Read Breaking Interstellar: Cosmic Lives Matter Page 11

  Chapter Ten: Unbreakable bonds

  “Hey! Get your foot outa my face!” Harper, yells through a hazy mind, rudely awakened. The tent is not exactly spacious, especially with six tossing and turning sleepers, all vying for real estate. It’s only inevitable that there would be territorial disputes. And, with someone’s smelly foot still stuck in his face, Harper quickly takes the matter into his own hands. Grabbing the ankle firmly, he bends the big toe against the grain, until he hears a scream from the owner!

  “Aaaaaaaa!” Max exclaims wildly. “I’m being attacked!” He yells again. He was so deep in REM sleep, he didn’t hear the request. Max is well known by his siblings as a tosser and turner during the night, and it was just his bad luck that he migrated into Harpers territory. Max pulls hard, winning freedom from his attacker.

  “Jeez Max! I didn’t order breakfast in bed! And, if I had, it wouldn’t be a toe-jam sandwich!” Harper exclaims, as others stir, complaining about the ruckus. “And by the way Max, did you know it’s okay to change your socks more often than once a year?” He teases, as the tent flap opens. Wil peaks inside, to see if all is okay.

  “Hey you guys, it’s time to wake up.” He announces, as he and Omari had already been moving around the camp gathering wood for the breakfast fire. The time is very early, the forest still darkened, as the boys are brought back to consciousness for the day ahead. They shuffle out of the tent, like zombies on the prowl. Some rubbing their eyes in an effort to bring focus back into their lives, while others stretch cramped limbs. They stumble toward the nearby stream for the calls of nature, and a cold splash in the face.

  Nyla and Talia rouse the girls from their slumber. “Rise and shine, ladies!” Talia yells gently into the tent-flap, as Nyla shakes the structure until screams from within break the quietness of the forest. “Time’s a wasting, girls!” Nyla exclaims. She and Talia had stayed outside the tent all night with lasers at the ready. Not requiring sleep as a human does, allows an android to be more productive, on average. And Oberon Prime, like many m-class planets, have dangerous nocturnal animals that are not shy when their territory is invaded. Vigilance is golden!

  At 06:00, and with a long trek ahead, the androids are anxious to get the show on the road. The morning is cool and dry, the stream, ice-cold and wet. Cooper and the girls, elbow their way through a gaggle of boy’s, busily splashing each other. Nobody is getting any meaningful washing done. “Coming through!” Cooper announces, plowing past Max, Adam and Harper who were already done at the stream. “Hey Adam, you missed a spot.” She teases, as they pass. “Oh, sorry.... that’s just how your face looks in the morning.”

  “Oh funny, Coop! It’s contagious, so don’t go looking in any mirrors.” The insulted boy retorts, getting a poke in his ribs from Toby as she passes.

  At the stream, Braxton, Magnus and Jax quickly yield to the mob of girls. Tina, who is last among them, plops down on the bank with her sisters. “Good morning, ladies.” Braxton announces in a gentlemanly fashion, as he and his cohorts ready to leave.

  “Good morning boys.... Jeez, you guys look like something the ghost-cat dragged in!” Cooper teases, getting some agreement from the other girls.

  “Oh, don’t listen to her.” Amy advises, giving Magnus a wink. “You look just fine.”

  “Thanks Amy!” Magnus calls over his shoulder, bravely adding. “Hey Coop! Your so mean, that poor old ghost-cat would have a heart attack if it invaded your dreams!” Cooper turns to retaliate, but the boys are nowhere to be seen. Running for their lives, they enter the camp out of breath. It didn’t pay to tease Cooper, and then stick around for a world of hurt. She and Toby could compete equally with the boys on any physical or mental competition. And each excelled in martial arts, which is taught to all from an early age.

  The morning meal is just what the doctor ordered. Energy levels are topped-off, and the camp dismantled and carefully packed. The area is cleaned of any sign that they were ever there; except for a circular patch of carbon on the ground. Tina and Amy gather leaves, twigs and other natural debris to cover even that last vestige of occupation. Soon the gang is on the move once again, frightening the forest creatures along the way.

