Read Breaking Interstellar: Cosmic Lives Matter Page 13

  Chapter Twelve: Into the rabbit-hole

  Nyla and Wil sit quietly in the dark woods, keeping watch throughout the night. Omari and Talia patiently monitor the other side of the camp. Between them, two tents vibrate with a cacophony of snores. The hour is late, the sun had set five-hours prior. This is their second night on the mountain, with the highest section not far away. Nothing unusual has been noticed. Its a pleasant enough piece of real estate this night, but the androids wonder if they had actually found the fabled spot; the mountain that rumbles. By hiking in the general direction indicated by Yilzzari, and picking the highest, most probable land-feature on record, their initial hopes were high.

  The pleasantness of the warm night air is punctuated by musical numbers, that only the night insects could ensemble. It hypnotizes the bodyguards, putting them at ease. As long as the forest is alive with music, the area is likely safe from lurking menace. It had been a long day; it feels good to take a load off, resting the electric muscles. Power levels, hover near 83-percent for each. They communicate inaudibly through a wireless network which includes input from each other’s vision feeds. In this way, if one misses a fine detail that might be danger, perhaps others will see the prize. Safety in numbers....

  Suddenly, the insects go silent! The stillness is deafening! Then the peaceful night is shattered! The ground vibrates with an eerie rumbling far below, overshadowing the mood. Screams from the tents break any attempt to understand the moment. They move quickly to meet the youngsters that pour into the night, falling over themselves in blind panic. However, the panic quickly dissolves, when they realize that their world is not actually coming to an end.

  Nyla and Wil arrive, only to find a tangled mass of squirming humanity on the forest floor, trying their best to untangle. Poor Harper, bleeds from a head wound. He stoically stands, accepting his unluckiness. Reaching, he finds that he might live after all. Adam and Max roll off the pile, moaning expletives that would make a sailor blush. Braxton and Magnus are at the bottom. They were the first out, and first to trip and fall, causing the interstellar pile-up. Jax was thrown to the side, white as a ghost, mumbling something unintelligible.

  Another bout of shaking and rumbling! Then, through the camp a cold blast of foul air, races past! Goosebumps aplenty form along arms and necks. The warm night air, yields to the iciness and is pushed to the side. Jax inhales a lungful of stale air, screeching. “There! .... Over there!” He points, frantically. “I saw it! .... I saw the white cat!” While he instills fear in many, Braxton isn’t fooled. He knows Jax best, and isn’t surprised by the outburst.

  “Oh Jax, give us a break!” He ridicules mercilessly, yet can’t look away from the direction pointed. It’s only natural to seek proof of such a claim, and all look to see the fabled beast. Even the androids turn their heads, but no phantom feline is to be seen. The group doesn’t have time to linger on the thought, as yet another cold-breath of fowl air flows through the camp, sending chills to the very core!

  Another eerie vibration! Another ghostly rumble sends shivers through the frightened youngsters. Suddenly, another actor in the mystery, comes violently to life. Up the hill, at a rocky ridgeline, an electrical disturbance rips the night wide-open! With echoing cracks and snaps, it rages up from the ground! The thinly wooded hillside allows for a glimpse of the weird phenomenon, but Nyla and Wil want to get a better view. Of all things happening, the electrical discharge is the only tangible thing that might be understood, if only they can get closer.

  “Calm down! .... Calm down everyone!” Wil instructs firmly. He suspects that time is of an essence, if he’s to learn more about the events that shattered the calm night. “Talie, Omari.... Watch the kids.” It didn’t come out as a request. “Nyla and I are going up there.”

  “Yes! .... Yes, of course! Go, go.... we’ll hold the fort!” Talia responds, urgently. “Be careful!” She begs, holding the girls close.

  Omari has his hands full, as the boys begin chaffing at the bit for some action. He checks Harpers head-wound, seeing that it’ll be just fine after a field-dressing. “Go, go, go! I can’t hold these boys back much longer!” He warns, as Braxton, Magnus and Jax yell protest at the very thought of being left behind.

  “Take us too! Take us too!” They yell; getting the look from Wil, for their effort.

  “Hush.... Don’t make a scene.... or else!” He warns harshly, pointing a finger, before getting an elbow in the side from his better-half.

