Read Breaking News Page 4

glass from the broken windows was on the outside of the door, which could only mean that the windows were broken from the inside and why break all three windows.

  Also, the windows were over three feet from the doorknob, the crooks would need very long arms to be able to reach in through the window and turn the lock.

  Just reaching the window would be a trick in its self, unless the crooks brought their own ladder, since the only thing to stand on was a couple of beat up old trashcans.

  The computers that were stolen were supposedly on shelves facing the big front window. No crook in his right mind would take a chance of being seen moving computers from the front of the store. I remembered that Mr. Taylor said that there were lights on in the store even after the place was closed.

  According to the alarm company’s technician, two tests are done on commercial alarm systems every day. The first test is done when the customer sets the alarm.

  The company’s main computer gets a signal showing the alarm is set and at that time, a system check is done automatically to test the phone line, the internet connection and the video cameras.

  The second happens automatically every evening at midnight; the main computer tries to make a connection with the store alarm system over the phone line and then over the internet.

  If for some reason they cannot make contact a technician at the central office tries to contact the store’s alarm system manually first by phone and then over the internet.

  If this test fails a note is made in the system logbook and the customer is notified as soon as possible by calling the emergency phone number. By the way the alarm is connected to the alarm company’s central computer by both a wireless internet and cell phone connection.

  They found that the alarm on the building had been disconnected form the battery backup and the phone and internet connections had been switched sometime before the robbery.

  If the two salesmen had unpacked all the computers and their accessories, which sounds really dumb, what happened to all the boxes and packing material, would the crooks really take the time to repack the computers back into the original boxes.

  That was another thing that seemed strange. Why would you take all the computers out of their original boxes? Most stores just have one sample out and running to show the customers what it looks like; you don’t unpack all of them.

  The owner of the store Mr. Taylor said that when he arrived that morning at about 8:30 that it was dark and he didn’t see the broken glass until he went inside and turned on the light in the backroom of the store.

  When Mom and I were in the alley, checking thing out, I noticed that the light fixture over the back door was still on. Besides, at 8:30 in the morning even in early June, the sun is already up and since the alley; runs almost east and west there would have been more then enough light to see the glass in the alley.

  Mr. Taylor also said that when he pulled on the doorknob that the door opened, but when Mom and I were in the alley behind the store the police officer told us that he had to prop the door open so he could get in and out of his car, and that the door locks automatically when it closes.

  Northeast Philadelphia isn’t exactly what would be called a high crime area, but for the back door of an electronics shop to be left open all night and to have only the computers and only one box of cell phones stolen was quite remarkable.

  Someone could have very easily helped them selves to any number of very expensive pieces of electronic equipment within a few feet of the back door.

  Instead the crooks risked being seen through the big front window of the store just to steal the computers.

  It just seemed to me that it would be easier to unload wide screen TV’s then computers.

  Daddy called Mr. Taylor and the two sales guys over to a small table in the backroom, “My finger print guy has told me that the only prints that he can find are from the three of you.”

  “Well of course,” Mr. Taylor said, “We work here, remember.”

  “Well you see if someone had opened the backdoor wearing gloves the prints on the doorknob would be smeared,” Daddy said, “But the prints are quite clear; which indicates to me that no one has touched the knob on the backdoor or anything else in this store except the three of you.”

  Mr. Taylor didn’t look too well and he wiped he bald head with his handkerchief.

  “Also it seems odd,” Daddy told Mr. Taylor, “that on the very night you forget to set the alarm, I’m sorry I mean to re-set the alarm also just happens to be the night before the alarm company was scheduled to come and check the faulty alarm system; your store is robbed”.

  Mom sat on a stool near the end of the table, “How well do you know these two guys?,” she asked Mr. Taylor, pointing to Ron and Garry.

  “What do you mean”, Mr. Taylor said somewhat startled by the question.

