to someone involved torrid sensations indeed. The memory of this precious moment triggering warmth deep down her belly, she moved as close to the fire as she dared.

  "Where do you live, Kylor?"

  "I've lived in Palance my whole life."

  "What was your childhood like?"

  Her whole world had been about planting fields, harvesting, and taking care of the cattle. She had trouble envisioning a different kind of life, especially regarding the little girl Kylor must have been.

  "Learning and training. I was taught to read, write, ride a horse, wield a sword, and fight. In time, I became a good combatant."

  "Did you enjoy it?"

  "I did, although my instructors were very strict and prone to chastisement. Training with them was both demanding and gratifying."

  "What about the scar on your cheek?"

  Her guardian plunged her gaze into the flames. At this instant, she looked far away from the woods surrounding them.

  "It was my fault. We were training with blades, and I didn’t pay enough attention. The scar was my reward."

  Observing the thin slash across her protector's cheek, she winced, imagining the pain.

  "Did it hurt?"

  "More than I can say. Fortunately, I knew a good healer."

  There were so many things she wanted to know about Kylor and Palance that she fired away as quickly as the questions came to mind.

  "Have you ever seen an Amazon?"

  "They used to live at court, but most have gone now."

  Kylor grabbed some twigs and branches she had stashed beside her, and threw them in the fire.

  "The Amazons were the queen’s personal guard. Though in time, some of them have become healers and advisors."


  "Because peace doesn’t offer much activity to warriors."

  Regardless of the fighters' fate when the Four Kingdoms enjoyed peace, her mind kept coming back to the hateful woman.

  "What about the witch who cursed me? Where is she?"

  "When my relative stole the baby girl from her, Melisande disappeared. I guess she must have gone looking for her. Well, for you, Anya. To this day, nobody's seen her alive."

  "Yet she wants me dead. What have I done to her?"

  "You were a special child, and you've grown into a unique young woman. I think the witch wanted you as hers."

  Given that she'd never thought of herself as special, that was an unexpected notion.

  "What do you mean?"

  As soon as the words rang between them, she had the certainty Kylor would ignore her question.

  "Look, we’d better rest now. I want to be prepared and fully rested for tomorrow."

  Frustrated but unable to see a flaw in the woman’s reasoning, she nodded. Laying down on the dry, hard ground, staying close by the fire, she watched Kylor on the other side. She didn’t feel tired in spite of another long day’s riding. Sleep eluded her, but deep down, she knew fatigue had nothing to do with her current emotional state.

  Her fierce desire to lie in her protector’s arms prevented her from falling asleep, and that was new to her. If she chose to, she could tell Kylor about her affliction, but she perceived the woman favored being apart.

  Was it related to their kissing? In the sky, stars shone brightly, the moon ruling over them. The fire died down with the passing of time. Embers smoldered, their faint crackling sounds getting lost in the wilderness.

  The frisk air soon made her shiver. In an attempt to keep warm, she crossed her arms over her breasts. Kylor must have heard the unusual tossing for she got up and came to her.

  "You're cold."

  Her guardian settled on her back beside her and spread the large cloak over them. As soon as the woman’s body was against hers, she felt warm and safe. She missed being held in the strong arms but she was content for the time being. She might even have fallen asleep, had it not been for Kylor’s obvious restiveness and her hard as stone body.



  Silence followed their whispers. In the heart of the forest, surrounded by ancient trees, both stayed motionless. The waiting lasted until Kylor suddenly banged the palm of her hand on the hard soil, and rolled over.

  "The mighty gods help me."

  Then her famished mouth was on hers, and she separated her expecting lips with her tongue. Desire whipping her, she clung to her companion’s neck, dragging her down. Kylor moaned and ran a hand over her body, soon lifting up the hem of her dress.

  Aroused by the woman’s impulsiveness and eager kissing, she spread her legs, inwardly calling for her guardian's calloused hand to touch her sensitive place. She sighed in relief as her protector's palm found it while she murmured in her ear before nibbling her lobe.

  "Do you wish me to please you, my lady?"

  "I do. Dear spirits, I do."

  Kylor caressed her excited flesh with light yet relentless fingers. Closing her eyes, she forgot everything but the intoxicating touch on her skin and the pleasure rising in her.

  As she had done once before, she cried out when the gripping feeling took hold of her, more forcefully than before. She only opened her eyes when the pounding in her heart lessened. Above her, Kylor smiled.

  "I am happy I can serve you so, my lady."

  She raised a hand to her protector’s scarred cheek and stroked it while she struggled to find her breath back.

  "I am at a loss for words. I can't express the way you make me feel, but it’s wonderful. I'd like to . . . ."

