Read Breaking Interstellar: Cosmic Lives Matter Page 10

  Chapter Nine: Jax’s pandemonium of terrors!

  “How far down is the bottom, Nyla?” Talia inquires. She stands perilously close to the edge of a steep drop. After replacing the frazzled rope, Nyla stabilizes it while Braxton, Magnus, and Jax, give it a good functional test. Actually, it’s the second test of the new rope. Wil and Omari had just given it a good workout, with their combined weight of nearly 650-pounds. Each wears a backpack weighing in at about 50-pounds, containing supplies and tents. Everyone in the party carries something needed for the journey to visit the Zenarawan’s.

  “According to Braxton, it’s almost a hundred-feet. Then, it changes into the smoother valley floor.” Nyla responds, keeping an eye on how the newly installed rope performs. Watching them scamper down, she cringes when climbing techniques boarder on disaster. Trying hard to not dote over them too much, she wonders if the time will ever arrive when she won’t. The headband-eleven, would have given her gray hairs, but so far, the alien device doesn’t seem to have affected them. Not outwardly so, anyway. Besides, the abnormal brain-scan test results, could have been skewed by the recently suspected development of ESP with their Zenarawan friends. But as of yet, the mechanical parents haven’t broached that particular subject.

  Wil, patiently waits at the bottom for the first of the children to arrive. Climbing up and down the cliff-face is old-stuff to the seasoned young humans, who sometimes don’t even bother with the rope. But this time, they didn’t wish to be the target of Nyzilla’s wrath, should they show off too much. After getting caught sneaking with the headband, they choose to not risk a walloping from someone that can wallop real good! They’re getting too big for the old ‘harness of shame’ punishment. So, instead of testing mother-androids new and improved punishments, they try hard to act like adults. Often, with poor results. But, they do try to try!

  “Don’t stand so close, Toby.” Nyla warns. “You’re knocking dirt and rocks down on your brothers.” Toby, Cooper, and the rest, edge close to the precipice. Impatiently waiting to be next on the rope. Adam, Ling and Harper, can wait no longer. With patience wearing thinner than the old rope, they move a few feet away and begin descending the rocky slope at a well-traveled part of the rock-face. Before Nyla or Talia notice, the three-youngster’s scramble down the rocks like a troop of monkeys.... just as pretty as you please.

  “Ling! .... Adam! .... Oh, my circuits! .... Harper, you scoundrel!” Mother android exclaims, knowing it won’t do any good. The kids moved too quickly, descended too rapidly, before she or Talia could notice.

  “Sorry Nyla!” Ling yells back. “We just couldn’t wait anymore! Besides, we climb this part of the cliff all the time! We’ll use the rope further down, when it gets too steep!” She informs the inconsolable android, who everts her gaze, not wishing to witness the carnage she fears.

  “Now, don’t you worry so much about them, Nyla.” Talia interjects firmly. “Those kids are going to do whatever they want, and it’ll only heat your circuits to micro-manage their lives too much.” She consoles knowingly.... yet not having any children of her own.

  “Oh, I know you’re right, Talia. It’s just that I can’t help myself. They’re growing so fast!” The nervous mom exclaims. “But when the day comes, that you raise children of your own, instead of just baking and handing them out like candy, you’ll understand the irresistible urge to worry like you’ve never worried before.” She diplomatically rebukes the genetics engineer, while indicating those nearby. “At least these four are still loyal to their dear old mom.” Nyla praises Kara, Tina, Shirley and Max who stand patiently at her side waiting for their turn at the rope. However, if truth be known, these four little darlings can be just as mischievous as any of the others. Especially Kara who is only behaving now, to make up for recent indiscretions of judgement.

  “Nyla, I’m three-seconds away from joining Ling and the others!” Kara announces her growing impatience. The other three are also chomping at the bit, and making funny faces until Nyla finally relents her domineering ways.

  “Okay, okay! .... I get the message!” Nyla responds laughingly, at seeing such a contorted trio of faces. “But before you go, please help your old mom put on her backpack.” She begs with a sympathetic tone. Kara and Max heft the bulky pack, holding it out so she can slip her arms into the shoulder straps. Each of the kids, carry their own pack of supplies, but not nearly as heavy as mom and dads. “Ah yes, that’s the ticket. Thank you. See you at the bottom.”