  The morning is bright and warm as they move steadily towards their destination. Everyone is in a cheerful mood. Soon, landmarks appear that indicate the village they seek is not too far away. Signs of occupation in the area are subtle, but evident to the trained eye. Small Zenarawan footprints here, bent branches there. Broken and discarded stone spear-points litter the area. Wildlife trails are wider here, due to their dual-duty of also being highways for the furry cat-like people from the village.

  “We’re almost there.” Nyla announces over her shoulder. She’s happy with the way her brood is behaving. Her news is nothing new to the anxious humans that are busting to break-loose and run for the village. “So, I’m asking you all to mind your manners while visiting with our friends.”

  Wil, stops the column as he remembers what happened last time they visited. He directs his gaze firstly to Braxton, Magnus and Harper who are nearest. “And you boys, be sure to remember that the shamans medicine-pole is not for climbing! Don’t even think about it! There spirit world is precious to them, and must not be desecrated.” He warns sternly, continuing. “And you girls!” Innocent looking faces, turn his way. “Please, please, please, remember that it’s not polite to wrestle with the Zenarawan’s. Even if they start it. You’re bigger than they are, for one thing. And last time, Cooper hurt one real bad, and got bit in the process. So, everyone please, please, please, behave. Okay?” He waits patiently for acknowledgment.

  “Yes Wil, we understand.” Cooper speaks for all the girls, as the warning sinks in.

  “Okay Wil. We’ll leave the shaman alone.” Braxton promises, as the others acknowledge the directive with nods of their heads. After all, it was Braxton who climbed and knocked over the pole, while trying to not get tagged by Razzi, during a heated game of predator vs prey. When he reached the top of the pole, it became unstable. He toppled down, landing in a heap of other children. Shaman Torrox, went ballistic at the sacrilegious act! It took skillful diplomacy on the part of Wil and Nyla, along with a gift of fancy incense, to calm the old medicine-man’s nerves.

  Onward they march. Soon, after cresting a small rise in the forest trail, a familiar sound is heard. Razzi, and other Zenarawan youngsters run to meet them. Just a half-mile from the village, the gang of human children mix excitedly with the group of locals, who prance and sing an excited trilling sound. A welcoming response to the arrival of their friends. Round and around the children dance with their friends! Smooth skinned hands, holding onto the furry front paws of their Zenarawan pals. Nyla and Wil, soon realize that any previous behavioral-warnings will go unheeded. The kids have become over-wound, like so many eight-day clocks....

  “Oh Nyla, can’t we please run ahead?” Toby pleads, practically begging. “Razzi wants to show us a new game he and the others have made for us. We promise to be good!” She adds, for good measure.

  “Okay, but remember........” Those few words are all she got out of her mouth, before the gang of human’s and Zenarawan’s disappear. Leaving a cloud of dust where they used to be. Through the forest, they run. Yelling, and whooping it up as they go. Only Shirley and Max bother to look back. They see four androids, brushing dust from their jumpsuits and shaking their heads in frustration.

  “And to think that you want to have more children!” Wil teases, as the last of the excited youngsters disappears over the rise.

  “Well, I never twisted your arm .... did I?” She reminds with passionate reasoning.

  Wil, gazes lovingly into her eyes. “Well, when you put it that way, I have to admit, I’ll miss the action when they leave the nest.” He says with heart.... which isn’t easy for an android!

  As the adult earthlings enter the outskirts of the Zenarawa village, Linmari and Raznalli are there to meet them. They’re wearing the very best of cloth and scents,
that any important occasion would require. For the Zenarawan people, having visitors is the highest of honors, and a chance to offer nothing but the best of hospitality. “Hello my friends!” Nyla exclaims, in their intricate language, giving embraces to each. Other villagers approach from the commons, where festivities are already underway. She and Wil happily greet all, while introducing Omari and Talia. It’s their first contact with most of the furry villagers, and the thrill is good.

  “Raznalli says he’s met you two before.” Wil informs. “He was in the hunting party we encountered during our first venture from the habitats.”

  “Yes.... yes, I remember him.” Omari announces with a bright smile. He makes his first real attempt at communication with an alien species, and receives a look of surprise. Nyla and Wil had uploaded all their knowledge about the Zenarawan language into the community data-base, so other androids could communicate if the need ever arose. Unfortunately, this data-base of information did no good for the children, because they couldn’t physically duplicate the sounds in a meaningful way. Fortunately, nature provided another path for the young humans.

