Read Breaking Interstellar: Cosmic Lives Matter Page 9

  Chapter Eight: Express elevator through hell’s fire!

  “We’re not far from the ledges now, Nyla. It’s just past that rise up ahead.” Magnus reports casually over his shoulder, as he and Braxton lead the way through a thinning forest. The clan is traveling to visit with Zenarawan friends, at their village. The slope they climb, leads directly to an unavoidable geological feature. It’s a 95-foot, nearly vertical decent into the next valley beyond. The day grows warm from the sunlight of Huon, the star above that many of the children took to calling it, and the name just stuck. Later, it was discovered that the name was an interpretation of the sound that the Zenarawan people use as a name for the fiery globe.

  “Okay young man.” Nyla, sees that the boys are leaving her in the dust. “Now don’t get too far ahead.” She reminds, adding. “Wait for us to get there, before you descend.” She projects, demandingly. The headband-eleven, were not yet back on her trustworthiness list. Both she and Wil are still upset with the gang of biologicals, even though they could not have used the device, if it hadn’t been available for them to appropriate. Constant anxiety about any adverse effects to the youngster’s minds, is a hard-fought battle that continues from day to day. Even though outwardly, they seem normal, mother android still worries greatly.

  “Okay Nyla!” Braxton yells. “Jeez, you guys! At least try to keep up, won’t you?” He pushes his luck, increasing his gait defiantly. “We’ll never get there at this rate!” He jokingly yells back through the dust he kicked up. Magnus, has no choice but to match his pace. And before you know it, they’ve already violated Nyla’s first directive. However, they’re not stupid, and know they’ll be in a world of hurt, if they violate her second one....

  It’s been a month to the day, since the group of young humans had been discovered using the headband inside their cavernous hidey-hole fortress. The tests performed on their brains by Omari and Talia, showed many areas of enhanced activity throughout all sections of the Cerebrum. Even the cerebral cortex, hinted of modification beyond what might be normal, when compared to the baseline, which Harper bravely donated. Compared to that baseline, the headband-eleven’s cranial activity goes off the known charts, working overtime, mostly at the subconscious levels. But without greater technology, all Omari can hope for, is the most basic of understandings. Like viewing the universe, through a clouded lens.

  However, the data that Omari and Talia obtained as result of the examinations, did not show any definitive abnormalities that might be indications of damage. All tests concerning motor & sensory skills, hearing, speech, vision, coordination, and mental status, were found to be within limits set forth by human medical standards. For all intents and purposes, the headband had not damaged their young brains in a quantitative way. However, they still required follow-up exams, to see if conditions change over time. But for the time being, they could simply be kids, and act accordingly. Run, play, laugh, learn, get into trouble.... Everything one would expect from a young, healthy human being.

  The pack of children hiking with Nyla and Wil are getting excited as they approach one of the more enjoyable aspects of the journey. They all love climbing on the ledges that define the beginning of the next valley. They are not totally vertical cliffs, but are still very steep and full of caves and crevasses that beg for exploration. However, this trip will offer no chance to have that much fun during the descent, because they must be at the Zenarawan village by the start of the new lunar cycle. At least that was the timeframe that was agreed upon during the last meeting, which was at the birthday party.

  “Come on, Nyla! .... Oh, please hurry, Wil!” Cooper pleads, even though the two androids are moving along at just the right pace. She chafes at the thought of Braxton and Magnus hogging all the glory, running on ahead as if they were kings of the world!

  “Those boys are already there, waiting for us!” Toby predicts excitedly. She grabs Cooper’s hand, leading her off on a run, to catch up with the two alpha-males.

  “Wait for us!” Jax and Adam, break loose from the group next, racing after the two girls.

  “You kids wait for us when you get to the ledges!” Wil yells a firm warning, as the rest of the gang can’t hold their patience either. Kara, Amy, Max, Shirley and Tina run after the others, leaving poor Nyla and Wil in a cloud of dust. The marauders quickly disappear over a rise in the forest floor. Only Harper and Ling stay with the two adults, trying hard to maintain control over the desire to run with the others.

