Read Brechalon Page 12

  An ancient civilization at the southern tip of Sumir, Doglon was culturally related to the Olgon. Doglon was never united, consisting of small states that vied with each other for power. They cleared the dense jungle to create their cities and extensive tracts of land for farming. About -2300, they were overthrown by one of their subject races-the Ixec.


  The ancient land founded approximately -7000 along the northern coast of modern Freedonia, Donnata was originally a group of quarreling city-states. United under an emperor about -5000, Donnata ushered in the Bronze Age. Few of their cities remain, though a great deal of pottery and statuary has been preserved in museums.

  Donstan, Rablo

  A Xygian poet.

  Dormouse, S.S.

  The S.S. Dormouse is a modern Brech cargo ship hired by the Dechantagne family to bring additional supplies and colonists to Birmisia. It made several such trips during the first years of the Brech colony there.


  Dorridgeville is a large town at the northern tip of the Duchy of Booth on Mirilon. Dorridgeville is the stopping off point for adventurers and soldiers of fortune on their way to Enclep and beyond.


  Dragons are immense creatures of magic. They superficially resemble reptiles, and are covered with scales. Dragons however are hot-blooded, with body temperatures approaching 120 degrees. Dragons are primarily carnivorous but can eat practically anything. They have such a perfect digestive system that they have no need to exude waste. There are several different varieties of dragon, including Gold, Silver, Flame, Green, Night, Steel, and Coral. Dragons can breathe fire and possess a secondary breath weapon which varies according to the species. Dragons are extremely long-lived, essentially immortal, and are worshipped as gods by primitive cultures around the world. They are extremely intelligent and often are able to cast magic spells. Dragon eggs have no set gestation period and may survive for centuries before hatching. Upon hatching dragons are usually about 24 inches in length. A full-grown dragon may weight 90 tons and reach 150 feet from nose to tail barb.


  Driconda was a civilization that rose in the arid valleys of southwest Sumir. The Driconda culture may date back to -6500. About -3200, they consolidated into an empire ruled by a Sun King. Around -2100, a mountain people called the Olgon conquered Driconda.


  A smaller cousin to the velociraptor, dromaeosaurs are about six feet in length, weighing about 15 pounds. They feature bright red heads and breasts and black feathers across their backs, with white wingtips. Dromaeosaurs are more commonly found inland from the coast.

  Drum, The

  A novel by Isaak Wissinger.

  Durcy Square

  A popular gathering place for dealers of magical artifacts, Durcy Square is located just off Prince Tybalt Boulevard in Brech City. It is a gathering place for hedge wizards seeking employment.

  East of Enclep

  A book by Shia Toler, for most Brech readers, East of Enclep was their first introduction to Mallon.

  East Wills

  One of four district areas in the city of Redgepool.

  Ebon Forest, S.S.

  A massive black freighter from Freedonia, the Ebon Forest assisted in the rescue of victims from the sinking of the S.S. Mistress of Brechbay.


  An eclipse is an astronomical event that occurs when an astronomical object is temporarily obscured, either by passing into the shadow of another body or by having another body pass between it and the viewer. The term eclipse is most often used to describe either a solar eclipse, when the Moon's shadow crosses the Earth's surface, or a lunar eclipse, when the Moon moves into the Earth's shadow. Both types of eclipses can enhance the power of magic cast beneath them, though a solar eclipse will do so to a much greater extent than a lunar eclipse.


  The Freedonian word for Lizardmen is Eidechse.


  The island of Enclep is more than twelve hundred miles long and three hundred fifty miles wide at its thickest point. The northern reaches, which are the only portions of the island visited by ships from Sumir, are lined with white sandy beaches everywhere except the rocky outcropping of the deep-water port that the Royal Brechalon Navy had leased from the natives for its use. The interior of the island holds vast rain forests of tropical plants and tall sweeping palm trees and is filled with all manner of natural treasures. The brown-skinned natives in the north live simple lives of hunting, gathering, and trading with the visiting ships. They worship animal spirits, particularly whales. The south is dominated by a number of feudal kingdoms. Strong cults devoted to a single animal spirit are the norm here. Enclep is the source of White Opthalium. Most tea imported to Sumir comes from Enclep.