  “What I mean,” Mom said, “Is this has the smell of an inside job; maybe your sales guys were trying to make a little extra money for themselves. You said that they stayed late to set up the display”.

  Garry jumped to his feet, “Are you saying that we took the stuff?” he said.

  “The alarm company technician stated that the phone and internet cables had been swapped,” Daddy said, “and that couldn’t have happened by its self”.

  “Let’s not forget the alarm sensor that is missing from the backdoor,” Mom said, “It just seems like someone did just about everything they could to make sure the alarm system would not work last night”.

  “Now forensics did a more detailed check for fingerprints,” Daddy said, “They checked all the cables for the phone line, the internet connections and the battery backup and so far the only prints show up on these items belong to the three of you. So, I am going to have to ask all three of you gentlemen to accompany me to police headquarters and it might be a good idea for all of you to contact a lawyer”.

  This time it was Ron that jumped up, “This is nuts, we get robbed and to make it easy on yourself you try to pin this on us,” he said, “Why ain’t you out trying to find the people that robbed us”.

  “Well you see Ron,” Daddy said, “I don’t think I have to go very far to find the people that robbed this store. I have a very strong feeling that I could just reach out and grab them by the arm”. Just as he said that he grabbed Garry’s arm.

  Garry turned as white as a sheet; he looked like he might pass out. He started stuttering and sputtering, it seemed that the words in his head were trying to come out of his mouth faster than his tongue could form the sounds.

  “I ain’t going to jail for you or anybody else,” he told Mr. Taylor.

  “Shut up you idiot,” Mr. Taylor yelled, “They can’t prove anything”.

  “Actually I don’t have to prove anything,” Mom said, “You see all I have to do is disapprove your claim. If your really were robbed you will be out the computers and cell phones as well as the money you paid for them and it could take months to get this mess straightened out”.

  “And I will be watching this store very carefully,” Daddy said, “and if you suddenly find a bunch of computers and cell phones and they just happen to match the serial numbers on these invoices; all three of you will be the guest of the state for five to ten years”.

  Mom leaned toward Ron, “You and Garry are a couple of very handsome young man,” She said, “I’m sure you’ll make a lot of friends in prison”.

  The blood seemed to drain from Ron’s face, “There ain’t no way I’m going to jail,” Ron said.

  “Shut up you idiot,” Mr. Taylor said, “All of this is pure supposition”.

  “Well this isn’t supposition,” Mom said, “According to your insurance policy; you are required to maintain a security system that will provide a direct link to a 24 hour a day monitoring center.”

  “I have a security system!,” Mr. Taylor yelled.

  “Yes you certainly do have a security system,“ Mom said, “but it is not functional and because the phone line and Internet lines were
swapped your establishment was not being monitored. Therefore I am recommending that your claim be denied”.

  “You can’t do that,” Mr. Taylor said, “It’s the alarm company’s fault that the system doesn’t work”.

  “Well you are free to sue the alarm company for negligence.” Mom said, “But the insurance company will not pay until after you have proven in a court of law that they and not you are responsible for the loss of your merchandise”.

  Daddy waved to the two police officers and told them to take Ron and Garry into custody. One of the officers put handcuffs on Ron and the other was reading the Miranda warning. He only got to “You have the right to remain silent”, when Garry seemed to suddenly realize what was happening.

  “I ain’t going to jail for you or anyone else,” he said. He looked over at Daddy, “What do you want to know?,” He said.

  Did you spot all the clues?

  Well both Garry and Ron spilled their guts; first of all Ron said he had no idea what had happened to the alarm system or why it didn’t work. He said that after work last night him, Mr. Taylor and Garry loaded the computers into Mr. Taylor’s van, locked up the store and they all left.

  Garry told Daddy that Mr. Taylor told him to swap the cables on the alarm box and that he would blame it on the alarm company’s technician.

  Mr. Taylor took the computers to a self-serve storage building and the three of them unloaded the van. Then Mr. Taylor came in this morning and