  "What would you like, Anya?"

  "To please you too."

  Kylor’s eyes shone in the moonlight, her features taking on an expression of deep longing.

  "I'd like that very much. My lust for you is hurting me, and I crave for your gentle hand around my dick."

  "Lie down."

  She crept closer to rest on one elbow. Stretched on her back,
the woman looked at her while she wriggled her hips to remove the buckskins and disclose her erect member.

  A daring thought entering her mind, she didn’t touch the stiff rod but kneeled right beside Kylor who expelled a long breath when her lips came in contact with the hard flesh.

  Recalling kittens lapping milk when she used to feed them, she licked the cock in much the same manner, running her tongue from the base to the top. She soon realized the tip was the most sensitive part, for the woman's thighs tensed every time she suckled it. She focused on that spot, darting gentle sweeps all around until her guardian started moaning.

  "Anya, take me in your mouth."

  She hesitated in spite of Kylor's voice laden with lust and her hand reaching toward her. What would it feel like to slide the shaft in her mouth? A single glance at her protector's excited features told her without a doubt that the experience would feel good.

  Slowly bending down, she took the swollen tip between her lips and held it while circling the pink flesh at the same time. Kylor groaned, her blatant pleasure inspiring her.

  Firm lips around the rigid member, she took it farther in her mouth. It felt much more than good, it felt exhilarating. She sucked the cock deep and hard, in complete harmony with her protector’s moans. Her head rising and falling, she traced fiery lines on the quivering shaft with her tongue.

  She licked and sucked, oblivious of their surroundings, feeling only the strong body by her side and the wet cock in her mouth. She could have carried on endlessly, but her guardian’s body became harder all of sudden. Muscles strained, Kylor grunted as passion slurred her words.

  "I'm coming. Do you remember what happened yesterday?"

  She remembered. She also knew that she wanted to feel the liquid explode in her mouth and drench her throat. She needed to feel the creamy substance pour out of the unbending cock.

  She tightened her lips to increase her motion and hungrily gobbled the engorged shaft into her mouth. Her body shivering under the pressure, Kylor discharged her fluid as her shout of deliverance rang in her ears.

  The member softened in her mouth but she held it a while longer, listening with happiness to her guardian's harsh panting. Then she let go of the retracting flesh, feeling the smooth, creamy liquid in her mouth.

  She swallowed, acknowledging the peculiar taste for the first time, acquainting herself with the unfamiliar flavor, relishing the fact that it had come from her protector.

  Night embraced them. As a dark veil enshrouded their bodies and with stars watching over them, they fell asleep in each other’s arms.

  Chapter Eight

  Kylor was battling with thin air.

  They had woken up at dawn, the sun lazily rising from the east, dew moistening the dense underbrush. As they had been about to depart, the horse had neighed, shaking its mane nervously.

  Pushing her under the largest tree, Kylor had raised a finger to her lips and looked over the area. She must have spotted something odd for she'd unsheathed her long sword in a soundless gesture.

  Now her protector fought for her life, obviously under attack. Yet all she could see was her and the big sword furiously fending off invisible opponents. Watching her guardian parry with all her might, hearing the harsh sounds of her blade colliding, she huddled under the big tree.

  The same way the curse blinded her to women with cocks, she knew they weren't able to see her either. She wasn’t anxious for herself but for the warrior protecting her. Each time she heard a clashing of metal or an aggressive utterance, her heart skipped a beat.

  She feared the loss of the one person who had become dear to her, who had taken possession of her soul in a subtle but unequivocal way. Kylor couldn’t die. Not here, not now, not ever.

  Limbs trembling from anxiety and frustration, she crouched and followed the invisible battle. Had she been able to see the enemy, she might have helped, but at present she had no idea how.

  Although blind and deaf to them, surely she could touch those people and hurt them. She watched her companion struggle, sweat coating her fair hair, eyes as unflinching as ice, body shifting in every direction, arm riposting and attacking from all sides.

  There wasn’t an ounce of fear in Kylor's gaze, only concentration and resolve. The woman had expressed her willingness to die protecting her and she was being true to her words.

  Under the canopy of trees, surrounded by foe, her warrior didn’t take after a cornered prey but after a great predator, poised to strike lethal blows. Kylor suddenly grunted, redoubling her efforts and parrying wildly.

  "You'll never find her, you rascals!"

  Glancing around her, she espied a fallen branch beneath a nearby tree. It looked like a short log, heavy and dense. She crawled on her knees, her progress impeded by her long dress. Yet she grabbed the thick deadwood, wondering if its weight would be bearable.

