Read Breaking Interstellar: Cosmic Lives Matter Page 14

  Chapter Thirteen: Fortress of bent physics

  Wind rages, vibrations rock the darkness; seemingly without end! The tempest in the utility-room is dampened, when Wil and Omari push the rusty hatch closed. Strong winds fight them all the way! Wil, wonders where the air is coming in from, while Omari is overwhelmed by the strangeness of it all. His life is accustomed to the quiet confines of a science laboratory. Now, he and Talia are neck-deep in trouble, inside the damp bowels of an alien world. Wishing he had the worldly experiences of his two friends, he pushes anxiety to the side. It pushes back harder; ruling the darkness. Switching on night vision, he turns to face the next challenge.

  Nyla and Talia stand off to the side, surveying their new surroundings. The stone-walled compartment is darkened, even with night vision. Almost as if the very nature of the place, sucks any detectable light, out of the room. Hunkered down next to them, is a large number of wide-eyed biologics. Their earlier cockiness, muted from nearly being caught in the wind tunnel. In the distance of the dark room, tiny, weak lights, illuminate here and there. To Jax, unspeakable demons, reside behind each pair! Just waiting to tear his heart out! Anxiety is off the scale!

  Flashlights break the gloom, shining this way and that from the group of 16 biologic animals. Razzi and Surri stay close to papa. Still plenty of darkness, Jax thinks, as he follows Nyla and Talia. The nearest galaxy of tiny lights, weakly illuminate their immediate vicinity. Moving closer, Nyla sees that they’re background lights on what appears to be some kind of control-console. The lighted dials, gages, and switches, stand ready for an absentee controller. But, what kind of controller, she wonders. The seats are so tiny, causing her to feel like a giant in comparison! Perhaps Raznalli, or even one of her own kids, would fit nicely into one, she ponders. Running her finger across the top surface of the work-station, she comes away with a healthy dust-bunny. She relaxes, realizing the owners must be away from home. Away from home for a very long time, she surmises.

  “Hey Braxton, come over here.” Nyla calls.

  The boy arrives with Kara at his side, and entourage following. The headband-eleven become very interested with the console. They fall silent in wonder, as they ponder this and that. If not for the racket in the utility room, a person could have heard a pin drop. Nyla and Talia quickly notice a trance-like look in their eyes, as they ponder the hieroglyphic-style writings that are plastered all over the work-station. Many, stare with heads tilted, like a dog that thinks it might understand something. Chills run through Nyla’s circuits. It’s an eerie feeling, seeing her little-darlings grabbed in such a way!

  Reaching, she tugs gently on Braxton’s shirtsleeve. “What is it?” She whispers softly, hoping to not ruin the moment. “What do you see?”

  This second question seems to break the spell. With blinking eyes, the boy comes back from wherever he was. “Well, I can’t explain it, Nyla.” Indicating the lighted console. “But I’m pretty sure I know how to shut down the ventilation system in this place. I think I can read these chicken scratches.”

  “Yeah, me too!” Magnus informs, happily. The others, still working it out in their minds.

  “Do you think this has anything to do with the headband?” Talia inquires, bewilderment aplenty.

  Braxton chuckles; his mind at ease. “Well, either that, or there really are spirits at work here!” He laughs, after noticing the look on Jax’s face.

  “Well, we don’t yet know for sure, if you know anything.” Nyla reminds. “Which buttons and or switches do you think control the air-handlers?” She puts him on the spot.

  In unison, Braxton and Magnus point to the exact same sector of dials and buttons. Nyla is shocked, they just might be on to something she thinks. “That’s the controls there, Nyla.... No foolin.” Braxton, informs with pride.

  “Okay, young man. Please do the honors and shut down that infernal machine. It’s driving me out of my mind!” She puts her hands over her ears, humorously mocking the noise.

  Wil and Omari arrive just in time to see the amazing Braxon at work. They stand to the side and watch with amazement, as the group of kids point and comment on things that should have been totally alien to them. It’s a genuine moment in time for the androids, when they realize that humanity may never be the same, now that Pandora’s box has been opened. Then, with a few careful movements of ancient buttons and dials, Braxton takes a deep breath and pushes an execute key. Suddenly, the clamorous racket that wouldn’t shup-up, begins to wind-down! Like an angry jet engine, that just had its fuel supply cut, the racket slowly subsides and stops.

