Read Broken Page 18

  Joan was at her other side and she embraced her. ''Congratulations girl, this calls for a huge celebration.'' She took out her phone. ''We should take pictures.'' The four huddled closer and Joan asked one of the guests to take a picture of them.

  ''Emmanuella missed a lot, you are so lucky. You are getting married, this is just perfect.'' Lola was so excited. She turned to Charles. ''You just nailed yourself the perfect girl.''

  ''I know and I am glad she accepted me.''

  ''Of course she will. She is already thinking of babi?'' a nudge at her ribs told her she was not to complete her sentence. ''I am happy for you.'' Lola scowled at Henrie.

  Joan laughed. ''Today is a momentous one for us.'' She stood up and pulled Henrie with her. ''You should dance with your husband to be.'' She placed her hand in Charles. ''She is all yours for the moment. We are gone.'' She grabbed Lola's arm and they went back to the dance floor.

  ''You are not thinking of dancing again right? I am not sure I can dance for more than a few minutes.''

  ''It's okay Henrie, we don't have to dance. Sit down and I will continue with the massage.''

  Henrie perked up at that. ''Really? You are spoiling me.''

  ''Anything for you BAE (Before Anyone Else)''

  Henrie laughed and hugged him. ''Thank you so much Charles, thank you for everything.''

  ''You have nothing to be thankful of, I am happy you are now mine.'' He kissed her lightly on the lips. ''Thank you Henrie, for everything.''


  Chapter Twenty

  Charles took Henrie to his mother and she took him to her Family in Lagos. They fixed a date for the proper Introduction between the families after which they deliberate on the wedding day. Mrs. Agbaje made it known that she is ready anytime the Bride' family are and the couple themselves are eager to get married. And so it was that 8 months to the time he proposed to her they are getting married.

  ''I can't believe we are getting married.'' Henrie's head was on Charles' lap. He was seating on her bed and she was lying on the bed.

  He pinched her on the cheeks and she batted his hands away. ''You should believe that this is all real and not a dream. In few months we will be married.''

  ''Have you heard from your friend?''

  ''I was with Ade earlier today, I asked him to be my Best Man.''

  Henrie shook her head. ''No, I mean Ada. Does she know we are getting married?''

  Charles knew where this is heading to and he is not in the mood for such conversation. ''Ada is a big girl and I am sure she is capable of making decisions. She doesn't want to have anything to do with me anymore and I have accepted that. She is even avoiding Ade because of me.''

  ''I think we should invite her to the wedding.''

  ''With the way Mum has broadcasted that her son is getting married there is no way she wouldn't know about it. If she comes I will be happy and if she doesn't show up there is nothing I will do. I am not going to feel guilty for choosing you.''

  Hmm. Henrie knew what she would do and he doesn't have to know about it. ''You had better not.''

  ''Will you let me spend the night here?''

  ''No.'' she replied.


  ''You have a house.''

  Charles snorted. ''It is late already, I can't drive by this time of the night.'' He complained.

  Henrie shook her head. ''It is just past 9 and your place is not really far from here.''

  He gave her a dubious. ''Fate is far from Flower Garden.''

  ''Not that far.''

  ''You are being unfair.''

  Henrie was shaking with laughter. ''You behave like a kid at times.''

  ''No I don't.'' He said firmly.

  ''You are whining already,'' she patted his thigh. ''You can stay here for the night.''

  ''You are devious.''

  ''Definitely not.''

  Charles was playing with her hair. ''Where do you want to honeymoon?''

  Henrie raised up her head. ''Anywhere you want.'' She replied.

  ''I want you to decide, we will go anywhere you want.''

  ''I am really okay with anything you choose.''

  ''I am sure we will think of something.'' Why don't we start our honeymoon now?''

  Henrie raised her head and gave him a pointed look. ''Whatever could that mean Barrister Agbaje?''

  Charles shrugged. ''As a smart girl I believe you know exactly what I mean.'' His hand snuck up under her shirt and she batted it away. ''That hurts,''

  ''You are lying and you should keep your hands to yourself.''

  ''Really?'' he pulled out from under her.

  Henrie sat up and curled up to him. ''You smell nice.'' She rubbed her nose against his neck.

  He laughed. ''Leave it to you to know every single details. You even know the brand of perfume I use don't you?''

  She slapped him on the arm. ''You are making it sounds as if I am some sort of a stalker. You are the one who stole my novel.''

  ''Ah, I guess that is right.'' He scratched his head. ''You smell good yourself,'' he placed his head on hers and run his hand up and down her back.

  She tilted her head up and kissed him on the side of his mouth. ''Oops,'' she giggled and wiped the lipstick smear on his mouth with a fingertip.

  Charles laughed. ''I don't mind,'' he caught her fingertip with his teeth and gently bit. He pulled her to him so that she straddled his lap. ''I like you in this position.''

