Read Broken Page 16

  On Saturday the ladies were at Lola's place. There was talking and joking and she felt completely at ease. ''I am getting married.'' Emmanuella said out of the blue and after a moment of silence the friends erupted in cheers and screams.

  ''I can't believe this, wow, finally one of us is getting married.'' Joan beamed. ''We will be part of the Bridal Train.''

  ''Congratulation,'' Henrie gave her friend a brief hug.

  The others did the same and they started making wedding plans. ''Where are you using for the Reception?'' Lola asked.

  ''John says he will take care of it. I am more concerned about the food, cake, clothes and other arrangements. He can deal with the hall we will use for the reception.'' The Bride-to-be replied.

  ''What colour are you using?''

  ''We haven't decided on anything? He asked me few days ago but we already started making plans between ourselves. You are the ones I am telling after my family.''

  ''Don't worry dear, we will be right there with you, just fill us in on the preparations and anything we can do to help.'' Joan grinned. ''Who will be your bridesmaid?''

  Lola poked her in the ribs. ''She hasn't thought about that yet.''

  ''That is the first thing she will think about when she agreed to marry him.'' Henrie put in.

  ''I have.'' Emmanuella announced and they all turned to look at her. ''I would have asked one of you but my sister wanted to be my best lady.''

  Joan waved a land. ''It's totally understandable and we will all be part of your bridal train. We should choose a colour we will use.'' She turned to the others.

  Henrie and Lola started ruminating in their minds. ''What of yellow?'' Henrie suggested.

  ''Too flashy,''

  ''It should be two colours.'' Emmanuella said.

  ''Red and blue?''

  ''That is horrible, who will ever consider matching those colours together?''

  ''Maroon and cream?''

  ''That is better but there is definitely a better colour out there.''

  Wanting to put her friends out of their misery, Emmanuella speaks up. ''The colour for the shoe and purse will be gold and the material you will use I think should be black.''

  ''We are not mourning. I think gold colour for the purse and shoe is okay but can't we choose another colour apart from black?'' Joan said. ''We really should make this right.''

  Henrie decides to throw in a suggestion for the last time. ''I think olive green will go with the gold.''

  The others seemed to be okay with her suggestion and they continued making plans till late evening and they had to separate.


  ''You are quite the golden boy now.'' Ade said enthusiastically as he made himself at home in Charles' sitting room. ''I thought your face is going to split into two from the intensity of your smile. You really do look good on television.''

  Charles grunted. ''I have to be there for Mum.'' He tossed out a drink to him from the fridge which he deftly caught.

  After a sip of his Cola, he decided to tell his friend the real reason he came to see him. Now that he is living alone, he can show up here anytime Charles is around unlike the time he had to stay away because of Henrie. ''I saw her today.'' He knew he doesn't have to mention a name for his friend to know who he was talking about.

  Charles' heart missed a beat. ''Where?'' His voice was little more than a whisper. ''Where did you see her?'' This time he managed to speak a little bit louder.

  ''I saw her with her friends yesterday evening, one of them is getting married and they are helping with the preparations. She looks really gorgeous and she is laughing. She says to greet you.'' He was watching his friend's expression so intently that he could name each emotion that crossed his face, gratitude, hurt and hope.

  He had restrained himself from seeking her out, not because he intends to give up on her but because he wants to give her space. The first few weeks after the disastrous meeting, his mother has once again come to visit him and his brother and she had apologized, mainly to Richard for what she knew started from her. She was the reason why the brothers had been so distant at first because of favouritism of one child at the expense of another. Richard had kept to himself and together with his mother they had jointly apologized, him for the things he did back then and her for everything, for her part in his life that caused a kind of void he fills with possessiveness. She had offered to buy him a house as she did Charles, but he had refused and he had offered to release the house at Flower Garden to him as it was supposed to be his but he had vehemently refused. He told him he could have the house that he is okay with the one he is living at presently and nothing anyone of them said could change his mind so they had leave him to his decision. However the issue of Henrie is something none of them talk about, but that doesn't mean she is out of his mind. He did what she asked of him and is doing what he wants from her so difficult for her?