  “Oh, what the hell!” Wil blurts out with a mighty laugh. “Last one there is a monkeys uncle!” He challenges his better half, taking Harper and Ling’s hands, he races ahead. Nyla launches into a sprint, quickly catching up. Wil’s speed is hampered by his slower teammates, who laugh and yell as they keep pace with the tall android. Soon, they catch up with their energized siblings. Up ahead, they see Braxton and Magnus leaning lazily against a rock outcropping on the edge of the precipice, as if they had been there forever, without a care in the world.

  “Jeez, what took you guys so long?” Braxton teases. “My clothes are going out of style waiting for you!” He adds, as Toby and Cooper arrive somewhat out of breath.

  “Yeah, we could’ve already been down in the valley, if we didn’t have to wait for you slow pokes!” Maxnus exclaims teasingly, noticing Toby breathing hard. “Hey Toby, don’t suck in that big bug flying around your head!” He warns, and she swats near her face, just in case he wasn’t teasing.

  “Oh Toby, don’t you listen to him!” Cooper offers support. “Why, we would’ve been here first, if we wanted to show-off!” Retorting bravely, she snatches a long weed from Magnus’s mouth. He thinks chewing on a weed-stem helps him look cool. She bites the stem, dancing and prancing teasingly. Magnus tries in vain to retrieve it. She weaves. She dodges. Tina and Braxton have a great laugh at seeing the two compete for the weed. In the end, it gets broken and crushed, as the pair wrestles each other to the ground in a cloud of dust and expletives.

  “Okay Coop, you win!” Magnus gives up the fight, trying to not show his own hard breathing. Cooper stands victoriously, fists held high. Just as she readies a sharp comment, the rest of the group joins them. Nyla and Wil, bring up the rear with Harp and Ling.

  “Now, which one of you three is the monkeys uncle” Nyla inquires humorously.

  “That would be me.” Wil answers. And with plenty of ooh, ooh, ooh’s, aah, aah, aah’s, he prances bowlegged, tickling his armpits. Quite the spectacle indeed! Leaving Braxton and the others wondering if Wil hadn’t melted a few circuits.... He may have lost the race, but he wins the laughter, with his foolish hijinks.

  “Nyla, what’s an uncle?” Ling inquires innocently, even though she thought she understood the theory. She’s part of the first group of 50-humans animated to life on Oberon Prime. Brought into the world artificially, she has no living relatives, beyond her siblings. Even among themselves, they are only step-siblings and not linked genetically. Each of them is derived from their name-sake, but the other half of the DNA comes from selected strangers. The traditional hierarchy and definition of family, had not yet been taught to the children, but they grow curious. Old enough now, they wonder why mommy and daddy are robots. Nyla often wonders about the similarity between her own artificial creation, and that of these young humans. She feels closer to them than any other humans in the past, just because of that....

  Nyla gives her a hug, gazing into the young girls pretty, dark eyes. “Well my dear. An uncle is....” She’s interrupted by a call from the path which they had just come.

  “Helloooo! .... Helloooo!” The repeated calls can be from none other than Nyla’s perfect definition of an aunt and uncle; albeit mechanical ones. Within moments, Omari and Talia break over the crest of the hill.

  “Well, my dear,” Nyla explains, “an uncle is family, that loves you from afar. Like Omari here. He could be considered your uncle, but he’s not a monkeys uncle! That distinction goes to Wil! .... I hope I’m not confusing you.” She giggles
, receiving a pseudo-hurt look from Wil. “And Talia is your aunt. You’ll learn more about that later, my dear.”

  “Hello!” Omari greets. “We have a break in our work, and are wondering if you wouldn’t mind if we came with. We’ve never met the Zenarawan people outside of that one time.” He mentions a time many years prior, shortly after they landed on the planet.