  “Now, Wil.... We don’t have much time. Let’s just take the three boys, and be on our way. They’ll never forgive us if we leave them behind, and only escape to follow.” Her argument is overpowering; Wil acquiesces after a stern warning.

  His glare could melt ice, as he addresses the boys. “Okay. But mind your manners, or I’ll mind them for you!” He whispers the rarest of threats, adding. “Now let’s go, stay close behind!” And so, with the rest of the peanut-gallery looking satisfied to stay, they head up the slope towards the hissy-fit in the forested gloom.

  Another shaking of the ground! Another eerie rumbling from deep within! Five earthlings, stealthily approach ground zero. Ahead, just through some low hanging foliage, a dance of electricity undulates and snaps. From a single point in the ground, the plasma rises into the treetops along a v-shaped conductor. A Jacob’s Ladder of electrical-conductivity. Waves of dancing ribbons, flow and lengthen, before leaving the contraption with a violent snap. The scene reminds of a mad-scientists device, as it rips the air asunder. The hair on their heads, stands on end, as the air surrounding them is energized with static electricity. Goosebumps on the boy’s arms and necks, speak volumes of the terror gripping their minds, as they hide behind their android protectors!

  Snap! Another long ribbon of plasma, disintegrates above the tree tops. The conductive rails glow white-hot, as the energy passes. Now closer, the two androids can discern that the electric arcing is not from the spirit world, but rather from someplace much closer to home. Somehow, another sentient species is at work here! Nyla and Wil examine the area ahead with better eyesight than any human can bring to bear. They’re vision is sensitive to a wide spectrum of radiations, making night-vision second nature. What they see, sets them back on their heels.

  “Wil, those discharges must be of intelligent design!” Nyla whispers loudly, as yet another fiery-arc dances to the treetops, snapping wildly out of existence. “I mean.... by all the stars above! We’re not alone!” She exclaims wildly, realizing one of her most intense fears. “Our innocent planet, isn’t so innocent after all!” She had always suspected that their idealistic life on Oberon Prime seemed too good to be true. But, now the cat’s out of the bag; uncertainty rears its ugly head. Circuits heat....

  Wil holds her close. “Well, my dear. Whoever built this emergency vent, must have one hell of an operation going on below.” He prophesies. “Yet we haven’t seen any other signs of intelligent life, except the Zenarawan’s.” The boys, peer around their protectors at the wild scene, unable to speak.

  This might be an abandoned outpost or something like that.” Nyla supposes. “But that much electricity isn’t coming from batteries. Something with terrible power is hard at work down there.” Her circuits conjure an untold number of unpleasantness’s within the mountain.

  “One thing seems clear. Whatever’s down there, isn’t using all the juice it’s making.” Another wave of plasma vents into the sky, angrily agreeing with the android. “I for one, plan to get to the bottom of this mystery.... or die trying!” He uncurbs his enthusiasm, but meets with resistance.

  “While, I like the way you think, Wil.” Nyla reacts. “I wonder if we shouldn’t just come back when we’re better prepared.” She can’t get past the memory of their last encounter with an alien species. It almost didn’t end well for them then, not being properly prepared and all.

  Her statement meets poorly with the boys, who finally find their voices. “Awe jeez, Nyla! We never get to have any fun!” Braxton flirts with insubord
ination, kicking at the dirt. “And just when things are getting fun!” He huffs juvenilely, thinking only of himself.

  “Yeah!” Magnus and Jax exclaim in unison, knowing it would do no good.

  “Well, for now let’s just head back to camp.” Wil instructs, knowing better than to argue with Nyla. “We’ll make the final decision in the morning. But you boys know full-well that an android’s energy-level is much more critical than yours. You wouldn’t want to see us run out of juice and die, would you?” Guilt trip, slathered on thickly....

  “Jeez no, Wil!” Braxton speaks for the boys. Wishing he would think, before throwing tantrums.

  The group heads back towards camp. Behind, the alien tempest has cooled and gone dormant. As they walk, Jax speaks of a growing suspicion. “Does anyone think it’s possible that the bad-breath that blew through camp, might have come from a ventilation exhaust? I mean, if there is a facility inside the mountain, it only seems natural it would need air-circulation.” The boy beams in the darkness, hoping his idea meets with approval.