  Raznalli makes a series of noises that to an untrained observer might just sound like a lot of chirps, clicks and soft hisses. But to Omari and the other androids, it makes perfect sense. “Welcome to our humble village, people of the stars. We are pleased that you honor us with a visit. You must be tired after such a long journey. Please, come and relax.” The furry ambassador of the Zenarawan clan, offers graciously.

  “Thank you, Raznalli.” Omari responds. “Please lead the way.”

  Off they go, to the center of the village, where they’re quickly surrounded by dozens of other adults. The many, pay tribute to the tall, smooth-skinned friends. Some of the females bring their newborn cubs to show off. Nyla and Talia fall in love at seeing the tiny, squirming bundles of fur that look back with such bright, intelligent eyes! Each are lucky enough to pick up and hold one of the furry babies. Proud moms.... beaming with pride!

  After the initial excitement of greetings passes, Nyla and her three companions are directed to take the weight off. At the side of the busy central-commons, comfortable seats await, under the ample shade of an ancient tree. And, of all the seats, it’s obvious which ones are meant for them; the larger and more robust ones. During the very first visit to the village, the Zenarawan’s took offense that neither Nyla or Wil would sit in the seats offered. But, to the scientist androids, it was clear that the seats couldn’t withstand their immense weight. With communication, not so great during those early days, Nyla could only physically demonstrate the reason why.

  To prove her point for refusal, the lovely android, after removing her utility belt, picks the strongest looking of all the seats, and squeezes her ample hips between the narrow armrests. Applying a little weight, the chair moans loudly. The Zanarawan’s wince, at hearing the seat protest in such a way. She looks to Wil. “Well, here goes....” She releases, landing heavily on the cushion, instantly pulverizing the timbers, on her way to making a nicely-rounded dent in the ground! Against her juggernaut weight, the seat had no chance! Landing with a solid thump, she looks up embarrassed at causing such a ruckus. Her 275-pound-frame, had turned the chair into a years’ worth of toothpicks for the shocked villagers!

  The group of furry animals, broke into hysterics, that would mean laughter in any language. All, hopping around, hooting and laughing. While the Zenarawan’s learned the gravity of their new friends by losing a chair, the androids learned that their neighbors had a good sense of humor! The next visit, proved that the Zenarawan people also had some clever engineers among them. Several newly-designed chairs awaited testing; The androids settled into them comfortably, with only a few creaks and crunches as the wood-frames adjust to their heavy load.

  Nyla and Wil offer the first two seats to Omari and Talia, while two others are brought from a storage hut. The Zenarawan’s were only expecting two ‘heavy’ friends, but are prepared for more. As they wait, Wil nudges Nyla in the side, pointing with a small nod of his head. “Looks like old Torrox is taking precautions this time.” He indicates a barrier made of thorny vines, surrounding the sacred spirit-pole next to his hut. From a window, tiny dark eyes peer out suspiciously, looking for past offenders. Wil, can only hope the kids heed his warning.

  “Well, I’m glad he’s being proactive about it.” Nyla whispers, stealthily. “The last thing we need is another awkward-moment with his spirit-world. But if push comes to shove, I brought plenty of gifts that should pacify most transgressions.” She jokes, just as a noisy gaggle of young humans and Zenarawan’s race past the Shaman’s hut, breezing perilously close to the newly erected barrier. But, the protection did its job; no violation of the spirits occurred that time.

  “Whew!” Wil exclaims, not realizing Linmari had noticed his concern. She calls one of the Zenarawan children over and gives a good scolding to him for taking the group so close to an off-limits area. After what seems like an apology, the youngster is sent back out to run with his friends once again. All is good, and within moments, Nyla and Wil’s seats arrive. It never felt so good to finally take the weight off. Nirvana, flows through their weary circuits.

  Raznalli and Linmari, see how pleased their visitors are. It makes them glow inside, that their hospitality is not found wanting. It’s been a long, hard hike for the androids. Thermal imaging would prove that, as invisible heat-waves flow from their bodies. Breathing deeply, they exhale warmer air than went in. But after a few minutes, their CPU’s and electro-polymer muscles are back to optimal operating parameters, and life is good once again.