  “Well, my circuits!” Nyla is stunned, as she hugs the now smug-looking boy. He beams inside, as if he had just solved the most mysterious of perplexing problems, in all the universe! He did it first, and didn’t miss! Even though it’s just an air-handler, he still glows with pride.

  “Thanks, Nyla. But not everything is so clear-cut to me. Parts of the console, don’t mean anything at all, even though I can read the writing.... But, at least it’s quiet in here now!”

  The compatment is packed with control consoles. Cooper finds her moment in the sun, learning to operate the main lighting system. Her discovery is a big hit, putting her on par with Braxton’s magnificent feat. Now, flashlight batteries can be conserved, which might prove to be a lifesaver before too long. Everyone is put at ease, as Nyla explains her dust-bunny theory. The breaking-and-entering guilt-trip seems lessened, if the place is abandoned. That, plus nobody is shooting at them yet, and that’s always a good sign!

  Amy and Magnus, discover a curved rock-walled corridor, leading further into the mountain. “Hey, everyone!” Amy yells softly, so as to not wake the dead. “Over here! We’ve found something!” Just a short way along the corridor, they open the first hatch that comes along. As the group arrives, she manages to duplicate Cooper’s move with the lights. Within, is a sleeping compartment for about 30-people. But she’s not too sure what type of ‘people’. As with the seats before, these beds are short. They’re stacked three high, bunkbed fashion. Two rows extend into the depths of the room.

  “Well, we’ve found where the troops sleep.” Amy surmises. All beds are empty, and made-up nicely; military style. She reaches to fluff one of the pillows. It fluffs more than she bargained for, disintegrating into a cloud of dust! “Eeeewwwwwww!” She yells, clapping dust from her hands and backing away.

  “Nice one, Amy! Fluff pillows much?” Magnus teases, without mercy. “Jeez, what technique!”

  “Oh hush! Come over here, and I’ll fluff your head!” She giggles, trying to not touch anything else. The group meanders through the barracks. At the back, they come upon what can only be a hygienical compartment. Sinks and shower-tubes, wait for customers that never come anymore. A doorway next to that, finds the group touring what might be a galley, or kitchen of sorts. At least it looks like a place where repast might be prepared. Rows of dust covered tables, with plates and utensils ready to serve once again, make testament to that. Cabinets at the side, are filled with what looks like food containers, but the contents have long ago leaked out through corroded seams, and turned to dust. Being inside what seems to be a kitchen, brings growls to the stomachs of those who could use a bite just then; which is all of the biologics....

  “Hey Shirley, maybe there’s a steak someplace around here.” Max jokes, opening what looks like a refrigerator. After so much time, the fossilized food-stuffs within, doesn’t even smell.

  “I’m afraid the only food you’ll find in there, is a ghost-sandwich!” The girl replies smartly, getting a nice laugh from all, except from Jax, who’s still quite rattled.

  “She’s right of course.” Nyla concurs. “This place hasn’t served a hot meal in a long time.

  “I wonder what happened?” Ling speaks the question of the day. “Who would abandon such a fine place?” She adds, hoping they truly get to inherit the exciting fortress.

  “In here! .... In here!” Tina calls from the compartment next door. She and Ada
m had gotten ahead of the group. “We’ve found something!”

  Adam sticks his head out, yelling loud enough to wake the dead. “The owners are in here! .... The owners are in here!”

  Within the new compartment, rows of another kind of bed, populates the space. The cavernous room is filled with hibernation cryo-chambers. An electric hum, emanating from each. They’re operational! After so many years, the life-support still has heart!

  Jax is taken aback, wondering when the spirit-chambers are going to spring open, and release vampire-aliens to consume them.... bones and all! He wants to run back up the vent-tube, into the relative safety of the dark forest. A chill goes down the spine of all who enter. Even the androids are shaken by the possibilities. The ramifications seem endless.

  “My word!” Talia exclaims. “I hope they’re empty, like we found the other beds.”

  “Well, they’re not!” Adam informs, matter of factly.... peering into one.

  Those not willing to wait for a view, find other chambers to satisfy their curiosity. Nyla wipes thick dust from the clear cover at one end, revealing a creature that takes her breath away. Laying there, as peaceful-looking as you please, is a twin to the first-lieutenant of the alien commander that pirated their ship many years prior! However, according to her memory, he now has considerably more battle-scars on his face. It’s truly a mug that only a mother could love.... but this one.... perhaps not so much!