  Nyla is surprised that his theory didn’t involve a ghost. “Well my boy, that’s about as lucid an explanation as I’ve heard tonight. Good thinking!” She praises, while realizing she didn’t feel so good. Falling quietly behind, she wonders if she’ll make it.

  “Nice thinking, Jax.” Wil ruffles the youngster’s hair as they walk along. “But, for the life of me, I can’t figure out those vibrations and rumblings.”

  Falling further behind, Nyla feels her circuits heating. The exertion of climbing the slope, and the anxiety of events, impacts heavily. Taking deep breaths, she tries to mitigate the episode that draws near. Her efforts fall short. “Wil!”.... She blurts out, just as her legs let go. Down she goes, landing with a solid thud on her posterior. Wil looks back, seeing her sitting there with eyes closed, her beautiful dark features, calm and serine. She idles, as heat rolls off her body in waves of infra-red light. Wil is quickly at her side, laying her frame prone on the ground. Holding her hand, he wonders if she’ll come back this time. She breathes hard, taking in plenty of cooling air, so his hopes grow.

  The boys gather close. “Is she going to be okay, Wil?” Braxton asks with a trembling voice.

  We’ll see, my boy.... We’ll see.” He pushes her disheveled hair back into place. “She overheated again.... poor thing.”

  She remains in the grip of the reaper, longer this time. As her partner nears a threshold of panic, she stirs. Looking up into his worried face, she wonders aloud. “What’d I miss?”

  Wil’s circuits jump for joy! One day, she might not come back. But not this day! “My dear, for someone so cautious about exploring this site, you just knocked on the front door real hard!” He teases, offering an infectious laugh.

  “Yeah, Nyla!” Braxton teases. “Jeez! .... I bet the place rang like a bell!” Moving closer, the young man offers a warm hug, as she rises to a sitting position once again.

  “Oh my, it happened again!” She responds sadly, as the relieved young man squeezes her good. “Somebody, once told me to lay off the space-cookies.... perhaps I should listen.” She returns the humor, feeling better.

  Standing, she hears Wil give a whistle of appreciation as he points at the wonderful divot her posterior created in the forest floor. “Hey, at least you didn’t break any furniture this time!” He offers support to his better half. “Thanks for coming back. We need you!” A long embrace, which never felt so good to him.

  Soon, the ancient android feels better. She and Wil, multi-task like champions as they walk with the boys. Night-vision is online and scanning the woods as they travel. Nyla glances back, seeing intense heat rising from the recently glowing conductors. She hates to leave the scene of action so quickly, but the safety of the children, trumps any desire for further exploration. Wil, is on the same wavelength, as he glances deep into the woods, noticing something peculiar in the distance.

  “Nyla, do you see that heat source on the forest floor, about a hundred-feet over that way?” He points at a glow of heat that the boys couldn’t see. Trying as hard as they can, the boys squint into the darkness, unable to detect the radiation. The star-filled night, and the tiny moon of Oberon Prime, are the only light sources that offer any illumination for their limited eyesight.

  “I see it, Wil.” She informs, gathering the boys to her side. “Okay, boys. Listen to me good. Wil and I are going to take a look at a heat signature we see over there.” She points. “Stay here, and be quiet. We’ll only be gone a short time, so please behave.” She pleads, handing Braxton her radio and laser rifle. With wide eyes, the powerful weapon is accepted. He’s been trained on the operation of the weapon enough to use it safely, and handles it with great respect. Placing his right finger-tips on the data screen, the weapon chirps with welcoming recognition. Braxton is now armed and dangerous! He glows inside, with a heat that his android parents can’t detect.

  “I don’t see anything.” Magnus squints again, his eyes straining.

  “Yeah, I don’t see anything either.” Braxton agrees. “It’s just not fair, being human.” The now armed young man squints into the night once again, hoping to see danger.

  “Oh brother!” Jax teases. “You guys look silly, squinting like that! I bet that ghost cat doesn’t have to squint when it seeks out victims!” He can’t let his spirit-world become marginalized by these new, alien developments.

  At 275-pounds, it’s not easy for an android to move stealthily in a crunchy forest, especially on a calm night. Twigs and fallen branches, snap with each footfall. The trio of young humans, wince at the bulldozer effect, that is their guardians trying to sneak. Crunch! Crunch! Crunch! .... Snap! Snap! Snap! .... they reconnoiter the heat signature ahead, like two bulls moving through a china shop. Soon, they’re within 20-feet of the heat signature. There, they notice heat rising from the forest floor. Built up debris at the area, makes for difficult viewing. Details are fuzzy. “Wil, I can’t make out anything, except for the heat source, of course.” Nyla admits. “There’s too much junk in the way.”