  After some time, and after the wild-bunch has enjoyed a mid-day meal, the adults are taken on a tour of the village. Within the moderately-sized community, there are no locks on any of the doors. In fact, the people have no concept of such a thing. But if they had, the four androids, and their motley-crew, would have surely received a key-to-the-village!

  Suddenly from overhead, the sky is split-open with tremendous claps of thunder! Everyone naturally looks skyward. High overhead, and too small to be seen with the naked eye, two androids fall from space. Inside thermally protected drop-pods, the brave space-divers shoot into the voracious gravity-well of Oberon Prime. At nearly 5,000-mph, they violently penetrate the ever-thickening atmosphere. They’re on a mission to begin construction on a space elevator near the Einstein and Newton colonies.

  Having just left the starship SPS Nikola Tesla, they race towards a new life on an alien world. The vessel is named after a brilliant Serbian-American who lived during the nineteenth and twenties centuries. His resume spanned the fields of electrical and mechanical engineering. He was an inventor, physicist and futurist. Discovering alternating-current electricity and inventing wireless communication, were just two of his many wonderful feats. A truly insightful human being, who died penniless at a ripe old age, but rich in achievement!

  “It’s okay my friends.” Wil offers, reassuringly. “Those are friends of ours, coming in from the stars.” Using a hand gesture, he mimics a flight-path from above.

  Omari leans towards Talia, speaking stealthily. “Well, what a nice surprise. I imagine that those booms are Ella and Seth, coming in from the Tesla.”

  “You hit the nail on the head, Omari.” Talia responds; confirming her friends educated guess. “I hope they have a safe landing.”

  The Zenarawan’s continue looking to the heavens. However, there is nothing out of the ordinary to see. The tiny dot’s that passed unseen overhead, are now long gone and probably under canopy this very moment. Raznalli and Linmari, excuse themselves, going among the people, explaining. Reducing fears. Soon the camp returns to its peaceful existence and the disturbance is put to the back of everyone’s minds, but not forgotten. More fuel for the many legends developing about their new friends.

  “My friends, we are having another special visitor soon.” Linmari announces after returning. “She’s the eldest Shaman of all our people’s, and lives many da
ys travel, past the rumbling mountain. She’ll be very interested to meet you people, that are not people. Alive people, yet not alive.” She provides more information than the androids needed, but these simple forest dwellers have no concept of political correctness. To the villagers, their new friends are cherished, even while knowing that they have no hearts, no blood.... yet walk among the living, as equals. Only the small, smooth-skinned children are filled with life.... with blood that is hot!

  “Really?” Nyla responds with raised eyebrows. She had hoped to meet others soon, that were from different villages. “My, that will be wonderful, Linmari!” She exclaims, wanting to learn more about the ‘rumbling mountain’, but patiently waiting for the right time.

  “We look forward to meeting this elder.” Talia adds. “I’m sure she has much information about the history of your clan.”

  After a pause in conversation, Raznalli brings forth some beautiful flint nodules. With skill, honed by many years of practice, he demonstrates a ballet of knapping techniques. With tools and paws gracefully flittering across the stone blanks, he showers the area with shards. Soon, he has four newly-minted, 6-inch-long and beautifully balanced projectile points, of which each android receives one.

  “For me?” Nyla holds the projectile point up the light. Turning it to and fro, she admires the graceful lines, the razor-sharp edges. “How very beautiful, Raznalli. Thank you!” Nyla, is in awe of the skilled demonstration. Realizing there is no better time, she also brings forth gifts. She passes a small item to Linmari, showing her how to open it. Within the clamshell-type case, resides a small vanity mirror and hair brush. Now, while the indigenous animal knows her own reflection from a pool of water, she has never looked upon herself in high-definition. She jumps with joy! Nearly trampling Raznalli as she dances and prances, all the while admiring her reflection. The grooming tools are a big hit! Nyla is glad that she brought enough for all. Soon, the females of the village will all look puurrrrrfect....

  “The grooming tools are a huge success.” Talia whispers.

  “Well worth the diminished supply.” Nyla correctly surmises. “That, plus these gifts don’t require batteries!” She adds with a laugh.

  Wil, offers pocket-knives to the males of the village. For their diminutive size, the knives are still a big hit. The furry creatures had never handled a steel blade, so Wil explains how to treat them, and how to maintain the sharp edge. Soon, no stick in the village is safe, as many take to whittling like there’s no tomorrow! Something a flint blade just can’t duplicate very well.