  Stepping to the side, she offers the rope to Kara, who doesn’t waste any time scrambling down the rock-face. Before she gets too far, Toby, Shirley and Tina begin jockeying for position. Their proximity to the abyss, causes the two androids circuits to skip some beats.

  “My word!” .... Nyla scolds. “Won’t you kids give your poor mother a break?” But, in the wink of an eye, all three were on their way down. “Okay Talia, your next.” Nyla offers her nervous friend the rope. “Then, Max and I will follow.” She reaches, bringing the boy close. She realizes he’s more into books, than anything to do with the outdoors. While he looks forward to visiting his Zenarawan friends, risking his life on these rocks is not a pleasant thought for him.

  “Jeez Nyla,” Max comments. “when I grow up, I’m gunna design an elevator for this part of the journey.” The young boy informs, proudly.

  “You know something, Max? I truly believe you’ll do just that.... And I’ll be here to help!” She exaggerates in Max’s favor, knowing full well how a young mind can envision a hundred different ideas each day, only to have them fall to the wayside before bedtime. But knowing the intelligent stock that Max’s DNA comes from, just about anything is possible when the boy grows into a man. Max’s genetics, like the other kids, is half from the name-sake parent, and half from unrelated, yet selected donors.

  “Oh jeez Nyla, I was only joking.... I wouldn’t trade this rope for all the tea on Oberon Prime! See you at the bottom!” Max teases, quickly making his way along the rope, staying just a few feet above Talia, who goes nice and easy.

  Soon, Nyla arrives at the bottom, where Braxton, Magnus and Jax, are nowhere to be found. Wil assures her that they won’t be too far ahead. “They wanted to scout the trail and make sure it’s safe. Who am I to say no?” He tries to use levity to keep her circuits from getting in a knot. He fails, miserably.

  “Well, you’re their father, for one thing!” She retorts angrily. “And your bigger than they are!” She pauses to take some deep breaths. Her circuits are heated. She sees the shocked look on Wil face, so she hands him a fake something. “Sorry Wil.... Here’s your head back.... I didn’t mean to bite it completely off.” For her apology, she receives a hearty laugh and hug from the tall, handsome android.

  “Don’t mention it, my dear.” He brings her closer. “Try to calm yourself, and let it go. Boys will be boys, and girls will be girls. We can’t molly-coddle them too much longer. We can only guide them on the path for just so long, hoping they learn something along the way.” After a short recess, the remainder of the party makes their way through the valley. They come upon a beautiful stream. It meanders lazily through the thinly forested area. Sitting on the bank of the stream, Braxton and his two accomplices toss pebbles into the water, waiting patiently for the others to catch up.

  “Hey Nyla.... Hey Wil. Fancy meeting you two here.” Braxton jokes. The group settles along the bank and takes a break. It had been a couple of hours since they left the habitat, and rest was in the cards. The morning is warm and sunny. This time of year, would be considered early springtime back on Earth, but on the equatorial-band of Oberon Prime, there’s a fine-line between the differing seasons.

  Nyla plops down between Braxton and Magnus. “Thanks boys, for making sure the area is safe for us notice travelers.” She jokes, pulling them close for an affectionate hug.

  “Awe.... No need to thank us, Nyla. We’re only too pleased to contribute our services for the cause.... Right guys?” He responds, seeking support from his com

  “That’s right, Nyla.” Jax contributes. “We couldn’t have you guys walking into danger. Why, you never know what you’ll find in these haunted woods.” He informs spookily, gazing into the woods as if a ghost might be lurking. He’s always been the most superstitious of the dirty-dozen, and loves conjuring stories of the phantoms and spirits that haunt the area.

  “Oh, don’t you listen to him, Nyla!” Magnus speaks up, tossing another pebble into the stream. “Why, a person has to have a good imagination to see the spirits that rattle around in that empty skull of his.” He jokes, putting Jax in a headlock and doling out a good knuckle-rub on the skull and releasing his victim.

  “Hey, knock it off Maggot!” Jax reacts, with a not too politically-correct phrase for his tormentor. “Keep it up, and I’ll call-forth a demon that’ll put YOU in a headlock! How would you like THEM apples?” He threatens and laughs demonically while punching Magnus on the upper-arm. A move he wouldn’t have dared make, if Nyla wasn’t there.

