Read Broken Page 9

  She had put her phone in silent mode yesterday because she doesn't want Folarin to be suspicious, especially when she picks his calls. She had thought he would understand, but who was she kidding? He never understands anyone except himself. ''I'm sorry, I promise I won't do such again.''

  Richard watched her in fury. ''You are always too quick to apologize even when you don't mean them.''

  Grasping at the beacon of hope, she sobbed, ''It was unintentional. I would never do such again, please Richard. I am really sorry.''

  He watched her for a few seconds and then shook his head. ''You never listen, you don't and I am sick and tired of your stupid apologies.''

  Henrie saw the crazed look in his eyes and she knew nothing she said would change his mind when he intends to punish her. She shut down for a few minutes, barely screaming out when the first lash came, the second, the third, until she lost count. Immediately he was done with her he fixed his belt, grabbed his medical bag and slammed the door closed, leaving behind a curled up rag-looking Henrie.

  Sometime in the late morning she crawled towards the bathroom, weeping as she goes. Is this how it will be when both of them get married and started living all alone? He had never locked her out of the house, not once when Charles was around, but now? They have the house to themselves for a day and she is locked out? Standing up was difficult but she managed to enter the bathroom and she had a look of horror on her face when she saw her face. An angry looking slash had caused a small slit in her cheek and blood has caked around the opening. She stripped and got under the shower, not even minding about the Weave-on she had on. As soon as she is done with her bath she would get rid of it, she's had enough. She is leaving him but where would she go? What there is to hope for when one's boyfriend hits one mercilessly with a belt buckle?

  An hour later she was still thinking of where to go. She would have gone to Lagos but she doesn't want to explain the cuts and bruises, she couldn't go to her friends either. She would have to go lodge in a hotel until she looks presentable and she would go to Lagos, to start afresh.

  She packed her personal things, every single one of them which was not much provided he had provided her with almost everything. She went back to the bathroom to wash her natural hair and combed it before packing it as a ponytail as she had removed her Weave-on. She used a band aid for the cuts on her face before changing into a Maroon penciled skirt and a black shirt, flat shoes. She dragged her large suitcase to the door before going back for her laptop bag and handbag. How would she even get this to the gate? She locked everything in and then walked outside to the street to get a taxi which she took back with her to the house and loaded her bags inside. On her way out she could feel Audu's eyes on her but she only smiled at him, telling him she is going to Lagos for the weekend as a friend of hers is getting married. He seemed satisfied with that and he bade her farewell. She is only too glad she couldn't see Big Mummy lurking around anywhere with her hawk like eyes. Once she was out of the compound she breathed a sigh of relief. She switched off her phone, removed the battery and Sim and dumped everything inside her handbag. Folarin had called her to tell her she had arrived in Lagos, so for now she doesn't need to worry about anyone calling her. She would never come back to Richard Boluwatito Agbaje.

  Chapter Ten

  As much as Charles claimed not to love it when he is with his mother, he would rather not be with anyone else she is the only one who understands him. The day he arrived, his mother had been all over him and still is. She had rebuked him for not coming to visit her often and he had apologized. She talked about him getting married and he swiftly shifted it to his brother, Richard is the eldest isn't he supposed to get married first? She hasn't seem to fall for that but his mother had leave him be for that day.

  ''I don't know why you would rather be in Ilorin when I can keep my eyes on you here.'' Dr Mrs. Adesewa Adunni Agbaje complained for the millionth time.

  ''And have you take me along to your Senatorial meetings?'' Charles knew she meant what she said but she is too busy with being a Senator, not that she doesn't have the time for her children, she calls them both on a regular basis but she mostly expects them to be the one to come visit her. ''I am a big boy now, I can take care of myself.''

  ''Of course you can.'' She said without conviction.

  ''I'm leaving today.'' He had to remind her every day since he got here because knowing her she would probably said he never told her that and he would end up spending many days.

  Mrs. Agbaje narrowed her eyes. ''You just got here, why are you so in a hurry to get back home?''

