Read Blood and Snow 1 Page 6

  “Birthday plans?” Dorian asked.

  I shrugged. “Professor Pops wants to throw me a birthday party here.” How could he still be considering my silly birthday? Did he expect me to go on with my life like nothing happened?

  “Whoa, your letter has Pops worked into quite a tizzy,” Salvatore said, sliding up to me. He grinned, and I guessed he wasn’t afraid. In fact, he wanted to kiss me. It was weird I could tell. It was pretty obvious, though. His focus rested on my lips. He licked his, moistening them. “In fact,” he continued, “I think this will be fun.” He placed his hands on my arms a little awkwardly.

  “What are you doing, Salvatore?” I asked, snickering. This close, it was like I could taste his aftershave, the sweet syrup on his breath, and the fabric softener on his clothes. I didn’t want a kiss, but to sample him… I shuddered at where my mind headed. Ugh.

  He answered, “Well, if true love’s kiss will turn you back into a human, I say it’s our duty, our responsibility as your friends, to kiss you.”

  Gabe shoved Salvatore. “Get away from her!” He breathed heavily.

  Salvatore waved. “I’ll catch you later, Snow.”

  I laughed. At least he joked with me.

  Gabe headed toward the garage. “I’ll drive Snow.”

  I regarded the guys. “Guess I’m getting a ride with Gabe.”

  They chuckled and each patted, slugged, or ruffled my hair. Absently I noticed each of them had a distinguishing scent, and it wasn’t their cologne.

  “See you at school,” Dorian said.

  “Right, see ya.” I hurried after Gabe, doubting school was a good idea.

  Chapter 4

  On the way to my locker Gabe stopped and said, “I’ve got to get to class. See you at lunch.” He squeezed my hand and I squeezed back. A gnawing nervousness swelled as I watched him walk away.

  My first class was Chemistry and I was totally unprepared for the quiz on Matter. I also had an assignment due in Algebra II and verbs that needed conjugating for Spanish. While I emptied my backpack into my locker I made a mental promise to talk to my teachers about extra credit or a way to make up the work.

  “Bonjour, Snow. Where have you been?” Cindy asked, using the French word for ‘hello’ despite the ring of agitated irritation I detected in her words.

  “Hey, Cin. Your French is coming along nicely,” I returned, wondering if she’d discern anything different about me. Closing my locker, I turned to face her annoyance, which I knew I deserved.

  She’d said she’d call me on Sunday when she got back from the Cape, but I hadn’t been home. When I’d picked up my backpack from home this morning, I noticed several messages flashing on our dinosaur of an answering machine. I gathered they were from her.

  “Sorry. I—” I paused. Did I tell her? Professor Pops hadn’t said I should keep what happened to me a secret. But seriously, if I did she’d probably think I’d gone batty. “I spent the weekend over at Professor Pops with the guys.” I finished and started walking toward class.

  “Lucky,” she pouted. “I went to a party with my parents. Totally lame.” I watched her roll her eyes.

  She looked gorgeous as ever. Dark jeans, a sky blue, cashmere sweater. Strappy black wedge heels made her almost as tall as me and showed off her perfectly French pedicured toenails. Her hair had been pulled into a high ponytail and bobbed when she walked.

  I smelled our classroom way before we reached it, a combination of vinegar, sulfur, sugar, and sweat. The odor was strong and stung my nose. That, along with the hundreds of thunderous heartbeats and the scent of so much blood, might be the spark that caused me to sink my revenant teeth into someone. I just knew it. I ground my teeth, only half listening to Cin talk about the drama from the party over the weekend.

  When we entered class Cindy took a seat. We shared a table second row from the front and next to the wall full of windows. After dropping my backpack on the floor near my seat I propped a window open and dragged in a long, cleansing breath.

  “Snow, what are you doing?”

  “Needed some fresh air is all,” I said, sitting on the stool next to her.

  Unzipping my bag I pulled out my notes, hoping I could do a quick review before Mr. Wallace passed out the quiz.

  “It’s cold. You should—” Cindy stopped, and her knee pressed into my thigh. “New guy,” she hissed.

  “Really? He wasn’t here on Fri—” I lifted my eyes just as he stopped in front of me.

  “Hey, Snow. Is this seat taken?” He pointed to the chair in front of us, which was empty and had remained empty since Bobby Melville got sent to the principal’s office for burning his partner, Sammy Snells with acid and ended up expelled.