  “Hi Omari! .... Hi Talia!” Wil greets. “I’m glad you two decided to join our little adventure. Like we always say; the more, the merrier!” He exclaims, even though the tag-along was pre-planned so Omari and Talia could observe the youngster’s behavior. The headband-eleven hadn’t shown any outward signs of distress or other neurological anomalies, but it was still a good idea to monitor them for a while. Hopefully, they won’t suspect the subterfuge. And it never hurts to have physicians along, when hiking the wilds of an alien world.

  “Thanks Wil. Talia and I need some time away from that laboratory. Did you know we just finished the tenth-generation of human infants on this planet?” Both scientist, beam with pride and satisfaction.

  Talia joins in. “This last batch was adopted by those who already have children. So, now it’s time to turn off the ovens for a while and take a break.” She speaks sarcastically, but lovingly.

  “Well, if anyone deserves a rest, it’s you two, and your crew.” Nyla interjects, adding. “Perhaps the Tesla will have willing crewmembers who wish to experience the joys of parenthood.”

  “We’ll find out soon enough. Cody just received a communication. They’ll be entering orbit within 48-hours, and sending a couple of their geologists down here to check on the elevator anchorage site.”

  Omari, moves closer to the edge of the drop-off. “My, it looks like we arrived at just the right moment. Do you think those old ropes will hold our weight?” He inquires wonderingly, as he notices the dilapidated condition.

  “We brought new rope, Omari.” Wil announces. “Let’s break it out and get this adventure going.”

  With help from the children, the old rope is disconnected and the new one installed. Nyla’s anxiety rises, as she sees the first of the youngsters descending. But she quickly remembers that it was they who wore-out the last rope. So, they must know a thing or two about not falling. The precipice is not completely vertical, but close to it.

  Three lightyears away; above Titania Alpha, the night is cryogenic! As the SPS Democritus, stabilizes in a geosynchronous orbit, above a heavily jungled planet. Gravity is non-existent onboard the big ship. The long journey from Mars, is over. The transit, non-eventful yet time consuming. The crew’s main mission, is to tether a 500-mile-tall space-elevator to the planet, near the colonies. Also, to deliver much needed logistical support to the population of androids and earthlings. However, only half of the Democritus crew, will walk on the planet any time soon. The mission requires as much effort from orbit, as it does down below. So, via a lottery, the lucky first pair of geo-mechanical engineers, ready for the very first freedom-flights. Even androids are susceptible to cabin fever, and after 175,000-years, everyone had it real bad!

  Within a launch bay facing the planet, Tova and Zoey, are tucked into their respective drop-pods. “How’s that feel?” Akiva asks, as she tightens his parachute harness. Tova lays on his back, within the tight confines of the torpedo-like conveyance; nearly coffin-like. Making any meaningful adjustments after the hatch closes, will be nearly impossible. For all intents and purposes, he’ll be as a pea-in-a-pod.... locked inside, until conditions are ripe.

  “Perfect! .... Thanks, Akiva!” Tova responds, happily. He, and his partner in crime, Zoey, are being locked into separate teardrop-shaped, personal spacecraft. Soon, they’ll be launched into the planet’s atmosphere. The crafts are long, and slimline like a torpedo. One end of the pod has a robust flair that stabilizes, and provides natural aerodynamic-braking once inside the atmosphere. Affectionally called a mini-teardrop, it’s one of the universes most intimate spacecraft. Soon, Tova and Zoey, will be enjoying wide-open skies, with plenty of elbow-room once again! Or possibly, become black smoking-holes in the planet below! But the former is way more likely, due to the exacting and incredible engineering involved with such conveyances.

  “No problem my friend. Now, if that’s all, I’m closing the lid. Good luck down there!” Akiva responds, kindly. Half the crew won’t make the drop until the elevator is finished and running. Everyone, must either make the jump, or ride the completed elevator to reach the surface. Unlike the previous mother-ships that arrived, the Democritus has no ‘large-entry-vehicle’ hidden within her bowels. Instead, nearly her entire multi-million-ton mass, consists of the cable system, and associated gear for the elevator. Other supplies meant for the pioneers are plentiful, but not on the scale of the main-objective.