  Essenbad, L.Z.

  One of Freedonia's fleet of massive airships, the Essenbad patrolled the northern seas around Enclep.

  Farm Life

  A novel by Abban Keiman.



  Festuary is the second month of the modern reformed calendar. It is a month of Festivals for the Kafirite religion. Like all the months except Hamonth, it has 30 days.


  The fez or tarboosh is a felt hat in the shape of a truncated cone. The fez is popular is Mirsanna.

  Finkler's Bakery

  A bakery and eating establishment opened in 1902 in Port Dechantagne, Birmisia by Mrs. Ada Finkler and her son Aalwijn, Finkler's Bakery was the sole location in which to purchase bread in the new colony for several years. Finkler's features Freedonian cuisine, with limited seating both inside and outside. In 1905, the bakery became the cornerstone of a restaurant empire when Aalwijn Finkler, now in control of the establishment opened three new cafes in the city.

  Fiora Kirssen

  A short novel by Lan Bonnano, Fiora Kirssen tells the story of a country girl and her arrival and eventual ruin in the Great City.


  The portion of a steam carriage which contains the flames that heat water to produce steam, the firebox is fueled with coal shoveled from the adjacent coal bin.

  First Royal Charter Back of Greater Brechalon, The

  The largest and richest financial institution in Brechalon and the world.

  Fishing Nets, The

  A novel by E.R. DeRemillard, The Fishing Nets tells the story of a fictional fishing town on the southern Brech coast.


  A small city on the southern coast of Brechalon, some 400 miles south by southeast of Brech City, Flander is chiefly a shipping and fishing town. Zurfina attempts to catch a train to Flander after being targeted by the Ministry of War, but is captured at the train station.


  The Freedonian Flottenluftskorps is a division of the navy that operates their airship fleet. At the height of its operations, the Flottenluftskorps operated over 100 large dirigibles. Ratings in the korps wore traditional white naval uniforms, while the officers wore unique black uniforms.


  Football is a sport played between two teams of typically eleven players, though other variations in player numbers such as 5 and 7 are also played, with a spherical ball. The game is played on a rectangular field of grass or green artificial turf, with a goal in the middle of each of the short ends. The object of the game is to score by kicking the ball into the opposing goal. Football is more popular on the continent of Sumir than in Greater Brechalon.


  A region of Mirsanna famed for its fine fabrics.

  Fort Tharbin

  A large military fort on Isle de Fortann in the Thiss River, Fort Tharbin bristels with massive guns and is the primary protection of Brech City from marauders arriving by river.

  Fostbeck Sandwich

  A sandwich named for the Brech city of Fostbeck, the Fostbeck Sandwich is popular in Brechalon and Freedonia. It consists of corned beef on rye br
ead, with stone ground mustard. In Freedonia it usually included sour kraut, instead of sauteed onions as is usually found in Brechalon.

  Francesco's Caf?

  (See Caf? Carlo.)

  Freedman, Anarosa

  One of the most popular female Freedonian writers, Anarosa Freedman produced numerous essays and short stories, but only one novel-Intruder. Her writing is popular for its lascivious nature.


  The major port in northeast Freedonia.


  A froredor is a magical icebox. If functions like other iceboxes, keeping food cool, though it never requires blocks of ice.

  Frylander Owena

  A Freedonian author, Owena Frylander is known for two small novels: White Sea and Wise Men.

  Fury of the Mountain, The

  Required reading for all Brech boys, The Fury of the Mountain by Raamya Arsvold tells the story of a primitive tribe living on the edge of a glacier that survive a series of disasters. Originally popular because of the courage and determination of the characters in the story, many modern readers now see it as a demonstration of the difficulties of a non-technological life.