  I shook my head. “Hey, Charming. No. Go ahead.”

  “Cool.” He sat and inclined his chin toward Cindy. “Hi, Cindy. Did you have fun at the Cape?”

  I heard her swallow before answering, and was surprised. It shocked me to think of Cindy as nervous. I thought she said she wasn’t interested.

  “Oh, yeah. It was a blast,” she answered, twisting her ponytail around her hand.

  A light breeze blew in from the window. Thankful, I pulled in another large breath of air, and froze. My teeth, the ones Kenmei and Professor Pops said I wouldn’t need to worry about for a couple of weeks, extended into fangs and pricked the inside of my mouth. Electric butterflies danced in my stomach and my body yearned for blood—Chace’s blood. I felt my eyes grow wide in terror.

  “Snow?” Chace rolled his seat over, touching my arm. “Is everything alright?” He appeared concerned, as did Cindy.

  “What’s the matter?” she asked, eyeing me with a look that said, please don’t embarrass me.

  I rose, and muttered under my hand. “I’ve got to go.” I grabbed my backpack and dashed from the room, knocking into Mr. Wallace. Mumbling a quick “Sorry,” I ran.

  The hallway was mostly empty. Only a few stray students rushed, the same as me. I dashed into the nearest girl’s bathroom, locked myself in a stall, and dropped my bag. With a ragged sigh, I leaned my forehead against the door. Tears leaked onto my cheeks. I closed my eyes, letting them fall.

  Chapter 5

  “Snow.” My name seemed to be threaded within the wind.

  Upon opening my eyes, I witnessed what my body had already confirmed. I was no longer in the girl’s bathroom, but in a lush forest. The sun shone bright. This time I knew I’d entered another realm and that I’d been brought because of the Vampire Queen’s magic.

  Would I meet her this time? There was so much I didn’t comprehend. I slowly turned in a circle, taking in my surroundings, and noticed I wasn’t wearing my jeans and tee shirt any longer, but a deep red cotton dress. The sleeves were short and lined in black ribbing, as was the round, scooped collar, and the dress’s hem went to my knees. My feet were bare.

  It surprised me I wasn’t afraid. I was bitten in this realm. The Hunter took my blood and turned me into a revenant, so fear should’ve been what I felt.

  “Hello,” I murmured, carefully stepping over a boulder, moving in the direction of a babbling brook. As I walked, I sensed a presence: The Hunter’s. That knowledge didn’t frighten me either. Instead, an excited anticipation filled my stomach with butterflies. I bit my lip.

  “Where are you?”

  The scenery seemed to shimmer in the early morning light. Dew drops glistened on bright green leaves and spongy moss. The air flourished, fragrant with flowers in lavender, rose, butter, and blue. They bloomed in abundance. Chipmunks, rabbits, and deer examined me. Their ears perked and their noses wiggled, sniffing for danger.

  “It’s been too long since I’ve savored you.” Each of his words came out laced with longing and sent jolts through my veins.

  “Let me see you.” I remembered the way I’d felt when he drank from me and I trembled.

  He stepped from behind a large tree. A thick, brown hood shaded his face, so all I saw were his glowing red eyes. He wore a brown leather vest tha
t enhanced his broad shoulders, rippling biceps, and trim waist. His pants were made of cloth, and hung low on his hips, a leather belt keeping them secured. A large knife sat in a sheath and was attached to his belt. Dark brown boots covered his feet.

  At the sight of him my body tensed: not in fear, but desire. I wanted his arms around me. I wanted his lips on my neck, his mouth drinking… “What is your name, Hunter?” I asked, my voice shaking with need.

  “Here I am called Christopher,” he replied gruffly. He stepped away from the tree and into the sunlight. I still couldn’t see his face.

  “If you’re a vampire, why doesn’t the sun burn you?” I asked, curious. My hunger for his blood seared so strong, it took every ounce of effort I possessed not to attack him.

  “The Queen’s magic is very powerful. I have no fear of the sun.” Another step.

  I took another, our steps like a dance, a deadly dance, one I didn’t want to win. If I reached out my hands I would’ve touched him, but I didn’t. He smelled earthy, like clover and honey.

  “Are you going to bite me again?” The words left my mouth and I instantly knew I wanted him to.