  ''I have to resume work.''

  ''You don't resume work till Monday, you can leave on Sunday, take a flight. I will drive you to the Airport myself.'' She offered.

  As tempting as that offer sounds he can't wait to go back to Ilorin. ''Sunday is too far,'' he groaned.

  ''No it is not and that is final. You are leaving on Sunday after Church.''

  No point in arguing. ''Okay mum.''

  Dr Mrs. Agbaje smiled, she can smell victory when she sense one. ''There is a friend of mine, a fellow Senator and she have this beautiful and well cultured daughter and I was hoping you will meet with her before you go.''

  Charles shook his head. So that was the reason she was not having him leave today. ''No, I am not doing that Mum, how old am I, 18? I don't need a wife with baggage.''

  ''What baggage?''

  ''Rich man's daughter baggage.'' He verified.

  ''We are richer than them although I prefer the term 'wealthier'''

  ''I don't need you trying to fix a girl for me, this is the 21st century.''

  She sighed. ''You are always so difficult at times, you might look like me but you have the character of your father.'' She said fondly. ''Never mind, I will never force you to do anything you know that right?'' He nodded and she continued. ''I just want you to know that anytime you and your brother are ready to get married you choose someone you really love and who loves you back.''

  Charles stood up and hugged his mother. ''Thank you mother.''

  She rubbed her hand on his back. ''You are welcome. How is this girlfriend of yours Adanne?''

  Charles sat down beside her, stretching his legs on the table before them, his eyes glued to the television but not watching it. ''Ada is not my girlfriend.'' He clarified. ''She is just a friend, a friend that is a girl.''

  ''Whatever you decide to call it, and how about that lovely boy Ade? Is he married yet?''

  ''No mum, he is not married and neither is Ada.''

  ''Oh, well just open your eyes wide when choosing, girls of nowadays are money thirsty and are looking for guys to suck dry. Just be careful when it comes to marriage. I personally will prefer a girl that?'' she broke off when Charles phone rang.

  ''It's Richard,'' Charles said before picking up. ''What? Just calm down and explain to me, details by details and stop being so hysterical. She did what? That is so unlike her and I know you have something to do with it. I am gone for a day and this happened? Fuck you Richard.'' He ended the call and threw it on the table before storming to his room.

  Mrs. Agbaje watched her youngest son stomping to his room. What had Richard said to him? What is making Richard hysterical? She decided to find out for herself so she called her eldest son.

  After getting off the call with Richard she went to Charles' room. ''Is that any way to behave when your brother's girlfriend is missing?'' She stood in the doorway, watching him with a disapproving look.

  ''It is his fault, no one else's. Do you have any idea how he treats her? I am not even surprised she ran off.'' Just what he wanted, she left him.

  Adesewa was shocked. ''You don't mean that do you? I can't believe you just said that.'' She came into the room and sat down beside him. ''You are supposed to be there for your brother.''

  Charles' anger was triggered. Of course mother would have no idea what a kind of monster Richard was. ''Did he tell you what he did to her? Why she left, did he?''
  ''He said he went to the Hospital and when he came back she is gone.''

  Charles laughed bitterly. ''Of course he would not tell you the truth.''

  Adesewa was confused. ''Why would he lied to me and you shouldn't talk about your brother that way.''

  ''The reason she left was because he locked her outside last night because she came back home late from seeing her cousin and this morning he beat her before leaving home, why won't she run off the minute he got out of the house?''

  ''He did what?'' Adesewa stood up. This is not real, it can't be. ''He told you this?'' She still found it hard to believe. Charles nodded and she started pacing the room. ''Was this the first time he laid a hand on her?''

  ''It has been going on for a year now.'' He explained.

  His mother whirled on him. ''And you kept quiet about this? What is wrong with both of you, are you trying to hurt the girl? I can't believe this is happening.''

  Charles stood up and went to her. ''I tried to stop him but he wouldn't listen.''

  ''You should have tried better and you should have told me. Where do you suppose we can find the girl now?''