  She pulled the log to her and reasserted her grip, heedless of any noise she might make as only Kylor could hear her. The branch was definitely heavy, but she would have enough strength to wield it, even more so because her protector’s life was endangered.

  She perceived a change in the struggle as she raised her head. Kylor had probably killed one or several of her adversaries because her movements looked more focused, narrowed to a smaller area in front of her.

  On the other hand, her breathing was louder and her body slower. She must be tiring from the incredible strain demanded of her, but her resolve wouldn't dwindle. Still she winced when, out of nowhere, a slash appeared on her shirt and tore the loose fabric.

  Her breath stopped. Eyes riveted to the cut, blood racing in her veins, she had to act before it was too late. She seized the log, stood up, and advanced slowly toward the fighting woman. Her sword clashing, lunging and retreating, Kylor nevertheless seemed to notice her approach and tilted her head to the left.

  Left, she went. She gripped the log so tightly that she thought the bark was embedded in her skin. Careful as she tried to be, her foot slipped on the humid earth and she stumbled.

  Heart lurching, she managed to regain her balance. Only then did she exhale freely though time didn't play in her favor. She stepped forward, closing in on her invisible enemies. Considering her guardian's position, she judged the distance about right and lifted the dense log over her head.

  She was about to strike when Kylor fell backward, one hand breaking her fall, her blade high and flat to deflect blows. Although down, the warrior woman maintained a defensive position and shouted.


  She didn’t falter but brought the log down with all the force she could muster. The impact jolted her arms, causing her to drop the heavy piece of wood. Inches from her, the grass seemed to crumple under a dead weight. Kylor jumped to her feet and resumed her attack.

  She dealt out powerful strikes with a grin stretching her full lips. Even focused on her opponent, she found the leisure to comment on the most recent and successful development.

  "Well done, Anya. This one never saw you coming."

  Her sword slashed sideways then she stood still, getting her breath back. Turning to her, she winked.

  "It's over, they're all dead."

  Her terror vanishing, relief washed over her. She'd been so scared of losing Kylor that the joy of seeing her alive was overwhelming. Fresh tears coursing down her cheeks, breathing erratic, she rushed to her protector, slumped against her hard chest and cried helplessly.

  "I thought they were going to kill you. I didn't know what to do and I was so frightened for you."

  Her sobs impairing her speech, she tugged at the collar of Kylor's shirt with frantic pulls, unable to stop blabbering.

  "I saw the cut on your shirt. You fell down and . . . Dear creators, I don’t want to lose you. The ethers as my witness, I love you."

  Her guardian dropped the sword to cup her head, fingers dipping into her hair. Their mouths met. They kissed like ravenous lovers, warding off death, unearthing profound and unbridled emotions. When Kylor drew back, she
panted from the intensity of their passion.

  "I swear by the spirits that I could take you right here."

  Their legs pressed against each other’s, she felt the now-familiar bulge stretching the buckskins. Her thighs trembled although she wasn't sure of the woman's meaning. What did she want to take from her?

  "Why don’t you?"

  "The time isn’t yet right, but it will be soon."

  Her gaze holding promises, desire darkening her blue eyes, Kylor brushed her mouth before picking up the discarded blade and leading her toward the waiting horse.

  "If the mighty gods are with us, we'll be in Palance tonight."

  "Are we safe?"

  "For a while, but they found me so there’s no point in staying in the forest. It would only slow us down."

  Once more, she had to rely on her protector to obtain facts she should have been able to perceive.

  "Who were they?"

  "I'm not sure. They didn’t belong to the royal guard so I guess the witch is involved."

  "How many were they?"


  Considering the queen had summoned her to court, the royal guard attacking them didn’t make sense. On the other hand, she wasn’t privy to many facts and could be quite deceived by clever tactics. She stroked the horse's head while wondering aloud.

  "Why would the royal guard attack us?"

  "I can only guess, Anya. Maybe they wanted to take you prisoner and lock you in a cell until the ritual, although it doesn’t sound right to me. I'm inclined to think they were sent by the witch."

  "But they can’t even see me."

  "They were under orders, they'd have tried anyway."

  Resolution etched on her face, Kylor mounted her steed and reached out a hand to help her up.

  "Don't be scared. I'll always defend you and fight for you."

  The determined statement sent her heart knocking as she looked back to stare into the clear, blue eyes.

  "I have faith in you, Kylor."

  Strangely, her protector's features now expressed something akin to pain, and her chest hardened.

  "Anya, don't talk to me about love."

  "Why not?"

  "Because you'd be hurt if anything bad happened to me. The last thing I want is to make you suffer."