  Gabrielle, S.S.

  A medium-sized Brech cargo ship.

  Garstone, Kasia

  Perhaps the most influential writer in modern Brechalon, Kasia Garstone has written dozens of realistic novels, all of which expose the excesses and social problems of Brech society. Though frequently denounced as a socialist, she remains widely read and early editions of her books are highly sought by collectors.


  A city of about 40,000 in southern central Freedonia, Gartow was the location of the Zurelendsviertel ghetto, where as many as 100,000 Zaeri were forced into a squalid portion of the town and then were walled in and virtually starved. Zurfina rescued Isaak Wissinger from Gartow.

  Gaskell, Twyla

  Twyla Gaskell is a relatively popular Brech author.

  Gharhast Ape

  Growing up to nine feet tall and weighing as much as 700 lbs., the gharhast ape is the most feared creature in Sumir. It stands upright and has humanoid hands, but possesses ferocious fangs. Do to its habitat in the rugged Daglar Mountains, it is also one of the few which has not been hunted completely to extinction.


  A ghetto is a part of a city in which members of a minority group live, especially because of social, legal, or economic pressure. Prior to the Brech-Freedonian War, ethnic Zaeri were forced into a number of ghettos, the most notorious of which was Zurelendsviertel.


  A glamour is a magical spell cast by either a wizard or a sorcerer and saved for later use. The ability to cast glamours is a fairly high level ability and usually marks a master of the magic craft, or at least a skilled journeyman. Invisible to most, glamours can be seen by other high-level magic-users.

  Glines, Baumgarten

  Baumgarten Glines is a Freedonian writer who emigrated to Brechalon. He is famous for his witty and usually light-hearted short stories.


  Sometimes called the "coastal gorgosaurus," the gorgosaurus is a smaller cousin of tyrannosaurus, with much the same body shape. Gorgosaurus females are larger and more ferocious than the male, but even they seldom reach more than 25 feet in length.

  Gorgosaurus are dark brown, with vertical stripes of olive to light brown on their flanks.

  Government, The

  A novel by Willam Hormby, The Government tells the story of a futuristic world in which all thought and emotion is controlled.

  Grace, Walter

  Walter Grace is a Brech writer who focuses on the aristocratic upper crust.

  Grand Scriptures, The

  (See Holy Scriptures.)

  Gravity and Light

  The seminal text on the topics by Phoebus Dodson.

  Great and Greater Brechalon

  A book by Orion Weevoc.

  Great City Opera House, The

  The Great City Opera House is located in the center of Brech City. The venue, built some 210 years ago, and which is officially named the Prince Cassius Opera House, is the largest such structure in Greater Brechalon. Ballets and concerts, as well as operas are performed there.

  Greater Brechalon

  The name associated with the island of Brechalon, and its five sister islands-Erechon, Mirilon, Borus, Ambis, and Phyris. Greater Brechalon is sometimes used to reference the United Kingdom of Greater Brechalon.

  Great Church of the Holy Savior

  The largest Kafirite Church in Brechalon, The Great Church of the Holy Savior is located on Avenue Hart at the corner of Contico Boulevard.

  Green Hills

  Green Hills is a novel by Twyla Gaskell set in the rural Brech countryside.


  The basic currency of Freedonia, the groschen was originally roughly equal to ? Brech mark, but toward the end of the century, inflation in Freedonia drove the value of its currency down.


  An iguanadon-like dinosaur of Birmisa, the gryptosaurus live inland and away from the coast.


  An ape-god-spirit worshipped by one of the larger cults in southern Enclep.

  Gynn, Chirem

  A Brech author with a single popular work: The Bribe.


  Hamonth is the thirteenth month of the modern reformed calendar. Unlike the other months, Hamonth has only 15 days-making it literally a "half month" and giving it its name. It is considered bad luck to begin a journey in Hamonth. Hamonth 2nd is the first day of Winter.


  Harold I

  First king of Greater Brechalon, Harold I was crowned in 461 and died six years later.