  ''I am glad she is doing okay.'' She is happy, has a good job? he learnt that from her friend Joan and she is laughing again. He could be satisfied with that for now.

  ''Are you okay? You have been so gloomy lately.'' Joan observed. ''Ever since we saw Charles' friend about a month ago you have been keeping to yourself, lost in thought and you are losing weight. I am really concerned about you Henrie, are you coming down with something?'' She pressed a hand to her forehead but she doesn't seem to be coming up with a fever. ''You are not even sick.'' She said exasperatedly.

  Henrie sighed. She knew what was wrong with her she just doesn't know the best way to approach the issue. ''I am not sick,'' of that she is certain. She is gloomy though and she really isn't coming down with anything. ''I am just stressed out is all.'' She lied.

  Joan gave her a look that clearly said she doesn't believe a word of what she is saying. ''I am not a person you can lie to Henrie, not anymore. We are all worried about you and we all decided I should come to you, to ask you what is wrong but definitely you think so little of us that to you it is an inconvenience while we are doing our best to help you.''

  Henrie was feeling guilty already, but how could she tell her friends what she herself is finding difficult to accept. ''It is a bit complicated, everything is complicated. I don't know what to do anymore.'' She broke down.

  Joan was at her side in a heartbeat. ''Poor girl, you don't have to deal with everything, I already told you we will be there for you, all of us.''

  Henrie nodded. ''I know, I just find it difficult to say.''

  Joan grinned. ''Okay, I want to listen to your dirty secrets now, the dirtiest.''

  Henrie gave her a watery chuckle. ''Don't even think about it.'' She smiled through her tears. ''I told you about the last time I saw Charles, his brother and his mother.'' At her nod she continued. ''Days later I kept telling myself what I did was for the best, it is a sacrifice on my part but it was one I did intentionally, but then I started having a empty feeling in my heart, I tried to ignore it, telling myself that if I did not acknowledge it that eventually it will go away but it didn't. I have stayed away from the Agbajes for more than a year now but why do I find it hard to forget my feelings? Every time I see someone who looks like him my heartbeat accelerate, a certain movement of a person's body will resemble his and I will tremble expecting it to be him but of course it wasn't him. I am going crazy Joan.''

  Joan had tears in her eyes as she enfolds her friend in her arms. ''You are not crazy Henrie, you are only longing for what you want, what you need. It will be okay, I promise, I will make it okay and you will smile once again.'' She will do everything it takes for her friend to have her own happy ending. ''Don't worry about a thing and leave everything to me.''

  Henrie nodded and held tight. Won't the tears ever stop?


  Joan stood outside Charles' office. She is resolved about her business here today and she will make sure she does the right thing for her friend and for Charles too, they have both suffered for so long and it has to stop, she would make it stop.

  She entered the
lobby and plastered a smile on her face. She greeted the Secretary warmly and asked for him. She told her he has a client in there so she has to wait but she doesn't mind the waiting, what she is concerned about is the welfare of her friend.

  ''Can you please inform him someone is out here waiting for him?''

  ''Sure Miss,'' the Secretary said and placed the call.

  Joan settled into her seat and replayed what she intends to say in her head. Some people might call her an interfering busy body but she really doesn't care about such terms now. Twenty minutes later Charles' client came out of his office and the Secretary motioned for her to go in as well. She stood up, took a deep breath and knocked on his door.

  Charles looked up. It is a pleasure to see Joan as she is always ready to tell him any information he needs to know about Henrie. She knocked and he called her in. ''Hi Joan,'' he gave her a small smile. ''It is nice to see you. Please have a seat.'' He gestured to a chair.

  Joan ignored his greetings and his offer. ''I am not here because of your greetings or because I want to have a seat.''