  “Well, let’s move closer.” Wil suggest. “Careful now. We don’t need anything jumping out and biting us in the ass.” He jokes nervously. The curious androids, bravely move closer. With long sticks, they poke at the ground as they go. Moving to within 5-feet of the anomaly, they find a metallic grate, covering a dark cavern below the surface.

  “Wil, that’s a protective grating.” Nyla deduces, just as a cold, stale-wind blows up from the darkness. “Whew! .... That odor is the same as we had back at the camp.” She adds, while wafting her hand in front of her face. Even an android is sensitive to unpleasant odors.

  Before Wil can formulate a response, an eerie noise permeates the forest floor around them! A deep, cracking sound of structural failure, freezes them in their tracks! They look at each other with shock, knowing the end is near. Vertigo grips them hard, as their combined weight of a quarter-ton, violates the integrity of and ancient subterranean structure.

  With tremendous cracks, the ground beneath gives way to the assault, quickly swallowing up the offending masses! Each, scramble in wild panic! Grabbing at anything that might offer salvation! But, nothing meaningful is near their grasp .... into the rabbit-hole they fall! “Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Twin animalistic cry’s issue forth, as the heavy androids disappear from the world above in a fit of flailing arms and legs. Rocks, dirt, and an assortment of decaying material falls with them, as the seemingly bottomless pit takes whatever falls into it, and burps a horrible breath, as thanks.

  A purposefully-built pitfall for capturing game, could not have done a better job. But this was no planned pitfall, just an ancient air-vent that gave-way under stress. After several seconds of screaming and falling, the pair of heavy androids meet with a smooth, curved surface. This elbow in the shaft, breaks their descent gradually, dissipating the stored energy in their bodies, instead of a sudden, deadly stop at the bottom. They skid to a halt in front of another steel grate. The stale tempes
t subsides, as it races to the atmosphere above. Weak moonlight, is lost in the curved entrance, their night-vision becomes taxed.

  Wil grapples in the darkness, finding Nyla next to him. “Are you okay?” He inquires, while switching off his night-vision and pulling a flashlight from his utility-belt.

  “Yes, yes I think so.” She answers with a humorous tone. She couldn’t believe they had survived the fall. “Are you okay?” She reaches into the darkness, bringing him closer for a reassuring inspection and hug.

  “Well, my butt got heated real good, but I think I’ll survive.” He responds, returning the pat-down. She releases, turning him to see the hole in his jumpsuit, but is disappointed.

  They shine light around the claustrophobic confines. It’s easily noticed that they are trapped. Going back up, is impossible without a rope. And forward movement is blocked by a security grate. Beyond which, the shaft continues at a steady downward slope into darkness. Nyla breaks the sad reality. “This is going to be soooooo embarrassing when the kids find us like this, Wil.”

  “Tell me about it.” He responds mournfully. “However my dear, if memory serves me well, I think they already know we’re in trouble. I mean, we screamed bloody-murder when our world collapsed.... Remember?” He asks, just as his radio chimes to life.

  “Nyla! Wil! Are you there? Are you two okay? Over.” Braxton calls, coming through broken and garbled, as the metallic vent-shaft eats the radio signal.

  Wil adjusts his radio. “Braxton, we’re okay.” He reply’s, warning. “Stay back, Braxton. Keep your brothers back too! It’s not safe! Do you copy?” He pleads, firmly.

  “I copy, Wil. What the heck happened! We heard you two scream. Jax is having a panic attack; he thinks the cat got you! Are you sure you’re okay?”

  Wil chuckles, as he answers. “No, no.... the cat didn’t get us. Instead, we fell into a vent-shaft.” He informs, with a forlorn tone.

  “What should we do?” Braxton transmits; bravely keeping his wits.

  “Well, if I’m not mistaken, everyone at the camp just heard your transmission. Mine, not so much, because of where we are. So, inform Omari to bring all the climbing gear we have. Tell him we’re okay, and not to hurry too much.” An involuntary cringe, proves his embarrassment.

  “Copy, Wil.” Braxton transmits, immediately calling for help.