  “Oh, jeez Jax! .... Cool yer jets! .... I’m just messing with you, is all.” Magnus relents, rubbing the impact site. “Hey, maybe you could conjure up a good story for the campfire tonight! What do ya say?” Trying to make things right again.

  Jax pushes his hair back into place. “We’ll see, Magnus.... we’ll just see....” Then, he doubles-down on his payback, giving forth another installment of pain to Magnus’s arm.

  “Okay, okay you two.... knock it off!” Wil orders, from a few feet away. “Break-time’s over. We want to at least be close to the Zenarawan village before we set up camp.”

  Braxton, Magnus and Jax lead the way. Creatures big and small, scurry, fly, or slither out of the way, as their territory is rudely violated. At times, the air is filled with screeches of protest as they flee. Any visible trail disappears, as the kids rarely travel so far from home. It had been two-years since they last made the journey. From here on, compasses are wise, and sureness of foot is mandatory. The far side of the valley slopes upward at a comfortable angle. At one time in the remote past, there was a rocky-ridgeline, such as the one they had just conquered. However, over the years, heavy weathering had worn down the rock on this side of the valley, creating a nice incline that heated the leg muscles real good.

  “Whoa! .... I need to stop for a few minutes, gang.” Nyla informs, finding a nice shaded spot to cool her heated circuits and muscles. “The others won’t catch up for a little while anyway.” Max, takes a seat at her side, exhaling a sigh of relief.

  Talia plops down ten-feet away, reaching for Shirley to join. The girl sits on the soft grass. An audible sigh is heard, as nirvana grips her psyche. “I guess we can all use a break.” Talia says with a laugh, knowing that life is good.

  “Nyla?” Max asks quietly, of his mother-figure.

  “Yes, son?” She responds, gently.

  “Did you really know my father?” He asks, with incredulity.

  “Oh yes. In fact, he adopted me soon after I was created. And Wil too.” She informs the curious youngster, yet again. “He was one of the finest human beings that ever came down the pike, I can honestly tell you that. In fact, if not for his tremendous intellect and drive, none of us would be here today, enjoying life on another planet.” She runs her hand through his thick mop of hair. “And it’s scary, the way you remind me so much of him.” She says, sincerely.

  “So, these others that I’m growing up with, are not my biological brothers and sisters, are they.” He wonders, but it comes out more like a statement, than a question.

  “No, they’re not, my dear boy. They are step-siblings.” Nyla informs, qualifying her statement. “But they love you just the same as the real deal. Perhaps even more so.” She admits, pulling the boy closer for a hug. “You see Max, half your biological material came from Doctor Maxwell Sohn. Now, as you know, he funded the creation of androids like Wil and myself, and also, the mission to the stars. The other half of your DNA, came from well-picked strangers. And, from what I see in you, they were picked quite well. Quite well, indeed.” She finishes, embracing the lad.

  Max absorbs the information like a sponge. Deduction, quickly brightens his eyes. He leans closer, whispering to keep it between himself and Nyla, he asks shyly. “So, if we’re not truly blood-relatives, it would be okay, if someday....” pausing, turning red.... “if someday, I was to kiss Shirley?” He cringes inside after letting the cat out of the bag.

  But to Nyla, who tries to be observant, the attraction between the two youngsters is no secret at all. Without giving away his need for confidentiality, she whispers back. “Oh, my dear boy. As far as biologics are concerned, there is no problem. In fact, I think it would be a fine thing. A fine thing indeed.” She responds warmly, then rubs in some reality. “However Max, ultimately it will be up to Shirley to decide whether or not that would be okay. For now, just don’t worry about it too much.... There’s plenty of time for that sort of thing later. Just concentrate on becoming the best and brightest young man you can be, and the rest will take care of itself.” She offers the best motherly advice that her programming affords.

  “Yes ma'am....” Max, answers politely. He relaxes.... glowing inside.

  Just as he formulates another question, a gang of rambunctious kids break the scene! Knocking the wind out of his sails! They’re followed by weary android chaperones. The steep, unrelenting incline of the valley, takes its toll on humans and machines alike. Nyla and Talia gather the clan for well-deserved sandwiches and energy drinks. Lunch is late in coming, and abbreviated in length. Soon, the group is off and motivating, once again.

