Read Brechalon Page 15

  Quality of Damiano, The

  A novel by Abban Keiman, The Quality of Damiano is one of the most quoted books in the Brech language.


  A quasit is a small demonic creature used by wizards and sorcerors to spy on others or run errands. They are usually kept stored in a state of torpor inside glass jars when not in use.

  Queen of Expy, S.S.

  A brech freighter, one of the larger ships on the seas. The Queen of Expy is named for the isle of Expy just north of Brechalon, which contrary to what one might expect, has no queen.

  Quinn, Dorrit

  A popular Brech writer who chronicles modern life in Brechalon.

  Rabbits Under the Fence

  A novel by Ebrahim Detsky, Rabbits Under the Fence tells the story of Arba, an orphan who is sold as slave labor on a massive rabbit farm in Mirsanna.

  Red Heart

  A novel by Isaak Wissinger.

  Ragone, Raphael

  A modern Mirsannan writer.

  Rall, Giridhara

  A modern Mirsannan writer.


  A notorious prison in the Old City of Brech, Ravendeep is built on twenty levels below ground.

  Red Dragon Hunter

  The book by wizard Phirun Lovell, recounting the death of the dragon Abberixiz.


  A large port city in Regencia, Redgepool is home to Brechalon's largest fishing fleet.

  Red Sashes

  A terrorist organization based in Enclep, they are violently opposed to outside influence and frequently allie themselves with local cults, such as that of the ape god Guma.


  One of 66 regional divisions in Greater Brechalon, the Duchy of Regencia is located in the northwest corner of the island of Brechalon. Regencia is the home of the University Ponte-a-Verne.

  Reine Zauberei

  Die Wahre Kunst von Zauberei is a cabal of Freedonian wizards who gained control over much of Freedonian society. They believe in the domination of wizardry over sorcery and Freedonians over all other races and ethnicities. They practiced racial puification and ethnic cleansing, up to and inclucing genocide.

  Resnick, Geert

  A popular Brech writer of books for children, Geert Resnick is best known for his book The Magic Whale.


  Resturary is the first month of the year under the modern reformed calendar. Like all the other months except Hamonth, it has 30 days. Traditionally, Restuary is a time of rest.

  Result Mechanism

  A steam-powered, clock-work computer designed and built by Professor Merced Calliere and programmed by Egeria Lusk, the Result Mechanism was used to design the layout of Port Dechantagne. It was later used by both Wizard Suvir Kesi and Calliere to craft magic spells.


  A novel by Kasia Garstone, Revenge is the story of an apprentice Wizard and illuminates the control of magic by the Brech War Ministry.

  Rex and Stern

  Brech manufacturers of firearms, Rex and Stern are most famous for their line of .44 caliber pistols produced in the mid-1800s. Later models have included .45 caliber and .38 caliber revolvers.


  A is a mode of human-powered transport by which a runner draws a two-wheeled cart which seats one or two persons. Rickshaws are commonly made with bamboo. Rickshaws were in wide use in Enclep, and were imported to Birmisia for use by the aboriginal lizardmen.


  A town in central Freedonia, Rivenholz is about 40 miles from Magdafeld.


  Riverton is a small settlement east of Port Dechantagne in Birmisia Colony. Fewer than fifty individuals live in Riverton which sits on the banks of the Manzanian River.

  Roger's Pie

  Roger's Pies are a variety of simple but tasty meat pies available throughout Greater Brechalon. The main ingredients of Roger's Pies are beef and turnips, but pork with carrots and peas are popular as well.

  Royal Geographic Society

  The Royal Geographic Society is a distinguished Brech learned society founded in 1830 for the advancement of geographical sciences. Today, it is a world center for geography: supporting research, education, expeditions and fieldwork, and promoting public engagement and informed understanding of the world's races, places and environments.

  Royal Geographic Society Journal

  A publication of the Royal Geographic Society, the Journal is published monthly.

  Rueter, Liana

  A popular Freedonian religious writer.


  Rugby is a football came common in Greater Brechalon. In Brechalon, rugby is widely regarded as an "establishment" sport, played mostly by members of the upper and middle classes. For example, many students at public schools and grammar schools play rugby.


  The Rundak were tribesmen who migrated north from central Sumir. The destroyed the civilizations of Mershona and Latyum. Those lands remained essentially a barbarian wasteland until conquered by Magnus the Great.


  The land of the Rundak became Rundaria after the death of Magnus the Great. Rundaria encompassed all of modern Freedonia, Greater Brechalon, and half of modern Mirsanna. Rundaria converted to Kafirism in year 88.


  About -2050, in the heart of central Sumir, a new culture took shape, copying the ancient monuments of Akkas. Creating a theocracy worshipping the gods of nature, Rivven became a land of unique and beautiful cities. About -1800, the priests were overthrown by a warrior class and eventually the cities were abandoned.

  Sabrina, S.S.

  One of the larger Brech freighters making the trip to Birmisia.