  He lays there peacefully, yet somehow still looking quite angry, while doing so. He’s lucky that Wil gave a warning shot during the hijacking, or he would have expired long ago in deep space. The laser-burn scar that Wil delivered onto his fierce face is still there, adorning like a badge of honor! Wearing a one-piece jumpsuit, the little gray looks as if he had just fallen asleep. His leathery bulbous head, on long spindly neck. Large closed eyes, almond-shaped and jet-black when opened. A cute button-nose not far below, with two short slits for nostrils. And a small, thin mouth, make for an amazing sight! The diminutive body, is covered with a blanket pulled to the armpits. Nyla’s haunting memory of the encounter with this species, leaves her feeling chilled to the core. They had not come upon an abandoned complex after all, she realizes nervously. Instead, they’ve broken and entered into the enemy’s lair!

  “I hope they don’t come out and bite us!” Amy exclaims, shivering at the thought.

  “Okay everyone, listen up!” Nyla, lays down the law. “Nobody pushes any buttons! For no reason, is a button to be pushed or a switch thrown. Capeesh?” Her kids know when it’s unwise to push her buttons, so mom receives a respectful acknowledgment from the dirty-dozen. Albeit a baker’s dozen.... “Amy, does this one have a name on the data-plate?”

  The girl drags Magnus over to the chamber, inspecting the squiggly lines. “Yeah. It says, Gort.”

  “My circuits! .... How fitting!” The mother android rolls her eyes, moving on. Wil lingers and gazes into the face that defied him so long ago, he wonders if it might not be over between them....

  Nyla’s ‘don’t touch anything’ order, didn’t translate very well with the Zenarawan’s! Raznalli makes a graceful leap, landing gently on top of the chamber, not realizing that they’re not for climbing on. Sniffing the top cover, he comes to the clear window-panel and sees Gort’s monstrous face. He springs from the perch like an electrified cat, hissing all the way! Rejoining his cubs, he relates that perhaps these one’s aren’t so friendly. Not like their star friends. He couldn’t get a read, but his gut tells him to be wary. Razzi and Surri now understand.... Sniff, but don’t touch!

  Suddenly, a high-pitched scream from Toby! She and Cooper look into a chamber further along. “Well, here’s one that won’t jump out and bite!” Cooper informs, excitedly.

  “Grossss!” Toby yells; backing away.

  The gang crowds around. The chamber, hums along like all the others. But, within its protective realm, just a line of dust extends from the neck of a flattened jumpsuit, with a larger pile at its end which was once a head. It’s obvious that life-support went sour on the poor creature. Turns out, something had happened to the seal on the lid, violating the specialized atmosphere within. The sleeper never had a chance! .... Long ago, it had perished in peaceful slumber. Even sniffs at the seal by Razzi and Surri, brings no evidence of stench-molecules. Suddenly, Raznalli, wants no part of this room anymore.... He hangs back with Jax.

  “The poor thing!” Talia exclaims, passionately.

  “Hey! There’s more dead ones over here!” Adam announces, crudely.

  Sure enough, there are many that didn’t make it. Not that the others truly have much chance for reanimation after such a long time, but at least they’re not dust yet. Perhaps for them, luck might still favor. Nyla and Wil inspect the other chambers. Before long, they make a finding that only 7 of the 30 cryo-chambers have possible life within. One of the failed chambers near the back, grabs Nyla’s attention. Within, she spies a creature turned to dust. But on the upper chest area of the jumpsuit, she sees an insignia that’s been burned into her memory circuits for 175,000-years.

  “By all the stars, Wil! This must be the remains of the pirate captain who sold us the headband!” Her words shock him to his core. The thought that he’s run into the little space-pirate again is unbelievable, even though he’s saddened that she’s dead. The insolent but brave creature, had been a worthy foe! A worthy foe, indeed! Brazenly, boarding his ship like a thief in the night, hoping to take advantage, but failing miserably. Well, perhaps not so miserably. She did get away with a huge pile of booty, in gold and platinum bars. And in the process, had proven that humans are not alone in the universe, after all. Well, he ponders without mercy; what goes around, comes around. Now the shoe is on the other foot.... it’s time for the grays to be invaded by aliens.... Aliens from Earth!

