Read Blood and Snow 1 Page 5

  I followed him into the tiny office. A bowl of steaming rice and vegetables sat in front of my chair on the edge of the desk. “Is this for me?” I hoped so. My stomach growled with hunger.

  “Yes, Shiryo-san. I had my wife cook these up for you. I hope you’re hungry.” Kenmei’s fathomless eyes shone bright.

  “Thank you.” I scooped up the bowl and ate with the fork provided. Its aroma had my mouth watering, but the flavors fell flat. After I’d finished I placed the empty bowl on the table, satiated but not satisfied. I also realized I’d eaten in silence and that Professor Pops and Kenmei watched me expectantly. My cheeks flushed.

  “Sorry, were the two of you going to eat?” They didn’t have food in front of them.

  “No. We are curious as to how you’re feeling.” Professor Pops asked.

  My face grew hotter. Did they want to know if I intended to jump them? Attack them for their blood? At the thought of blood, my mouth watered. I ignored it. “I’m fine,” I said to Professor Pops. Facing Kenmei, I added, “The food was wonderful. Please tell your wife I said, ‘thank you.’” I’d lied. The rice and vegetables had tasted like ash, but I had the distinct impression it wasn’t because of his wife’s cooking skills, more that my body had already begun to change.

  He nodded. “I will.”

  “Now, let me answer your question,” Professor Pops said, crossing one of his long legs over the other.

  I peered at him, slightly confused.

  “You asked why, why she chose you.”

  “Oh, right. Yes.” I leaned back in the chair, and clamped my twitchy hands in my lap.

  “First a little history.”

  “Okay,” I said, noting it’d become my word of the day.

  “The Vampire Queen has been alive for thousands of years. By our best guess,” he eyed Kenmei, “we’d say more than seven thousand. Every thousand years she must change bodies. Regardless of, or because of, her immortal properties, like a snake that sheds its skin every year, she too must escape the old body in favor of a new healthier one.”

  I shuddered at the thought of skin peeling away.

  Professor Pops continued, “When the Queen is within twenty years of her need to shed, she sends out drone vampires.”

  I must have had a confused expression because he said, “Think about bees in a hive. There is one Queen over fifty thousand bees, and one out of every hundred is a worker. They are also female. Then there are the drones, which are the males. Their job,” he shifted uncomfortably, “is to mate with the Queen.”

  My jaw dropped.

  “Within the hierarchy of the Vampire Queen’s hive, we know within her army are many, many more females. We also know the male drone vampire’s job is…” he trailed off, and cleared his throat before continuing, “slightly different.”

  “Correct,” Kenmei said, taking over. “The drones are sent into the world searching for the most exquisite female humans. Once they find one, they mark her.” Professor Pops leaned close; his hands hovered near my right arm.

  Without him lifting my shirtsleeve I knew what he hoped to find. I had a dark birthmark near my shoulder in the shape of a star. It’d appeared around my fifth birthday. I’d been getting dressed one morning and believed the mark to be a bug at first. Worried, I’d shown my mother. She’d said it was nothing to worry about. “A kiss from magical fairies,” had been her answer. At the thought of my mother, tears gathered on my lashes.

  “May I?” Pops asked.

  I pulled up the sleeve. “So a drone vampire marked me?” I heard the raw pain in my voice but pretended it didn’t matter and moved my shoulder so he and Kenmei saw it.

  “Yes,” Kenmei said, his face growing soft.

  “Why don’t I remember?” I let go of my sleeve and tucked my hands under my legs. Keeping my eyes down, I stared at my white tube socks—boy socks.

  “You were young, and the mark was most likely placed on you in your sleep,” Professor Pops said.

  At his words, something clicked. “How do you know about all of this?” My stomach clenched. Was Professor Pops’ friendship only pretend? Was he somehow involved?

  Kenmei answered by moving his shirt. Where his shoulder met his arm an evil-looking blade had been tattooed.

  “What does that mean?” I asked after looking and sitting back. My heart beat rapidly, which made me happy. I still had one.

  “When a drone vampire is chosen to be a Hunter by the Queen, she marks him with one of these.” He touched the blade hesitantly before covering it.