  Charles led his mother to the bed and sat beside her. ''I really don't know. She doesn't have much friends and I know she wouldn't be with her friends as that would be the first place Richard would go to.'' Why had Richard gone home so early by the way? He rarely comes home during the day, he knew that when it was just both of them living together. He is probably feeling guilty and wanted to go apologize but she was smarter this time. As much as he was satisfied by her running away, he still couldn't help but start worrying about her. Where is she? Where could she be?


  Henrie found a Motel in Offa Garage, nothing fancy but it will do for the main time until she could finally leave for Lagos, she would leave on Wednesday and never come back. She dropped her bags on the floor, her laptop bag on the small table inside the room. She collapsed on the bed and felt her body aching. She winced and sat up, removing her shirt and throwing it on the floor. She doesn't have to be bothered about any unwanted visitor she doesn't intend to prowl the streets either where someone could easily identify her. She started crying once more, Richard had ruined her life and she had stupidly let him, believing herself in love with him. She had let him dictate her life to her and look where that got her, jobless and homeless.

  The first thing she would do when she gets back to Lagos is to find a job. She would stay with Folarin until she could afford an apartment of her own. She would have to start from the beginning, if only she hadn't quit her first job for the one Richard promised her, at least she had gotten that job with her qualifications and she would still be there. No need dwelling on the miserable past, she would focus on the future now, a future that does not include Richard.

  There was a tiny television in the room but she did not bother turning it on, right now the quiet is what she needs, she needs to collect her thoughts. She knew she would have to confess everything to Folarin and she really prayed she wouldn't be judgmental which is almost impossible considering the fact that she had stupidly thrown away her Cousin's advice for her boyfriend's. That is what happens to foolish girls, she had learnt her lesson the hard way and she would never subject herself to such fate, not ever.


  Charles woke up early the next morning and as soon as he got home Richard's tortured face was the first thing he saw. ''Spare me the excuses Richard, what you did was horrible.'' He accused.

  Richard hung his head. ''I know and I am sorry for doing such, I just wish she will switch on her phone, let me talk to her and apologize.''

  ''You always apologize and I am sure she is sick and tired of your stupid apologies.'' He gritted his teeth. ''What steps have you taken?'' He asked as he sat down on the three seater, his bag at his feet.

  ''I have been to the TV Station this morning to declare her missing, the Police Station too.'' He answered. ''I have to be at work too,'' he looked torn but Charles can't find it in him to sympathize with him.

  ''Have you tried calling her friends, or that cousin of hers?''

  Richard shook his head. ''I don't know her friends' numbers or her cousin's.'' he said miserably.

  ''What am I supposed to do now?''

  ''Maybe you can go to the streets, help look for her.'' He suggested.

  ''Are you crazy? Go out to the streets to look for her? Is she a stray dog? You and I both know she is not missing she left because you maltreated her. I am sure you didn't tell that at the TV Station, do you?'' He snapped. He could feel his forehead throbbing and he winced. ''We should wait, I know she will make contact soon, with her friends but as you don't know how to get hold of her friends it will be a problem getting to know when she finally makes contact.'' He barely sleep a wink last night, he had been so worried. He had only managed to fall asleep in the wee hours before dawn and his mother had woke him up minutes later before he left to the airport. He is so worried right now and he doesn't need his brother's hysterics to add to his headache. ''Go to the hospital, I will try to fix this.''


  He doesn't know either, the least he could do is try to get her friends' contacts and the cousins'. ''I will think of something, just leave and stop with the hysterics.'' He snapped. He is not even bothering to hide the fact that he is displeased with his brother.

  Richard straightened up. ''Okay, thank you. I will call you if I get any update.''

  ''Same here.'' When Richard left he went to his bedroom and dropped his bag on the bed. Ada doesn't need to know he is back in Ilorin yet, he doubted he would be a good company to anyone now that Henrie is nowhere to be found.