  ''I never said that, it's just common courtesy.''

  ''I know what common courtesy is.'' She moved to his desk and dropped her bag on it. Now to the business of the day. ''What have you done to my friend?'' Her arms were folded across her chest and she had an annoyed look on her face.

  Charles' mouth was agape. ''I haven't done anything to her. I haven't even seen her.'' He exclaimed then the worry seeped in. ''Is she hurt, ill? Is she injured?''

  ''No she is not.'' She said curtly. ''What she is, is devastated. She is now a basket case, she cries all the time and she is all bones.'' She saw the worry and shock in his eyes, perfect. ''She is operating like a Zombie these days and you are the reason for that.'' She accused.

  Charles loosened his tie. ''Let's talk, you say she is crying, devastated all because of me? But how can that be so? She hasn't even been in contact with me.'' He pulled off the tie and threw it on his desk. ''Can you please explain better?''

  ''You know what you did, you should have never let her go again.'' She stated.

  ''I didn't, she left me intentionally.''

  Joan waved his words away with a flick of her hand as insignificant as it is. ''Oh that is crap, women say things they don't mean at times especially when they are emotional. You shouldn't have let her go so easily just because she said so. She is miserable now and ever since she saw your friend last month she's become gloomier. I don't want her that way and you had better fix it now.'' She picked up her bag. ''Good day Barrister Agbaje.'' She didn't wait for a comment from him as she made for the door, slamming it behind her. She pressed a hand to her heart when she got inside a taxi on her way back to her work place, Charles is smart enough to know what she means, and the only thing left now is for Henrie to accept what she really wants.

  Charles indeed do know what Joan was trying to tell him and he would make his move tonight.


  Chapter Eighteen

  Henrie just had a shower when someone knocked on her door. She briefly wondered who it could be as she clutched the towel tighter to herself and went to answer the door. She sneaked a peek at the time, 9:18pm, who would be calling so late? ''Who is it?'' she asked from within. She listened but there was no reply, it probably is one of her friends. She opened the door and stuck her head out.

  ''Hello Henrie, nice to see you.'' Charles' smile was dazzling and she took a step back, mouth agape. ''You? What are you doing here?''

  Charles didn't lose the smile. ''That is not the best way to welcome a visitor and I do believe I am more than a random visitor, where are your manners.'' His heart was pounding so much that he feared she would hear it. ''Are you not going to invite me in?''

  Henrie darted to the side and he entered and then she locked the door behind him and suddenly felt conscious with her state of dressing. ''I was just,'' she poked a thumb in the direction of her bathroom.

  Charles smiled. Now that he could see her clearly he could tell that she has lost weight and her eyes looked tired. He moved closer to her and traced her eyelids with his fingertips while she held her breath. ''You look slimmer,'' he murmured. ''And you don't sleep much.''

  Henrie stood still and forgot to breathe, she told herself to take a step back but her legs are not cooperating. She doesn't even know what to say, this was the first time she has seen him since she almost ran out of that house more than a year ago. How does he know where she stays? She tilted her head back, her face just inches from his. ''How do you know where I stay?''

  Charles smiled and stepped back. ''Are you not going to get dressed?''

  Henrie looked down at herself and mentally face palmed herself. ''I will be back,'' she said before running off to her room to get dressed.

  Charles made himself at home and sat down on the nearest seat to him. He grabbed the TV remote and changed the channel before settling back to watch the News. He didn't look up when she came back into the room and he didn't say anything when she stood beside him and then sat. ''Why are you running away from me?'' he asked without looking away from the screen.

  Running away? ''I did not run away from you.''

  ''You did,''

  ''No I did not.''

  ''You know my office but you never dropped by for a visit.''

  ''You know my house and you didn't drop by for a visit either.'' Henrie wanted to slap herself for what she just said. ''I mean?'' she means what?