  Perhaps the most controvercial book by Kasia Garstone, Sacrifice tells the story of the growth and expansion of the Kafirite Church in Sumir and particularly in Brechalon.

  Saint Admeta Park

  A lovely square park in Brech City, several miles west of the Great Plaza, Saint Admeta Park is open to the public only on holidays or special occasions. It is named for St. Admeta, one of Kafira Kristos's apostles.

  Saint Dante, University of

  The University of St. Dante is a small educational institution outside Brech City. It is relatively exclusive, with a high tuition, and has a student body that is almost 70% female. St. Dante is named for the apostle of Kafira of the same name, and not-coincidently, St. Dante has a strong theology department.

  Saint Ulixes

  The capital city of Brech Mallontah, St. Ulixes was originally an aboriginal city-state before being taken over by Brechs. Home to tens of thousands of human inhabitants and several million locols (trogs), the city is mostly made up of round mud brick structures with a few modern buildings.

  Sands of Time, The

  The Sands of Time is a novel my Mirsannan Arjen DeAlonzo. It is set in the time of Magnus the Great.


  A kingdom in central Sumir from about 800 to 1500, Sapira was controlled by groups migrating from nearby kingdoms. Sapira was eventually swallowed up by Akkas-Miza.


  An ancient lizzie empire in Birmisia, Sassonicah was once a vast country ruled by one or more dynasties of lizzie rulers, including Sessonoth and his predecessor Sissisinat. The true extent of Sassonicah is unknown, although obelisks and artifacts of the civilization have been found all over Birmisia Colony. Only estimates of the age of these artifacts have been made, but those estimates range from -3000 to -14,000. If the latter age is to be believed, then Sassonicah would have been a mighty empire long before any human culture reached civilization.


  A huge Birmisian dinosaur, the sauroposeidon is similar in form to the paralatitan, but has a longer neck in relation to its body. Sauraposeidon are found near the coastal areas throughout most of the year, but can be found further inland during mating season.

  Schaub, Maddchen

/>   A contemporary and friend of Kasia Garstone, Maddchen Schaub wrote similar muckraking books, highlighting the underclassed and disenfranchised, though it is generally accepted that her work is inferior to Garstone's. Schaub was arrested in Freedonia and charged with treason. She died in prison.

  Schraam, Leda

  A transplanted Freedonian, Leda Schraam is a writer of jingoistic Brech poetry. Her work is frequently quoted by members of the Conservative Party.


  Schwarztogrube was an ancient fortress built on the Isle of Winds, halfway between Greater Brechalon and the northern coast of Sumir. Built in 1499 as a defense against Laess and Derich, it was soon discovered that Schwarztogrube was in a magic dampening zone. By 1750, it had become a prison for wizards and sorcerers, and held many criminals and political prisoners with magic powers. Near New Years day in 1899, Schwarztogrube and the Isle of Winds disappeared off the face of the world. At first it was believed that some act of god was responsible, but it was later discovered to have been the work of an escaped sorceress-Zurfina the Magnificent.


  Scrum Boulevard

  Scrum Boulevard runs north to the edge of Brech City. King's Oval Park is located on Scrum Boulevard.

  Secret Service, His Majesty's

  An spy network working under the Prime Minister, His Majesty's Secret Service employs both wizards and non-magical agents to protect the realm and gather information on Brechalon's enemies.

  See Spice

  (See White Opthalium.)


  Seismosaurus is a very large long-necked quadrupedal animal, with a long, whip-like tail. Its forelimbs are slightly shorter than its hind limbs, resulting in a largely horizontal posture. The long-necked, long-tailed animal with four sturdy legs has been mechanically compared with a suspension bridge. Seismosauruses are common throughout Mallon.


  Septuary is the seventh month of the modern reformed calendar. Like all the months except Hamonth, it has 30 days.

  Setting Sun, The

  The Setting Sun is a novel by Isaak Wissinger. Originally published in Freedonian (Die Einsellungsonne), the book became popular in Brechalon after being translated.

  Seventh and One Half Avenue

  One of cross streets in the peninsula of Port Dechantage, Seventh and One Half Avenue runs from the shipyards uphill to the militia base (which early on, served as the government offices of the colony), and is lined by warehouses. In later years, a trolley track was added to the center of the avenue.

  Sevo, Anapurna

  A Mirsannan writer.


  Sexuary is the sixth month of the modern reformed calendar. Like all the months except Hamonth, it has 30 days. Sexuary 24th is the first day of Summer.


  A town of about 6,000 some 260 miles southeast of Brech City, Shopton is the location of Mont Dechantagne, the traditional family home of the Dechantagne family.

