Read Brechalon Page 16

  Superb, H.M.S

  One of the newest battleships of the Royal Navy of Greater Brechalon, Superb saw service against the Red Sashes and their allies in Enclep as well as against Freedonian and Mirsannan ships of war.


  Swentarra is one of the Mullien Islands, a vast chain northeast of Sumir. Swentarra is a small island, with no known ports or major settlements. It is populated by several villages of natives who live a simple life of hunting and fishing.


  Capital of Borazon, Szague began as a small town in the early 600s. Known cold winters and cool summers, Szague boasts a population of just over one million.

  Tall Man's World

  An expression used by the Short Men to describe the world and their place within it.

  Tatum, Rikkard Banks

  A popular Brech pulp author, Rikkard Banks Tatum has written more than 100 novels, mostly science fiction, and all of featuring high adventure.

  Tea Room, The

  A novel by Walter Grace.

  Teachings of Kafira, The

  The Teachings of Kafira is the Zaeri term for The Modest Scriptures, which form the second half of the Kafirite Holy Book. The Zaeri do not share the belief that Kafira is the daughter of God, and hence do not hold the teachings of her or her apostles to be holy. However, she is still recognized as a Zaeri Imam, and so her teachings command a certain amount of respect.

  Teddy Sweet Men

  A popular snack in Brech, Teddy Sweet Men are tiny biscuits cut in the shape of soldiers, baked, and dusted with sugar.

  Telegraphs Memories

  An epistolary novel by Dorrit Quinn.


  A small dinosaur similar in built to iguanodons, but smaller, Telmatosaurus is usually less than 16 feet from nose to tail when fully grown. They are found in the hills south of Port Dechantagne in Birmisia.

  Terrence Dechantagne Boulevard

  The main north-south roadway in Port Dechantagne. It features two traffic lanes in each direction and a trolley path between them.

  Thiss Regatta

  The Thiss Regatta is a sailing boat race held each year in the River Thiss near Brech City. It is an event usually attended by the Brech aristocracy.

  Thiss, River

  The River Thiss (pronounced Tiss) is a large, navigable river that runs northward through the island of Brechalon. It runs through the center of Brech City and is too wide to be bridged.

  Three Marks for a Pfennig

  A rather uninspired novel by Sable Agria, Three Marks for a Pfennig extolls the virtues of chastity, honesty, and frugality.


  A small city in northern central Freedonia.

  Time and Space

  A large science volume by Phoebus Dodson.

  Toad in the Hole

  Toad in the hole is a traditional Brech dish consisting of sausages in brown pudding batter, usually served with vegetables and onion gravy.

  Toler, Shia

  A Mirsannan author.


  Tommulon was one of a pantheon of deities worshiped in ancient Donnata. Tommulon was the goddess of battle and along with the other gods of the pantheon was adopted by the Mersh and the Rundak.

  Treffia was one of two deities worshiped in ancient Akkas. Treffia was the aspect of darkness and was directly opposed to his twin: Juton. Though both names have been found on the few ancient monuments that remain of Akkas, little is known of their temples or religions practices.


  Treuary is the third month under the modern reformed calendar. Like all the months except Hamonth, it has 30 days. Treuary 21st is the first day of Spring. Treuary 1st is Iolana Staff's birthday.

  Trials of Kafira

  A religious text by Shrem Tunney which analyzes the teaching of Kafira with an emphasis on chastity.


  The triceratops is a Birmisian dinosaur notable for its heavy quadrupedal form, as well as the three large horns on its face, boy frill around its neck, and its beaked mouth. Individual Triceratops have reached about 30 feet in length, 10 feet in height, 10 tons. With one of the largest skulls of all land animals, the triceratops bears a single horn on the snout, above the nostrils, and a pair of horns approximately 3 feet long, with one above each eye. To the rear of the skull was a relatively short and quite solid, bony frill, which is flushed with blood for display. The skin of Triceratops was unusual compared to other dinosaurs, covered in bristly hair-like structures. Three baby triceratops were captured by colonists at the time of Port Dechantagne's establishment. These three specimens, raised by humans, eventually were trained to pull trolley cars on the city track.


  Trifle is a dessert dish made from thick (or often solidified) custard, fruit, sponge cake, fruit juice or jelly, and whipped cream. These ingredients are usually arranged in layers.


  An ancient civilization north and west of Brechalon, Trippia was only in existence from about -5200 to -4950. Little remains of Trippia. Most of what is known comes from the scholars of Ballar and Uarm, the kingdoms that occupied the land after Trippia. The most startling fact known is that the Trippians evidently had complex plumbing with flushing toilets.


  A trolley (trolleycar, or trolley car) is a rail vehicle which runs on tracks along public urban streets, and also sometimes on separate rights of way. Trolleys in Brechalon are pulled by draft horses and are sometimes referred to as horsecar railways. In Birmisia, the trolley is pulled by triceratops. In Mallontah, the trolley cars are steam powered

  Trolley, The

  A collection of stories by Baumgarten Glines which center around a magical trolley that takes poor orphans away from the city to a magical land.

  Trumpet, S.S.

