Read Blonde Kisses Page 17

  Chapter 17

  I'll Always Be Yours

  In a few days, I'll be traveling to another state to attend the special training required for a new job, and Misty is helping me get ready. It's unfortunate that I have to go elsewhere for two weeks before starting, but when I come back, I'll still be able to work online from home, like I already have been. Once all of my things are packed, we can rest easy for a while.

  “Do you think you'll return in time for our one-year anniversary?” Misty asks me.

  “Yes, I should be back with a few days to spare,” I answer.

  “We've never been apart for this long before. I'm not sure how I'll be able to fall asleep when I'm not securely in your arms…” she says, coming close to me and resting her head on my chest.

  “Awww, babe—I don't wanna be away from you either, but I think it'll be worth it. And at least we'll be able to text each other and see each other over video chat.”

  “Yeah, I know, but I guess it's not the same,” Misty replies.


  On the day I'm set to leave, Misty drives me to the airport, and we say our goodbyes before I depart.

  “Even though you'll only be gone for a few weeks, I'm still really gonna miss you,” she says with tears in her eyes like little diamonds.

  “Come on, sweetie—don't cry. I promise I'll be back real soon, and when I am, we'll go somewhere really fun,” I comfort her in a soft voice, kissing away her tears.

  We share a quick kiss on the lips and then I'm off to catch my flight. Misty waves to me and blows me another kiss before driving off into the distance. I've never traveled alone before, so this will be a very strange experience. I feel somewhat better as I make it onto the plane with plenty of time to spare.

  For the next few hours, the only thing left to do is wait. While my smartphone still has battery power remaining, I play a few games on it. Without Internet access, however, the range of things I can do is severely limited, so I decide to use this time to sleep. I awaken multiple times throughout my nap, and each time, I look over to the empty seat next to mine as if expecting Misty to be there. Wherever you are, I'll always be yours, I remember the words she spoke a few days prior. I take comfort in the thought that I'll send her a message as soon as I'm able to, and I fall back asleep. Before I know it, I wake up to the sound of the pilot announcing over the intercom that we'll be arriving at the destination airport soon, so I get my bearings in preparation for the landing.

  I grab something to eat at the airport before exiting and finding a taxi to take me to the hotel where I'll be staying; I sure am glad that this expense will be taken care of for me. Once I check in and settle into my room, I set my phone to charge so I can text Misty, letting her know that I made it safely. The job training begins tomorrow, so I have the rest of today to relax and take a break from the exhaustion of travel.

  In the evening, Misty and I get together on video chat, talking about what we did today and things of that sort. Although It's nice to have some line of communication open, it can never compare to being together in person.


  The next two weeks go by without any problems, but on the day when I'm supposed to leave, I'm informed that the flight is delayed due to inclement weather. Back at home in California, thunderstorms of this type and magnitude almost never happen, but I should've expected that it could happen elsewhere. The company agrees to pay for my extended stay, though no one is sure exactly when it'll be safe to fly again. Misty and I are extremely disappointed at the thought that we might not have the chance to be together on our one-year anniversary.

  Two more days pass, with the weather clearing up some, and yet it still remains unknown when I'll be able to return. It isn't too late to make it back in time, but I'm beginning to get nervous as the window becomes narrower and narrower. On the day flights resume—the day of Misty's and my anniversary—I end up finding out on such short notice that I have to rush in order to make it, so I can't even spare the moment needed to tell Misty that I'll be making it home just in time after all. Cutting it extremely close, I breathe a major sigh of relief as I sit down on the plane, with only minutes to spare before takeoff. I close my eyes to take a well-deserved nap, content that Misty and I will be together very soon. I can't wait to see the look on her face when she sees me again for the first time in over two weeks.


  “I'm home, honey!” I shout excitedly as I swing the front door open and enter the house.

  “Baby!” Misty responds as she practically leaps into my arms.

  I pick her right up, and we share the deepest and most intensely passionate kiss imaginable, lasting several minutes.

  “I'm sooo, sooo happy to see you!” she says with an angelic smile.

  “I missed you more than anything,” I tell her sincerely.

  “Not as much as I missed you!”

  Later in the evening, we go to the park for a walk—just like we did a year ago. While walking around, we encounter a small cluster of ladybugs that have red wing covers with several black spots on them. Kneeling down to get a closer look, Misty lets one of them walk around on her hand, commenting how adorable the creatures are. The sun starts to set over the horizon, filling the sky with brilliant shades of red, orange, yellow, and violet. While we're sitting on a bench and breathing in the fresh outdoor air, a beautiful little purple-and-orange butterfly lands on our table.

  “Awww, isn't that so pretty!” Misty says to me, with her head resting on my shoulder.

  “It's exactly like the one we saw a year ago,” I reply softly, putting my arm around her to bring her even closer to me.

  We watch as it flutters away into the distance.


  Even though you might never see it, this love story is dedicated to you, Lexi Swallow—the most beautiful woman in the world.

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