Read Blind to Men Page 5

  The woman's tone lowered to a whisper. Gripped by unexpected dread, her voice rose to a higher pitch.

  "What are you talking about? What’s going to happen to you?"

  Kylor must have sensed or seen her overflowing emotion because she tenderly stroked her cheek.

  "Nothing. Forget about that. Sometimes I don't know what I'm saying."

  Was she lying? In dire need of reassurance, she clung to hope although the dismal words had been a warning. She knew it in her heart. Even cursed, she was neither blind nor deaf to Kylor. So she hang on to the blue eyes as the question left her lips.

  "Don't you love me?"

  Chapter Nine

  Urging the horse on, Kylor kept silent. They neared Palance by mid-afternoon. The lively bustle on the road roused her, exciting noises, smells, and colors drawing her out of her gloomy thoughts. Horses and carts cluttered the way, all going in the same direction.

  Joyous yells could be heard over the constant rumbling of wheels on the wide, paved way. Little girls played runes or jumbling sticks in the back of carts, older women casually conversed, laughed and traded various items. A young woman wearing a tight-fitting, multicolored dress jingled a tambourine, sang and danced along the road.

  Pushing her horse through the crowd, sometimes trotting in the bordering fields, her guardian made way for them. She deemed it safer to ride in the open although their progress was slower. In any case, they had nearly reached their intended destination.

  "Kylor, who are all these women? Where are they going?"

  "They're farmers and traders on their way to the city. I'd like to take you down to the market, you'd enjoy it."

  To their left, an old woman sitting in a frayed cart smiled at them. The gesture revealed large gaps between two teeth when she called out and handed bright-looking beads.

  "Hey! Can I interest you in something? Mayhap this shiny necklace for the lovely lady?"

  Kylor reined in but didn't reply until she had thoroughly looked over the contents of the cart.

  "I'd be more interested in a cloak."

  The old woman chuckled. "Why d'you want a cloak for? T'would be a sin to hide such a beauty."

  Without warning, she swiveled her head to the left and started speaking to an empty spot.

  "Why, that young lady on the horse. You going blind in your old age?"

  She faced them again and grinned, displaying the wide gaps in her mouth like a hard-won trophy.

  "Excuse my … It seems … eyesight is failing."

  Once more she missed a few words, yet her deafness didn’t bother her so much now she was aware of the reason. From the corner of her eye, she saw Kylor wave her hand in a dismissive gesture.

  "Forget it. Have a good day."

  "Hold on."

  The old woman rummaged around to pull out a dark grey fabric from a big pile of clothing.

  "'Tis so I've the perfect cloak for your lady. What d'you think? 'Tis only a silver crown."

  "I'll take it."

  Kylor tossed her a coin before grabbing the proffered cloak. The trader bit the silver with enthusiasm and bobbed her head up and down in appreciation.

  "Thank you very much, my … Good day to you!"

  Before Kylor could push her horse forward, the old woman turned back to the empty spot beside her. She looked flushed while she gestured toward them and articulated as though talking to the village idiot.

  "This young lady, there on the horse. Didn’t you hear what I said? You deaf as well as blind?"

  But her face suddenly drooped as she spoke the words. Her eyes narrowed, shifting from Kylor to her.

  "By the mighty gods, 'tis summer solstice."

  Brow deeply furrowed, voice trailing off, she pointed a long, crooked finger at her.

  "You are . . ."

  Kylor didn't wait for her to say more. She clucked her tongue to spur the horse on as she took advantage of a sudden clearing in their path. Wending her way between horses and carts, she crossed to the other side of the road and steered her mount towards open land.

  Free from the crowd, they trotted to the nearest woods. It seemed the road to Palance might not be as safe as they'd assumed. When they reached a canopy of trees, her protector reined in to give her the dark cloak.

  "You need to wear this. Women can see you and we're too close to the city to fail now."

  "Do you know that old woman?"

  "No, but she's aware of who you are."

