Read Broken Page 17

  Henrie pressed a hand to her forehead. ''I can't have a reasonable conversation with you.''

  ''Are you sure?'' He extends a hand to her. ''Let's get going.''

  She grabbed her purse and got out of her apartment. She locked the door and let him lead her to the car. He opened the car door for her and she gave him a surprised look. ''Thanks,'' she mumbled.

  He got in beside her and kick start the door. ''Where are we going?'' he asked her and she gave him a confused look. ''You are asking me?'' He nodded but she said nothing. He laughed and abruptly cut it short when she gave him a freezing look. ''I have somewhere in mind though.''

  Henrie relaxed. She had never in her wildest imagined there would be a day when she will be as comfortable with him as she is now. He pulled outside Royals and arm in arm they went upstairs. He seated them at a secluded corner upstairs before they placed their orders.

  Charles specifically chose their location at GRA because he wanted to have privacy with her here and also because it is not far from his place and Richards. She was freer with him today than she has ever been and he couldn't help but been grateful for trusting him this much and she wasn't as jumpy as she used to be.

  Dinner was a fantastic affair and Henrie couldn't remember the last time she has been this happy and she wished the night never ends. She is here with Charles and she is not looking for the first exit to run out from, that is definitely progress on her part, she had thought herself broken, shattered, damaged but with Charles she felt whole, as she was before she met any of them. She thought he was driving her home when they got back inside the car but he turned at the first junction, opposite Kwara Hotel and drove through the street and turned when he got to Rahaman Pategi road. She sat up straighter and turned to him. ''Charles? Why are we here?''

  He took her hand and threaded his fingers through hers. ''It is okay I promise. You don't have to worry about anything when I am with you.'' He squeezed her hand gently and kept her hand in his as he maneuvered the wheels with one hand. Audu opened the gate and he drove in.

  Henrie has not been back here since that day and she was having mixed feelings about coming here. He said everything will be alright and she believed him. She returned Audu's enthusiastic greetings and she willed herself to calm down. Charles took her hand and he knocked on the door, she found herself holding her breath as the door opened and Richard showed up. She stared at him and he was smiling. ''You are looking gorgeous as always.'' He stepped back for them to enter and embraced her as soon as she got in. ''It is a pleasure to see you again.''

  Henrie patted his back gently. ''I am happy to see you.'' She said and she meant it.

  ''Please do sit,'' he gestured to the Couch. ''I am almost done with dinner.''

  Henrie's mouth fell open. Richard cooking? ''You said what?'' She was sure she misheard him. ''Do you know how to cook?'' She has never seen him cooking before, not even once.

  Richard smiled. ''I know how to do a lot of things, cooking included.'' He patted his brother's back before disappearing into the kitchen.

  Immediately he was gone Henrie turned to Charles. ''What is going on here? Why is he been so agreeable?'' She asked in a whisper. She was finding it so hard to believe Richard could be this calm and collected. ''What is happening?''

  ''I will tell you later.''

  ''You should tell me now.'' She said firmly.

  Charles rolled his eyes. ''Okay I will tell you now since you are so impatient. I called him after Joan left my office and I told him about my intentions towards you, I didn't want it to be a surprise when he sees me and you together so I figured it is just right if I were to tell him. I was here last night before I came to your place and we had an adult conversation. I can tell you that Richard is a changed man, he isn't as angry as he used to be and Mum is really pampering him right now which is totally okay with me but of course he finds it uncomfortable for a 30 year old man to be fussed over by his mother.'' He chuckled. ''I intend to marry you Henrie and my family members are in support of it.''

  ''Who told you I am interested in marrying you?'' Henrie gave him a pointed look as she tried to hide her growing smile.

  Charles shrugged. ''Call it a hunch, believe me though, my hunches always are correct.''

  ''Show off,'' she snorted and he laughed.

  Richard brought out dinner and he called them to the table. Henrie was not hungry but who would reject such offering in good faith? The evening was a surprise to her as she was seeing the side of Richard she has never seen a glimpse of before so much that she finds it hard to believe that she was seated beside the Richard she used to know. He is not as angry as he used to be and he looks relaxed, happy even. She is still finding it difficult to believe that he isn't creating a fuss for Charles' intended courtship of her.

