Read Broken Page 10

  Charles sighed. He never thought she might not allow him in. ''your face has been on the TV since morning and you have no idea? Don't tell me there is no TV in that room.''

  Henrie turned to give the television an accusing look. That stupid man for the guts of him declared her missing. ''I am not missing, I have just had enough of him.'' She stated.

  ''Let's be civilized here Henrie, it is really not fair for me to be standing outside here. I am already getting curious looks and I don't want people to take this the wrong way.'' That was a lie, no one was looking at him, he was the only one in the hallway but she really should let him in.

  ''You are only here to kidnap me back to your brother. I won't let that happen.'' She said and her voice broke.

  ''Henrie, please open the door.''

  Henrie stood in front of the door, debating if to open it or not. If it were to be Richard she would never open that door but Charles wouldn't hurt her and there is no way she would let him take her back there. ''Okay,'' she opened the door and there he was, leaning on the door frame. He entered and she moved back before he closed the door behind him.

  ''I can't believe you locked me out for so long.'' He said grudgingly.

  ''Your brother locked me out for the whole night, you haven't even spent an hour outside and you are complaining. Spoilt brat,'' She hissed and fold her arms akimbo, glaring at him.

  Charles cocked his head, ''you,'' he broke off when he really saw her. She was wearing a tank top and knickers. He took in her body and he saw the cuts and bruises, involuntarily he stepped closer. ''He did this to you?''

  Henrie ignored him and turned her back to him. ''Leave Charles, I don't want you here and I will never let you take me back to him.''

  Charles didn't stop moving until he was directly behind her, his heat enveloping her. ''I am sorry Henrie, I am sorry I wasn't there.''

  ''And if you were? Would you have stopped him from locking me out and beating me senseless with the buckle of his belt? I don't want your pity.'' She was teary eyed again and she blinked back tears.

  Charles touched her on the shoulder and she stiffened. ''I wouldn't have let him do that, not when I was there.'' He murmured softly.

  Henrie shook her head. ''No need to dwell on what-ifs, I am never going back there and I won't let you force me to, you can't make me.''

  ''I really can't say I want you?'' his phone started ringing and he removed it from his pocket, staring at it. Henrie turned to him and her eyes widened in shock when she saw who the caller was. She started shaking her head frantically. ''No you can't, please Charles you can't do this to me.'' She sobbed.

  Charles raised a hand to his lips to silence her and picked up the call. ''Yes I am there and yes I found the room she was in,'' he felt her freeze and moved away from him and he sighed. ''She is not here Richard, she's ran away again. She must have seen the news and run away. I saw the lady and I already paid her but she was not there when I get there, she's gone.'' He listened for a few minutes. ''She is your girlfriend not mine why should I have to bother looking for her? I am still in the area maybe I can see her, I will call you back to give you feedbacks.'' He jammed his phone back in his pocket forcefully. Henrie launched herself at him and he was stunned for a minute before wrapping his arms around her. ''Thank you so much Charles,'' she sobbed against his neck. Charles patted her back. ''It's okay, I won't take you back to him, I promise.''

  Henrie felt self conscious and quickly disentangled herself from him. ''Thank you,'' she run a finger through her hair. ''I will leave tomorrow, no need to prolong it.'' She said almost to herself.

  Leave tomorrow, to where?'' ''Where are you leaving to?'' he asked.

  ''I am going to Lagos. I thought I would leave on Wednesday but I will leave tomorrow morning. I can't risk Richard finding out where I am.''

  ''He is not a monster Henrie, Richard is a good man, it's just that he?'' be broke off and shrugged.

  ''You are only saying that because he is your brother. I am done with your brother and that is final. I am going to start over again.''

  Charles dropped down on the bed. He can't let her leave; her leaving is him not seeing her again. ''You can't leave, I won't let you.''

  She gave him a thin look. ''And who are you to give me orders? Can you leave now? I have to go find somewhere else to sleep tonight.'' She can't go to any of her friends and they might have seen the news about her missing. Today is not a Friday she would have just gone to a random church for a vigil.