  Short Men

  Short Men were are an entirely different species from human beings, as evidenced by their historic inability to interbreed with 'normal humans'. If the articles in the Royal Geographic Society Journal were to be believed, they descended from a completely different, though contemporary, group of prehistoric cavemen. They are short. The average height for males was about four foot six, and the women were slightly shorter. They are not proportionally narrow however, and tended to be just as wide as a human being. Coming in not quite the variety of colors and variations of the taller people they lived among, most are tan to brown skinned, and had thick locks of dark brown to black hair, as well as thick, similarly colored beards. The Short Men stayed in the mountains, living their cave-dwelling lifestyles long after humans had moved to the river valleys to invent agriculture. This served them well, for when the needs of civilization pushed technology beyond that of stone tools to copper, and then bronze, and then iron, the Short Man were sitting atop these precious resources. At first, there had been wars fought to acquire the raw materials needed by man, and the Short Men were faced with the real possibility of extinction, but they learned compromise and accommodation and became part of the procurement process of the riches of what they called "the tall man's world." Over the centuries, they parleyed their control of rich metals into the control of even more rich metals, and the paper representation of those metals. Today the Short Men are an integral part of the financial world of Greater Brechalon and most of the other nations on the continent of Sumir. They own a great many banks and brokerage houses, and those they do not own, they manage.


  A Zaeri house of worship.

  Silver Pendulum, The

  The Sivler Pendulum is the only novel by Marcus Andreasen. It is considered macabre and frightening and most young Brech women will not admit to having read it, even though most have.

  Sinceree Palace

  The largest royal residence in Brech City, Sinceree Palace is the official home of the King when he resides in the city. It is notable for it's bright white marble fa?ade, trimmed with Erechon quartz, a translucent blue stone found only at the southern end of the Island of Erechon.


  Siris is one of a pantheon of gods worshipped by the ancient Argrathians. Siris was goddess of the moon and eventually the sun as well. Siris was well on her way to becoming the focus of a monotheistic religion, when Zaeri supplanted the native Argrathian beliefs. Priestesses of Siris played an important cultural role in carrying out wills and serving as arbiters of disagreements. They were required to remain virgins, and a failure to do so resulted in expulsion from the order, and sometimes death.



  People of the northern subcontinent of Abrax are known as the Skajick. The Skajick became active as raiders about 1000. By 1800, two Skajick empires had formed on the southern coast of Abrax-Skagia and Tvarik.

  Snowflake, H.M.S.

  A battle sloop in the Brech navy, Snowflake was a new class ship, designed to attack airships and submarines.


  Socialism is a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole. Though embraced by large segments of the population, as well as writers like Kazia Garstone, Socialism remains an unpopular idea among the ruling elite in Brechalon, Mirsanna, and Freedonia.


  The term used by lizardmen of Birmisia to describe human beings.

  Soldier's Memory, The

  A book of poetry by Leda Schraam.

  Somersby Women's Etiquette and Fashion

  A popular magazine published in Brech, Somersby Women's Etiquette and Fashion is second only to Brysin's in popularity.

  Song of Seven Secrets

  The longest novel by Sable Agria tells the story of a group of friends caught up in an ever-increasing web of lies.


  A Sorcerer is a magic-user with a natural affinity toward magic. They are able to cast spells without the complex equations used by Wizards, and therefore can cast spells repeatedly, without having to restudy mathematical equations. Female sorcerers are called sorceresses and are more common that the males, though both are quite rare.


  (See Sorcerer)

  Springtime Revolution

  An anti-monarchical novel by Vance Suddeth, Springtime Revolution resulted in its author being imprisoned by the Freedonian authorities.


  Tattoo-like marks that appear on the skin of wizards and sorcerers, sigils are caused by magic energy being channeled through the body. These are sigils, my dear girl. High level conjuring and evocation spells (such as creating matter, teleporting, and summoning), in particular can produce sigils, while enchantments and transmutations are much less likely to leave marks. Sigils usually form symbols or images reflected the f
ocus of magic near the magic-user. Zurfina the magnificent had eight sigils, 5 five-pointed stars, a flaming sun, and a crescent moon. By 1905, Senta had six sigils: 4 five-pointed stars and two dragons.


  A colloquial term for the language of the Birmisian lizardmen. The language, which has no actual name, contains many more "s" and "t" sounds than most human languages, and is notable for a lack of labials, such as "m," as lizardmen have no lips. Many humans have mastered spit-n-gag and can speak the lizardman language fluently.


  A novel by Kasia Garstone, Steam tells the story of workers on Brechalons railroads.

  Steam-Powered Mouse, The

  A novel by the Mirsannan writer Anapurna Sevo, The Steam-Powered Mouse tells the story of a tiny fictional nation that goes to war with Brechalon, Mirsanna, and Freedonia and wins because of technological superiority.

  Stolz, Leda

  A poet and playwright, Leda Stolz was imprisoned in Brech for contributing to the delinquancy of a minor, when her affair with a Duke's seventeen year old daughter came to light.

  Suddeth, Vance

  A modern Freedonian writer, Vance Suddeth was imprisoned for 12 years after the publication of his book Springtime Revolution.


  The smallest of the world's twelve continents, Sumir is home to Brechalon, Mirsanna, Freedonia, and all the other homelands of humanity.


  One of the great city-states of lizardmen in Birmisia, Suusthek was destroyed by Zurfina the Magnificent.

  Sundrop Fruit, The

  A book by Shia Toler.