  ''You had better get married soon and give Mum grandbabies, believe me I am tired of the get married lecture she gives me these days.'' Richard complained.

  Henrie choked on her food and she started coughing while Charles gently pats her back. Get married? Grandbabies? Who is giving grandbabies? Why is everyone assuming she is getting married to Charles when he had not proposed to her? ''I'm okay thanks.'' She murmured and took a sip of water.

  Charles was finding her amusing. She should get used to the fact that he intends to marry her. He wanted nothing more than to get married to her, she is his life and her presence in his life has made him whole. There are many girls out there, even responsible ones but there is just one Henrie and she will be his.

  Richard watched the couple with amusement. When he first heard Charles talking to Ada about his feelings for Henrie he had been outraged. He felt as if events of his childhood are repeating itself all over again. His mother will take something he deserves to Charles even if he doesn't want it, Henrie arrived in the picture and in years he could finally tagged something as his and then his brother wanted the same thing. He felt infuriated and enraged and he had resolved never to let him have her. A critical look into his life with Henrie, his attitude towards her finally convinced him that he doesn't deserve her. He will always love Henrie but he has accepted the fact that they can never be together, not after what he made her pass through. She deserves the best and if the best for her is his brother then he had no choice but to accept her wishes. If you really love someone, you will do anything for that person's happiness. Charles has done the same thing when she was with him, he had kept his feelings hidden just because he knew she wanted to be with him then, but when she decided that she has had enough of him she left and he went after what he wants.

  He knew better now than to blame anyone for anything, he had done that before and it hasn't brought satisfaction, only headache. He won't let his past dictate his future for him anymore, the past is supposed to be buried if it will have a negative effect on the future. Despite the fact that his mother doesn't concern herself with him much back then he had made something for himself, he is a Medical Practitioner and he didn't get there because of anyone's influence, it was due to his hard work and perseverance. Henrie leaving him for his brother is not the end of the world, he knew his mistakes now and he knew how to correct it. Suddenly the future seems brighter.

  ''Do you want to see my house?'' Charles asked her on their drive home.

  Of course he is living somewhere. ''Oh, I quite forgot. Where are you living now?''

  ''Flower garden.''

  ''Flower garden?'' she gave him a surprised look. ''I thought you didn't want to live there.'' That was what he had told her the day she asked him to take her to his place.

  ''I wanted to move out but Richard insisted I stay, I even offered him the house but he doesn't want it. He told me he is okay with it and that it was all in the past, he isn't ready to dwell in the past but to look forward to the future. He told me the house is mine and that I don't have to leave it. So I am staying there.''

  From his smile she deduced that it meant a lot for him to get approval from his brother. ''There are no bad feelings for st
aying there anymore?'' He nodded. ''That is good, I will like to see your house.''

  ''It's not filthy if that is what you are curious of.'' He said jokingly.

  Henrie laughed. ''I must admit I am curious to know how much of a neat freak you are.''

  ''I am not a neat freak.''

  ''You always complain about everything.''

  ''No I don't.''

  ''Yes you do.''

  ''I don't.''

  ''You do.''

  ''But that doesn't make me a neat freak.''

  ''Do you say something?'' She put a hand to cup her ear. ''I can't seem to hear a word you are saying.''

  Charles glared at her. ''Amusing isn't it.''

  Henrie's laughter was loud. ''Actually I believe it is.''


  Chapter Nineteen

  ''If I am surprised by this I will be lying.'' Folarin said through the phone. ''I knew it's just a matter of time before you go back to him. Love in the air.'' She laughed. She had been so happy when Henrie had called her to tell her about her and Charles. She had suspected back then that her feelings for him was deeper than she knew and she really does sound happy, what is there to not be thankful for. She was even more surprised when she told her about Richard and how he behaved towards their courtship. ''I am really happy for you.''

