Read Bookworms and... Booya! (book 1) Page 3

  Bookworms and… Booya!

  1: Day One

  "Hey, Sally."

  I raised my eyes from the book I wasn't reading to smile softly at the pair of candidates entering the Training Center of Balamb Garden. "Hi."

  Then they moved on, busy with their own lives of boys and adventure, and the occasional stop at the library to study. I sighed, shifting my eyes back to 'reading' - I don't remember what the book was - in time to watch the 5' 5" man with the spiked blonde hair and unique facial tattoo demonstrate his ‘Booya' to the many students of his class.

  I rested my chin on my hand with an absent smile as I adjusted the book in my hold to hide my ‘stare’. He's so cute. And he always looked as if he had a lot of fun, too. Although he never viewed his responsibilities at Garden as a joke. At least, not that I could tell. And I'd never built up the nerve to actually have a lengthy conversation with him, mostly just posting a 'be careful and good luck' on Garden's message board. Or a 'happy birthday'.

  He almost never came into the library, either. With him and the Commander being such close friends? No, he never really had the time for that. Teaching at Garden kept him busy, too. Sometimes it seemed he barely had any free time at all, although I had seen him once or twice in the cafeteria when he'd just missed out on the hot dogs for that day.

  I stifled a giggle as I lowered my book and eyes. "Poor Zell," I said quietly.

  I'd saved Zell a whole tray-full one time, sometime after the second Sorceress War. Unfortunately, the thought of actually going up to him—Zell Dincht!—had made me run to the bathroom suffering from a panic attack. It's not fair. If he came into the library and asked me for help with something—like he and Squall and Rinoa did when the Garden had been in chaos—I wouldn't be such a noodle head—at least not as much—but it was Zell, and I was only a librarian. I seemed to do so much better from the sidelines, hiding in the background.

  I wrinkled my nose as I raised my eyes—class was dismissed and Zell approached!

  My eyes widened and I gasped. Then I quickly stood from the somewhat newly placed stone within the grassy patch just outside the main section of the Training Center and gathered my books and jacket. Why didn't you notice his duffel by the tree-- My bag slipped from my shoulder, causing books and notebooks to tumble. Oh no! Not now! I knelt, hurriedly stuffing and shoving, all the while hearing his shoes scrunching the rock and dirt and grass.

  "You missed one."

  A shadow fell over me as I gathered those sadistic books. "I see it," I whispered as I reached out. "Thank you."

  "No prob." Zell moved to the tree and picked up his duffel, slinging it over his shoulder as easy as anything. "See ya."

  Then I watched him saunter off, one hand in his pocket and one on the strap of his duffel as he whistled a jazzy tune. I sighed, the books and notebooks forgotten. "Zell Dincht, will you go out with me?" I whispered.

  If I lived in a perfect world, he'd say 'yes' when I actually asked him that. But I don't, so he won't. Especially since I won't ask. I shook my head, redistributing the books and notebooks in a less haphazard manner. Then, I heaved the bag onto my shoulder and left the Training Center.

  It wasn't that I thought Zell was stuck up, or that he only went for girls with 'bodacious bods'. No. That wasn't it at all. I'd seen all the girls he hung out with--Rinoa, Selphie, Quistis, and even Xu on a rare occasion--and they were all so different. Of course, he wasn't really…well, Zell didn't strike me--no pun intended--as the kind that even noticed when and if a girl liked him 'that' way. He was Zell. Pleasant. Outgoing. Open. Serious about his duty there at Garden. Maybe a little clueless about some things, but that's what I like about him. He's real. Not afraid to be himself.

  I, on the other hand. . . . Well, I didn't like tough situations. Non-confrontational I guess is what you'd call me. Rinoa had said Squall was the same way, but I didn't believe her. The Commander seemed to care about everyone and everything. He did so good in tough squeezes. Sort of like Zell.

  I shook my head as I turned into the corridor leading to the library. I only left my post when Zell had class in the Training Center. I did my best to watch all of them, taking breaks and lunches at the right times to see the middle or end. That had been the norm for me since he had returned from defeating Sorceress Ultimecia and taken the exam for his Instructor license: three years ago. I guess I'm a stalker. The thought was almost funny. Shy little Sally Regal a stalker of Zell Dincht. SeeD. Sorceress Slayer. Hero.

  The worst thing being I knew he didn't have a clue.