  “That should do it, Akiva. See you on the flip-side!” Tova jokes, nervously.

  Akiva floats away from the teardrop, watching as the lid closes and seals. The spacecraft’s are not small. At approximately 18-feet-long, and 6-feet-in-diameter, the vehicles are comprised of 99-percent life-support, and 1-percent space for passenger and sanity. Sometimes, even the sanity won’t fit! .... They’re designed to transport one astronaut through hells-fire, then disgorge said astronaut into the airspace above the settlements. Tova’s teardrop moves along a rail, disappearing into a dark launch-tube, compounding the claustrophobic grip. A spiral hatch closes, sealing him in.

  “Have fun, you lucky dog!” Akiva, transmits.

  But, just then, Tova didn’t feel like a lucky dog. Suddenly, he didn’t feel like a lucky dog at all! He can only hope for a quick launch, and also that they remember to open the outer hatch before firing, not wishing to go out with a splat. The confines within the teardrop, close in on him, bordering on the terrifying realms of claustrophobia. He works hard to banish thoughts that something might happen, preventing his extraction. The unstoppable contemplation of being trapped inside the pod, begins to gnaw on his circuits! Without external assistance, he’ll be trapped within the launch-tube until death. He pushes the ridiculous thoughts away.... thinking instead, of the freedom that’s soon to come.

  “Hey Zoey, how’s Ella treating you over here?” Akiva asks of the bushy-tailed space-diver as she floats over. “Is she treating you right?” She offers a wink to her assistant, Ella.

  “Oh, she’s treating me like a queen.” Zoey responds, gleefully. “I sure feel bad about abandoning ship like this.” She lies, graciously. “But we’ll see each other below, soon enough.”

  “You better believe it!” Ella cuts in. “I still need to get even with you, from that last poker game. So, don’t go and get all burned-up on the way down!”

  “Or eaten by a toothy, after landing!” Tova jokes; “Watch your six good. Do you have your ray-gun?” She asks the stupidest of questions, realizing that sometimes the dumbest ones, are often the ones that save a life.

  “I do! .... thank you very much!” Zoey exclaims. She wasn’t going to die from lack of shooting back, or defending against the brutes that lurk below.

  “Okay then.” Akiva pulls gently on a few of Zoey’s safety-straps, tucking her in for the ride. “Well, you look good enough to get buried!” She jokes. “Now, have a safe drop and don’t let Tova goof-off too much down there.” She and Ella shake Zoey’s hand, floating back as the lid closes and seals; locking their beloved friend, inside.

  The astronaut within, calls on the radio. “I’ve got green lights in here. I’m good to go. Thanks again!” She exclaims with glee. The pod has no windows; only video of the outside world. Zoey feels the loneliness of such confines, wondering if she’ll ever get out. She’s locked in.... trapped! .... with only her thoughts to keep her calm. There’s just 6-inches clearance, between her frame and the casket-like interior. Concentrating on the data-display in front of her face, she gathers strength to not call out in fear. Enclosed spaces, are scarier than most things for the lovely android. The teardrop jerks; beginning the journey into the launch tube. The video-feed of
the outside world closes in, and then after a moment goes dark. She waits....

  “Copy that, Zoey. Good luck.” Akiva transmits, hauntingly. For good luck, she slaps lightly on the side of the moving teardrop as it glides into the launch tube. Almost akin to tapping against a wood coffin, going into the furnace. Soon, both gun-barrels are locked and loaded; ready to shoot their precious cargo into the gravity-well below.

  “Akiva to Commander Clara; do you copy?” The transport specialist, calls the bridge.

  “Go ahead, Akiva.” Clara responds, firmly.

  “We’re locked and loaded, commander. Just give the word.”