  The day morphs into late afternoon. Nearby, a bakers-dozen of worn-out young humans, relax next to their exhausted feline friends. Low energy levels prevail, after hours of non-stop mayhem and hijinks around the village. All, are now quiet as mice, many wondering when the next meal will be. Earlier, more than one freshly-baked dessert, set out to cool, came up missing. But that only fueled the flames of hunger.

  Just then, a runner enters the village, announcing the imminent arrival of Yilzzari, the shaman woman. She and her party are only minutes away. Linmari thanks the messenger, turning to her guests. “I think you’ll enjoy meeting Yilzzari. She’s full of energy, and has more memories that the number of lights in the night sky!” She motions to someone, and suddenly, the area is buzzing with people running this way and that, picking up litter and putting things back into place. It just wouldn’t due for Yilzzari to enter what looked like a war-zone!

  Soon, a party of twenty Zenarawan’s arrive in a cloud of dust. Most are males, in the prime of life. They took turns during the long journey, to carry Yilzzari’s carriage. She could never make such a trip under her own power anymore, but the strength and vitality of the youth, make it possible for her to maintain mobility when necessary. With graceful precision, the eight heavy-lifters who handle her conveyance, set her down gently. Nyla makes a mental note, to introduce them to the wheel; a lovely invention. However, the local terrain wouldn’t lend itself well to a wheeled cart, and perhaps that’s why they didn’t use them.

  Introductions and pleasantries go around. In no time, Yilzzari is in a quandary about the new people she had never met before. She understood that they came from the stars, and that they seemed to be friendly, but hearing them speak in her own language is almost too much for the old spirit-woman.

  “You speak to me as though you have lived among us forever. How does this happen?” Yilzzari inquires with wonderment.

  Wil takes this one. Speaking in the native dialect that’s impossible for humans to duplicate, he quietly responds. “Oh, great and wise Yilzzari, we are but humble visitors that learn your words quickly. But, do not expect the same kind of communication from our young-ones. They are different.” He sets the record straight, and is shocked by her response.

  “Oh, I know something of the young-ones you mention. On the way in, I met the ones called Braxton and Magnus. They seem like fine young people. I noticed that they only think our words, while you can only speak them. How is this?” The ancient Shaman asks.

  Nyla grabs the inquiry. “Yilzzari, you are all-wise and knowing.” Then, indicating herself and companions. “We are of different physical make-up from that of the little-ones we teach. But, see if you can detect my thoughts.” The lovely android concentrates so very hard at projecting a thought, she nearly drops a bolt out of an aft data-port! Well not quite, but she certainly wonders if she might have ruptured a circuit.... “Anything?” She asks, just as Yilzzari’s tired old eyes, grow wide with surprise.

  “Yes! .... Yes! .... perhaps the tiniest speck of dust!” She exclaims with a meek laugh. “But you better stay with the spoken word my young friend. It’s just not there yet.” Yilzzari humors, then inquires seriously. “Legend has it, that you live, but don’t live.... That you have not, hot blood in your veins.... That you never eat, yet are always full of energy! .... Is it from the spirit world, that you come?” The old medicine-woman asks bluntly, her wrinkled old face, a montage of curiosity.

  Yilzzari.” Nyla answers, firmly. “It’s true that we are not of this world, but neither are we from the spirit world. We come from one of the many lights in the night sky. They look small, but that’s because they are very far away. Around one of them, our world exits, in the same way this world exists next to your sun. When at my world, your sun is just another tiny dot in the night sky. Our world became tired, and couldn’t support the many villagers any longer. The villagers couldn’t survive such a long journey to get to this world. So, they created us in their image, to be the guardians of their children, here on this world. Please, believe me when I tell you.... it’s complicated.... We are artificial, yet still live. Just in a different fashion than yourself. And we use a special kind of food, which is eaten in a different way.... While it’s true that we don’t have the same kind of hot blood as you and our little-ones, we have another form, that also gives life. And at times, it can be just as hot.” She seemed to be confusing the poor old shaman, who hadn’t the background to understand the concept.