  A boy with an oversized bandage on his head, answers the call. “Brax, this is Harp! Omari is rallying the troops! Tell Jax not to panic! I’m bringing the cat-repellent!”

  “Oh funny, Harp!” Jax retorts scathingly, after appropriating the radio. “Are you asking for another boo-boo up side your head?” He keeps the radio keyed, as he laughs the longest.

  Omari breaks into the conversation. “Braxton, we’re on our way! “Just hang tight and relax!” .... Easier said than done, Braxton thinks....

  Inside the mountain, Nyla and Wil try to climb back up the shaft. They can’t get past the elbow, slipping back down, as if on a greased playground slide. Even if they could get past that obstacle, it’s another 85-feet to the surface. “Wil, we’re just going to have to wait for the rope. This rabbit hole is too deep.” Nyla advises. “Let’s just hope we’re gone before the dragon breathes again.”

  Wil slides down the elbow, coming to rest next to his lovely partner. “You’re right of course. There’s just no way we can get out this way, without assistance.” He eyeballs the metallic grate. “Perhaps we might spend some time trying to get past that barrier. There might be something interesting down there.” He says, temptingly.

  Nyla couldn’t agree more. There’s little worse than being trapped and not trying something. “Okay Wil, but we have only one laser, so make it count.”

  “As always.” He states braggingly, adjusting the power level. Upon studying the obstacle, a vulnerable spot appears at one edge. Taking aim, the tall android directs a full assault at a protruding lower corner of the grate. The enclosed space illuminates brightly, as the destructive energy bites into the alien metal. Smoke rises out of the vent, metal flows, creating a pool of molten steel. Releasing the trigger, Wil inspects the still glowing results of his effort.

  “Well, that corner is toast. But the power-reserves are down to 45-percent. We’ll need another laser if we’re going to break through.” He states emphatically, knowing it’s not good for the rifle-battery to discharge much further. Without an emergency, he daren’t inflict damage to the lifesaving tool.

  “Well, it won’t be long before Omari and Talia get here.” Nyla reminds. “Plus, we still have my rifle up there. We’ll just have to wait.” She and Wil resign; sitting once again on the smooth vent surface, allowing circuits to cool.

  “At least we know the material isn’t indestructible.” He kicks at the barrier frustratingly, wishing it would yield.

  As the smoke clears up and away, a voice arrives from above. “Helloooooo down there! Is anybody home? What are you guys cooking?” Omari’s distinct charm, comes through loud and clear.

  “Helloooooo up there!” Nyla calls back, excitedly. “Yes, we’re home! Thanks for visiting! We’re cooking something wonderful! Switch to radio!”

  The entire gang is topside. The forest surrounding the rabbit-hole is illuminated brightly by a gaggle of flashlights. However, there’s now three new members to the party. Omari keys his radio. “Guess who arrived at camp shortly after you two left.”

  “I couldn’t guess in a million years, Omari. Spill the beans!” Wil isn’t in the mood for guessing games.

  “Well, in that case Mr. trapped-in-a-hole, I’ll just tell you.... Raznalli came into camp with Razzi and Surri. They followed us, and became frightened when the night cracked open.”

  Wil rolls his eyes. Although he enjoyed the Zenarawan’s company, he curses murphy’s law at being caught traipsing around in their sacred grounds. Not to mention, having them help with his and Nyla’s rescue. “Copy that, Omari. Please, tell them we’re glad they’re here.... And break it to them gently, that spirits are not at work here on the mountain. Something else is to blame.” He hopes to settle any jitters they might have on their minds about vengeful spirits.

  Turning to Nyla, he inquires. “What say you, to further exploration.... Now that we went and opened Pandora’s box.”

  Her pretty brown eyes, brighten. He didn’t have to twist her arm. “Well, if we can get that grate off, I’d be disappointed if we didn’t take a tiny look-see.” Excitement filling her tone.

  “Good answer.” The normally cautious android praises, as he gives her a peck on the cheek, adding. “Hopefully, there’s nobody home.” Then, calling topside. “Omari, we want to explore further, but we’ve encountered a stubborn obstacle. Send a couple of laser down here.”

  “Okay, stand-by; I’ll lower them to you.”