  Charles just smiled. ''How have you been?'' He turned to look at her and he found her squirming under his intent look.

  How is she feeling? Miserable? Check. Depressed? Check. What else? ''I am fi?'' she just shrugged. ''Nothing I can't handle.''

  ''Really?'' He took her slim hands in his. ''You don't look as if you can handle things.''

  She snatched her hand from his. ''I can handle things just fine, I have a job and I am handling it without your business.'' She gave him a scowl and he smiled. ''Just stop smiling. I don't see what you are finding so amusing.''

  ''But you are amusing to watch, not dramatic but amusing.'' His smile was devious. ''I am finding this conversation extremely interesting.''

  Henrie's eyes darkened in anger. ''You are really annoying do you know that? Just go away.''

  ''Should I? Should I really go away? Do you want me to?''

  Of course not, but she didn't say that. ''Why are you here?''

  ''To see you.'' His reply was immediate. ''I missed you and I want to see you.''

  Henrie looked away. ''Thanks,'' she was avoiding looking at him as she feared her whole secrets will be right there in her eyes if he looked. His fingers on her chin had her bringing his face to him and she could tell he saw everything, everything she has been hiding. ''You don't have to say anything, I know how you feel.''

  Henrie's eyes filled with tears and she threw her arms around him. ''I am sorry, I am sorry for everything.''

  Charles shushed her. ''You don't have to be sorry for anything Henrie, you haven't done anything wrong.'' He held on tight and rubbed his hand up and down her back. He pulled back slightly and kissed her forehead. ''I will never let you go again, I promise. No matter what you say I will never let you go.''

  She doesn't want to let go so she held on to him tight, her face buried in his neck. ''I am tired of running,'' she said weakly.

  ''You don't have to anymore.'' He reassured her.

  Henrie finally pulled away and wiped at her face with her hand. ''I am a cry baby these days.'' She scowled at the hand.

  ''A cute one at that.'' He said and smiled.

  ''Who looks cute when they are crying?''


  She chuckled. ''Tell me how did you know where I live?''

  Charles brought her to seat on his lap and tucked her head in his chest. ''Joan came to see me earlier today and she said some things.''

  ''What things?'' Henrie tried to look up but he tucked her in his chest once more and she pouted.

  ''It is a secre
t between us both and I am not going to tell you.'' He paused for a few minutes. ''I am just glad I came here tonight.''

  Henrie sighed and snuggled in closer. ''Me too.''


  The next morning Henrie was floating on the ninth cloud. Last night she had walked him out and he was so close that she could feel his breath on her lips as he looked down at him. He wanted to kiss her, she could see it in his eyes and she found herself hoping he would do so and so she waited. He placed a hand on her cheek and stared into her eyes that pulling away from his hold seemed impossible and exactly not what she would want to do. He cradled her cheek and placed a soft kiss on her forehead. He bid her goodnight and he promised to come pick her up after work today. She was so nervous that she doesn't know which cloth to pick so she has called Lola the fashionista among them to help her out. Lola told her she will look beautiful even if she wore a sack which to Henrie is absolutely ridiculous. She finally decides to wear a knee length midnight blue dress she bought few weeks ago. She is not crazy about heels so she wore flat shoes. She wore heels before because Richard wants her to but not anymore.

  She was looking at her wristwatch every once in a while and willed him to appear sooner. Eventually he did arrive few minutes to 7 and she knew he went home to change from his work clothes. He wore loafers Clark's, black pants, white shirt and gold cuff links. ''Don't you get tired of wearing white?'' Was her first statement when he arrives.

  Charles grinned. ''You are looking fabulous yourself.''

  She clucked her tongue at him and rolled her eyes. ''You life is boring.''

  ''You can make it interesting.'' He suggested.

  She raised her eyebrows at him. ''It's either you wear black, grey or white or nothing. It is predictable and boring.''

  ''I have no idea you are so interested in my state of dress and undress.'' His eyes were twinkling.