  “D-did you mark me? Are you the one who bit me?” I stood, jumped over the desk, and pulled open the door before I grasped what I’d done. Fear occupied my veins.

  “No, Shiryo-san.”

  Both Professor Pops and Kenmei rose in unison, as though their movements had been synchronized. Professor Pops had his arms out, a look of pleading on his face.

  “We were a part of the Queen’s hive many, many years ago, but we left. For me, it’s been over a thousand years. For Kenmei, almost six.”

  My hand dropped from the handle. “Six thousand years? You’re so old.” I also remembered the man who’d bitten me was much taller than Kenmei, his body firmer, younger. The way he’d smelled—like Heaven, my mind whispered. I closed my eyes, trying to regain focus.

  He bowed. “Yes, Shiryo-san. I was the first Hunter. With my help the Queen transferred into a new body. With my help the Queen became the first Snow White, the fairytale child which is your namesake.”

  Chapter 2

  “You’re saying that the Snow White from the movie was real?” I needed to sit before I fell. On rubbery legs I walked back over to my chair.

  “Yes, Shiryo-san. She was real and very beautiful, just as you are. Though the story was more of a Brothers Grimm tale, and even they were way off.”

  It seemed strange to have others say I was beautiful. I didn’t think I was ugly, just plain. I looked down, studying some nonexistent lint on my jeans. After a few moments of silence, I asked, “Am I the only one the Vampire Queen is after?”

  Kenmei smiled. “You are one of many. Hundreds. Adam Henry and I have made it our life’s mission to help the marked, the chosen.”

  “I am your Protector,” Professor Pops stated.

  I caught what Pops said but couldn’t fathom the meaning behind the words at the moment. Instead I fixated on what Kenmei had said. “There’s hundreds? She only needs one body. Why not just take mine or one of the others right away? What’s she waiting for?”

  The two men looked at each other and something I didn’t understand passed between them. “A lot must happen for the body of a chosen one to be ready. Many will die,” Kenmei said.

  Professor Pops continued, “In order for the Vampire Queen’s magic to work, the revenant must drink the blood of her true love and consume his heart.”

  The memory of my dream where I’d tasted the heart and its blood filled my mind. It’d been the heart of my true love. A warm hunger rushed through my body and I shuddered. Professor Pops noticed.

  “What is it, Snow?”

  “I dreamt of a heart. Of drinking blood.”

  Both men started. I somehow perceived their panic.

  “Tell us everything. Leave nothing out,” Kenmei said.

  I told them about the guys and that I’d known the heart had been that of my true love, but I hadn’t cared. When I finished they didn’t speak for what seemed like forever. Finally Professor Pops asked, “What did the boys chant?”

  I thought a moment. “Lips red as rubies, hair dark as night. Drink your true love’s blood, become the Vampire, Snow White,” I repeated. As I said the words, a thick darkness filled the air. It was as though the Queen entered me.

  “This is worse than we believed,” Professor Pops uttered.

  “Yes,” agreed Kenmei. “It seems she may have a distinct interest in this one. Perhaps it’s her name, or her beauty. I must admit, she does have something extra special.”

  The tremor in
my hands traveled into my arms and down my body. “Is there nothing we can do?”

  Professor Pops patted my hand. “Yes, of course. But we’ve shared enough with you tonight. Let’s get you home.”

  I wanted to yell, tell him I needed to know everything right then. I didn’t, though. He picked me up, tucking my head against his chest. Kenmei said something about the tea and he set my shoes on my lap. I thanked him and closed my eyes.

  When Professor Pops stepped into the alleyway, I recognized the odor.

  “Were you one of her Hunters too?” I whispered.

  “Yes, Snow, I was.”

  A part of me wanted to be afraid, but I couldn’t. He’d been nothing but good to me. “Why did you leave?”

  “The same reason Kenmei did. I fell in love with the girl I bit.” His voice sounded sad.

  “Does that happen a lot?” An idea or an impression wiggled its way into my mind. I tried to grab hold of it, understand it, but too much had happened. Too much information weighed on me.

  “Yes, it does.”

  I got the impression he wanted to say more. “What happened to the one you loved?” I asked, fearing the answer.