  Before long, another tremendous assault on the grate begins. Long bursts of brilliant destruction, brings forth showers of sparks, as molten steel flows from the wounded barrier. Suddenly, with a tremendous clatter, the heavy grate falls away, rumbling uncontrollably down the vent, and out of sight. The sound of its final crash, reverberates from the dark abyss.

  “Well, if that didn’t wake the natives, they must either be dead, or not at home.” Nyla jokes, nervously.

  “I’ll say! By the stars and moons, that thing made a racket!” Wil laughs hard, mirroring his partners concern. Gathering some focus, he radios topside. “Omari, we’re through the barrier. Did you bring all the climbing equipment? Or just the ropes.”

  “We have it all, right here.” Omari answers. “What’s the plan? Do you want the kids down there too? Is it safe?”

  “Well, if we don’t want a mutiny on our hands, I’d say it’s safe enough!” He replies with a chuckle. Above, the night is shattered once again. This time, by excited young humans.

  Braxton is first to descend into the abyss. With eyes wide, he disconnects from the rope. Shinning his flashlight further into the vent-shaft, he gives a whistle of appreciation at the depths of which
they’ll go, to learn more. Soon, even the Zenarawan trio is at the bottom, hair bristling on the knaps of their necks. Then finally, Omari and Talia make the descent, arriving with wonderment in their faces.

  The vent continues into the mountain. It’s a steep, slippery slide, as climbers descend, reaching the bend that was seen from above. The sides of the vent are dented and scoured, where the ballistic grate had its way. Beyond that, the steepness becomes less, with what appears to be an end-point, not too far away. Arriving at the bottom, Wil is relieved to see that the runaway grate had hit and damaged a final barrier. With a powerful kick, the tall android breaks the remaining vestiges of the final obstacle and enters a large room within the strange compound.

  There’s a ghostly hum about the place, as if off in the distance, something powerful is hard at work. Within this first chamber, a long line of people emerge with relief of being free of the confining air-vent. The room they enter, has a feel of utility about it. Long metal air-ducts run along the walls, connecting to a massive steel box, which then leads into the larger exhaust-vent they had just traversed.

  Nyla moves to the large steel box. It’s twice as tall as she. A small panel on the side, begs her curiosity, so she reaches and pulls. The inspection panel opens with protest from rusty hinges. Shining her flashlight within, her mind recognizes what can only be a massive air-handler motor, with circular squirrel-cage-type fan-assembly attached.

  “These must be the air-handlers.” Nyla supposes accurately, glancing around at the ducting and machinery. No sooner did those words come out of her mouth, but the squirrel-cage begins turning. Slowly at first, the 5-foot-diameter-fan begins its rotations. Wind within the box increases dramatically, sucking the panel shut with a slam! Noise levels goes off the chart! Soon the room is a tempest! Massive amounts of stale air is sucked into the machinery. Amy, Tina and Shirley are last to climb from the vent, almost not making it, before being sucked back inside and tossed into the forest above. Or worse!

  With the help of four strong androids, the group of shaken souls, finds refuge beyond the windy tempest. Into a dark void, they enter. Huddling against the storm in another room. The ground rumbles, stale air flows past, entering the low-pressure zone. Wil braves a glance back into the utility room and sees the cause of the vibrating mountain. Or at least part of the cause. The huge air-box vibrates, bouncing against bedrock. Shock-mounts, long ago deteriorated to dust. Within the beast, unbalanced fan blades are the true culprit, as they try to shake the assembly to pieces! Off in the distance, he hears similar assaults against the bedrock of the mountain, and realizes the possible immensity of the place.

  Turning back to the wide-eyed group, he yells over the wind noise. “Well, I think I know what’s causing the mountain to vibrate! And there might be many of these air-circulation rooms throughout the complex!”

  At the thought of there being more to the place, everyone looks into the gloom. Androids activate their night vision, gasping at what they see. The humans and Zenarawan’s not so much, as the thick darkness is only punctuated by islands of very tiny lights in the far distance. Lights that don’t illuminate much of anything near them, just teasing the strained eyes.

  With wide eyes and ruffled fur, the trio of Zenarawan exploders, huddle with their human and android friends. The experience is tattooed in their memories, like so much bad ink! Strong medicine roars in their furry ears, foul breath from a nasty beast, corrupts their noses! They’re sure that soon the ground will tire of shaking, and open its hungry maw, swallowing them.... bones and all!