  “I will if that is what you desire.” He sounded so calm, but his heart raced. Another step. Our bodies practically touched, but we kept our hands to our sides.

  “If you’re a vampire, why does your heart beat?” I asked, startled.

  “More of the Queen’s magic,” he replied, his words like a soft gust against my face.

  “Can I bite you?” I’d blurted the question before my brain had time to filter it. That was my deepest desire.

  At my request, he raised his head. I squinted, trying to see his face. Still, all I saw were his eyes, and they appeared shocked.

  “Yes,” he said, in a voice that quivered.

  I slipped my hands into his hood and touched his neck, felt his quickening pulse. He lifted me so my fangs were parallel to his neck. I wrapped my legs around his hips, surprised by my forwardness.

  “Wait,” he said huskily.

  I opened my mouth and allowed my fangs to extend.

  He walked backward until his back pressed against a tree, then he slid down so he rested at its base. I readjusted, tilting his neck toward me. He was so warm, his skin soft, like the supple leather vest he wore. “Christopher.”

  He had his hands in my hair, his body asking, the way mine had the other night. “Are you sure you want to do this?”

  His question brought me up short. “Is that bad?”

  “No.” He sounded pained.

  My fangs retracted some. “Why can’t I see your face? Do I know you?”

  “If you drink from me I can show myself; otherwise the Queen’s magic won’t allow it.” I caught the tone, the pleading. Physically he desired me, but there was a hesitation, almost an insistence that I wouldn’t.

  I wavered, my fangs deciding what course I’d take.

  He sucked in his breath, and pulled me to him. His lips claimed mine. I allowed it, and returned his kiss with fervor. My lips parted at his soft, insistent movement. It was my first real kiss, and if I could’ve popped a foot, I would have. As it was I sighed, pressing my body into his firm chest.

  He groaned, and said my name. “Snow.”

  That’s when it hit me: I’d kissed a guy I didn’t even know. The word easy came to mind. Oh my gosh, what was going on with me? What about Gabe? I pulled away, shoving him. Mostly mad at myself.

  “How dare you?” I pushed off him, working to control my jagged breathing. “I need to get out of here.”

  He stood and came toward me, this time with confident determination. I sensed the hunter in him. It was tangible. Taking my face in his hands, he tipped my head so he had access to my neck. Like before, I watched his fangs grow. My heart beat so fast I thought it’d come out of my chest.

  When his teeth met my neck I responded eagerly. His groan urged me on, and I touched his arms, his back, and up to his hood. With a little effort, I focused on tugging it off. A laugh rumbled deep in his chest, and then I heard his voice in my mind:

  Seek out your true love. You, beautiful Snow, are the key to defeating the Queen.

  Chapter 6

  I knew I was back in the girl’s bathroom even before I opened my eyes. Someone was in the bathroom with me. There was a knock on the stall door.

  “Snow, are you alright?”

  It was Dorian.

  I picked up my backpack, thankful he’d found me. Opening the door, I took in his face. Concern filled his features. “I’m fine,” I answered, trying to reassure him. “What are you doing in here? You’re so not a girl.” I pushed past him and walked to a sink, casually peering at my neck in the mirror. Newly healed scars glared back.

  “I watched you go in. After ten minutes I thought I’d better make sure you weren’t drinking the blood of some poor, unsuspecting female.” His eyes gleamed with amusement.

  “D-Do you see anything on my neck?” I asked, tilting slightly.

  He shook his head. “Did… something happen again?”

  “Yes. I went into the other realm. He, The Hunter, was there.” I washed my hands and patted a wet paper towel over my face. “I don’t know if it’s a good idea for me to be at school.”

  At my words his eyes grew wide in mock terror and he circled his neck with his hands. “Thirsty? Do you vant to suck my blood?” He spoke with the lively silliness of an old-fashioned vampire, but the worry in his body was evident.

  I sighed. The uncontrollable feeling vanished. “I am worried I might bite someone. Your blood pulls at my bloodlust, but not too bad,” I said impulsively.

  His face fell. Dorian actually seemed sad. “Oh,” he stepped closer, his features changing from teasing to seriousness. “If you ever do need some—blood, I mean—you’re welcome to mine.”

  I gasped. “Do you even know what you’re offering?” Anger flashed. How dare he tempt me? His naiveté made me want to bite him, inflict a little pain, a little reality check, but I speculated he’d enjoy it the way I had. There’s one way to find out, I thought. Professor Pops hadn’t told me not to bite humans, and Dorian offered. I decided to give my new fangs a whirl. “Come here, then,” I said.