  The young humans file past her chamber. Each, looking in upon the remains of the one who gave the headband to the human species. Tina gazes into the high-tech coffin, noticing the lettering on the jumpsuit. “Nyla, you might want to know, that part of the insignia has her name. I can’t pronounce it very well, but if my life depended on it, I would say it sounds like ‘Esty’.”

  Nyla offers a caring look. “Thank you, Tina. I only wish we still had a face to put with that fine name. Although, she isn’t much to look at now, she was once the most beautiful and courageous pirate I ever did meet! May Esty, rest in peace.” With the eulogy completed, respect given, the not small group enters back into the same curved corridor as before; continuing deeper into the mountain complex. Raznalli and Jax breathe a sigh of relief as they leave the mausoleum room behind. The mountain no longer reeks of the spirit world, but still seems haunted, just the same!

  Close along in the corridor, another hatch leads into a medical department of sorts. At least the operating tables of three, speak volumes about their function. Except, these tables were much longer than needed by the gray’s physiology. Nyla and Wil could lay on each, and have room at either end. The tables are laden with an overhead rack containing lights and a plethora of weird looking instruments. To Nyla, the room has a sick flavor, straight out of Dr. Josef Mengele’s handbook of tortures and demons. “Oh Wil! This place gives me the creeps! Let’s not dilly-dally in here!” She touches one of the dangling blade-type instruments, and it bangs against the many. Sending an evil wind-chime effect throughout the room, chilling her very circuits! She glances at a movement to the side of the room.... “Toby Sullivan!” She yells angrily. “Don’t you EVEN open that cabinet!”

  But it’s too late, the deed had been done. “Sorry Nyla.... Jeez.... it’s not a button or a switch.” The young lady tries to get off the hook with a technicality. Crossing the space, Nyla comes to the point of interest. She couldn’t for the life of her figure why Toby opened that particular cabinet, as opposed to one of the many others. The girl seems embarrassed enough, without further punishment. Within the cabinet, the upset android finds a familiar looking box. Pulling it out, she holds a close twin to the b
ox that contains their own headband. Her irritation with Toby subsides quickly, no damage done. And perhaps, something wonderful! Placing the box on the counter, she slides it to Toby. “Open it please. I think it might contain something of interest to you headband-eleven.

  The indicated group gathers around. Toby delicately releases the latch on the box lid. Upon opening, they see another headband. Yet, this one had a different look to it. She gasps, running her fingers along the sleek lines. She looks to Nyla for permission to take it out.

  “No, my dear. Not yet.” Sensing disappointment, she adds. “There’ll be plenty of time for that later. But until then, I’m placing the device into yours and Cooper’s hands for safe keeping. Under no circumstances are you to use, or allow use, without my permission. Is that crystal clear, ladies?” She knows the young girls are getting old enough for some real responsibility. Besides, when they get home, she’ll commandeer the device, until Omari can have a go with it.

  “Jeez, no foolin? Thanks, Nyla. We won’t let you down!” Toby, beams with pride. Cooper, looking as if she has just won the lottery!

  As the crowd files out, Braxton makes a big mistake. He teasingly makes a faux-grab for the box. Toby wheels like a cat! Her pent-up emotions, have her wound tighter than an eight-day-clock! In one fluid motion, she tosses the precious box to Cooper, grabs hold of Braxton’s thumb, bending it backwards, forcing it and his wrist to go against the grain. Down he goes, face in the dust, writhing in pain! Toby stands with one foot on his back, and an iron grip on his vertically held arm. All the while, applying just the right amount of excruciating force to keep him obedient. The foolish boy is trapped! To fight, is to get a broken thumb, or dislocated wrist. To submit, is to never live it down, amongst his pears. However, the pain is unrelenting! There’s only one way out of this situation without needing a cast. “Uncle! Uncle! Uncle!” The tortured alpha-male screams maniacally. His wounded pride, lost and forgotten. “Uncle! Uncle! Uncle!” He yells again, knowing Toby would require more than one outburst. She eases pressure, but makes him lay there feeling completely mortified in front of the others.

  He’s been in this situation with Toby and Cooper before, so nobody’s surprised at his foolishness. He might be stronger than either of the girls, but they’re faster. If they get the upper hand, it’s game over! “If you ever try that again Mr. Braxton Crane.... I’ll karate chop you, like you’ve never been karate chopped!” She releases.... he rolls on the floor, rubbing his tortured appendages. He knows that when Toby chops somebody, they stay chopped for a long time. He wants nothing of that, this day....