  One of several ships chartered to bring supplies to Brech Birmisia, S.S. Trumpet was the second ship to do so, and the first to bring pigs and sheep to the new colony.


  One of the great city-states of lizardmen, Tsahloose is located in southern Birmisia.


  The traditional greeting among lizardmen of Birmisia, tsaua roughly translates to "how are you?"


  One of the great city-states of the lizardmen in Birmisia.


  A native village in Birmisia, Tserich was the first to contact the Brech settlers upon arrival.


  One of the closer lizzie cities to Port Dechantagne in Birmisia. Lizzies from Tsuus were some of the first to form trade relations with Brechs upon their arrival in Mallon.

  Tunney, Shrem

  A Brech writer, known for his conservatism.

  Turripi Cheese

  Turripi cheese is a aged, hardened cheese used in traditional Zaeri cooking. It is usually shaved or grated into foods.


  A native village in Birmisia.


  Like the Rundak, the Tu-Riven were barbarian invaders from central Sumir, at their height of power about -850.


  The twentieth of each month is the traditional day of starting new tasks.

  Two Men Travel

  A short novel by Cathal Parvis, Two Men Travel tells the story of two friends who journey down the Thiss having silly adventures.


  The Tyrannosaurs is a large bipedal carnivore with a massive skull balanced by a long, heavy tail. Common throughout Birmisia, the Tyrannosaurus is an apex predator, hunting iguanodon, triceratops, and sauropods, though they will often steal the kills of other predators. Relative to the large and powerful hind limbs, Tyrannosaurus forelimbs are small, though unusually powerful for their size, and bear two clawed digits. Sporting a black body and blood-red head, the Tyrannosaur measures from 40 to 50 feet in length, and can stand up to 15 feet tall at the hip. Females are generally larger and more aggressive than the males. T
yrannosaurs usually hunt singly or in mated pairs, but on rare occasions, groups of five to eight male tyrannosaurs will gang together and sweep a region clear of all life forms big enough to be counted as prey.


  The Uarm were an ancient people from the interior of Sumir who migrate north to the coast about -4400 into the land of Trippia. They were a matriarchal society who built cities around strange temple towers. They were conquered by the Ballar about -3350.


  A dinosaur/bird of Birmisia, the unenlagia is very similar to the velociraptor and deinonychus, closer in size to the latter, but features much longer and more colorful feathers.

  United Kingdom of Greater Brechalon

  The Kingdom which encompasses the five major islands of Greater Brechalon as well as the many smaller nearby islands. Greater Brechalon was part of Rundaria after the death of Magnus the Great, and became an independent kingdom in 461 with the crowning of Harold I.

  Unterirdisches Esser

  A magical creature living underground, the Unterirdisches Esser is created by exposing a normal creature to magical energy over a long period of time.


  The utahraptor is the largest of the predatory Birmisian "birds." Standing six feet tall and up to twenty feet from nose to tail, the utahraptor has an eight inch claw upon each foot and is covered in feathers of dark blue to turquoise. Utahraptors usually hunt in pairs.


  Magic spells, whether cast by a wizard or a sorcerer, must have an incantation to trigger the magic. The more complex the spell, the longer and more complex that the incantation must be. However the magical word "uuthanum" is always a part of the incantation. For simple spells, it may be the entire incantation in and of itself. The word predates all presently known languages and its original meaning is lost to time.

  Vaterland, S.S.

  One of a number of Freedonian ships hired to deliver Zaeri to Birmisia.


  The velociraptor is the most common of the predatory Birmisian "birds." Standing two and a half feet tall and up to five feet from nose to tail, the velociraptor has a three inch claw upon each foot and is covered in feathers of greenish, with color details that vary from group to group. Velociraptors usually hunt in groups of seven to nine, and are happy to scavenge from human garbage.

  Villa Cochon

  A small village just east of Port Dechantagne in Birmisia Colony.

  Villa Colonie

  Villa Colonie is a small town on the Isle of Petitt Elvert, in the channel.

  Virgin, Argrathian

  Priestesses of Siris in Ancient Argrathia, the Virgins became legendary for their adherence to a life of chastity. Indeed the penalty for not doing so could in some cases be death.

  Virgins in Spring

  A novel by Sable Agria, Virgins in Spring concerns the fall of the main character after she gives away her virginity before marriage.


  (See White Opthalium.)


  A red dragon who made his home in Sumir, Voindrazius was first mentioned in Misoan records dated 480, though it is believed he was old at that time. The last recorded sighting was in 1819 north of Bangdorf.

  Volcano in Winter

  The most popular book by Freedonian writer Angana Hedrick.


  A small town in Freedonia near the port city of Friedaport.

  Waif des Vaterlands, S.S.

  A smaller cargo/passenger vessel traveling from Friedaport to Mallontah.

  Warlick, Lamis

  A modern Dallorian writer.

  Way of Life, The

  A long novel by Indrajit Klumb, The Way of Life is an indictment of socialist principals.

  Weevoc, Orian

  A Brech author who emigrated to Forland.

  West Brumming

  West Brumming is a small town about fifty miles north of Brech City.

  Westmacott, Dillan

  A popular Brech writer.