  I placed my bag on the counter of the check-out desk. "I'm back, Val. Thanks for covering."

  A tall blonde dressed in the Instructor/SeeD uniform of black, burgundy, and gold came from behind the book stacks. "Val had to go to the infirmary. Bad migraine. I covered."

  I flushed, clearing my throat as I self-consciously began to unpack my bag. "Oh . . . thanks, Instructor Trepe. I appreciate it."

  "It wasn't hard. I remember working here when I was a candidate. Brought back memories."

  I logged into the Garden's computer. "Well, thanks again." I started checking in the returned books, very aware she was still there. It made me nervous.

  Quistis leaned her arms against the counter. "So, how long have you been watching Zell's class?"

  I know I blushed beet red, but I'd gotten good at acting nonchalant in spite of it. I shrugged. "Never counted. The Training Center's the closest place to the library that has fresh air. It's good to get away."

  "Uh-huh. Right." She pointed at me. "You go there every day, Sally. You watch his class as much as you can, and then you high-tail it."

  I checked the library's bulletin board, bringing my face closer to the computer screen as I tried to decipher some typonese in a posting. "I do get a break and a lunch every day I work." I softly smiled. The posting was a request from Zell for some specific books on combat. I ordered them from Trabia and Galbadia Gardens via the network and put a rush on it.

  "Sure you do, but do you work every day?"

  "Of course not," I said, still calm and quiet. I went to the next posting. "I'm not a bookworm." Although I have been accused of that once or twice.

  "But you're in the Training Center every day."

  I released a deep breath, sending another book-order request before meeting the Instructor's blue gaze. "I'm still a SeeD candidate at the age of 19, Instructor Trepe. Why wouldn't I be in the Training Center every day? If I don't pass before my birthday and get a job here, I have to leave." I couldn't do that to my parents, failing after all these years.

  I had to prove I could do this.

  "Hm," she said as she pushed back from the counter. She crossed her arms, tapping her fingers against one arm as she suspiciously regarded me. "Fine. I guess that's true enough." Quistis headed toward the exit. "Let me know if you need help." She paused at the door to send me a meaningful look. "With anything."

  "Thanks. I appreciate it." But I'm okay. Maybe if Zell had started paying attention to me after the victory celebration three years before things would have been different, but. . . .

  She gave me a 'yeah, right' expression before disappearing into the corridor. I turned back to the computer just as it chirped with an instant message window from one of the instructor terminals. I blinked. The ID# and log-on was Zell's.

  BOOYABOY: bks com yet?

  I blinked again before lifting shaking fingers to the keyboard. BALAMB_LIBRARIAN: I placed a rush on the order, but I only just received the request. I'll be sure to notify you when they come in.

  BOOYABOY: o duh. thx.

  I smiled. BALAMB_LIBRARIAN: You're welcome.

  He logged off.

  I giggled under my breath with a shake of my head as I pulled my textbooks closer. The previous day I hadn't been so cheery. I'd actually been pouting. Pouting didn't accomplish much I knew, but I'd done it just the same.

  Val had been out with a full-fledged migraine the whole day, so I hadn't been able to leave the desk. As Zell
's first afternoon class began, I'd been stranded in the library with my tuna-fish sandwich as my only company.

  I'd moaned about how it wasn't fair, but I'd also known it wasn't anyone's fault but mine for being so anal. So, I'd just tucked my sandwich back into its box and started logging in the books received or returned from other Gardens or students. Like usual, barely anyone was in the library - maybe one person using a study booth in the back - and I'd been left to the task of amusing myself while keeping busy. I'd already dusted, organized, straightened, and refilled all the books used that morning. All I'd had left were five books returned by a student on their way to Zell's class.

  All of two minutes work.

  I knew there'd been no reason for my boredom, especially not with exams coming up, so I'd retreated to the book stacks and started studying the Fire Cavern. I even believed I had a shot at passing this time. Instructor Tilmitt did, too. All I had to remember was not to waste time on the cave inhabitants. The fight with Ifrit was the important part. I'd been close a couple times, but I knew that didn't count.

  The book on the Fire Cavern I'd practically memorized already, but I'd figured reading it again would be better than brooding. Zell didn't ever really brood. Then I'd smiled and giggled as I'd remembered how unhappy he got when missing out on hot dogs.

  That thought had been the only thing I'd needed to launch me into an escapade of nonsensical dreams and 'what if's that I knew I would never dream