  ''Where will you go to?''

  ''None of your business where I decide to sleep.'' She said with hostility.

  Hot one minute cold the next, a frightening combination. ''I will take you to a friend of mine. You will be safe at his place and you won't need to worry about Richard finding you there.'' He offered. He saw her suspicious look. ''Come on Henrie I am not trying to deceive you.''

  ''I am not thinking you will deceive me, I am just asking myself why you are behaving so nice. It is so unlike you.'' She pointed out.

  Charles intentionally did not give a response to that. ''This is the most lengthy conversation we have ever had, hmm, interesting.'' He took off his shoes and dropped his wristwatch on the table. ''Wake me when it is 8 and we will go to my friend's.''

  Henrie watched him for a few minutes. He really meant what he said about taking her to his friend's. Why is he helping her? She would take advantage of his kindness until she runs off the first moment he and his friend turns their back. She went to the bathroom to change into a baggy shirt that almost covered her knees and a jean. She sat down on the only available chair in the room and started counting the time.

  Charles phone started ringing and she stood up to pick it up. He had dropped it later beside his wristwatch when it was digging him in the hips. She peered down at the phone and frowned at the screen. She silenced the call, it started ringing again and she did the same thing. If someone is not picking your calls it's either the person is busy or doesn't want to pick it. Ada called the third time and she switched off the Smartphone. It was childish of her but he really does look tired and that sleep will do him good.

  Chapter Eleven

  Henrie woke him up few minutes past 8 and she is glad she had not disturbed him with Ada's phone call although she had switched his phone back on minutes before she woke him up. She is ready to leave to wherever he is taking her. A thought keeps nagging at her though. ''What if Richard finds out about this?''

  ''I am not afraid of him and he won't find out where you are.'' Charles tugged on his shoes and his wristwatch. He grabbed her suitcase. ''Let's go.'' He motioned her out of the door. He waited for her until she was beside him, locking the door.

  ''What if he comes back here and starts asking questions? He will know you let me escape.'' She voiced out her worry. She really doesn't want him getting in trouble with his brother because of her.

  ''I don't care if he finds out eventually I will make sure he doesn't know your whereabouts. He doesn't deserve you.''

  The young girl he met at the lobby was nowhere to be found so they just left.

  ''How would she know I have checked out of the room?''

  ''You already dropped the keys.'' He said as he led her to his car. He dropped her bags in the back seat while she got into the front seat.

  ''That friend of yours, where does he lives?''

  ''Pipe-Line.'' He answered.

  ''But that is not far from here.''

  ''Don't worry Henrie, you won't be found except you wanted to which I know you don't look forward to.'' She nodded. ''I will take care of you.'' He promised.

  ''You are calling me Henrie these days.''

  ''Maybe I prefer Henrie to Rita,'' he chuckled.

  Henrie debated whether to tell him about his missed calls or not. What would he say if she told him what she did, how childish she had acted? Better to keep quiet about it, maybe she would call back.

  Charles parked his car in front of a neat building, two bedroom flats each.
The building was unpainted and Ade has one neighbour at the left. He should have called him to inform him of his intentions to bring Henrie, but he knew his friend would help, until he can talk her into seeing a future with him. He knocked the door until the door opened and Ade came out, a surprised look on his face.

  Henrie shot out of the car and threw herself at him, pounding at his chest. The two just looked in dumb silence as she pummeled his chest with fists. ''It is your fault, you deceived me. You intentionally led me to Richard when you know he is a monster.'' She yelled angrily.

  Why had he not thought about this earlier? Charles pulled Henrie away and into his arms but she was struggling against him. ''Leave me alone, you all are a bunch of liars, how could you bring me to Richard's friend.''

  Ade looked at his friend over Henrie's head who gave him an apologetic look. Except Charles had told her about that night which he was sure he hasn't, she would think the-said friend was Richard. He understood her confusion and her anger and he accepted. ''Hello Henrie, it's been ages I saw you.''