  The crest of the valley offers relief from the unrelenting incline. Now, the going is more enjoyable, as the topography of the land, slopes downward into the next valley. The pace of the group quickens. The kids get a second-wind with the growing anticipation of visiting their Zenarawan friends the next morning. There’s only two more valleys to conquer, before nightfall, so all keep a focus on making progress to that end.

  Wil walks with Nyla, as the children have grown tired of horseplay, staying within close-proximity, as the group passes through territory less traveled. Predatory animals, such as large cats, have been known to prowl the area. And, the danger of being this far from familiar territory, is not lost on the youngsters. They’re not yet old enough to be trusted with a firearm, so they stay close to those who wield the terrible power.

  “How are you doing, old girl?” Wil asks, of his better-half.

  For his wayward effort at romantic inquiry, he receives a feigned look of incredulous exasperation. “I’ll ‘old girl’ you!” Nyla retorts. “Why, if I wasn’t trying to conserve energy, I would show you the folly of those words!” She laughs infectiously, leaning to kiss him on the cheek as they keep pace with the kids.

  After traveling through several more valley’s, and a low flat expanse of forest, the sun of Oberon Prime sinks lower in the sky. Soon, darkness will descend upon the weary travelers, forcing a hault to the long march. The campsite is a location that had served them well during previous visits to their neighbors. Comfortable always, and safe for the most part. But in the wilds of an alien world, many scary things can and do, go bump in the night.

  Nyla and Wil, set up camp with the assistance of the kids, who are well versed in how the large, ten-person tents go up. Cooper, Toby and Kara form a team, challenging the boys to see who can finish their tent first. While, Omari and Talia busy themselves with gathering firewood with Max, Shirley, Ling and Harper. Soon, the group can truly relax. Hot food and drink is enjoyed by the young humans, whilst the androids enjoy the peaceful surroundings. After second helpings, there’s no unsealed food left, so as to attract unwanted company.

  The gang rests comfortably next to the fire, which is poked and prodded constantly by one or another of the kids. All of them have nice hiking-sticks, which are perfect for poking into the flames and hot coals. As dusk turn into darkness, the fire becomes more important than ever, to make their temporary home
safe and secure. Beyond the light given off by the blaze, nocturnal creatures begin to stir. Moth-like insects buzz the fire every now and then, some sailing off into the darkness with wings aflame. Beyond the firelight, glowing eyes peer curiously from the inky darkness of the forest. It’s been a year since they had slept outside the stainless-steel walls of the habitat, and it feels great to all!

  “Okay you pyromaniacs.... the fire is big enough.” Nyla warns, with a laugh. Braxton pulls his once proud hiking-stick from the flames. A full quarter of which, is engulfed in flames. “Mr. Braxton Crane! If you keep poking that stick in the fire, you’ll have only a tiny nub by the time you go to sleep.” She realizes her efforts are for naught. Trying to stop a human from poking at a campfire is impossible, but at least they aren’t poking each other, she thinks.

  “Oh, that’s okay Nyla.” Toby reacts, to her mother’s concern. “We’ll find new ones in the morning.... Better ones!” She laughs, putting her stick back into the heat, sending sparks flying.

  As the group settles down, getting bored with maintaining the fire, Magnus remembers his request of Jax. “Hey Jax,” he calls across the flames, “won’t you tell us one of those ghost stories that’s knocking around in that empty skull of yours?” He teases, as is the norm.

  Jax prickles at the dig, but decides it might be enjoyable to unleash his imagination. “Well, I think I might have one that you haven’t heard yet.” He announces, noticing the group is ready for a diversion. He closes his eyes, contemplatingly.... rubbing his temples, he dredges a tale from the darkest recesses of his mind. Then looking around, he begins with a mysterious tone....

  “At our birthday party last month, Razzi told me of an entity that roams these very woods during the cover of darkness! It’s an ancient presence that moves so stealthily, a person can’t hear it approach. Oh sure, sometimes it makes a mistake; snapping a twig here, or rustling a few leaves there.... But when you look, all you notice is a coldness, that travels to the very depths of your bones, as the spirit passes unseen!” He rolls his big brown eyes into the back of his head like a zombie, trying to channel the spirit world.

