Read Brechalon Page 11


  Billingbow's Sarsaparilla and Wintergreen Soda Water is a soft drink produced in Brech City. The syrup is mixed with sparkling water and bottled. Billingbow's syrup is shipped to Freedonia, Mallontah, and Birmisia, where it is mixed and sold. Billingbow's is a favorite of Saba Colbshallow. Ssissiatok (Cissy) was also fond of the drink, though it is not particularly popular among lizardmen.

  Bird Feet

  One of a variety of species of violet, Bird Feet are common in Enclep.


  The northeastern portion of the continent of Mallon, Birmisia covers an area of about 8 million square miles. Home to hundreds of lizardman settlements and several large cities, it is sparsely settled by human beings-the one notable exception being Brechalon's Birmisia Colony. Most of Birmisia falls in the temperate climate range.

  Birmisia Colony

  A Brech Colony in Birmisia, Mallon, Birmisia Colony was founded in 1899 by the three Dechantagne siblings and is centered on the city of Port Dechantagne.


  Also known as The Bottom, Blackbottom is a section of Brech City built on land sloping down toward the River Thiss. Besides thousands of two and three story houses that all seem to be either leaning toward the river because of the sloping land or leaning in the other direction in hopes of countering the slope, there are countless seedy pubs, sordid meeting houses, and hidden drug dens in Blackbottom.

  Black Pudding

  Black pudding, blood pudding, or blood sausage is a type of sausage made by cooking blood or dried blood with a filler until it is thick enough to congeal when cooled.


  A potion prepared by wizards and sorcerers, Blessudine is essentially a happiness potion, and is often referred to as such.



  One of several types of divided women's garments for the lower body.

  Bonaventura, Abel

  A writer from Borazon, Bonaventura is known for his novels Who Lived in My House? and Bring Me My Life.

  Bonnano, Lan

  Brech writer Lan Bonnano is best known for his novels Death and Destruction and Fiora Kirseen.

  Bonne Nourriture

  Bonne Nourriture is a restaurant in Port Dechantagne notable primarily for two features, the first being a chef from Mirsanna, and the second being that unlike Port Dechantagnes other fine dining establishments, it uses lizzie wait staff.

  Booth, Duchy of

  The Duchy of Booth is located on the northern corner of the island of Mirilon and is one of 66 political divisions within the United Kingdom of Greater Brechalon.


  A medium-sized modern country wedged between Borazon and Freedonia, with characteristics of both of those countries.

  Borazon, Kingdom of

  A large country south of Freedonia, Borazon was formed as a successor state to Magnus's Empire of the Zur. The modern Borazon encompasses only the eastern portion of the original kingdom. Borazon converted to Kafirism about 160. The Borazonian language is closely related to Freedonian and the two counties share many other cultural traits.


  Bormass was an ancient culture occupying the horn of Sumir from about -2000 to about -1500. It has been speculated that the Bormass originated on Enclep, because of a similarity of artwork. Little remains of Bormass, except for massive carvings of animals found throughout their land. The largest of these is Numateme, an entire mountain carved into the shape of a lion.


  A town near Friedaport in Freedonia.

  Brech (The Great City)

  Brech City is the capital of the United Kingdom of Greater Brechalon. It is the largest city in the world, with a population of more than four million. Tradition holds that Magnus the Great laid out the city himself in year -6.

  Brech Mallontah

  (See Mallontah.)


  The large island upon which Brech City resides, it is the center of the United Kingdom of Greater Brechalon. Brechalon is roughly circular, approximately 500 miles in diameter.

  Brechalon (Ancient)

  The civilization of Brechalon was a military empire. The discovery of an ancient fortress on the Island of Greater Brechalon is what gives the Brechalonians their name, though it was later determined to be only an outpost and the bulk of the empire was in fact, on eastern coast of what is today Mirsanna. The Brechalonians pioneered iron weapons, and defeated Donnata about -4600.

  Brech by Starlight

  A romantic novel by Cathal Parvis.

  Brech's Islands

  A historical novel that follows the development of the Kingdom of Greater Brechalon, Brech's Islands is one of the most popular foreign novels in Brech.

  Brech Stories

  A popular collection of short stories by Baumgarten Glines.

  Breeding Booksellers

  A small bookstore on Avenue Phoenix in Brech City, Breeding Booksellers is noted for procuring hard-to-find editions. Terrence Dechantagne purchased a copy of Kazia Garstone's Revenge at Breeding.

  The Bribe

  The Bribe is a novel by Chirem Gynn that tells the story of a police constable whose life crumbles around him after he accepts a bribe from a drug dealer.

  Bring Me My Life

  A novel by Abel Bonaventura, Bring Me My Life tells the story of a man returning from six months of living in a coma to find himself replace by a man who has married his wife and adopted his children.

  Broken Tooth

  A novel by Wadsworth Dietle, Broken Tooth is the story of a dog that must choose to stay with humans or join a wolf pack. It is the only book by Dietle that is as popular in Brech as it is in Freedonian.