  Cooper, finds a modicum of pity in her heart for the poor fool. As she passes, she bends and scoops him back onto his feet; brushing dust from his clothing. “When will you learn Brax.... When will you learn?” She laughs, escorting him into the corridor. He’s not sure if his arm will ever be the same. Toby is deadly.... like nitroglycerin she ought never be trifled with. Nyla smiles inwardly, knowing she had made a good choice, when she delegated responsibility to the two, headstrong girls.

  Traveling the curved corridor, they soon come upon a locked door. It’s a sturdy piece of hardware. As Wil ponders the thought of using the laser to persuade it to open, Max gives the control-panel the crook-eye. “Might I try my luck first?” He knows better than to just start pushing buttons. Wil is relieved to have the young scientist make an effort, and is surprised when there comes a loud clank as an electromagnet releases the door, and with a tiny push, it opens invitingly, if not a little creakily. Max beams with pride.

  Shirley moves, seeing that Max is waiting for her to enter first. She pats his cheek congratulatorily in passing. “Thanks Max! How gentlemanly of you.” She exclaims delicately, and finds the control panel for the lights. Within the compartment, several cloth-covered racks stand next to work benches. Max reaches to remove the covering, but it crumbles to dust in his hands, revealing a row of what looks like weapons. Long-guns, handguns, and several strange looking devices, have prominent places upon the rack. All, plugged into a power-source, and seemingly ready for action. Action that hasn’t come in many a long millennium. The crowd goes wild!

  “I’ve died and gone to heaven!” Wil exclaims wildly. He’s naturally drawn to the handgun-sized weapons. Humanity had yet to design an efficient power source for such diminutive weapons, so he had nothing like it. Pulling one from the rack, it automatically disconnects from the charging-harness, ready for use. It’s a sleek, fine looking weapon! One made for different hands perhaps, but it still feels good in his grasp. It’s a heavy, solid feeling tool. There’s several controls on the side, along with hieroglyphic-style scribblings next to each. He hopes the safety isn’t biometrically locked. Tossing the devise to Max, he inquires. “My good man, might I bother you for a translation of that squiggly-goop?”

  Max does his own version of squiggly-goop. His face contorts in such a way, Shirley rolls with laughter. Finally, the young man regains composure, pointing. “Well, this is the most important control, Wil.... it’s the safety. Right now, the safety is on.” Then pointing to another. “This is the power-setting. Now, I’m not sure, but it probably goes from burnt-toast, to ludicrously disintegrated.” He laughs, continuing. “You’ll find that out later I’m sure, but now it’s set to burnt-toast, I think. And finally, this one is the on/off switch. It’s now set to off.” He finishes, adding for good measure. “I don’t think it uses biometric activation. Just point and shoot.... this is the business end.” He teases, pointing to the end with a series of circular cooling fins and exit point for the yet unknown energy. For his efforts, the young man receives praise from his siblings, and a warm hug from Shirley.

  Wil is pleased with the verdict. “Now, that’s some meaningful information! Thanks, Max.” He wants to try it so badly, his circuits hurt. But, he daren’t use it indoors.... Nyla would kill him. So, he places it in his utility belt for future reference. His android friends, also help themselves to the other’s property. Shamelessly palming one of the destructive tools for their own use. The kids practically drool at such a warehouse of goodies, but know better than to push the boundaries, concerning such things. Someday perhaps, but not this day....

  “I’m taking a rifle also.” Nyla informs. “Just to see what it can do, of course.”

  Wil wasn’t planning to take one of those yet, but feels the need to monkey Nyla’s greed “In for a dime, in for a dollar; I always say.” Grabbing a rifle, he enjoys the hefty weight.

  “We’re already up to our necks here.” Omari warns, nervously. “So, let’s not get caught!”

  “Here. Here. I’ll second that.” Talia, inputs her two-cents worth, worried like never before. Breaking and entering was bad enough. But, now their actions have morphed into several more interstellar felonies. Someday, the fiddler might come calling, and the payment will be high.

