Read Broken Page 15

  Charles wanted to squeeze her hand for understanding him so easily but he knew she is not accustomed to his touch. ''Thank you for understanding my plight.''

  Henrie smiled. ''I know how you feel and I am sorry you have problems with your brother, because of your mum and now because of me.'' This is her second week in Ilorin and this is the third time she had been alone with him, he mostly comes to Joan's place to see her as he had dropped her off there the first day she went to see him in his office and still she couldn't put a name to their relationship but for now she is contend with the fact that they could have a reasonable conversation and that he hasn't made any frightening gesture towards her. With Richard it is always a slap here, a shove there but he hasn't done any of those but can she really trust him? Is that enough to trust him?

  Chapter Sixteen

  After much badgering, Ade finally tells Charles where Ada moved to, and he decided to pay her a surprise visit one night. He parked outside the building, the house's paint was faded but the building doesn't appear as if it will collapse any moment from now unlike her previous house. He beckoned to the small boy of about 8 years he saw playing with other kids about half his age. The boy was staring at him suspiciously and he really couldn't blame the boy, it only tells him that the boy's parents had drummed it in him not to talk to or approach strangers. The world is delicate and the media is always droning about people been kidnapped for ransom and for ritual, no wonder the boy is wary of strangers.

  Putting on his best friendly smile, he pocketed his hands. ''I am looking for Adanne, do you know her? She moved in here about 10 weeks ago. She is tall, fair skinned and very nice.'' The boy was still staring at him as if he expects him to bring out some sort of charm from his pockets. He slowly withdrew his hands. ''I really just want to see Ada, do you know her?''

  The boy must have been pleased by his actions. ''Aunty Ada is inside she just came back from work. Should I go and call her or should I take you to her room?''

  Charles was pleased that the boy at least doesn't see him as a threat anymore, by the way who leaves their kids playing outside all alone by this time? He checked his wristwatch, 8:12pm. ''Please take me to her room.'' Better that way, the last thing he wants is for her to refuse to see him, if the boy goes to call her out but if she finds him at her doorstep it would be hard for her to send him back without seeing him. The boy stopped outside a room and pointed at the door. ''This is her room,'' he said and almost immediately ran back out to join his playmates.

  So this is where you have been hiding? He knocked on the door and waited for a reply. He hasn't expected this to go on for so long, Richard is not speaking to him and neither is Ada, right now he is feeling like the world's first class jerk. The door opened and there she was his gaze on her was so intent that he dared her to close the door in his face. ''Long time no see,'' without waiting for a comment from her he pushed in and closed the door behind him. ''Right now I know it will be extremely difficult to ignore me, don't you think so?''

  ''I have nothing to talk to you about?'' Ada put her hands on her hips in an insulting mode. ''I think you should leave.''

  Charles was getting angry, seriously, what is her problem? He had apologized to her back in his house and every phone call she rejected was to further tell her how sorry he was for rejecting her but she was making him feel as if he cheated on her with Henrie which he didn't and they never had an agreement that they will become more than friends. ''Just drop the silly attitude.'' He snapped at her. ''What is wrong with you? Do you know how worried I was because I have no idea where you are?''

  She snorted. ''You have no idea where I was? You don't know my work place? You don't know where to find me?'' She accused.

  ''This is a personal issue, the last thing I would want to do is to show up at your work place to apologize to you, none of them were there when we had a fight and none of them should be there when we make up.'' He tried to reason with her. He started pacing about the room. ''I don't know what else you expect me to do,'' he turned to face her, standing right in front of her. ''Just what do you expect me to do?''

  Ada clung to him, gripping at his shirt. ''Love me Charles, that is all I want from you.'' She sobbed into his shirt and Charles felt his heart drop to his knees. ''I am sorry Ada, I really am. I can't do that, I just can't.''

  She pulled away as quickly as she had clung to him. ''Then you and I don't have anything to talk about. Leave me be and let me live my life the way I want, and that way doesn't include you in it.'' She said frostily. ''Go back and wait till eternity for the woman that will never come to you.''