  ''Don't placate me.'' She yelled at him, forcing herself out of Charles' embrace.

  ''Let's all go inside and talk this out.'' Charles suggested.

  Henrie gave him an 'are-you-crazy' look. ''I am not staying another moment here, you, your brother and his friend can go to hell.'' She went to the back seat and started pulling out her bags.

  ''Stop it Henrie, Ade is my friend not Richard's.'' He was at her back.

  She turned to look at him and his friend who stood beside him. She knew he has a friend with that name but she had never met him, and this friend of his was the same guy at that club some years bag. ''He was the one, I am not mistaken.'' She jutted out her chin, daring him to deny it.

  ''I was the one but my friend was someone else not Richard, he just got to you before my friend could.'' Ade explained.

  Sensing her calm, Charles took hold of her arm. ''Let's go inside and have a normal conversation.'' She didn't protest as he led her to the door. He went back for her bags and Ade opened the door for them all.

  ''If Richard is not your friend then who is he, the other guy?'' That was the first thing she asked him as soon as they are all seated.

  Ade looked at his friend but he refused to look at him. He had decided to stay away from their house because he doesn't want her to see him and jump to conclusions the same way she just did. ''He was someone else but Richard got to you before he could.'' He said calmly. ''He went out to receive a phone call, by the time he was back you were already talking with Richard and we left afterwards.'' Charles was still refusing to look at him.

  ''How do I know you are not lying and that you won't call him the moment I have my back turned.''

  ''Richard is not a friend of mine, he is my friend's brother.''

  ''Sounds the same to me,'' She said accusingly.

  Charles decides to speak up. ''We already talked about this Henrie, I won't take you back to Richard and neither will Ade. You are safe here.''

  ''What about Ada, would she know I am here?'' She doesn't trust Ada not to rat her out.

  ''Ada is not a problem, she will never expose you.'' Charles assured.

  Henrie snorted, she doesn't trust that girl one bit. ''Hmm,''

  ''Ada is a trusted friend and she won't say anything if we ask her not to. She might be here tomorrow.'' Ade said and propped his legs on the round table in front of him.

  She might be here tomorrow and what would happen when she finds her hiding here? She had been embarrassed countless of times before the girl and she is not looking forward to any more shameful encounter with her. Tomorrow is Sunday and the moment Ade is out of the door she would run as fast as she could to the nearest Motor Park.

  Ade stood up. ''I was just preparing dinner,'' he was gone, leaving Henrie and Charles alone.

  ''Do you know that friend of his?'' She asked as soon as Ade was out of earshot.

  Charles shook his head. ''No I don't.'' This is not how he intends to tell her about those nights.

  ''Don't you know any of his other friends?''

  ''Just few but I don't know this particular guy.'' Ade has other friends apart from him but they are mostly his colleagues at work. Ade works in Administration in a Tobacco Company.

  ''Can't you ask him for the name of the guy?''

  He narrowed his eyes. ''Why? Ready to start over with this guy?''

  ''I thought you didn't know anything about it.'' She said grimly.

  ''I wasn't there but he told me.'' He said. They really need to change topics. 'You can move in with one of your friends until you get a new job.''

  ''I already told you I am not staying here, I am leaving.''

  ''You don't have to do that. You shouldn't let what happened with Richard to dictate your life. You will be happy here,'' with me, ''I promise.'' He said, holding her hands in his.

  The tears started coming again and she didn't bother to stop them. ''I can't stay here Charles I don't want to see Richard again. I was stupid and I have learnt my lessons, I need time to heal.'' She said sadly.

  Time to heal? There is still hope she might come back. ''And you will come back afterwards?" he held his breath for her answer.

  ''There is nothing here for me anymore. I can come see my friends once in a while but I can't promise I will ever be back.'' She is determined about that. She would miss her friends terribly but she would come see them once in a while, but she really can't stay here anymore.

  I can't let you go Henrie. ''I know you are hurting right now but you don't have to make irrational decisions now. I don't want you to leave Henrie, I will get you a job, an apartment, anything, just stay.'' He started rambling. ''You only need to tell me what you want and I will do it.''