  Without further ado, the group of 20 exit. Leaving the weapons locker mostly intact. Locking the door, they travel the stone corridor along its continuous curve. On the right, a wide steel door resists movement. Putting their backs into it, the androids pull the door screechingly along a corroded track. A great hiss of air escapes, as if the place had been hermetically sealed and positively pressurized. The new room is dark and seemingly huge, as the voices of the many, echoes within an immense void. They enter on faith.... looking for the light switch.

  When the lights finally come on, they’re hit in the face with such a glorious site, that speech is truly found wanting! You could hear an atom drop! The Zenarawan’s don’t realize what’s going on, of course. But they certainly sense the primal excitement that gushes unchecked from their human companions.... like heat off a raging flame, it did! So intense the emotion, the furry creatures flinch from the assault on their minds!

  “Oh, my God!” A voice blurts out.

  “Somebody pinch me!” Another voice exclaims.

  “We have flying saucers!” Braxton announces, loudly enough to wake the dead. The room is huge, and snuggled
within the cavernous space, sits three beautiful, alien flying saucers. Bright lights within the room, reflect painfully off the sleek, mercury-like, silvery surfaces. Not an atom of dust can be seen. The thieves in the night, shade their eyes as they get used to the sheen. Each disk sits upon squat landing gear, waiting patiently for another flight that never seems to come anymore. They’re about 200-feet-in-diameter, with beautifully rounded edges that circumnavigate at 15-feet above the floor. The central dome, extends another 40-feet above even that. They are much smaller than the Einstein or Newton, but if they are more than just gliders, this is going to be a game changer for humanity, and androids alike!

  “They’re beautiful! .... Absolutely beautiful!” Nyla exclaims. If she could cry, tears would be flowing like a river!

  “This place, just keeps on giving!” Magnus exclaims the obvious. But really, it’s a common thought that went viral through the minds of the many earthlings. The Zenarawan’s, not so much. Everything to them, is like magic. They understand not, the ramifications....

  Regaining composure, the group approaches, being careful to not wreck the dream. To not cause any reason for the find of a lifetime to evaporate like a mirage. Some hold their breath, some grind their teeth, in hopes to keep the demon away who might rob them of the prize. At a distance of about 10-feet, vibrations of power can be felt coming from the nearest. It’s an eerie, other-worldly force, easily associated with the worst nightmares. The warning is palatable. Anyone venturing too close, without knowing their p’s and q’s, will suffer a horrible wrath of destruction.

  “Don’t touch!” Nyla calls out instructions for the kids. “We don’t understand these things yet, so don’t touch!” Silence, rules the next long moments. Everyone stands in wonderment, gazing up at the incredible machines; imaginations gone wild. So, perfect looking! So, dust-free! So, regal and proud, they seem! Nyla ponders about the airfoil shape, so clean and efficient. But deep in her circuits, she suspects the smoothly-curved surfaces, don’t recognize the laws of aerodynamics. Bernoulli would find little purchase on these beauties, she thinks. Somehow, the sexily designed craft, will use another method of propulsion, she figures. One that exceeds anything humanity could conjure up in a million-years, she ponders! Whoever had engineered such a perfectly shaped object, truly had artistic tendencies, deep in their hearts! .... She swoons!

  “Raznalli, Razzi, Surri,” Braxton reaches into their minds, “these are birds, but not birds. They can fly away from this world.” Three sets of big brown eyes, grow bigger. They’re getting way more than they bargained for, when first they decided to shadow the star people.

  Razzi responds, amazement written on his face. “A bird, yet not a bird. A thing that lives, but is not alive.... My friend from the stars, we are honored this day. It is plain to see that great medicine exists under this mountain.... not spirits. My people will not believe such stories of magic, but the night-fires will burn them into legends!”

  Talia and Omari are dumbstruck. “I can’t believe my circuits!” Talia exclaims.

  “Well now. This is bound to be a game changer!” Omari postulates with a wondrous tone.

  Wil approaches closer, examining the spacecraft that waits patiently for pilots that never come. “I don’t see any breaks in the hull.” He says with fascination, moving along its perimeter. “Whoever built this wondrous ship, forgot to put in a door.”

  His words break the spell that grips Nyla. She moves closer, giving the machine a good visual inspection. As hard as she tries, she finds no obvious entrance into the jewel-like craft. “There’s simply too much for us to understand, without greater assistance.”

  Talia wonders aloud. “Who’ll show us the way? How will we ever be able to understand? We’re dimwits in the presence of greatness!” Her voice, sounding so hopeless.