  ''She is back, Henrie is back.''

  Ada's head shot up. ''She is?'' Seeing the look on his face she knew all is lost, there really is no hope for her and him. ''I guess I should say congratulations then?'' She moved away from him and leaned against the wall. ''Now that I thought about it, you were pretty adamant in your rebuttal about her and Richard getting married, it really must be eating you up that she is getting married to someone else then.'' She said thoughtfully. ''Anyways, you should really be jumping up for joy now that she is back, continue been happy at your brother's expense.'' She spat out.

  Charles knew what she is trying to do, so he didn't make a reply. ''When you are ready to grow up give me a call.'' With that he walked out of her room without a backward glance. He was so angry, the only person who wasn't discriminating was Ade, and really Richard and Ada can go to hell.

  Two days later Charles received a call from his mother that she is in Ilorin and at Richard's place and he had better get his ass there as soon as possible. He starts dreading whatever is mother is doing here without giving him any notice of her arrival. Could it be that she found out about him and Richard? He left the office early and headed to Richard's, he just knew this is going to be bad. He didn't bother knocking so he just opened the door and stepped in. There was his mother and Richard seated together in the Sitting room, obviously waiting for him even though his brother doesn't seem thrilled by that.

  Charles didn't know what to say, so he just prostrated to greet her before having a seat. ''I am here,'' lame thing to say but at least he did say something.

  ''Hold your greetings to yourself Charles, why don't you start by telling me why it is that you are interested in your brother's girlfriend that you have to snatch her away from him? I can't believe you boys are keeping something as huge as this from me, if not for Ada, bless her heart that deem it fit to inform me, I will be totally oblivious to this.'' She had that frustrated look on her face and Charles found himself blaming Ada for been a snitch.

  ''I didn't steal anyone's girlfriend,'' he said defiantly. ''I just took what was rightfully mine.''

  His mother gave him one of those rare penetrating stares. ''Call that girl here now, we will have ourselves a Family meeting, right now.''

  ''I don't see why that is necessary.''

  ''If I say it is necessary Olamide, then it is, now call her now.'' Her tone was firm and final.

  Charles grumbled but he did call her and after reassuring her that everything is okay she agreed to come. ''She is on her way.'' He grunted.

  ''Then we will wait,'' Dr Agbaje said.

  Thirty minutes later Henrie arrived and Charles opened the door for her. She has a terrified look on her face and he told her to calm down. He took her with him inside the living room and he made her sit beside him. ''Here we are, let the family meeting begin now.'' His tone was sarcastic.

  Richard who had been silent all along was pleased to see Henrie, judging by the look on his face. Henrie on her part was finding it difficult to look at Richard and his mother, so after a hurried greeting to the woman, she sat down beside Charles and stared at the floor.

  ''So you are the one causing problems between my sons.'' Her tone was accusing as she stared infuriatingly at her.

  ''She is not causing any problems.'' Charles defended.

  Mrs. Agbaje turned to her eldest. ''What do you have to say about this?''

  Richard stuck out his chin. ''What else was I supposed to say? This is my girlfriend whom your precious son stole away from me.'' He gave his mother an irritated look.

  Henrie wanted nothing than to bolt out of the door but she knew that was not the solution, so she stayed put. ''I did not,'' Charles yelled at his brother.

  Mrs. Agbaje stood up, commanding attention. ''I am your mother and you will listen to me, this girl will not be the one to ruin my family, so she will leave and never come back. None of you will have anything to do with her ever again, do you understand?'' She said firmly. ''I will not tolerate you fighting over a girl when you can have any girl you want.''

  The brothers stood up and the tension in the room was so thick that Henrie can feel it in her body. ''She is going nowhere mother, I won't wait for her for three years to have you tell me that she can't be with me. Henrie is going nowhere.''

  ''Henrie has always been mine and I will never leave her for you. She is mine, mine alone.''