  “Thanks, Akiva.” Clara is happy. The mission is proceeding nicely. “Astrogation has completed the calculations, so fire away at your leisure. I’ll inform the Payne and Faraday to expect visitors soon.” Clara says, adding. “Zoey.... Tova.... if your monitoring.... good luck! Say hi to everyone for us when you land!”

  Both space-divers acknowledge. All, is set! The long wait is over! Akiva floats at her control console, ready to initiate the launches. “Okay you lugnuts.... are you ready?” She calls, receiving colorful responses from each. “Good luck down there!” Reaching, she arms the launch system which automatically opens the outer hatches of the tubes. Puffy clouds of regolithic space-dust, shoot away into the void, as the spiraling hatches glide open with just a hint of resistance. Sunlight floods the claustrophobic tube. The express elevator through hell’s fire is about to start! “Here goes! .... Five.... Four.... Three.... Two.... One!” She pushes the launch button. Blinking red lights within the pods, change to green.... they brace for heavy acceleration!

  “Here we go Zoey! I love you!” Tova calls, ecstatically.

  “I love you tooooooooo!” .... Acceleration hit them hard! The teardrops are electromagnetically shot into the frictionless void. Titania Alpha, is quickly in their faces, coming on fast! Nothing in the universe can prevent either the collision to come, or the safe landing hoped for by the speeding androids.

  “Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!” Zoey shrieks. Tasting the freedom that’s near.

  “Yeeeeehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!” Tova rips. Hoping the worst is behind.

  From an altitude of 500-miles, they streak toward their destiny at 3,000-mph! Two tiny dots of life-support, in an ocean of deadly space. Each astronaut remains focused on the critical data flowing from their monitors. The largest of which, shows an incredible view of the oncoming planet. Almost as if they fly with no spacecraft at all. To the androids, it seems like a dream come true! Many, long millennia have been spent dreaming of such a thing!

  Atmosphere coming on fast! It’s going to get real hot outside, real soon! The astronauts reside within a cocoon of advanced thermal-protection. Micro-pumps working hard, circulating cryogenic fluids throughout the actively-cooled heat-shield system. The teardrops, only have to do their job once; but do it right the first time. Side by side, the tiny objects streak into the gravitational abyss.... Below, land features begin to show greater detail. The targeted area looks as if a giant claw had racked the land, as a series of long valleys emerge. If the two space-divers didn’t know better, they’d think they had only minutes to live. Even so, they weren’t out of the woods yet.

  Vibrations! .... Vibrations and heat! .... These are two of Mother Nature’s heavyweight contenders during high-velocity atmospheric entry. Frictionless space ends for the dynamic duo. Long, ghostly tendrils of ionized plasma, now trail the speeding teardrops, as they begin to smash gas molecules. Heat builds astronomically! Velocity decreasing, as vibrations within the sleek craft become noticeable. Outside, the rounded nose of the teardrop glows red briefly, then white-hot as the soup thickens. Velocity decreasing rapidly.... now 2,000-mph. Radio blackout puts each astronaut into a deeper level of isolation. They rip the atmosphere a new corn-shoot, as the flaming-pods maintain course. Active-cooling systems performing admirably, as temperatures just a few feet away, sore many thousands of degrees! Soon, the two charcoal-briquets decelerate significantly, breaking through to the cooler side of life.

  Radio blackout ends. Tova calls his better-half, to see if she’s survived. “Zoey, are you still with me?” His words are strained; heavy deceleration has a grip on every atom in his frame.

  “I’m still here, you big ape!” She responds, teasingly. “Did you clunk your head, like during training?” She asks, mercilessly.

  “Very funny. Last one on the planet, carries the gear.”

  “Oh no! I’m not falling for that one! Let’s just get there in one piece!”

  “Yes mom!” Tova risks injury, after landing safely....