  He re-focuses.... staring at his enthralled listeners. “But, sometimes that spirit .... Well, sometimes that spirit doesn’t just pass! If it senses fear, it will persist! As might a foul odor that lingers, not wishing to leave!” He gazes intensely. “With the feeling of cold death being near, you’ll shrink from the darkness, seeking the protection of a dwelling.... Any dwelling! But, if there is none to be had, that coldness on a dark night, will fill your heart with terror! It’ll reach into your very soul, harvesting your worst fears, and using them against you. From the inside, the terror will drive you crazy!”

  “Once it has you in its grasp, even the safety of your own bed, deep under the covers and hidden from all the universe, is not enough! The entity hungers for flesh and souls.... and yours is the closest! Fear invades so deeply, it grows closer than the very blood in your veins. Escape is impossible! .... Try to run, you cannot! .... Try to scream, and nothing comes out! Time stops.... Often, a deep, disembodied growl, assaults your senses during these terrible moments. You swear the demon has taken your soul, chewing it to pieces! It claws at your frozen heart, trying to make it burst from your chest!” Jax exclaims wildly, seeing shocked expressions he continues....

  “Long ago, the first Zenarawan’s to fall victim to the ghost, were brave hunters returning from a week-long hunt. The evening grew late as they hurried along a steep ridgeline above a darkening forest. The mid-summer heat, feeling oppressive. Suddenly the ground rumbled, and a great blast of cold evil-breath comes from below, sending chills to their very bones! Below them, the forest begins to flash and snap angrily! Bright sheets of lightning rise from a single spot on the forest floor, expanding skyward! Never have they seen lightning behave in such a way! Ever widening, the lightning sizzles skyward, until just above the tree-tops where it disappears with vicious snaps. The hunters huddle against the fear! Shakily holding their spears in defense! Fear strikes deep! All bravado evaporates, as they watch the mysterious force dance before their eyes. Over and over, the forest snaps at the sky! Gripping their hearts with unspeakable terror!” Jax has them wrapped around his finger. He adds fuel to the flames....

  “A stench of decay arrives from the shadows below. The hunters notice another movement not too far from the lightning. A monstrous cat, emerges angrily from its den. With slumber interrupted, it circles the area, venting angry protest! The group of frightened hunters, watch with fascination as the cat roars venomously at the offender of its peaceful sleep. The darkening forest is broken by waves of electrical shock! The big cat claws at the sky with each sizzle and snap. It crouches, calculating its attack. Then, into the lightning it springs; claws and teeth tearing, trying to find a snack!”

  “But the mysterious disturbance doesn’t fall victim! Rather, the great cat is the one who falls prey to the power of the electrical phantom. Before the attack, the mighty cat was a beautiful, 375-pound animal of brown coat, blending perfectly with its environment. But, after the leap into the spirits lair, it came out the other side, a wraith-like-shadow of its former glory. As its front paws touch once again onto the forest floor, the now pure-white cat, shimmers and disappears! All that landed after passing through the veil of fire, was a pile of bleached bones! .... Without a whimper, the great cat was gone!”

  “Yet, it’s not truly gone! .... Only changed! .... Now it’s a corporeal beast, that will forever hunt the tormentor that took it unwillingly into the spirit world. The lightning dissipates. The forest goes dark and quiet once again. Shock holds a tight grip on the hunters, as they wonder if it was all just a dream, or too much fermented drink. They shakily continue along the ridge, with hopes they were not noticed by whatever haunts the forest below.”

  “They didn’t get very far, when suddenly the hunter at the back of the line, gives a blood-curdling scream, dropping to the ground dead! The outcry fills the hunters with dread! Looking back, the survivors see that their young friend had turned ancient with age, and his once light-brown fur, had turned the purest of white. Before they can gather at his side, another blast of stagnant-air hits them from below, freezing them in their tracks with fear!”

  “A vicious growl is heard, but there is no animal to be seen. Another hunter screams horribly! Stiffening, as his companions watch claw marks form on his face from an invisible attacker! More claw marks; this time extending down his torso, tearing open his tunic and spilling his guts right there in front of them! Again, no attacker is visible! But within moments, large bloody paw-prints are seen crossing the rocky surface towards them! Another maniacal scream sends the rest of the hunters fleeing in all directions. Some fall from the ridge, landing hard in the forest below, never to be seen again. Others flee along the ridgeline.... All fall victim to the blood-lust, with one single exception.”

