Read Blonde Kisses Page 16

  Chapter 16

  I Love You More

  “Good morning, my little butterfly,” I say in a tired voice to an equally sleepy Misty.

  “Hey, love bug,” she responds.

  “Since today is Valentine's Day, do you want to go anywhere special?” I ask, rubbing some of the sleep from my eyes.

  “Actually, I think I wanna stay inside and just spend some time with you,” Misty answers.

  “That's probably a good idea because it looks like it's cloudy, so there might be rain later on today,” I comment, glancing outside through the window.

  “Shall we go have breakfast?” she offers once we've taken a few minutes to wake up more fully.

  “Have you got any more pancakes or waffles? I could definitely go for either of those right now,” I declare.

  “I don't have any more pancakes, unfortunately, but I should still have enough waffles for the two of us. I also still have a little syrup left,” Misty says.


  Sitting on the couch after breakfast, I notice something different about Misty's hair.

  “Did you get your hair done?” I ask her.

  “Oh, I just added a few red highlights. Do you like them? I thought I'd try something new for Valentine's Day,” she explains.

  I run my fingers through her light-blonde hair, focusing in particular on the new streaks of red.

  “You look even more beautiful than usual today. Did you do these yourself?”

  “Yes, I did. I love being so sexy for you!” Misty replies with a smile.

  “You're such an adorable angel; sometimes, it feels like you'll grow wings and take me away,” I say, hugging her.

  “Awww, I could just melt into you right now like butter.”

  “I love you so much, baby,” I tell her.

  “I love you more,” Misty responds.

  “I love you even more,” I continue, pressing my nose up against hers.

  “No, I love you more!” she says, giggling.

  Right as I'm about to respond again, Misty locks her lips onto mine so that I can't say anything else.

  “How much do you love me?” I whisper once our lips separate with the characteristic mwah.

  “This much,” Misty answers, spreading her arms out wide before wrapping them around me.

  “What is it that you love the most about me?”

  “I love the way you handle me so gently. Whenever you come around, I feel really sexy, and you always treat me right and respect me. Now your turn: What's your favorite part about me?” she asks.

  “You're always so playful, energetic, and happy but also caring and understanding. Whenever I'm feeling down or have a problem—when I need you the most—you're right there to cheer me up or help me,” I reply.

  “We're so perfect together that someone should write a love story about us!” Misty says.

  “If this were a cartoon, there would be little sparkling hearts floating above us right now,” I say as we rub our noses together before sharing a deep kiss.


  Later on in the day, I tell Misty that I have a present to give her.

  “I've got something really special for you that I've been saving up for,” I announce to her.

  “What is it?” she asks, curious.

  “Here, take a look,” I say, handing her a little box.

  She opens it and then instantly lets out a gasp of excitement when she sees what's inside.

  “It's a gift card for a local jewelry store!” she shouts joyfully.

  “I know we said we weren't going anywhere today, but I think this is a worthy exception,” I respond as she throws herself into my arms.

  “Awww, honey—this is so thoughtful!”

  “We'll pick out a stunning piece of jewelry for you, and when we get back, I have something else for the both of us to share.”

  At the store, Misty and I browse through the vast array of lovely jewelry designs. There are so many nice things around that it's tough to choose only one. After some searching, while we're in the section that displays necklaces, she draws my attention to a particular piece.

  “Ooo, here's a pretty one.”

  She points to a necklace with a white-gold heart pendant containing small sapphires all around it.

  “I like it too. I think that'd look beautiful on you, babe,” I agree with her.

  “Yeah, let's get it!”

  We find a sales representative to make the purchase, and the necklace is placed into a very nice box for us. It's also revealed that some money still remains on the gift card.

  “We can come back here another time and get you something else,” I suggest.

  “I just can't wait to get back and see how this one looks on me!”

  Once we're settled in at home, I help Misty fasten the necklace around her neck.

  “You look absolutely gorgeous,” I compliment the way the pendant rests above her cleavage.

  She gets a handheld mirror from her purse to take a look for herself.

  “I love it. Thank you, baby. This is one of the best gifts I've ever gotten,” she says sincerely, giving me a hug.

  “It's just my way of showing how much you mean to me.”

  “Awww,” Misty responds, looking at me with her head tilted slightly before giving me a light kiss on the cheek.

  “Now… Let's get to my other surprise.”

  I retrieve the metallic red container with pink rose decorations that I got especially for this day.

  “Mmm… I love chocolate,” Misty says as soon as she opens it.

  I take one out and feed it to her. She practically moans when she discovers that they're filled with caramel. Reciprocating the gesture, she then feeds me a chocolate. By the time we're through, the upper layer in the box of chocolate is about halfway empty and then Misty gets another idea.

  “These sweets are so good that they've put me in the mood for some cookies. Do you wanna bake some with me?”

  “You know I do!”

  Like we always do, we first wash our hands with warm, soapy water together under the sink—an important preliminary step. Misty gathers several necessary ingredients, including white sugar, milk, eggs, and flour, among other things. She asks me to mix them in a bowl while she preheats the oven. Inside the bowl, the mixture forms a dough that Misty and I then both transform into quarter-inch-thick heart shapes. While our cookies are baking in the oven, we prepare the pink frosting, which we'll soon spread on top of them. Once the frosting is applied, the finishing touch is adding red sprinkles to the cookies that look like tiny rubies. After we're done eating, our bellies are full of delicious treats.

  “I have a cute Valentine's Day pillow I'd like you to see… in the bedroom,” Misty says, winking at me and adding a sultry tone to the last three words.

  She then grabs my hand and leads me there, showing me a red heart-shaped pillow with a lacy white border surrounding it. The other pillows on the bed are the usual rectangular ones but now with glittery red covers. I watch Misty undress to reveal her shiny orange bra and panties. She lies down on her back, with her head on the new pillow, and stares at me seductively, her eyes three-fourths closed and the tip of her index finger placed between her slightly parted lips. When Misty gets on top of me, the feeling of her weight makes my pulse go wild. The bright splashes of red, orange, and light-blonde are the perfect combination of sunrise colors.