  They might be metal-based in construction, but their minds are heavily influenced by humanity. An electronic adrenalin-rush grows strong! The taste of freedom, becomes palatable! With an airspeed, still within the hypersonic range, the scorched pods, torture the atmosphere as they pass. Twin sonic booms, rain down on the planet, scaring animal’s half out of their wits, and alerting the pioneers below.... Into the ever-thickening soup of gasses they streak. Slowing all the way. Heavy deceleration! .... Alarms within each pod, scream of impending action. The androids brace for the shock of being ejected into the violent slipstream; parting ways with the safety they’ve enjoyed thus far. Like pea’s in a ripe pod, they’ll soon be disgorged, to fend for themselves.

  Altitude, just under 15,000-feet; velocity within limits, at 210-mph. Everything happening so fast. Even the quick reflexes of an android are unable to fathom the events that occur, as explosive-bolts detonate deep within the pods structure. Milliseconds later, the pod splits in half from tip to tail. A great blast of alien air, hits both divers, as the slipstream takes each half of their respective pods to the wayside. With their jobs completed, the pod-halves will fall to the jungle below, perhaps never to be seen again. Likely, they’ll become habitats for an indigenous life form.

  “Weeeeeeeeeee!” Zoey exclaims, manically! With head down, arms at her side, she shoots like a bullet towards the planet below.

  “Yeeeeeeehaaaaaaaa!” Tova blurts out crazily! Eyes, wildly taking in the vista.

  Two androids race toward the targeted valley. Now, they get a better picture of the landing-zone, 2-miles ahead. They go spread-eagle.... slowing dramatically as loose fabric panels stiffen, catching Bernoulli’s lift. They’re skin-tight spacesuits, become gliding airfoils, with a glide-ratio of nearly 5 to 1. Slight movements of arm or leg, changes the flight path, as they maintain course as the world’s smallest gliders. Now, Bernoulli’s interstellar cousin, gets a firm grip on the speeding airfoils, offering lift, where once there was none. Through Titania’s thick atmosphere they glide.... traveling ever-closer to their destination. The taste of freedom is sweet! It chases thick cobwebs from their psyche’s....

  “You still okay?” Tova inquires with concern.

  “Still here!” Zoey exclaims. “Wow! What a ride! .... Eeeeeeehaaaaaaa!” She screams again.

  “It’s not over yet, my dear! .... Check your altitude.... We’re a little high.”

  Zoey checks her heads-up-display, noticing the discrepancy. “I see your point. I’m dropping to 1200-feet. Please be a dear, and come with.... But not too close....” She jokes, as she folds her wings, diving like a raptor with a death wish.

  “Copy that! .... Lookout below!” He warns, tucking his limbs, monkeying her move. Bernoulli is rudely interrupted. Robbed of his duty, he quickly disappears back into cosmos’s factory, only to dutifully lift once again, when evoked properly. The heavy androids drop like tiny rods from god! Titania Alphs’s gravity bites deeply! However, it doesn’t take very long in that configuration for Zoey to drop the necessary altitude. With great effort, she opens her arms and legs, instantly conjuring Bernoulli to reengage with a mighty jolt. He’s always ready for work.... never complaining, as he happily performs his mission in the universe.

  “I’m on your 7; Zoey!” Tova announces. “I must say, you sure looked graceful when you made that maneuver. Might have brought a tear to me eye, if only
I could....” He offers compliment, with a twist of humor.

  “Why, thanks Tova. I didn’t know you were so romantic.” She responds devilishly.

  Not too far below, they approach the twin habitats. Even though they had been cleverly camouflaged, it’s still possible to discern the circular outline of the one-time flying saucers. Many children can be seen running. Many look up, pointing at the unusual site, as the two space-divers zoom past, just 1000-feet above.

  Zoey leads, approaching the landing zone fast. Just beyond, lies the Faraday. “Okay Tova, I’m pulling!” She grips a handle at her shoulder, pulling hard. With an audible pop, her nylon shoot releases from its storage compartment. Impossibly fast, it jerks open, grabbing the thick air of an alien world. Her body is smashed hard into the harness, instantly slowing her from 100-mph to about 5. Feet dangle, as she hangs suspended from her harness. Swinging back and forth, her tremendous weight hunts for equilibrium.