  “One torn hunter, makes it back to his village late the next morning. He ran through the forest all night, falling exhaustedly on the dirt, next to the shaman’s tiny hut. His cloths torn asunder, and deep ugly wounds, running the length of his back. The Shaman didn’t recognize him; his brown fur had turned the purist of white, and he had lost 15-pounds during the night. After becoming conscious once again, the frazzled white-furred hunter, tells an unbelievable tale. A tale of rotten cold-winds in a steamy forest, lightning from the ground, a terrible cat with invisible claws! .... Clan members, hang on every word .... It’s a fur-raising story! And, by the time white-fur had finished, he himself was wondering if it wasn’t just some fermented dilution.... Except, that his back hurt.... really bad!”

  Just as Jax is about to say ‘the end’, a cold breeze blows through the warm camp! Goosebumps rise tall on his wide-eyed siblings, as sparks fly from the fire pit! Toby lets loose with a scream to be proud of, making everybody jump; including the four androids that had been listening intently to every word Jax spoke. All the kids turn white-as-a-ghost, which isn’t easy for Harper.
Looking from one to the other, they hope the cat-demon doesn’t claim them next!

  Magnus, picks his jaw up off the ground. “Jeez, Jax!.... I’m not gunna get any sleep tonight! Thanks buddy!” He exclaims exasperatingly, suddenly sorry he had teased Jax earlier about his superstitions. Color slowly returns to the faces. The story leaves them rattled.... just like a good campfire-story aught....

  Nyla and the other androids are moved by the story. But not for the reasons one might imagine. They look at each other, all thinking similar thoughts.

  “Jax, that was a wonderful, and might I add.... very disturbing story.” Nyla gives praise, where praise is due. “But I have a question for you, if you don’t mind.”

  “Oh, I don’t mind, Nyla. But make it quick, before the cat gets here!” He jokes, receiving a smack on his arm from Harper, who’s still spooked.

  “Well, you said that you heard this story from Razzi during the birthday party?”

  “Yeah, that’s the truth. I swear.”

  “Well, the fact that you and Razzi don’t speak the same language is not lost on us androids. So, just how is it that you were able to communicate with him so effectively?” Nyla asks suspiciously, without condemnation. She and Wil wanted to confront the children about it before. But adding another layer of difficulty, at a time when everyone was still reeling from the headband-incident, didn’t seem productive.

  Jax is stunned that he didn’t think of that little fact before relating his story. Now, the cat’s out of the bag; tearing at HIS soul! He’s been put on the spot. His world closes in, he ponders a way out of the mess. Looking into Nyla’s inquisitive glare, his heart melts. She has a way of bringing out the truth, without any real effort. “Well, I....” He stammers. Hesitating, the boy searches for the right words. “Well.... Well jeez Nyla, it’s like this....” Another pause as he looks to his siblings for some support, before divulging a state-secret.

  “Oh, go ahead Jax!” Magnus calls out, as Amy clings to his arm, still frightened by the story. “We couldn’t keep it a secret forever.” He adds forlornly.

  “Yeah Jax.” This from Braxton, who jokingly adds. “The cat’s out of the bag now, so go ahead and spill the beans.” He says of the secret they had tried to keep for as long as possible.

  “Okay, okay.” Jax gives in with reluctance. He sits up a little straighter, looking Nyla and Wil in the eyes. “The last few times we visited with the Zenarawan’s, Razzi and Surri started getting into our heads.... with thoughts. At first it was confusing and horrible. We thought we might be going out of our minds, because the thoughts were kind of fuzzy, out of focus. But after a while, things cleared up, and soon we could understand what they were saying.”

  The androids are shocked, even though suspicion was strong. But to actually hear the words, brought a chill to their circuits.

  Jax continues, before interruption. “At first, the thoughts were just simple things, like ‘come here’.... or, ‘throw the ball to me’. The next visit brought more and more understanding of their language, even though we couldn’t speak it. We tried, but it just came out terribly awful, and they would cover their ears in pain. So, we just stayed with the thought games, and before we knew it, we could understand almost everything they thought at us. And they understood us too! The last time they visited, is when Razzi told me the story of the ghost-cat.” He finishes, hoping for compassion.