  The ancient shaman is all-wise in her little kingdom, but this new life-form confuses her greatly. But, being all-wise, she quickly concludes that it just didn’t matter! She is making new friends, and they do seem friendly. That’s all that really counts, when all else is boiled down and taken away. “It is easily seen that you are kind of heart, even though different.” Yilzzari offers, graciously. “Our people have dreamed about those lights in the night sky for uncountable generations. And to think that you and your friends actually come from one of them is....” The old woman searches for the right term. “ like something from the spirit world, yet even stranger than that, I think. Much stranger.” Great wonderment in her weary tone.

  Omari is busting to get a word in edgewise. “It’s easy to see that you are a very wise and knowing medicine woman, Yilzzari.” He offers the best compliment and smile he has in his arsenal. Hoping to broach a question that’s been haunting his mind, ever since he heard that the old girl comes from
a village beyond the ‘mountain that rumbles’. After all, there was mention of vibrating ground in the highlands, when Jax told his ghost story. “My dear, I have heard of a mountain that rumbles. And I have heard that you come from beyond such a place. Are there any stories about that mountain that you might share with us?” He cringes slightly, as the subject matter of the inquiry might not be appropriate. But he just couldn’t help himself.

  The old shaman imperceptibly stiffens at the question. To Nyla, it seemed as if the elder woman had received an electric-jolt from the inquiry. Yilzzari, quickly recovers her composure, looking as if she were trying hard to remember a distant memory. When in fact, she had been thinking about that mountain, more and more lately.

  “Well.... Let’s see....” She squints, and the gray hairs on her lower muzzle, bristle as she thinks. “Oh yes, I remember being at the mountain when much younger. I was on an excursion of self-finding.” She takes a deep breath, exhaling a long sigh. “One night, I was awakened from sleep, as the very earth beneath, started to rumble.” She relates, as if it happened just yesterday. “I looked, and could see a light dancing in the forest. Terrible snaps assaulted my ears. I thought it was lightning, but the sky was clear. Yet, this lightning was different. Not coming from the sky, but going upward from the ground, only to end angrily at the tree tops. And the wind grew so cold! It smelled stale, like the breath of the dead!” She exclaims; her composure faltering. She crosses her arms, as if she had caught a chill. “I hid under my blankets so the spirit might pass. Thankfully, my life was spared that night, and I still don’t understand why or how. But, it is a cursed mountain, and I hope you never find reason to venture there.”

  A cold chill, flows through the circuits of Omari and his friends! The description they just heard from Yilzzari, seemed to momentarily freeze the flow of electrons! The similarity to Jax’s fireside chat, was shockingly similar. Omari pushes the envelope of boldness, asking. “Old and forever wise, Yilzzari. Did you by chance meet with a big white cat, during that strange night on the mountain?”

  “Ah, so you know of the ancient story of our people! Yilzzari exclaims. “It is said, that the spirits of mighty hunters are still on that mountain. Anyone who dares venture too close, had better not spend the night in those woods.” The old woman warns. “The mountain that rumbles, grows angrier as time passes. There is powerful medicine there, yet something grows angry. And all who venture forth to explore simple curiosities, will meet a horrible end! Dark secrets don’t give up the ghost, easily!” She warns, sternly.

  Nyly, looks to her friends, seeing three fellow androids that’ve been hanging onto every word the old medicine woman spoke. She knows now, that hell or high water won’t be able to keep the mountain safe from another visit. Except this time, people from another world, another belief system, will pay a visit to the mysterious mountain. A visit that will replace fear and superstition, with scientific curiosity, and an insatiable desire for knowledge.

  The evening wears thin. Most of the villagers, and all the youngsters, have long retired to the comfort of bed or sleeping bag. Leaving Yilzzari and several couples to relax in quiet. The old shaman glances at Wil, indicating something he seems to cherish. “I have been admiring that strange looking spear that you protect so dearly.” She admits, pointing at the laser-rifle. “I may be old, but I know a weapon when I see one. If Raznalli will demonstrate his spear throwing technique, won’t you do the same?” The old woman asks loudly, so’s to wake Raznalli who had drifted off.

  Wil’s appreciation of the old shaman, goes up a few notches. While the laser is clearly not a throwing spear, it surely is a weapon! He wonders just how she concluded that it could still reach out and touch; as might a spear. “My dear Yilzzari, I welcome a demonstration, and will offer one, even if Raznalli wishes not. However, be warned.... this spear is like none that you have ever seen. It reaches and touches with mighty wrath! So, make room for a few more gray hairs!” Laughing, he gets up from his seat, following Raznalli into the gloom.