  Brownworth, Tzuriel

  A Brech biologist and medical doctor, Tzuriel Brownworth best known for his Theory of Evolution, developed during his jouney to the Mullien Islands as detailed in The Adventures of the S.S. Flying Fish.

  Brysin's Weekly Ladies' Journal

  A popular magazine published in Brech, Brysin's Weekley Ladies' Journal is the most popular of a new variety of publication featuring news on fashion and etiquette.


  Buiteraptors are a rather small species of Birmisian predatory bird. They are bout three feet in length and about a foot tall. The buitreraptor has a slender, flat, extremely elongated snout with many small teeth that lack meat-tearing serrations or cutting edges and are grooved, strongly recurved and flattened. It is not a hunter of relatively large animals, but rather a hunter of small animals such as lizards and mammals. The forelimbs of Buitreraptor are long and end in hands with three fingers.

  Burson, Tracy

  A Brech novelist and proponent of conservation.


  A bustle is a type of framework used to expand the fullness or support the drapery of the back of a woman's dress. Bustles are worn under the skirt in the back, just below the waist, to keep the skirt from dragging. Heavy fabric tended to pull the back of a skirt down and flatten it. Thus, a woman's petticoated or crinolined skirt would lose its shape, making her behind look flat and unappealing. Since their introduction in Mirsanna, bustles have become synonymous with the fashion, and continue to increase in size.


  A small coastal town in Freedonia.

  Caf? Carlo

  Caf? Carlo has been a popular dining spot in the Great Plaza of Brech City for almost three hundred years, though the name has changed repeatedly during that time. It is a relatively expensive, high-class establishment under the proprietorship of Carlo Byrd. Prior to that, it was known as Caf? Renee. After the death of Carlo Byrd, it became Francesco's Caf?.

  Caf? Renee

  (see Caf? Carlo)


  A country in southern Sumir, Camora became independent from the Zur Empire in 995. Today, Camora is a relatively poor nation, though it is reaping the benefits of trade alliances with Greater Brecahlon.


  Canals is a trick-taking game using a standard 52-card deck. It is played by four players in two competing partnerships, with partners sitting opposite each other around a table. Canals is played worldwide in clubs, tournaments, and with friends at home, making it one of the world's most popular card games, particularly among seniors.

  Carriage, Steam-powered

  Steam-powered cars have almost completely replaced horse-drawn cars throughout Brechalon. There are a variety of sizes and configurations of steam cars, as there were horse-drawn varieties. Most have the furnace, boiler, and firebox located in the rear.


  A continent in the southern hemisphere.

  Children of the Streets

  The most popular book by Maddchen Schaub, Children of the Streets tells the story of orphaned street urchin.

  Church of Kafira

  The Church of Kafira, also known as the Holy Kafirite Church, is the worldly organization of Kafira's followers. It is among the oldest institutions in the world and has played a prominent role in the history of Western civilisation. The Church hierarchy is led by the Pope and includes Cardinals, Patriarchs, and Bishops. The Church teaches that it is the one true church, divinely founded by Kafira Kristos that its bishops are the successors of Kafira's apostles and that the Pope is the sole successor to Saint Ulixesr who has apostolic primacy. The Church maintains that the doctrine on faith and morals that it presents as definitive is infallible. There are a variety of doctrinal and theological emphases within the Church, including the Southern Kafirite Churches, the personal ordinariates and religious communities such as the Egerians, the Julienites and the Lamarans. The Kafirite Church is Trinitarian and defines its mission as spreading the Gospel of Kafira Kristos, administering the sacraments, and exercising charity. Kafirite worship is highly liturgical, focusing on the Mass or Divine Liturgy during which the sacrament of the Eucharist is celebrated. The Church teaches that bread and wine used during the Mass become the body and blood of Kafira through transubstantiation. The Church practises closed communion and only baptised members of the Church in a state of grace are ordinarily permitted to receive the Eucharist. Kafirite social teaching emphasises support for the sick, the poor, and the afflicted through the corporal works of mercy. The Kafirite Church is the largest provider of education and medical services in the world. Kafirite spiritual teaching emphasises spread of the Gospel message and growth in spiritual discipline through the spiritual works of mercy.


  A lizzie city near Port Dechantagne in Brech Birmisia, Chusstuss was responsible for one of the most devestating attacks on human beings in the region.

  Citizen's Safety Award

  The Citizen's Safety Award is given to citizens of Brech City who display Brech pluck and bravery in bringing law-breakers to justice.

  Cold Soldiers

  A book by Isaak Wissinger.

  Comet, S.S.

  A sleek passenger ship, originally part of the Arrow Cruise Lines, but later bought by Merchant and Shannon.

  Contico Boulevard

  A major thoroughfare in Brech City, Contico Boulevard runs from Hexagon park to the edge of Blackbottom.

  Contracting Universe, The

  The Contracting Universe, at 653 pages, is the shortest scientific work by Phoebus Dodson. In it he proves that the universe is in a constant state of contraction that will eventually force it all into a tiny dense mass the size of a cricket ball.


  The County of Cordwell is one of 66 regional divisions within The United Kingdom of Greater Brechalon. Cordwell is the location of the city of Bentin and the nearby Royal Military Base. It sits on the eastern coast of the island of Brechalon.

