Read Boucher's World: Emergent Page 62


  Kendis grabbed her and pulled her to him.

  “Very good, my love. You are truly a very thoughtful mate.” He scanned her face frowning.

  “You’re hurt,” he rumbled.

  He touched her face and lip tenderly, and the bruising and swelling halted and began to recede.

  She could feel him shaking slightly. He looked calm but he was furious. His eyes were starting to glow. Really glow. With an inner light. The whites weren’t white anymore: the green with gold flecks had filled in the entire area and just a little bit of deep, dark brown, and a point of blue was there too.

  He turned to look at Montford.

  “You. Hit. Her,” he snarled. Now he would snap him in two.

  And the bed rose up, along with the stand and the fork Montford had dropped. Kendis looked at it, and paused, puzzled.

  “What was he going to do with this, precious, feed you your breakfast?”

  And Jade said, with a perfectly straight face, “No, my love, I believe he was going to fork me.”

  Kendis looked at her with his changed eyes, and she imagined she heard a mental groan. She got a faint mental image of a glass hitting a fireplace.

  He shook his head slowly and turned back to Montford, lifting him up from the floor.

  Montford’s eyes and mouth stretched wide in fear as he screamed, his now non-excited area dangling limply.

  Kendis spun him around and banged him front-first against a wall.

  “Shut up,” he told him, calmly. Then to Jade: “What do you want me to do with him, Love? Shall I snap him in two? Toss him out the window?” And he moved a totally terrified - but non-screaming - Montford toward the window.

  “Um, Kendis, sweet? Whatever you do to him, please make him put his robe back on first. He has some serious ugliness that I really don’t want to keep looking at. Okay, Love?” She felt as if she just might lose the rest of her breakfast if she had to keep looking at that…thing flopping around.

  Montford had significant scaring going from his belly down to his hairless pubic area, to below his flapping part - which was peeling - and halfway down his thighs; Ro had gotten him real good. Jade suspected it wasn’t a random, lucky shot, either.

  She was sincerely relieved he hadn’t gotten to use that on her. She would absolutely have hated for that to have been her first experience. She would have definitely had to de-member him the first chance she got. Or watch as Kendis killed him - slowly.

  She studied Kendis’ eyes: Wow. She liked them.

  She felt a buzz in her head and looked at Montford.

  “I told you that wouldn’t work again, so cut it out. You try to scan me again and I’ll have Kendis make a small hole in the ceiling and squeeze you through to the roof - head first. And toss you off.”

  She turned to Kendis. “We have some children to rescue, Love.” She told him about S’tella and her children.

  Kendis dropped Montford on the floor, the bed and stand - and the fork - crashing back down with him.

  “Put your robe on, you’re offending my lady,” he told him in his deepest voice.

  Montford crawled over and picked the robe up and started to put it on. Jade saw him fumbling at the pocket, grabbed Kendis’ hand and ripped the pocket off. A small handgun and a communicator tumbled to the floor.

  Kendis lifted the gun up, brought it over and studied it, then pitched it out the window. Antique derringer, probably wouldn’t even fire. He checked the communicator.

  The arrogant idiot hadn’t even turned it on.

  “Quit fooling around and put your robe on. This is the last time I tell you,” he remarked with annoyance.


  Montford fumbled himself into the robe, shaking all over. Shit. She had ripped his pocket.