  West Wills

  One of four district areas in the port city of Redgepool.

  Whale, Common Brech

  Found in the waters around Brechalon, Mirsanna, and Freedonia, the common Brech Whale or White Whale grows to the length of ten feet, and is a slender torpedo-shaped aquatic animal.

  Whale, Great

  More than thirty feet long, and weighing up to fifty tons, the Great Whales are common to the cold waters around Enclep and the Mulliens as well as the far north.

  Whipple Avenue

  One of the east-west roads in Port Dechantagne.


  Whispy is a classic Brech trick-taking card game. Although the rules are extremely simple, there is enormous scope for scientific play. Unlike Canals, it can be played by any number of players.

  White Opthalium (Visio) (See Spice)

  Also known as Visio or See Spice, White Opthalium is a magical drug produced largely in Enclep. It is made of enchanted lotus blossoms and a rare blue fungus native to that land. It is used by rubbing it directly onto one's eyeballs. All users of White Opthalium share a fantasy vision of a land with bizarre purple flowers and a perfect fantasy lover. The drug is highly addictive.

  White Sea

  A novel by Freedonian author Owena Frylander.

  Whitney, Samson

  A Brech novelist and poet.

  Who Live in My House?

  This novel by Abel Bonaventura tells the story of a man dying and looking back on an empty life.

  Wide Open, The

  The Wide Open is a novel by Tracy Burson which extolls the principals of conservation and care of natural resources. It is popular for its sweeping descriptions of the wide-open lands of central Sumir.

  Wild Woman, The

  The Wild Woman is a pulp adventure novel by Rikkard Banks Tatum.

  Windemere, S.S.

  One of the transport ships making the run from Brechalon to Birmisia.

  Wise Little Children

  A novel by Samson Whitney.

  Wise men

  A novel by Freedonian author Owena Frylander.

  Wissinger, Isaak

  A Freedonian Zaeri writer, Isaak Wissinger was imprioned in the Zurelendsviertel ghetto along with tens of thousands of other Zaeri, where Zurfina the Magnificent rescued him. He then relocated to Birmisia.


  One of the two types of magic users, Wizards tap into magic by using mathematics. They create long and complex equations to create magical spells. Each time they cast a spell, it is lost and they must reset their minds to be ready for it, by studying their equations once again. Wizards may compensate for this by recording equations which can be cast by igniting them with very small spells (cantrips). Wizards can be either male or female, though historically women have had less access to the education required.


  Worron was one of a pantheon of deities worshiped in ancient Donnata. Worron was the death god and along with the other gods of the pantheon was adopted by the Mersh and the Rundak.

  Wyvern, HMS

  The HMS Wyvern was a Brech Galleon (sometimes called a battleship in the Brech histories). It was sunk off the coast of Brechalon in a storm in 1574 in a storm. Timbers were later recovered and built into a pair of desks. One desk is in use by the King and the other by the Prime Minister.


  About -2650, tribes from central Sumir migrated to the land of Argrathia, interbreeding with the remaining Argrathian stock. Bringing new farming techniques, they prospered and formed a complex society. By -2000 Xygia was a powerful empire. By -1000 it had grown to cover most of eastern Sumir. By year 0, most of Xygia was conquered by Magnus the Great. After the death of Magnus in year 7, Xygia again became an independent kingdom, although Zaeri had become the dominant faith. In year 9, Kafira Kristos began teaching in Xygia. In year 13, she was tried for heresy and crucified. Almost immediately her small cult expanded into a religion.
In 16, Kafirism became the dominant religion in Xygia.


  A year consists of 375 days. The yearly calendar established by King Magnus the Great, consists of twelve 30 day months and one 15 day month. The months are, in order: Restuary, Festuary, Treuary, Quaduary, Pentuary, Sexuary, Septuary, Octuary, Novuary, Decius, Magnius, Kafirius, and Hamonth (Half Month).

  Year in Hell, A

  A Year in Hell by Abban Keiman tells the story of a midshipman in the Brech navy.

  Zaer, Kingdom of

  The Kingdom of Zaer was one of the successor states of Magnus the Great's Zur Empire.

  Kafirism became the official religion of Zaer in year 129, and for 300 years, some of the worst persecution of ethnic Zaeri occurred there. Zaer and neighboring Mirsa combined in 1744 to become modern Mirsanna.


  The Zaeri religion began in ancient Zaerphon as an offshoot of the Ballar Pantheon. In Neo-Zaerphon, Zaeri became a monotheistic religion and over the next two thousand years, spread over northwest Sumir. One of the new converts to Zaeri was the Kingdom of Archero, where great works based on Zaeri themes were created. This inspired King Marius of Zur to conquer Archero and to adopt Zaeri as the official religion. When his grandson, Magnus the Great, conquered the known world, he spread Zaeri religion across the continent. But in year 16, a variation of Zaeri, Kafirism, rose to replace the original church. By modern times, Kafirites dominate the world. Fewer than 5% of humans are Zaeri adherents. Modern Zaeri worship in shrines, relatively small and unobtrusive houses of worship, and are led by a religious teacher called an Imam.