  “Oh now, I wouldn’t go so far as to think us dimwits, Talia.” Wil defends their honor. “It seems we’ve been doing pretty good so far. I think the only barrier for us, is time. With enough time, understanding will come.” He gets looks of approval from his companions.

  “Yeah, and who knows,” Toby holds up the box, “perhaps this headband will show us the way!” She prances victoriously, holding the box on top of her head. “I feel it working already!” Laughter echoes throughout the immense cavern. Talia’s mood is lifted. Within the box, lights on the headband blink momentarily from the close-proximity to a new student’s mind.

  Max clears his throat, grabbing attention. “Wil, if you think it’s weird to not find a door on the saucers, you might be shocked to see that there doesn’t seem to be hanger doors either!” The observant young man exclaims. And he’s correct. The inner rock walls of the hanger are unbroken by any seams. Smooth, polished rock is all around. As if scooped out from the inside, with a giant hot spoon.

  “My boy, you sure found us a conundrum this time!” Wil praises, and cringes inwardly at the same time. “I mean.... Wow! Something about this place just reeks of bent-physics, don’t you think?”

  “Lots of questions.... few answers.” Is all the boy can say. Wonderment cascading through his mind, as with all the others.

  Making their way around the first saucer, the group heads towards the far side of the hanger. The other two machines, are twins to the first, with one exception. “Well, it seems that high-technology still requires maintenance!” Wil ponders out loud, as he bends to inspect the saucer. The large disk is supported by jacks, while one of its four landing gears has been removed. It lays off to the side, discarded unceremoniously. Alien mechanics had started a job, but for some reason where unable to complete the task. Nearby, an open container holds what appears to be a replacement leg for the proud machine.

  “Another thing,” Omari notices, “this one has no hum. It’s lifeless....”

  “Well, perhaps with time, we’ll be able to breathe new life into her.” Nyla feels sorry for the handicapped conveyance.

  The group finds that the curved corridor continues, on the far side of the hanger. “If my calculations are correct, we’re following a circumference.” Wil announces what others had already suspected. “I figure we’re two-thirds the way around this place. Soon, we might just arrive back where we started.”

  “Well, that suits me just fine.” Omari states, matter of factly. “My reserves are running low. I just got a warning.... I’ve never had a warning before!” A fearful tone in his voice.

  “Yeah, me too.” Nyla announces. “I didn’t say anything, but I’m down to 75-percent.”

  “We’ll be okay.” Wil reassures, without truly knowing.

  Soon, the group comes upon a dilapidated door, barely hanging by one hinge. Pushing it aside, Wil gazes into an eerie circular cavern. A blueish light and hypnotic hum, emanate from within. It’s too tempting to pass. Control consoles pepper the walls of the space. In the center of the compartment is a circular railing, protecting a deep hole that’s been drilled into the bedrock. Approaching the railing, they gaze into the bowels of the mountain. The wide hole, resembling a well, is 30-feet-in-diameter and extends into the planet for more than 200-feet. At the bottom, sits a bulky contraption, bathed in a shimmering bluish haze. A smell of ozone permeates the area, a deep pulsating-hum vibrates in their ears, as heat rises from the hell-hole. Such close-proximity to the beast below, causes hair to stand on end. The air is electrified, causing great angst among the Zenarawan’s, who now resemble chia-pets on steroids!

  “Okay.... So, it seems we’ve found the reactor that’s keeping this place alive.” Wil surmises.

  Looking over at a nearby control console, he wonders if the kids might make any sense of it. “Does anyone understand anything on that console?”

  Several long moments pass. Braxton seems confounded, as do the others. “There’s some phrases that seem familiar, Wil. But, this is way over our heads.” Disappointing words.

  “Well, that’s okay, Brax.... I was just hoping that perhaps someone might be able to tweak the power-regulation system. It would be nic
e to minimize the disturbances at the surface.”

  The boy looks devastated by his lack of knowledge, all cockiness gone. “I might be able to solve the problem, or I might go and crack the planet in half.” He offers honest assessment, lowering his head sadly.

  Toby clears her throat, holding up her precious box. “Maybe this will help someday.”

  “We’ll see, young lady. We’ll see....” Nyla cautions. “This place has probably been dumping surplus juice for a long time. A little longer won’t hurt. We’ll figure it out, one way or the other.” She gives a wide smile, putting the youngsters at ease.