  Henrie gave him a nervous giggle. ''You are naughty.''

  ''I am not.'' He wrapped his hand around her neck and brought her closer to himself. He rubbed his lips against hers. ''I love you so much it hurts.''

  Henrie smiled at him. ''I love you too, from now and till eternity.'' She closed the distance between them and kissed him.

  Charles held him tight to himself and took control of the kiss, his hands working up and down her spine and she melted into him. He undid the buttons of her shirt still with his mouth fused to hers and slid his hands underneath the shirt. He pulled it off her shoulders and threw it to the foot of the bed. He drew her down so that he had her underneath him finally. He had wanted to touch her for so long but he had refrained himself from doing so, especially now that she is back. The first month after she was officially with him he made sure to not make any sudden movement as she tends to be jumpy, so he decided to wait, to make her trust him and eventually he had. The first night she let him make love to her was the happiest day of his live, nothing seem more perfect.

  He tugged down off his shirt and threw it down to join hers. He was gentle with her, he always is. Henrie is his woman and he would spend the rest of his life showing and giving her pleasure. He lowered his bare body to her and loves her, the way she is supposed to be.

  The next evening Henrie showed up at Ada's house after persuading Ade to give her the address. She knocked on the door and waited to be summoned in.

  ''Who is there?'' Ada called out from the room.

  Henrie doesn't know if she will refuse to see her if she knows who she is. ''A friend.''

  The door opened and Ada was standing inside staring at her. ''What are you doing here?''

  Henrie smiled. ''Hi, it's been a long time.'' She didn't wait to be invited in so she invited herself in and quickly closed the door behind her. ''This place is nice.''

  Ada rolled her eyes. ''I know you are not here to admire the d?cor of my room so just spill the beans.''

  Henrie rummaged inside her purse and brought out an Invitation Card. ''I want to personally invite you to my wedding with Charles.'' She held out the card but Ada refused to take it.

  ''Are you trying to rub it in my face that he chose you over me? What do you take me for?'' Ada's features were tight as she tried to calm herself. ''Just leave me be.'' She said and turned her back to her.

  ''I know how you feel,'' Henrie began. ''and I am sorry for the hurt we caused you. Charles missed you and he still feels bad at times even though he was holding on to the fact that you are intentionally p
ushing him away. Sometimes we don't always get what we want. There was a time I thought Richard was the man for me but I was wrong. You are still holding on to him because you haven't found the person for you, if you found that person you will laugh over your feelings towards Charles and then you will tell yourself that it was all because you haven't found the right man. Your soul mate is out there you only have to find him.'' She stood at her back without touching her. ''I love Charles and he loves me too and I couldn't be much happier. I am not here to mock you, I just want to tell you that getting rejected by a guy is not the end of the world.

  When I went to Lagos I thought it absolutely impossible to ever trust or love a guy again, but here I am, I not only love Charles but I trust him with my life. I know you are hurt but please I want you to understand that if something is truly yours nothing will take it away from you. It can take years but you will still get it.'' She walked over to the bed and dropped the Invitation Card on it. ''I will be expecting you.'' She placed a hand on her shoulder and gently squeezed. ''Goodnight Adanne.''


  Henrie said her vows on the 24th of October, 2015 at the Cathedral she attends and had the reception at M&M in Offa Road. Dignitaries were present and she was surrounded by family and friends. She was so happy that finally she is getting her own brand of Happily Ever After. Her students in School also supported her by gracing the occasion and bringing her gifts.

  At the Reception she received so many gifts and well wishes. Henrie however was scanning the sea of faces for one particular face.

  ''You look distracted.'' Charles said in her ears as they sat side by side.

  She gave him a small smile. ''I am expecting someone.''

  ''Who are you expecting?'' He asked.

  ''Smile for the camera.'' She gestured towards one of the numerous photographers that were present. She knew she and Charles rented one, where the others came from she had no idea. There was video coverage also.

  ''You are hiding something.'' Charles said thoughtfully.

  Henrie winked at him and her eyes widened. ''There she is.'' She pointed at a sole figure standing at the back. She saw the surprise in his eyes and then the smile.

  ''You invited her?''

  ''Personally and I am glad she showed up.'' She smiled at Ada as their gazes locked and the latter smiled back.

  ''Hmm, something smells fishy Mrs. Agbaje.''

  ''I don't think so Mr. Agbaje, you must be mistaken.''

  Emmanuella, Joan and Lola were all smiles. ''She is glowing. I am getting sentimental.'' Lola dabbed at her eyes. ''I don't want to ruin my makeup.''

  ''You already ruined it. You look like a panda with the mascara running down your face.'' Joan said.

  ''It's a lie.'' Lola said but took out a small mirror from her purse. ''I know you are lying.'' She said after checking herself in the mirror.

