Read Boucher's World: Emergent Page 16

  Chapter Six

  AS IT TURNED OUT, ALEX MADE VERY good coffee. He explained that making coffee was one of his chores at the Elvwist enclave. He studied Jade’s friend.

  “Well, Ro, what do you think of Jade’s little discovery?” he asked as they settled themselves coffee mugs in hands, around the table in Jade’s small kitchen. He was thinking he had never seen such stunning eyes before. His heart slammed every time he looked into them.

  “Wow, not so li’l a find!” answered Ro, “My head’s still spinnin’. This is gigantic and is definitely gonna change everything! I wonder how long it’ll take for th’ council ta git up th’ expedition?”

  “Not long, I think,” replied Alex. “This is something everyone will want to get moving on pretty quickly. Who knows - that Spot could shift and if it does, what will happen to the door? Yes, they’ll get this going soon; I’d say within the month.”

  “Really? That fast?” asked Jade with raised eyebrows. “How do you think they’ll choose the expedition members?” She sounded anxious.

  Alex cocked an eye at her. “Well,” he rubbed his chin thoughtfully and considered for a moment. He had to almost force himself to think about something other than Ro. “They’re likely to ask for volunteers and choose from those. We don’t know what’s out there after all this time. The only things we’ve been able to see from in here are the ships, the ocean to the west, and quana trees. Lots of quana trees. A few sea birds but no other animals. And no movement - unless you count the wind blowing through the trees.”

  He hesitated, then sighed. “I want to go. I know you do too, Jade. The thing is, Mom will probably object to it. You know she’s going to think about Dad - how he never came back from his search…” he trailed off.

  Jade knew he was right. She laid her arms on the table, slumping down in her chair, and stared at her clasped hands thinking furiously. There just had to be a way…

  “What about you, Ro,” asked Alex turning back to look at her, “do you want to go?

  Ro sipped her coffee. “Yeah, I do,” she admitted slowly. “Who wouldn’t? We’s all itchin’ ta git outta th’ Dome. I don’ know why they’d choose me, though. I don’ have any specialized skills and I’m bettin’ they won’t ‘xactly be clamorin’ ta git a pest catcher who can auto-change her hair color for this excursion.” Changing her hair color was one of her minor esas.

  “That’s “nuisance apprehender,” interjected Jade out of habit, looking at Ro with a grin. That title was a standing joke with all the catchers. Her grin soured.

  “Of course, I have just about the same qualifications as you except I can’t will my hair to change colors,” she said morosely. “Plus I’m younger. I can’t see why they would allow either of us to go. Alex, maybe; he has been studying at the enclave for three years, and Sparrow is his main instructor. Maybe it will put in a good word for him.”

  She turned to Alex. “Your mind-speak power is well above average, Alex, and you’ve also been studying martial arts and weaponry, plus you’re great with mechanical and evolved devices. Those are skills they might want. After all, they’ll be sending people into the unknown; they’re going to want communicators and protectors, and someone who can fix broken or malfunctioning devices.”

  She had no specific skills, no esas, and even had trouble holding on to her shields so she could keep her thoughts to herself. She did dance well but suspected there would be no great demand for dancers, either.

  Alex leaned back in his chair, stretching his long legs out and taking up most of the tiny kitchen floor.

  “That doesn’t mean they’ll allow me to go,” he said. “There are plenty of others with those skill-sets who are much better and have a lot more experience, too.”

  He sat up abruptly and leaned forward, resting his forearms on the table. He looked speculatively at Jade and Ro. “Perhaps we should just volunteer --”

  “Hey,” interrupted Jade hopping to her feet, “Hold that thought. Tally is coming, and…” her eyes widened with surprise, “he has something to tell us!”

  She hurried to the door to let him in. Tally could have gotten in the door without her help - it was set to automatically open for him - but she had felt him coming and glimpsed his thoughts while he was still a block away (an indication of his state of mind as he usually kept his mental shields tight), and what she had caught was really startling. She wanted him in as fast as possible. She opened the door just as Tally reached the porch.

  He stopped short and looked up at her. he asked, startled.

  “Only a stray thought or two, she admitted. “Come on, Alex and Ro are in the kitchen.”

  Tally jumped up into the chair across from Ro as Jade sat back at the table. He wasted no time telling them his news.

  He blinked at them solemnly, head tilted to one side and added,

  Alex and Ro sat up straight and stared at him open mouthed. “I knew they would want to move fast,” said Alex with surprise, “but I thought it would be at least a month! That’s not going to be enough time to outfit an expedition or even select the ones to go--”

  “Wait,” Jade said laying her hand on Alex’s arm, “let him finish.”

  continued Tally.

  Alex found himself on his feet. “I’m going? Jade?…and Mom? Sparrow?” he exclaimed, dumbfounded. “I am glad to be going - I know Jade is too - but how did they come up with this?” He seemed to realize he was standing and sat down, slowly.

  He shot a look over at Ro. He had just met her, yet…he felt disturbed at the idea of going anywhere without her. He tried - unsuccessfully - to suppress the thought.

  Ro was still staring open mouthed at Tally, astonished. “I don’ understand,” she said, as she finally got her mouth to work. “I thought there wuz gonna be another meetin’ tomorrow afternoon. I thought people would be volunteerin’ and th’ council would choose from those!” she cried in amazement. “Why they doin’ it this way?”

  He added,

  Jade, who had already picked up from Tally’s mind that she and Alex were going but not the rest, said in wonder, “Mom is going and she didn’t object to Alex and my going? That’s a pure miracle!”

  started Tally slowly He hesitated, then added, He gave his trademark shrug.

  Suddenly, Ro jerked upright, eyes wide. “Hot damn!” she shouted, startling everyone. “It’s me! And Dots! We’s goin’, too!” She jumped to her feet and started doing an energetic happy dance around the little kitchen.

  Alex and Jade looked at each. “How do you know?” exclaimed Jade in amazement.

  “’Cause Sparrow jus’ told me! And Dots jus’ confirmed she got th’ message too!” sang Ro happily, still dancing.

  “Yes!” screamed Jade joyfully as she jumped up and stated dancing with Ro.

  Alex watched them dancing around the kitchen with amusement. He felt like joining them. He was almost more ecstatic about the fact Ro was going than he was about actually going on the trip. He was certain they would never have been able to come up with anything good enough to convince the council to allow them to go - he had been about to suggest they just volunteer for a later expedition - and here it seemed, the council had chosen them instead.

  He couldn’t help but wonder why, but decided to leave it alone - for now. Perhaps his teacher and mentor, Sparrow, would clue him in later. Sparrow was a precog, maybe it had Seen something - some particular reason for its choices.

  He contented himself with watching Ro and Jade dance and the look of pure delight on Ro’s stunning face.