  Charles was beside himself with worry when his phone started ringing and he scowled at the caller, reluctantly he picked it up. ''Yes? Really? When was that? Okay, I will head over there now.'' Wow, she has been found, thank goodness. The Television Station is really efficient when searching for a missing/run away person especially when there is a monetary reward for the founder. He looked down at his wristwatch, 5:39pm. He quickly stood up from the chair he had been sitting on for the past few hours, rushed to the door, locked it and ran to his car.

  He had been so worried about her, he was ashamed of the fact that neither he nor his brother had any idea where any of her friends live, and at least they could have talked to any of them. Richard had sent him the number of the informant and he had called the lady who told him she saw Henrie when she was lodging in and also when she went out to buy something. She hasn't given any thought to it until she had watched the TV in her room and realized the lady was tagged missing. Like a good citizen she has done the right thing by calling the number on the screen which led her to Richard and then Charles. Charles thanked the woman and asked her for directions to the hotel. He branched to an ATM stand to withdraw money for the lady and went on his face.

  When he got to the hotel he called her and she came down to meet him. She told him she was positive Henrie was still in the room as she has not seen her since she went back to her room. He thanked her and gave her ?20,000 as agreed to be given to whoever finds her. The lady was on her way out as soon as she snatched the money from her and quickly turned around to see if anyone one had seen the exchange. Without seeing anyone in sight she had tucked the money into her blouse, smiling widely at him.

  ''Thank you Sir,''

  Charles merely nodded as he watched her walk off. She must be in her late twenties, petite and she really does look pretty. She had told him the room Henrie was lodged in and he entered the hotel lobby. A lady receptionist beamed at him. ''What can I do for you Sir?'' she asked sweetly.

  Charles returned her smile. ''I am here to see someone, she lodged in here last?'' when exactly did she lodge here? ''she lodged in yesterday. Tall. Lean. Pretty.''

  The girl laughed. ''We don't have ugly girls here.'' She said.

  This is just a hotel right and not one of those places where you could pick Prostitutes? ''I never s
aid otherwise.''

  ''I was just kidding,'' the young girl smiled. ''What is her name?'' She asked as she opened a large book in front of her.

  He never should have let that lady go until he was in front of Henrie's door. ''Henrietta Daniel.'' He just hopes that is the name she gave here.

  The girl frown her pretty face. ''We don't have anyone here with that name. Are you sure the person lodged in here yesterday?''

  ''Her middle name is Aramide,'' he said. Maybe that was the name she registered with. ''She is expecting me and I know her room, I will find her on my own.'' He gave the girl a sunny smile.

  ''The name Aramide is here alright, lodged in yesterday afternoon, just Aramide no last name. You say you know her room?''

  Charles heaved a sigh of relief. ''Yes I do.''

  ''Okay, you can go in.''

  Charles turned into the hallway, before climbing the stairs at the left side of the building. When he got upstairs he counted three doors to the left and stood in front of the fourth and last door. He knocked, once.

  Henrie looked up from her phone. She doesn't have any Sim card in it so she is just playing a game on it. She checked the time on her phone, 6:34pm. Since she got here yesterday she hasn't been disturbed but maybe they want to clean the room or something but she has already swept the room. ''Who is it?'' she called out.

  ''Henrie, open the door.''

  Henrie stood up immediately, almost stumbling in her haste. Charles? What is he doing here? How had he found her? She hasn't even been here for 2 days! ''Charles?'' She squeaked.

  ''Open the door Henrie,'' he already tried the lock and realized it was locked.

  ''Go away. I don't want to see you or your brother. Just go and leave me alone in peace.''

  ''I am here already and I am not leaving.'' He pointed out.

  ''You can stay there all night but I won't open the door and you can't make me. Just go away and don't disturb me.'' She snapped.

  ''I am not going anywhere Henrie and I really don't like staying out here, so will you be a dear and open the door so we can talk?''

  ''Don't even try to sweet talk me and you and I have nothing to talk about.'' She said firmly. She sat down on the bed, her hands on her lap. How had he managed to find her so soon? Thank goodness it was not been Richard out there. ''How did you find me by the way? I deserve to know that right?''