  She glanced back to see Kylor looking at her with tenderness before she caressed her cheek with the back of her hand.

  "She's old and wise. She can't have forgotten the witch’s prediction and the curse on the baby girl."

  "Will she tell anyone?"

  Her companion pursed her lips as she draped the large grey cloak around her shoulders.

  "I don't know, but we'll find out soon enough."

  The afternoon already being well on its way, she didn't relish another night in the forest.

  "Where are we going?"

  "To the 'Fair Knave'. The tavern belongs to a friend of mine. We'll be able to clean up and rest there."

  They rode till dusk in the protective bosom of the forest. They crossed the outer city of Palance without her being able to discern much in the dark. As night invaded the Four Kingdoms and shadows concealed them, her guardian judged it safe to enter the inner city.

  She wrapped herself in the cloak when they neared the entrance, and pulled the hood down. The horse brought them to the drawbridge where Kylor stopped in front of the town gates.

  "It's me, Kylor."

  She used a low voice, probably in answer to someone. There was a pause before she spoke again.

  "Can't you see I'm alone?"

  Whoever she talked to must be observing the surroundings given that her lie was followed by another pause.

  "I'll come by tomorrow. Good night."

  They crossed the bridge leading to the city and entered Palance. Shivers of excitement twisted her stomach unfortunately it was already too dark for her to distinguish much.

  She picked out bulky shapes in narrow streets to her left, and what could be a vast marketplace in front of them. Few women walked the streets, even when they halted behind a big house. After tying the horse to a hitching post near the door, Kylor helped Anya dismount.

  "This is the back door. My friend is expecting me, but I don’t want to attract unnecessary attention. Stay close to me."

  It was warm inside, and quiet. They walked past the main room, empty of patrons. Up a narrow flight of stairs, Kylor led her to the second door on the right before ushering her into the room.

  "Anya, I need to speak to my friend. Please don't come out before I return. I won’t be long."

  She nodded as her guardian turned heels. Darkness was master of the place here so she sat by the window to peer outside. She had daydreamed of laying eyes on Palance for most of her life, yet all she could see were shadows broken by the vague glow of the moon.

  The street appeared deserted, but as a measure of safety, she pulled the drapes shut. She stood up to remove her new cloak then lit some candles and took a look around. The unfamiliar room displayed a huge tub in a corner and fresh linen on the large bed.

  As she had done the day they met, her companion came back promptly with a servant, both carrying hot water for bathing. She watched their comings and goings until the tub was full and the maid left for the final time. This one didn't gawk at Kylor but remained focused on her work.

  Without grasping the exact reason, relief washed over her while she observed the servant. Why did she find comfort in the young girl's demure attitude? Did it have something to do with the special moments when her protector touched her most intimate parts?

  She'd have to ponder about this later as Kylor locked the door and made a sweeping gesture toward the tub.

  "For you."

  "For us. You need it as much as me."

  Delicious flutters invaded her at the thought of undressing and se
eing her companion's bare body. Turning round to show her back to Kylor, she asked in a light voice.

  "Would you mind?"

  Chapter Ten

  Her guardian truly possessed deft fingers. The dress fell to the floor in no time while shadows from the candles danced on her revealed skin. With a smile, she went to the tub and stepped in.

  The rather hot liquid didn't extract a sound from her, but she couldn't help gasping when she glanced up to watch her companion. Kylor waited, tall, proud, and entirely naked.

  Below the square muscles of her flat chest and belly, hemmed in by a thick growth of hair, her hard cock stuck out. She had to refrain from sighing, happy and flattered to witness such an arousing vision.

  "Kylor, you desire me."

  "I do."

  The woman's low tone seemed to penetrate her limbs. Although she almost trembled with anticipation, she didn't forget she looked like a grimy street cat carrying the mud of a long road.

  The significant moment she'd been waiting for would have to be delayed until she felt free from dirt. She sat in the so-wonderful hot water and tilted her head in an apologizing manner.