  Emmanuella laughed as she rubbed circles on her protruding belly. ''You should snatch the bouquet this time Joan as you are the Bridesmaid.''

  ''There are so many celebrities here. This is so fabulous, I can't believe I am seeing so many influential people here.'' Lola remarked.

  ''What do you expect from a Senator's son's wedding?''

  Lola stood up and posed. ''Maybe I can catch a celebrity or a billionaire's son here. Wish me luck.'' She blew them a kiss and sauntered off.

  Emmanuella and Joan laughed. ''Let's see who she snags up.''

  Ada felt out of place here. She attended the Wedding Ceremony in the Church but she has come in unnoticed and sat at the back, now she is at the reception and she wished she really have someone to talk to. She has seen how the couple is with each other, both at the church and here and she knew true love prevails. Who could stand a chance against this love? The wedding is a beautiful one and the Bride is stunning, this marriage will be in the minds of people for a long time.

  Richard saw Ada lurking at the back and went to her. ''Hey,'' he smiled at her. ''why are you hiding back here?''

  ''I am not hiding.'' She muttered.

  Richard took her hand. ''Come with me. The couple will soon cut the cake.''

  Is she supposed to be there? She let herself be led to the front and was surprised when Henrie hugged her. ''Thank you for coming.'' She said in her ear.

  Ada pulled back and genuinely smiled at her. ''I wouldn't want to miss this. You guys are perfect for each other.'' She understands that now. ''Congratulations.'' She turned to Charles and gave him a brief hug. ''I am happy for you Charles.''

  Charles clasped her hands in his. ''Thanks for coming Ada, I really appreciate it.''

  ''My pleasure. Hey boy,'' she playfully punched Ade in the arm. ''You should start thinking about getting married too.''

  Ade pulled her close and hugged her. ''You are looking beautiful. Is this really you or someone else?'' He grunted when she pinched him in the neck. ''Oh yeah, it is still the evil girl.''

  The couple is surrounded by family and friends when they cut the cake.

  ''I am going to have so much fun throwing the bouquet. Joan won't know what hits her.'' She giggled to herself.

  ''You are not supposed to do that, you just throw.'' Charles said with a glint in his eyes. ''You are thinking if cheating.''

  Henrie bared her teeth at him. ''Just watch me,''

  The singles huddled together for the bouquet throw and Henrie sneaked a peek behind her back, locating where Joan stood. She turned around and then threw. She turned back almost immediately to laugh at Joan but her eyes widened where her bouquet lay.

  Ada and Richard were standing side by side a few distances away from Joan. The bouquet hit Richard in the chest and then hit the floor and stayed at Ada's feet. She bent down and picked it up and then extends it to Richard. ''It is yours.''

  Richard shook his head. ''No, it is yours.''

  ''It's not mine.''

  ''It is.''

  ''You two should get married.'' Someone shouted.

  Charles was laughing into his hands. ''Your plan backfired.''

  Henrie gave him an annoyed look and then rolled her eyes. ''You can say that but it is not a total waste. We have a marriage to look forward to.''

  ''We do?''

  ''Of course Charles, two people caught the bouquet.'' She said it as if it should be pretty obvious to him.

  ''But two people can't catch the bouquet.'' Can two people catch the bouquet?

  Henrie kissed his cheeks. ''Ada and Richard each will get married soon.'' She said with a satisfied smile.

  Been on the dance floor with her husband feels heavenly and no matter how long they danced she couldn't get tired. She pouted when they had to leave but happily snuggled against her husband in the car. They had decided to go to Abuja for their honeymoon and Charles has refused his mother's offer for them to stay in her house. To Charles it was her indirect way of fussing over Henrie when they are supposed to be honeymooning. He wants his wife to himself; she would get her chance to fuss over her daughter-in-law for the rest of her life. His mother adores Henrie and that is saying something, she treats her like an egg and had started singing marriage songs in Richard's ears.

  ''How does it feel to be the newest Couple in town?'' He asked her as he pressed a kiss to her hair.

  ''Like being the happiest person on earth. I love you so much and that is enough for me.''

  ''I love you Mrs. Agbaje, more than you can comprehend.''

  ''I am getting a big head Mr. Agbaje.'' She laughed.

  ''Congratulations to us both.'' He said and then kissed her.

  Some might say their love is weird but to them no love could be as perfect as theirs. To Henrie she had lived as a failure and a disappointment to herself for so long and never had she thought she could be the centre of Charles' attention but here she is married to him, what else could she wish for?

  Getting married to Henrie is the greatest thing to ever happen to Charles. There was a time he had thought it impossible to ever be with her, but he had continued to wait patiently, hoping
that maybe someday he would get his heart desires and here he is, she is his and he intends to hold on to her for the rest of his life.

  They are on the journey of their lives and with love, trust and understanding they have nothing to fear.

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