  Looking back, she sees Tova pull his ripcord. Just as he passes, not far from her side, his chute snaps open with a tremendous clap. She feels his pain! It’s the same vicious jolt as she just recieved. Experiencing a successful chute opening, is experiencing Bernoulli at his most violent. Below, a crowd of short humans and tall androids yell and clap, as they notice a successful opening of chutes above. They’ve been anticipating this day for many years, and now, here it is! The thrill of the moment grips them hard. The valley echoes with extreme boisterousness!

  Zoey and Tova are now about halfway between the Payne and Faraday habitats. They reach for the steering controls above their heads. While pulling on the right and left control lines, they guide their chariots toward ground zero. While steering in this fashion, they circle above the excited masses. For the moment, they’re the two most popular celebrities on the planet, and that fact isn’t lost on their ego’s, as they bathe in the fleeting glory.

  “Hey Zoey, I think they love us!” Tova yells to his partner with a hearty laugh. After so many millennia cooped up, his circuits are floating on cloud nine.

  “They sure do seem like friendly natives!” She responds with a laugh. Yelling down to the people, she can’t curb her enthusiasm. “Hello down there!” ........ “Is this Titania Alpha?”

  “Hello up there!” A voice from the crowd, bellows back. “No! ...... Titania Alpha, is three planets over!” ...... The crowd goes wild!

  As they circle the landing zone, they get a nice view of the beautiful valley below. There’s a magnificent wall of electrified wire, to keep the toothy’s out, and large areas of cultivated fields, where all the fresh vegetables are grown. Much of the valley beyond the sovereignty of the saucers, is now becoming overgrown with vegetation. It’s difficult to discern the old path of destruction from when the planet was appropriated.

  Lower they circle. Soon, the landing area is directly below. As the space-divers get to within 20-feet of the planet, they pull hard on their steering handles at the same time. This pulls down on each end of the rectangular airfoil, causing it to grab more air. This puts the brakes on their descent, landing them as soft-footed as a falling leaf.

  With his job done, Bernoulli instantly disappears back into the atmosphere, where he always feels more at home. Little thanks, is ever given this awesome phenomenon of Mother Nature. Enough thanks can’t be given. Because, less than a sextillionth, of a sextillionth, of a sextillionth, of a sextillionth, of a sextillionth, of a sextillionth, of all the area, in all the infinite universes, is allocated to the phantom skills of such a powerful force. And equally a quad-sextillionth of even that micro-miniscule amount, is inhabited or visited by sentient beings. Such, is this exceedingly-rare hombre! Even a genie in a bottle, can’t come and go, without Bernoulli’s permission and assistance! .... Three cheers for the big B!

  Moments after the canopies settle, the excited androids are surrounded by a large crowd of fellow machines, and young humans. Life has never been so rewarding for Zoey and Tova. The euphoric payoff dreamt about back on Earth when they volunteering for Sohn’s mad-hatter dream, has finally blossomed! As a good flower seed should, when dropped from a lucky pod, onto fertile soil. They’ll never forget the warm welcome they received from the exited crowd of space pioneers who greeted them like the family they already were.

  “Hello Zoey! .... Hello Tova! .... Welcome, to Titania Alpha!” Clara, of the Payne habitat, greets after the two astronauts release themselves from their now limp chutes. A gaggle of yelling and laughing children, grab at the billowing fabric as it tries to come back to life on a windy afternoon.

  “Greetings, Titania Alpha life-forms!” Zoey returns, jokingly. “Take us to your leader!” She laughs, shaking hands with Clara, Bryce, and many others who had come out that fine morning to welcome them to the community. It’s an exciting time for all. There’ll be many stories to share. Some about good old Earth, and some about life on a new world, so far from home!