  Hathastor was a blended culture (about -2000) that combined elements of the Olgon and ancient Ballar. Ruled by numerous local warlords, with only loose political ties, Hathastor is chiefly remembered for their fortifications, with were mostly pillaged by the Zurians for building materials.


  Hecken Arms Co. is the largest Freedonian weapons manufacturer, producing everything from battleship deck guns to zeppelins. The .30 caliber Hecken '98 is the standard issue rifle for the Freedonian Army.

  Healing Draught

  One of the most common forms of magic available, healing draughts are created by the clergy of Kafira as well as wizards, sorcerors, and various lay-potion makers. Most healing draughts can cure simple wounds such as cuts, scrapes, and burns. Occassionally exceptional healing draughts may cure more serious injuries such as gun shot wounds. Healing draughts have little effect againsts internal injuries or broken bones and are ineffective against disease, poisons, or curses. The availability of healing draughts has lowered their price so that even the relatively poor in Brechalon may have one on hand.

  Heart of Wind

  A novel by Mirsannan writer Giridhara Rall, Heart of Wind was originally published in the writer's home country, but it has become far more popular in Brechalon.

  Hedge Wizards

  Hedge Wizards are magic-users who cast spells in the traditional way of wizards, using mathematics, but who have had little or no formal training.

  Hedrick, Angana

  A writer popular in Freedonia, but relatively unknown in Brechalon.

  Hoek, Garson

  A contemporary Brech writer, Garson Hoek has written numerous new stories and essays and one successful novel: A Death in Brech.

  Holy Scriptures, The

  The Holy Scriptures of the Zaeri (known to the Kafirites as The Grand Scriptures) are the holy book of the Zaeri religion and one half of the holy book of the Kafirites. The scriptures contain 52 books, which are in order: Creation, Odyssey, Discovery, The Old Prophets, The Stars, The Laws, The Kings, The Writings of Nom, The Letter of Nom, The Middle Prophets, The Children of Nom, First Book of Odes, Second Book of Odes, Third Book of Odes, The Book of Corruption, The New Prophets, The Book of
Transformation, The Book of Enchantment, Lydna, The Book of Divining, Mobius, The Mysteries, The Book of Abjuration, The Book of Conjuration, Fasser, The Book of Evocation, The Illusions, The Writings of Atar, The Wisdom of Atar, Pastoral, Chozai, Lamentations, Varinda, The Apocalypse of Atar-Zu, The Letters of Atar-Zu, Sibellene, Idwal, Garilala, Dinesh, Carniella, Abahu, The Book of Devices, The Book of Quests, Sheliya, Sheliya's Quest, Sheliya's years, (Sheliya's) Errands, The Last Prophets, Yoel, Zaccazius, The Winged Ones, The Song of King Magnus.

  Honey, Do You Love Me

  Honey, Do You Love Me is an outdoor game played by children in Brechalon. Players form a circle with one player in the middle, who is designated "it." The middle person must approach players in the circle and ask, "Honey, do you love me?" The person being questioned must answer, "Honey, I love you but I just can't smile." If s/he does smile or laugh, s/he becomes "it" and the previous middle person joins the circle. The person who is "it" is not allowed to touch other players but may make as many funny faces as he wishes.

  Hormby, Willam

  Willam Hormby is the pseudonym of an unknown author, famous for several works of satyrical fiction.

  Humboldt's Fine Toys

  A toy shop located on Avenue Phoenix at the corner of Prince Tybalt Boulevard.

  Hume, Delia

  A Brech writer of the last century, her writing is considered pendantic by modern Brech readers.


  Iguanodons are the most common Birmisian dinosaur. They are bulky herbivores that shift from bipedality to quadrupedality. They average about 3 tons and 30 feet long for adults, with rare specimens up to 45 feet long. They have large narrow skulls and toothless duckbill mouths, and range in color from olive green to redish-brown. Iguanodons live in herds of 20 to 100 individuals.