  “She died.”

  “I’m so sorry, Professor Pops.”

  “As am I, Snow White. As am I.”

  I fell asleep, the pounding of his heart, the warmth of his arms, and the movement as he walked making it too difficult to stay awake.

  When we stepped off the train, my strength vanished. Professor Pops led me to a waiting car. Though I didn’t see his face, I heard Gabe ask, “Will she be alright?”

  “I hope so. That’s what we’re here for.”

  Chapter 3

  When I woke my immediate reaction was anxiety. This isn’t my room, I thought. The bed was king-sized and made out of brushed pewter. The sheets were white as was the comforter and pillowcases. Everywhere else hung posters of the Patriot’s—Dorian’s favorite football team. For the briefest moment I wondered why Gabe hadn’t let me sleep in his room. Then he walked in, a mug of something steaming in his hand, and all thought left me. I focused on the emerald green of his eyes and his smile.

  “Hi,” he said, sitting on the bed next to me.

  Seeing his teeth made me think of morning breath, and the fact that I hadn’t brushed last night. Covering my mouth, I sat up and responded, “Hi back.”

  He laughed, and moved my hand. “So, you’re a revenant? How you handling the news?” He held out the mug, its steaming contents dark and uninviting.

  Taking it, I pressed the cup to my lips and took a small sip, then said, “Yep, that’s me. Snow White, the revenant. And I’m handling the change,” I paused, gauging my real feelings. “Fine.” I shrugged. A part of me wanted to tell him everything, that I heard his heart thumping, the sound of it pumping blood through his veins, and how I longed to reach over and taste him. I didn’t. Instead I swallowed a large portion of bloodlust tea.

  “Good.” He pressed a quick kiss on my cheek. “You up to going to school?” Gabe asked, standing.

  I searched for a clock, trying to hide the flush his warm lips touching my face caused. “Is it Monday already? Can I go to school? Isn’t Professor Pops afraid I’ll eat someone or something?”

  Gabe laughed. “Drink your tea and you should be fine. That’s what Pops says.” He walked to the door. Before leaving, he added, “There are towels, and girly… stuff in Dorian’s bathroom, including some clean clothes.” He inclined his chin toward the open bathroom door. “Don’t freak out, but yes, the shirt I chose for you is pink and it’s in your size.”

  I pulled back the covers and got out of bed. My socks had been removed, but I’d slept in my clothes. “Gee, thanks,” I said, throwing a pillow at him. It landed straight in his face and he fell, smacking his head against the wall with a thud.

  I gasped and ran over to him. “Gabe. Gabe. Can you hear me?” I grabbed his arms and shook.

  He groaned and his eyes blinked open.

  “Wow, I’m so sorry. Remind me never to throw a pillow again.”

  “You’ve got some arm.” He sat up, massaging the tender area. His amplified heartbeat pounded like a drum in my ears. A delicious scent saturated his pores, like honey. Without meaning to, I leaned into his neck and drew a deep breath. His hands pressed against my shoulders, determinedly pushing me away. His expression was guarded.

  I shook my head. “Are you okay?” I asked, working to comprehend what I’d almost done.

  “Yep, all good.” He jumped up as if to show how good he was. “You mostly caught me off guard. But you’d better finish your tea.”


  “Hurry, and get ready. Pops made breakfast.”

  I nodded and closed the door.

  In the bathroom I searched my reflection for changes. Opened my mouth and checked my teeth for needle sharp fangs. Flexed my muscles. They looked the same. “You’re still you,” I said, pulling off my shirt and turning on the hot water.

  After my shower I dressed rapidly. Gabe had picked out a pink shirt with GO GREEN across the chest. I liked it. I liked the jeans too. They sat low on my hips and draped baggy. What I had issues with were the cotton hot pink bra and undies. For one thing, they fit perfectly. Not that I had a lot going on up top. I was a good solid B cup. How would they know, though? Also, the undies were my style, except for the color. I usually wore white underneath everything.

  Do I want to know? The thought ran through my mind more than once, and I decided no, I definitely did not want to know. Some things were better left unsaid.