  The furred-one widens his stance, steadying his feet. “See that small tree over there, beyond the fire pit?” He points with a paw, while placing the butt-end of his spear into a device that adds leverage to his throw. An earthy term for the tool, would be ‘atlatl’, with the principle being equal. Hefting the spear and balancing it on his left fore-paw, he takes aim with a squint. Giving a mighty grunt, he heaves! The spear holds true, fly’s through the shadows and over the fire pit it streaks! Then, with a solid smack, the stone point enters deeply into the soft wood of the targeted tree. Just where he wanted it! The shaft quivers hard, as its sudden stoppage shakes it to its very core. The crowd goes wild! Waking up many who had already retired to their beds.

  “By the ancestors of Roelin!” Linmari exclaims loudly. “You hit the mark as if by magic! Could you do it again?” She ask, excitedly. She never tired of witnessing Raznalli’s prowess with his spear.

  “Well, if my life depended on it, sure!” The proud male beams brightly. “But, I’m surely not going to waste another flint, just to make you happy!” He retorts smartassingly, as the peanut gallery breaks into laughter. All, know just how important it is to respect the points. To waste, is to perhaps not have one, when one is needed most.

  Wil, is truly taken aback at seeing the powerful little male make such an incredible shot. “Wow, Raznalli!” He exclaims, truly. “You have great skill, my friend! Perhaps, you might teach me that move someday?” .... it didn’t come out like a question.

  With a laugh, and a heightened bravado, Wil is accepted as his next student.

  “Thanks. You honor me, Raznalli .... Now, my good friend, let me show you a point that doesn’t break easily. It reaches out so fast, you can’t believe your eyes. And it’s bright like the sun!” He unslings the long weapon from his shoulder, handing it to Raznalli for inspection. Eyes grow wide as the alpha-male hefts the 12-pound device. It’s quite heavy, especially for such a diminutive animal such as Raznalli. Way heavier than his spear, anyway. As he’s admiring, Wil calls to his better half. “Nyla, please show Yilzarri how to use your sunglasses. We don’t want to blind the poor dear.”

  Wil, trades his own sunglasses for the laser. Raznalli had previously tried them on, so he places them on his snout as best he could. All the while, wondering why. The sun was gone, after all.... After checking the power setting, Wil widens his stance for effect, and takes aim at the same tree, just below the spear. “Here goes!” He warns as he gently squeezes the trigger. The gloom is torn asunder, as the village-center glows brilliant red! The ruby-beam instantly crosses the fire pit, and is already chewing on the tree, before anyone even has a chance to jump! Even the other androids experience a flinch, as the event is so powerful on their psyche’s. Instantly, flames erupt from the glowing wound, so he releases the trigger before having too much fun! He didn’t wish to kill the poor tree, or cause a big fire! That, plus wasted energy will not be there if needed to save a life.

  Turning to his viewers, he’s faced with such a spectacle that he won’t soon forget! The place had gone deathly silent. All Zenarawan’s are stunned beyond description. With jaws agape, they remove the sunglasses, only to reveal further proof of the shock. Wide eyes, now admire the long stick that Wil slings back onto his shoulder. Soon, Yilzzari finds her voice.

  “Well, I for one, am very glad that you people from the stars are friendly!” Yilzzari exclaims truthfully. “That spear has great teeth! It bites deeply, as might an angry spirit! You are teaching us that perhaps we should reconsider our beliefs with our spirit world.” The old girl admits a blasphemy, that a younger shaman would never have done. “We have much to teach each other, my friends from the stars. Perhaps with time, you will teach us some of these godly things, that are maybe not so godly after all. Just a different way, to do the same thing.” The old medicine woman speaks wisely. However, the hour is late, so she bids a weary farewell.

  “Yes Yilzzari, we look forward to that. Perhaps next time, we wil
l meet at your village and learn your people. There are many things we can teach each other.” He says, moving to gather his companions. “Until that time, we will leave for our tents. Tomorrow morning, we will be gone very early. So, may you all stay healthy and safe.”

  “Travel safe, my friends.” Yilzzari bids farewell, looking forward to her own bed. “You are always welcome among the Zenarawan people.”