  Crescent Bay

  Crescent Bay is a small but deep-water bay next to which the settlement of Port Dechantagne was established in Brech Birmisa. Formed by the erosion of softer materials next to a rocky peninsula, the bay is now protected from the ocean surf and remains calm almost all year.


  Cricket is a bat-and-ball game played between two teams of 11 players on a roughly circular field, at the center of which is a rectangular 22-yard long pitch. Each team takes it in turn to bat, in which they attempt to accumulate as many runs as possible, while the other team fields, attempting to prevent the batting team scoring runs. Teams may bat once or twice each depending upon the format of the game. Each turn is known as an innings. The game progresses as one member of the fielding team known as the bowler delivers the ball to the batsman down the length of the pitch. The batsman then attempts to strike the ball with his bat in order so that the ball either reaches the boundary or enables him to run to the other end of the pitch and thus accumulate runs. The batsman may continue batting until he is dismissed. Once ten batsmen from the batting side have been dismissed, the team is said to be all out and the two teams change roles.

  Cricket, Mirsannan

  Mirsannan Cricket is a variety of cricket played by children, usually in poorer neighborhoods, in which they use ad-hoc materials and locations for play.

  Crown Street

  Crown Street is a thoroughfare in Brech City just south of Saint Admeta Park. The Palace of Ansegdniss is at the end of Crown Street, while along its length are the homes of the King's ministers. Number 3 is the home of the Lord Treasurer. Number 4 is the home of the Second Lord of the Treasury and Chancellor of the Exchequer. Number 7 is the home of the Foreign Minister. Number 8 is the home of the Judge Advocate General. Number 14 is the home of the Prime Minister.

  Daglars, The

  The Daglars are a mountain chain in south Borazon, famed as the home of the vicious gharhast ape.


  A country on the northwestern tip of Sumir, Dallar was originally a successor state of Magnus the Great. Most people of Dallar speak both Zurian and Mirsannan. Dallar adopted Kafirism as its official religion in 160.

  Dallaman, Empire of

  The Dallaman Empire began as a relatively unimportant part of Zaerphon which began expanding as Zaerphon broke apart (-1800). Dallaman established new artforms and architectural styles, and fought a series of wars against Tu-Riven. Dallaman was still a distinctive society when conquered by Magnus the Great (-42).

  Dartmouth, S.S.

  One of the smaller Brech cargo ships traveling to Mallon.


  Darwin's Emporium

  From the establishment of Port Dechantagne until its proprietor's death, Darwin's Emporium was a seller and exporter of a variety of products made with dinosaur hide. Because of this, it was a popular stop for tourists to Birmisia, and maintained extensive trade relations with many of the surrounding lizzie villages.

  DeAlonzo, Arjen

  A popular Mirsannan novelist.

  Death and Destruction

  A massive novel by Lan Bonnano, Death and Destruction tells the story of a doomed family and their last six generations. It is the longest novel that most people in Brechalon have ever heard of.

  Death in Brech, A

  A Death in Brech is a novel by Garson Hoek that tells the story of the disenfranchised working class in Brech City.


  Decius is the tenth month of the modern reformed calendar. Like all the months except Hamonth, it has 30 days.


  A gold ten mark coin of the United Kingdom of Greater Brechalon. The obverse features an image of King Tybalt and the reverse a cross wreathed in laurels.

  Derby, The

  The Derby is a novel by Twyla Gaskell set in modern Brech City.

  Desperation's Daughter

  The best known work of Isaak Wissinger.

  DeRemillard, E.R.

  A Mirsannan author who writes extensively about Brechalon.

  Derich, Kingdom of

  Splitting away from Rundaria in 544, Derich combined with Rundarr (Rundaria) and Lowess in 1794 to form Freedonia.


detoxicant is a mixture produced by priests which counteracts poison. Some versions of detoxicants are created by chemists without the aid of spiritual magic, but these tend to be less potent.

  Detsky, Ebrahim

  A Zaeri Brech writer, Ebrahim Detsky is best known for his novels Night of the Snake and Rabbits Under the Fence.

  Diary of a Photographer, The

  A book by Dorrit Quinn that follows a photographer named Byric, in his travels across Brechalon.

  Dietle, Wadsworth

  A Freedonian writer, Wadsworth Dietle is best known for his tales of nature and the struggle of man against nature. Many of his title characters are animals.


  Dionoserin is a potion of mind control brewed by sorcerers and wizards.

  Disposal, The

  A book by Maddchen Schaub highlighting the abuses of modern orphanages.

  Doctor and Priest

  A detective story by Umeko Mahanian.

  Dodson, Phoebus

  A seventeeth century physicist and mathematician, Phoebus Dodson's books form the core of scientific education from students from Brechalon to Freedonia. Though his writing is considered stuffy, his scientific theories were a hundred years ahead of their time.

  Doggie Doggie

  Doggie Doggie is a game played by children with a stick (as a bone). Once child plays the part of the dog, while the others hide the bone. The children sing "Doggie, doggie, where's your bone," while the dog tries to find it.