  Exiting the power-cavern, they continue along the curvature in the rock, hoping to come back to where they started. The surfaces of the corridor, and that of all other compartments, is smooth to the touch. Nyla surmises correctly, that the cavernous facility was not chipped out with physical tools, but rather some form of concentrated energy was used to win the day. Eating the rock by disintegration, and spewing the broken particles out into the atmosphere, or some other place....

  Soon, another hatch confronts them. This one is a spiral hatch. The controls confound the headband-eleven, taxing Omari and Talia’s patience. Just as their tolerance-levels peak, the hatch opens with just a hint of complaint. Dust flies off in all directions, making everyone wave a hand in front of their face as they pass into the darkness beyond. Like a freshly opened Egyptian burial chamber, they trespass into the unknown. As main lighting illuminates the room, the weary transgressors see rows of what looks like computer equipment, and possibly, data-storage devices too. Thousands of tiny lights, blink as they work, oblivious of the strangers who prowl. This room is clean like the hanger, no tell-tale hints of dust buildup.

  “Finally!” Wil announces, gleefully. “We’ve found the brains of the place.”

  “Wow, I’ll say!” A disembodied voice, agrees.

  “And then some!” Nyla adds, happily.

  Moving through the room, the kids inspect as much of the hieroglyphics as possible. The androids, as always, take everything in, storing it for future reference. Just when it seems like they’ve garnered as much information as they could during such a short visit, Tina spots a familiar marking on a rack of similar-looking shoe-box-sized devices. “Hey, over here!” she calls the others to her remote location at the back of the room. “How strange....” She squints at the label once more, just to be sure. “This box has a label with Esty’s name at the top.”

  Nyla moves closer, excitement growing. She scans the label, finding the familiar markings of the little pirate’s name. “Well, my circuits! By all the stars and moons, that’s her name all right! What’s going on here?” Her head tilts, puppy-fashion. Her CPU skips a beat, as it searches for comprehension of the possibilities. Her greatest hope, a gossamer wish, that might evaporate if she dares it to be true.

  Talia finds her voice after the shock of realization. “My circuits, Nyla! I think we’re looking at Esty’s digital storage platform! Somehow, these little grays have found a way to copy and store something of the person’s life. It might be just video, or perhaps something more wonderful, but I see many familiar markings on all the boxes. I think there’s one here for every creature within the cryo-chamber room!” She fans the flames of the imagination.

  Wil puts fingers to his temples, rubbingly. Something in the action, helps him deal with unpleasant thoughts. “So.... am I to believe that we might not have seen the last of our good friend? Oh, this day just gets better every moment!” He jokes, with a dreadful attitude.

  “Oh, now Wil, don’t be like that.” Nyla scolds. “She seemed like a pretty good joe, to me!”

  “Yeah.” He agrees. “Except for that small part where she tried to commandeer our ship!”

  The group has a great laugh.... Wil even joins in, after receiving an elbow in the side. The day had been so filled with new things, so much anxiety, he had unwittingly let his patience wear thin. If they can learn something useful from whatever’s in that box, it can only be a good thing.

  “What can we do?” Max wonders, aloud. “These boxes might be accessible, but we’re not equipped to handle that now.”

  “You’re right of course.” Omari states emphatically. “We’ll have to come back. There’s so much to come back for, this might as well be added to the list.”

  As the group files out, Nyla pats Esty’s little black-box, reassuringly. Leaning in, she whispers.... “Don’t go anywhere, my little friend! .... I’ll be back!

  Within the little boxes, proximity warnings rage! The closest such warning yet! Each freshly invaded section of the facility, sends new warnings of violation. This is the ninth such alarm this day, not including the sensors along the corridor. What can be done! .... What can be done! .... the intelligences within, seeks an answer. Trapped! .... Helpless! .... A solution to the dilemma must be found! .... Instruction for animation have been sent to the hibernation-chambers.... to no avail! Emergency transmissions sent to home-worlds, but they are far away! Frustration! .... Agitation! .... Electrons bounce angrily off the walls, yet the boxes do not vibrate! The greatest of emotion, explodes within, yet the room remains silent! One’s and zero’s! .... One’s and zero’s! .... There’s not much one’s and zero’s can do, without physical animation!