  Henrie forgot about her tears as she stared at him. ''Why are you so concerned about me? The Charles I remembered doesn't even like me and I am finding it so hard to compare this Charles with that one. What has gotten into you?'' His behaviour today was odd and totally unlike him. Normally he wouldn't care and that is exactly why she finds it difficult to believe he could be like this, offering her things. What exactly is it to him if she stays or not?

  Charles stood up and grabbed her suitcase and her Laptop bag. ''I will show you to your room.'' He said brusquely, deliberately changing the topic.

  She followed him to the other bedroom in the house. He placed her suitcase on the floor and her laptop bag on the single plastic chair in the room. He was about to go out when she held his arm. ''What is wrong with you, you are behaving strangely.'' Something is definitely bothering him, something he doesn't want to share.

  Charles could see she was hell bent on leaving and knows that nothing he says will stop her. He really should make his feelings known to her, even if he gets rejected, but she has to know. ''I like you Henrie, I always have.'' This could be his last chance and he really wanted to try, at least he wouldn't be burdened with suppressing his feelings for her, she has a right to know too.

  Henrie pursed her lips. ''I can only see your likeness for me today Charles, you are just trying to be nice and you don't have to pretend to like me. I am grateful for what you are doing for me, I will never forget that.'' Her heart was pounding though.

  ''You are really good at making jokes.'' He said wryly.

  ''I am not joking,'' She replied.

  Charles tucked his hands in his pockets, better to say what had been in him for years. It was partially his fault, her falling into the clutches of his brother, if only he had manned up then things would have been different. ''It was me those nights, I was there with Ade.'' There, he said it and she is not killing him. He actually felt as if a burden was lifted off him and he could breathe better.

  Henrie opened her mouth in shock. I once thought he was familiar but that was only because I only saw his back. Unconsciously she made a move towards him. ''You? It was you that night? Why didn't you tell me?'' her heart was beating so fast she started panting. She closed her eyes and tried to calm down. ''Why am
I just hearing about this now?''

  ''I was supposed to come to you that night but my mother called that night and I went out to receive her call, by the time I came back you were already talking with Richard and I knew you had mistaken him for me.'' The events of that three Fridays those years ago tumbled from his lips.

  Every time she brings up events of that night Richard has always been so quick to change topics, telling her what matters now is that they are finally together. He knew he wasn't the one she was waiting for and he had continued to deceive her. She really couldn't believe she could be so stupid. She eased herself down gently on the bed. ''He knew. He knew I was mistaken and he never told me, not even once. Does he know you are the one?''

  Does he? ''Not really, I don't think so.''

  ''I am so sorry Charles,''

  Charles moved closer to her and placed his hand on the hand she still have on his arm. ''You have nothing to be sorry about. It was my fault too, I should have come to you sooner but I was prolonging it. I'm sorry you had to go through that with Richard.''

  Henrie sniffled. ''What about Ada, is she not your girlfriend?''

  ''Ada is not my girlfriend.'' He clarified.

  ''Then why is she living with you if you are not dating her?'' she asked.

  ''She is a very good friend of mine and I asked her to move in with me. Surely there is nothing wrong with that?''

  ''The biggest mistake I made was moving in with Richard. It is much more befitting of a lady to move in with a guy after you get married and not a minute before. If I had not moved in with him he wouldn't have been able to dictate to me. He picks my clothes for me, hair styles, shoes, name it and I let him. I will never let a guy treat me like that again.''

  He could see the resolve in her eyes and he started dreading what she would say about him, about them. ''What about me, about us?'' He held his breath as he held on to her hand, gently squeezing it.

  Henrie shook her head and Charles felt his heart drop to his stomach. ''There is no us Charles, there can't be.''

  ''I love you Henrie, it took me so long to finally express myself to you but here I am. I don't care that you are once my brother's girl, I don't care about what people will say, and I only care about you.'' He said agitatedly.