  After sliding on a pair of socks and my Converse, I brushed my hair and gathered my dirty clothes. From the back pocket of my jeans a piece of paper sailed to the floor. I bent and picked it up. Unfolding the letter, I read:

  Dearest Snow,

  You have been bitten by your Hunter and are now a revenant.


  The strong survive, and only one will have the pleasure of becoming my new host.

  Now is the time to play. Build up your strength. Enjoy all your new body has to offer. Find your true love. Get your fill of him physically, emotionally, spiritually, and then consume his heart.

  You must do so by your eighteenth birthday. I believe in you, Snow. You are passionate, and that is why I’ve chosen you.

  The sooner the better.


  The Vampire Queen

  My hands shook. The letter had been written by her, in—I sniffed the red ink and knew instantly—blood. Dread surged through me. She could be anywhere yet I knew nothing about her, not even what she looked like.

  Quickly I went downstairs, the letter still clutched in my hand. The aroma of toasted bread permeated, and I hurried into the kitchen.

  The guys were in varying degrees of feeding their faces, but when I walked in they all froze.

  I ran a hand through my still-wet hair.

  “What’s wrong?” Gabe came over immediately. I held out the note.

  “You guys aren’t playing tricks on me?” I tried to laugh.

  Gabe took the paper and read it. I watched the color drain from his face.

  Professor Pops came over. From his shirt pocket he pulled his wire-framed glasses. Gabe handed him the letter. After reading, he set it on the counter, replaced his glasses in his pocket, and wiped a hand over his face.

  “Do all the marked receive a note from her after they’ve been bitten?”

  His face looked bleak. “In the past I’ve heard that more than one have received something similar. I must speak with the other Protectors.”

  The brothers circulated the paper. Had I not been panicked to the point of passing out, I might’ve laughed. “How many Protectors are there? Are you all drone vampires who’ve left the Queen’s… hive?” I asked, focusing on Professor Pops’ navy button down shirt.

  “There are several. Not all of us are Hunters. Some are Workers. Others are unusual creatures that know of the Queen. All of us have pledged t
o destroy the Vampire Queen.”

  I tucked my hands in my back pockets and started pacing. “Can you, though? She’s been alive thousands years. You’ve been fighting against her for like, forever. What hope is there that you can accomplish this? I mean, really?” I felt bad for stating it so bluntly, but facts were facts. Might as well get them into the open.

  “You’re right, of course. The task seems bleak, but we believe we’ve figured out a way.”

  “How do you plan to stop her?” Gabe asked, moving farther from me. I guessed he was rethinking his crush on me. The whole “consume his heart” line in the note was pretty disturbing, and then there was my dream. Gabe hadn’t been with his brothers. Was he my true love? At the thought, my heart beat faster. The blood had tasted better than anything I could imagine. My knees quaked, weak.

  “Yes, how do you plan to stop her?,” I repeated, forcing back the thoughts I’d been entertaining of tasting Gabe’s blood.

  Professor Pops regarded me. “You must receive true love’s first kiss.”

  Gabe perked up. And I blushed.

  “So his heart will turn me into a vampire, and his kiss will, what?” I cleared my throat.

  Professor Pops said, “His kiss will free you, and you will once again become completely human.”

  “Awesome,” Daniel shouted. He was usually so quiet, we were all stunned, and turned to gawk at him. “Well, it is.”

  “Why don’t you eat something, Snow? The waffles are vegan.” He seemed distracted, plucking his reading glasses from his pocket and rereading the letter.

  I grabbed a waffle and took a bite. It tasted like paper. I knew what I wanted—blood. But that was out of the question. Angry, I shoved the rest of the waffle in my mouth and chewed.

  The brothers watched me. I was too upset to be embarrassed. After swallowing I said, “What? We’ve got to get to school.”

  “Should she be going to school?” Heathcliff asked, his words hesitant.

  “Yes, yes. Go to school. Keep an eye on her.” Professor Pops waved in my direction. “After school, go to Track practice and then come here. I need to get your input on some birthday plans.” He glanced at me over his glasses, an incomprehensible look in them. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to make a few calls.” He walked out of the kitchen without a backward glance.