  "Can you wait a little longer?"

  She could tell that the woman only feigned disappointment by the way she took a quick bow before joining her in the tub.

  "Of course I can. Anything for my lady."

  They stared at each other. The blatant desire glimmering in Kylor's gaze caused her to wonder if her eyes reflected the same. But in spite of their hunger, they proceeded with their cleansing, splashing water on the floor and sluicing off dust from the journey.

  She twisted her hair above the water when she felt clean. The movement made her sit upright, her breasts buoyed by the cooling liquid. Kylor gaped at her, the twinkle in her eyes indicating the washing was over.

  She drew in a sharp breath when her companion touched her breasts. She stroked them without hurry, the calloused skin of her hands striking sparks in her whole being.

  She jerked when Kylor ensnared her nipples, undulations rippling across the surface of the water. She rolled them between thumbs and forefingers before rubbing them with her palms.

  "You're so enticing."

  Her excited voice accelerated her breathing as the woman leaned in to draw her closer.

  "I'm in drastic need of you."

  She bent her head down, found the erect flesh with the rim of her lips and nibbled it. Caught in her protector's arms, she moaned, desire flashing through her limbs.

  "I need you too."

  Kylor rose to sweep her into her arms. She carried her to the bed, their skin dripping droplets on the floor. Her heart thumping like a church bell on Sunday mornings, she licked her lips.

  "Do with me as you wish."

  Her companion shuddered. Gaze inflamed, she laid her down on the bed with great care.

  "Touch me, Anya. Feel my affection for you."

  She didn't want anything else. Taking hold of the cock, she enjoyed its hardness and its strength. Kylor lay on top of her, kissing her keenly, stirring fiery sensations in the pit of her stomach and between her thighs. A strange urgency overwhelming her, she felt like spreading her legs.

  And she did, her intuition awaiting something she couldn’t fathom. Resting on her elbows, her protector placed a tender kiss on her lips while her stiff member brushed against her thighs. The light touch burned her as Kylor traced her jaw line with the back of her hand.

  "I might hurt you a little, my lady, but it's necessary. Believe me when I say the pain won’t last."

  "I trust you."

  She felt the tip of the rigid dick touch her special place and her body seemed to open up. Although she didn’t know what was in store for her, excitement and impatience made her head spin.

  More than anything, she wanted to discover the full power of her guardian’s affection. After eighteen years of doing her chores at the farm, nothing mattered but this culmination.

  The blue eyes held her gaze and the strong hands resting along her sides quivered when her companion entered her slowly.

  "Kiss me, Anya."

  With her mouth pressed against her lips, Kylor seemed to heave just before she plunged her shaft into her soft flesh. Pain shot through her and she let loose a sharp yell.

  "Forgive me, my lady."

  Her protector remained motionless but scattered light kisses over her lids, nose, and cheeks.

  "Please don't be nervous, it's over."

  But she couldn’t calm down because her body started glowing. Emanating from her very core, a hot, golden light illuminated her limbs. The two of them stared at the uncanny phenomenon without moving until the light slowly dimmed then vanished as if it had never shone. Apprehension furrowing her brow, she heard the tremors in her voice.

  "What was it? What’s happening to me?"

  "The curse is lifted. You're free."

  Really? She hadn't imagined breaking the spell would occur so quickly, although Kylor sounded relieved and fearful.

  "Now look at me, Anya. I'm a man."

  She looked. Hearing the word for the first time, other locutions like he, his and him bubbled up in her brain as if they had always been there. Different words also pushed their way into her mind before she had time to register them, followed by images of boys and men.

  Throat locked from the vivid swirl of knowledge penetrating her, she nevertheless saw him for who he was: a strong warrior who had sworn to protect her. She had thought him the ugliest woman in the Four Kingdoms, yet she now found him extremely pleasing to her eye.

  "You're a man."