  Mrs. Agbaje threw out her hands. ''Can't you boys see I am trying to do the right thing here? None of you is ready to leave her for the other so just let her go, there are other girls out there.'' She turned to Henrie, ''you,'' Henrie's head jerks up and she stared at the woman whom Charles resembled so much. ''You will leave now and never come back. I won't let you tear my sons apart. Now get out of this house now.''

  Henrie stood up and was about to leave when Charles held her hand to keep her in place. ''She is going nowhere and if you insist you don't want her, then you don't want me either. I will marry her whether you like it or not, and if she leaves then I leave too and we will never come back to either of you.'' He released his hold on her. ''Just say the word Mum and we will leave.''

  Mrs. Agbaje held a hand to her chest as she slowly eased herself down to sit. He was serious about this, she could see it in his eyes, he would be with the girl whether she likes it or not and if she doesn't accept she will lose her boy. No, that can't happen, she won't let it happen. ''Sit down all of you,'' she said with enough firmness that they all complied. She turned to Richard. ''Is it true you maltreat the girl?''

  Richard looked down, unable to meet anyone's eyes. He was so ashamed of himself, what won't he give to have her back in his life? He had always thought she would always love him and he had taken her for granted, his possessiveness and acute jealousy had made him do what he ought not to and see where this leads him. ''I am sorry Mum and I promise I will never raise a hand to her ever again.'' His voice broke and he shook his head. ''I won't ever do such again.''

  This is proving more difficult. Who is this girl that seems to be the center of each of her son's heart? ''And you Charles? What do you intend to do with her?''

  ''I am going to marry her.'' He knew it would appear as a shock to Henrie, but that is just what he wants her to be for him, his wife. ''I love her and I will marry her.'' He didn't bother to look at her face because he knew what he will find there.

  ''And you Richard what will you do if you can get her back?''

  ''I will marry her as soon as possible and I will love her for the rest of my life.'' He replied. All he asks for is a second chance to prove himself to her.

  Mrs. Agbaje held her head in her hands. At least the boys are certain about what they intends to do with her. ''Lady, what do you intend to do now?''

  Henrie knew she would be asked this question but she was still not prepared for it. Richard really seems sincere about his apology and Charles was firm about his feelings towards her too. If she chooses Richard, Charles will be heartbroken, and if she chooses Charles, Richard will be shattered. From the conversation she had with Charles a few days ago about their childhood, she knew what Charles getting her will mean to his brother. This is not about her not knowing how to make a decision; rather, this is her trying to make a sacrifice, a sacrifice that will cost her happiness. She knew Richard loves her but is love was not healthy, he was possessive because he could finally call something his, something he deserves. Charles also loves her enough to severe his ties with his family just to be with her but she knew he would not be happy about it, but he would make that sacrifice for her. If asked to choose between the two brothers she knew who she would pick but she doesn't want to disrupt their family anymore than it has.

  ''I don't want to cause any problems, and as you said earlier, it would be best for everyone if I just leave, but I can't leave because I intend to settle down in this city. The thing I will do however is to let each of your son go, I will break all ties with both of them.'' She stood up and went to Richard. ''I know you love me Richard but I can't put up with you anymore, and I forgive you for everything you did to me. I hope you have a good life and set free the hurt in your heart. I am sure there is a girl out there for you but I want you to promise me that you will never treat her the way you treated me.'' At his vigorous nod she encircled him in her arms. She had tears in her eyes now. ''I will really love it to see you a better man.'' She pulled away from him and went to Charles who looked crestfallen. ''Thank you for loving me Charles, despite everything you saw me go through with your brother you still loved me. I want you to look for another girl, a girl better than myself and please promise me that you will make everything right with your brother again.'' She gave him a watery smile. ''I want you to patch things up between yourselves and your mother.'' She leaned towards him and pressed a kiss to his forehead.

  She turned to the woman who had tears in her eyes. She went to the woman and knelt down in front of her. ''I am sorry I caused your sons pain, but even if I am gone you should be with them, please make sure they are okay again, as brothers ought to be.'' The woman just nodded and Henrie rose up and without a goodbye she was gone.