  Nyla senses Jax’s discomfort. To be coerced into divulging secrets, is no easy thing. She scoots closer, giving a reassuring hug. “Now, don’t you worry about it, Jax.” She says, while ruffling his thick black hair. “One way or another, your old parents were going to find out anyway. But, now I need to ask one more thing. Did this special way of communicating start before, or after the headband use?”

  “Before.” The boy answers honestly, adding. “Even Harp and Ling can hear the thoughts that Razzi and the others think at them. And they never used the headband at all!”

  Omari, who had been listening intently to the explanation, decides to add a question of his own. “Jax, or any of you for that matter; what does it feel like when you communicate in such a fashion?”

  Adam joins the conversation, before Jax can formulate a response. “At first it felt funny; like when a close lightning storm makes my hair stand on end. But after a while, that changed and went away. The more we thought at each other, the more things became smooth, and not so prickly. It became second nature.... Right guys?”

  “Yeah, that’s exactly the way it felt.” Amy interjects. “Kind of prickly at first.”

  “I couldn’t have described it better myself.” Braxton announces.

  “Like a mild electric-buzzing in my mind, is how it started.” Cooper agrees.

  Another cool breeze flows into the camp, rustling the fire. Toby gets another round of goosebumps and shivers. “Yup, that’s it exactly, Omari. The first few times was kind of scary. But after a while, it was okay and even fun.” She admits, vigorously rubbing her arms for the heat of friction to chase the chills away.

  “Well, I have to say,” Omari responds. “this is the most astounding thing I’ve ever heard in my life! Why, this might explain the heightened activity in the right hemispheres of your brains! I mean, the activity was off the charts!” He exclaims, to the horror of the others before explaining further. “This part of the brain is well known for storing nonverbal information. It’s the part known as the ‘intuitive hemisphere’. Harper’s brain scan even showed heightened activity in that region, and that threw me, because he didn’t use the headband. I didn’t test Ling, but I’m sure the results would have been similar.”

  Concern crosses Ling’s face. She didn’t like things messing with her brain. That’s why she hadn’t used the headband. Well, that plus she wanted Harper to like her more. And, showing support for his decision to not use it, was a good place to start. Omari notices that his excited words have frightened the child. “Oh my dear, don’t you worry about a thing.” He reaches, taking her hand reassuringly. “If your brain is accepting the Zenarawan’s mental outreach, it can only mean that it’s a natural phenomenon that the human mind is capable of learning. Perhaps it’s not as invasive as using the headband. I’m glad that you and Harper didn’t go that route.” His words bring relief to the young girl. She clings to Harper for strength.

  Looking at Wil and the others, Nyla addresses another thought. “It seems also, that the electrical discharges Jax spoke of, seem unnatural for a primitive mind to conjure.” Looking to Jax. “I’m of course, talking about the primitive mind of the surviving hunter.... How is it, that a stone-age animal can describe a scene that just doesn’t happen in nature? Sure, lightning travels from ground to cloud, and vise-versa, but this event seemed completely different. Furthermore, there was no mention of a storm even being in the area. And who would think of a cold wind, as having bad breath? Somehow, I think there’s more here than meets the eye.”

  Wil brings her close, giving a reassuring hug. “Oh Nyla, your putting way too much thought into a child’s fanciful story. Why, it’s entirely possible that Jax didn’t even get the story correct. After all, they don’t have much practice at such an unusual way of communicating.” He looks to Jax, asking. “Right Jax? It’s possible that you embellished the story just a little bit?”

  “Oh no! I told it just as Razzi explained it to me.” Jax, qualifies his little story, adding a pathway for variation. “But, Razzi did say that it came from deep-time in the history of his people. So, it probably did get more colorful over time, but I didn’t add anything, I swear!”

  “Well, it was a fine story, Jax. It gave me something to think about.” Nyla admits, adding. “Let’s just hope it doesn’t keep any of your brothers and sisters awake all night.”

  Wil stands, dousing the fire. “Okay everyone, it’s been a long day. I believe we’ll all survive until morning.” And with that, he and Omari lead the boys to their tent, while Nyla and Talia tuck the girls into theirs. Anticipation of the next day’s ev
ents, fill the minds of thirteen young humans, and four androids. The winds pick up, moving through the camp hauntedly. Shaking the tree’s and tents spookily.... bringing restless sleep to some, and soothing dreams to others.