  She watched raw lust twirl in his eyes. With his cock inside her, she sensed his profound need for acknowledgment. All this time he had pretended to be a woman for her sake.

  To avoid frightening her, he'd played along while suppressing his natural instincts. Would she ever find the right way to thank him for his patience and understanding?

  Instinct guiding her, she wrapped her legs around his waist. She opened herself to him and he rose to her invitation. His intense gaze riveted on her, he pushed his dick inside her.

  There was no pain this time, only a forceful sensation of being filled along with the need to keep him inside her forever. So when he withdrew, she grabbed his shoulders to restrain him.

  "No, don’t go."

  His abrupt smile heightening the resolve in his eyes told her that she had misunderstood his action.

  "I'm not going anywhere."

  He began to move in her, coming and going, embedding his shaft ever deeper. She'd never lived through such exquisite, heady sensations, and her eagerness to experience them to completion took her breath away.

  Overwhelmed by the potency of his thrusts as much as her own response, she couldn’t stop moaning, rolling her head from side to side, tightening her grip around his waist and lifting her pelvis toward his stomach.

  She felt chained to this man, bound to the love he was giving her. The fierce movements of his cock sent her mind reeling, the beat of her heart resounding in her ears, her body calling for more.

  More of this blinding pleasure he elicited in her with a simple touch of his hands and hard member. More of this stupefying feeling he provided her as though she was born to lie underneath him.

  She hadn’t known life before this. She'd been but a shell waiting to be made full. He filled her to her heart’s content, and each time she thought she'd brim over, his dick made his way farther into her.

  "You set me on fire, Anya."

  "Kylor, I—"

  Her small, uncontrollable cries flew past him while his hoarse voice and uneven breaths warmed her cheek.

  "It feels like my cock is a part of you."

  A mighty agitation engulfed her. Without scaring her, the intense turmoil prompted her to seize his shoulders as she suddenly perceived herself on the verge of being swallowed whole.

  "Dear creators, something is happening to me."

  "You're coming, my beloved."

  His ta
ut features showing the same violent emotion flipping her mind around, he strengthened his grip on her.

  "Hold me tight, I'll take you there."

  Although she wanted something to free her from this unbearable pleasure, her muscles strained against her volition. But she believed him, and his lustful tone lulled her inner tension.

  "Let it happen, Anya."

  His shaft hard and tender inside her, he quickened his powerful thrusts to devour her. She let out a long wail when a shattering sensation ran her through, and the whole world dimmed.

  Swept away by unrestrained passion, she still heard his raucous grunts of satisfaction and felt his body jerk under the untamed force of his release. The curse couldn't forbid her anymore to enter reality. Thanks to him, she had just become a woman.

  Kylor’s body was slumped over hers when she came back to her senses. She opened her eyes to his handsome face, delighted smile, and caring expression. He regarded her with eyes that showed how he cherished her.

  "You offered yourself to me, Anya. I'll never forget the amazing gift you gave me this day."

  Her heart brimmed with love at hearing his genuine confession and she expelled a long sigh of satisfaction.

  "You freed and fulfilled me, Kylor. I'll never forget it.

  Chapter Eleven

  She felt ravenous. Playing with her protector’s cock was gratifying indeed, but tended to leave her hungry. The stew brought by Kylor’s friend, the proprietor of the inn, was very tasty and a delicious smell wafted from the platters. Chewing on potatoes and beef, she gazed around her.

  The noise in the crowded central room of the 'Fair Knave' hurt her ears as men appeared busy eating, drinking, talking, smoking pipes and playing games. There were men everywhere.

  She basked in the sight of the real world. Obviously, all these people had already been there when she arrived with Kylor at the 'Fair Knave' a short while ago. But she had still been under the curse at the time. Now, she was able to see and hear them. And they saw her too.

  Tall, big, and hairy, they looked similar to Kylor. Yet none of them were as pleasing to look at as her guardian. Being able to watch those men excited her, like a new world at last revealing itself.