  He gulped, and his heart picked up speed.

  “Nervous?” I asked, a smidge glad.

  “A little,” he admitted, but I saw he would hold true to his word. I placed my hands on his appealing neck and pulled him down, much the same way I’d handled Christopher not too many minutes ago. Tentative at first, I touched my lips to his neck. He let out a groan. Whether it was from fear or pleasure I didn’t know, and in the next moment I didn’t care. My fangs grew, pricking his neck.

  And the door flung open. Dorian tucked me into his chest. “Just a minute,” he said, his voice heavy.

  I quivered in fury at being interrupted, but I didn’t want anyone to see my fangs so I took a deep breath, inhaling the delicious guy smell that was the handsome Dorian. My fangs retracted. Peeking up, I searched Dorian’s eyes. A tight smile sat on his lips. I smiled back before gazing around him at who’d so rudely interrupted.

  “What the hell is going on, Snow?” Complete shock filled Cindy’s face, and I laughed.

  “Hey, Cin,” I said with choked amusement. It wasn’t that I found the situation funny so much as I had all of this anxiety stored up and it was finally coming out.

  Dorian recovered and swung around. “I was making sure she was okay. Our Snow needed a hug, that’s all.” He regarded me. “You’re good, right?”

  “Yes, thank you, Dorian.” I closed my lips, trying to hold in the laughter, but that didn’t help. My conscience gnawed with guilt. I’d kissed Christopher and nearly drank Dorian’s blood. But I liked Gabe.

  Hussy, my mind screamed.

  Dorian escaped the bathroom without a backward glance.

  Cindy huffed and stopped her foot. “What’s gotten into you?” She walked to the mirror and checked her reflection.

  I faced her, my image still ta
ller. “Oh, Cin. It’s a long, crazy story.”

  She gave me the eye, the one that questioned my motives, the one that got right to the center of me. “I want to hear all about it. First, Mr. Wallace wanted me to tell you you’re supposed to go to the office for a tardy slip. He said you’re not allowed in class without it. I’ve got to get back.” She ran her hands through her ponytail. “Chace seemed concerned. He even took off after you did. For a minute there I thought you were in his arms.” She let out a sigh. “See you in a few. Au revoir,” she added as the door closed behind her.

  I straightened my shirt and picked up my backpack. Cindy’s strong perfume lingered, and it dawned on me. Cindy’s blood hadn’t inspired even a little bit of hunger. “Huh.”

  In the office I called Professor Pops and explained briefly what’d happened—the way my fangs grew and how I’d gone to the other realm where the Hunter, Christopher, bit me again. I left out Dorian offering himself. The confession would be pointless, and I didn’t want what he’d done getting back to Gabe or the other brothers.

  Professor Pops spoke with the school’s secretary, excusing me from the rest of my classes.

  He picked me up in front, his distinguished face lined with worry. In the cup holder between the seats sat a carafe. “Bloodlust tea?” I guessed as I buckled my seatbelt.

  “Drink up. I made a double dose in the hopes that will help.”

  I took a sip and grimaced. It was strong, but I finished. When I placed the empty container back in the holder, Professor Pops mumbled his approval.

  After clearing his throat, he said, “I’ve heard of the Hunter, Christopher. He is very good at what he does. I’m sorry I must say this, but at this point, propriety be damned.” He gave me a quick look, probably to determine my level of shame.

  “What is it?”

  “He’s skilled in the art of seduction. From what I understand, he also has an unlimited lust for power. He wants to be the Vampire Queen’s second.”

  At hearing his words I didn’t blush but became angry. Well, more hurt. I guess I wanted to believe Christopher reacted to me the way he did not because it was his job, but because he felt something for me. Ugh, I groaned. I would not be that girl!

  Professor Pops pulled into the driveway. After I followed him into the house and sat at a barstool in the kitchen, he said, “Your revenant abilities are developing a lot faster than most, and I think I know why.” As he spoke he peeled a banana and tossed it into a blender. Then he pulled some soy milk from the refrigerator and some ice from the freezer and put them in the blender. He turned it on, the noise drowning out everything running through my head. Several seconds later, he turned the blender off and poured the smoothie into a tall glass.