  The three people in the room never moved, as each was lost in thoughts, each finding faults, and what ifs.

  Chapter Seventeen

  ''Auntie Henrie,'' a small girl of about six years ran to her and she scooped the girl in her arms. ''Nma, you are looking beautiful today.'' The girl beamed and Henrie kissed her forehead. She's just coming back from the work and Nma is always there to welcome her home.

  ''Nma, come here and stop disturbing her.'' Nma's mother, a woman not much older than Henrie herself said. ''I don't know why she likes you so much,'' the woman said. ''The last lady that lived in your room she always avoids.'' She reaches for the girl but she held on tight to Henrie, not letting go.

  ''Nma, go and stay with mummy and I will come get you later okay?'' When she saw the girl nods her head she eased her down gently and tugged at her hair. ''We will go and buy yoghurt when I am done.'' The girl's smile was infectious and she smiled back at her.

  ''You are spoiling her no wonder she likes you so much.'' Nma's mother said with a smile as she picked up her daughter and they headed for their apartment.

  Henrie still had a smile on her face as she unlocked her room. She had stayed with Joan for six months and she had gotten a job while still with her, this is her seventh month in her own two bedroom apartment. Thirteen months since she has seen Charles and his brother. Her phone starts ringing and she picked it up. ''Hey Joan, how was your day. Really, when?''

  ''Just switch on the TV now," Joan said excitedly and then clicked to disconnect.

  She held the phone in her hand for a few seconds before switching on the television to NTA (Nigeria Television Authority) and there he was, or rather there they are. Dr Mrs. Adesewa Agbaje was celebrating her 52nd birthday and her two successful sons, Dr Richard Agbaje and Barr Charles Agbaje are right there celebrating with her. As the mother was a Senator, they had the birthday party in Abuja and it was filled with the dignitaries of the society.

  The first thing she noticed was the smile plastered on each son's face as they sat side by side and the pride surging through the Senator when she talked about her sons. She embraced them both and they looked like the perfect family, just what she wanted them to be. Even though she couldn't be with him, she is content by the fact that they are together now. She sw
itched off the television and kicked back the melancholic feeling that was trying to ease itself in.

  She was lucky in the few weeks she has gotten back than in the months she spent in Lagos and she had secured a job within 5 weeks, she now work as a Lecturer in the same University she graduated from. Life is good and as far as success goes, she can boast of her success now, not everyone is lucky to get employed by a University as a young lecturer. She keeps in contact with her Family, especially Folarin and she was happy for her, she had thought the future to be bleak but this is a silver lining for her.

  She started dinner and her mind keeps going back to the Senator's birthday. At least they are all happy, she is glad for that.

  ''Miss Daniel, when are you going to give us a list of the selected texts?'' The 100level Class Captain asked her as he stood inside her Office, the one she was sharing with another young male lecturer like herself.

  Henrie drew out her desk drawer and extended a folded piece of paper to the boy. ''Show these to your classmates, I will add one or more texts but they can get those for now.''

  ''Okay Ma,'' the boy left and she slumped back in her chair, her head in her hands. That was how she was when the other lecturer came in. They greeted each other warmly. ''Trouble with your students?'' He asked and she looked up and then shook her head. ''No, they are good kids really and eager to learn, they make a hell of a lot of noise though.'' She said with a smile.

  ''Then I guess you are lucky.'' Henrie didn't bother to ask him what he meant by that. ''If you are their Level Adviser they would make your life hell.''

  Henrie smiled. She knew what he was talking about as he happened to be the Level Adviser for 200level History. Students are always coming to see him for this and that. She is happy with her job and of that she is grateful.

  When Henrie got home that day she was feeling weak and stressed out. She made it a note to go see her friends this weekend, maybe they will hang out at Emmanuella's or Lola's place. She decided to call Joan but decides to leave it until the next day. It is just Wednesday and Saturday seems very far away.