  ''I am happy too. I never thought I would ever be as happy as I am right now. It's as if I have gotten my own version of a fairy tale. Charles is everything I want in a man and I really do love him. Now that we are together I started thinking back to the days when he was just annoying Charles and I can finally admit to myself that even then I nursed feelings for him even though I was unaware of it then, like my friend said I was always concerned about what he does and doesn't. Now that I have faced my feelings for him, I am at peace. Thank you for been there when I need your help.''

  ''What am I supposed to do? Turn you out? You are my family and I will do anything for you. You are happy now and that is what matters.''

  Yes, indeed that is all that matters. She is right where she wants to be. ''Yes I am.''


  ''I want my day to be a perfect one and I am finding it hard to concentrate, everything seems so jumbled.'' Emmanuella whined. She was getting highly emotional especially since she is getting married in six months.

  Henrie felt sympathetic towards her friend. ''Take it easy, you are just nervous is all. I am sure everything will be fine.''

  ''Nothing will be fine.'' She wailed. ''I haven't even found the perfect dress.''

  ''You haven't? I thought you went clothe shopping with your sister.'' Lola said, looking at the others. ''That was what you told us.''

  Emmanuella nodded. ''Yes I did because she insisted that she found a spectacular wedding dress I would love but it look so drab and unappealing to me. I don't even know what design to pick for the cake.''

  Joan rubbed her hands on her face. ''I finally agreed with those that said that there are two types of women who can snuff the life out of you.''

  ''And those types are?'' Lola asked.

  ''A pregnant woman and a Bride-to-be. Don't worry Emmanuella; I' m sure everything will be fine; you don't have to trouble yourself. You will indeed wear a spectacular wedding gown, have a fabulous cake and fabulous everything, just stop worrying.''

  Emmanuella slumped down on the bed. ''I have been finding it so difficult to pick, everything looks so good that I don't know what I should go for.'' She was almost on the verge of tears when she called her friends to come to her place. ''I just want my wedding to be perfect.''

  ''It will be.'' Henrie assured her. ''It will be the talk of town, don't worry about a thing.''

  Emmanuella nodded. ''I know you girls will make me feel better.'' She smiled. ''Who is getting married next?''

  ''Her,'' both Joan and Lola's thumbs pointed towards Henrie.

  Henrie raised her brows. ''Excuse me? Are you pointing at me?''

  ''Come on girl, you have orange blossoms written all over you.'' Lola remarked.

  Henrie scoffed. ''Yeah right and you? I believe you have green blossoms all over you.''

  Emmanuella laughed. ''I can't believe we are talking about getting married. I know there was a time I don't even want to hear about it, it scares me to death but now I am actually looking forward to it.'' she had a dreamy look on her face.

  ''Stop trying to make us jealous.'' Joan said and pinched her cheeks. At her shocked look she laughed. ''If I don't bring you back to earth you will forget we are here.''

  Emmanuella stuck her tongue at her. ''I will be there when you are fussing about getting married and I will make fun of you.''


  ''How many babies are you going to have?'' Lola asked.

  Emmanuella opened her mouth and then closed it. ''I am not telling you that, a person gets to have privacy.''

  ''I can tell you are already thinking about it.'' Lola said in a sing song voice.

  Emmanuella averted her eyes. ''No I am not.''

  ''Yes you are.'' Henrie put in. ''Don't worry, I already have a book of Babies' names and meanings. We can check those for babies' names.''

  All eyes turned to her. ''And you said you don't have orange blossoms around you? Who smells it?'' All hands were raised and Henrie wanted to disappear.

  ''So you are already dreaming of making babies with Charles.'' Joan giggled.

  ''No I am not.'' Henrie's voice was a thin whisper. She didn't intend to say it out loud.

  ''Oh yes you are.'' Emmanuella winked at her. ''Are you sure you are not pregnant yet?''

  ''Geez, just stop it already.''

  ''You are the one talking about babies.'' Lola stated.

  Henrie put her hands over her face. ''This is embarrassing, just stop it.''

  The girls laughed and she joined in.


  Emmanuella's wedding was an elaborate affair. She looks like a princess in her wedding dress and she is all smiles. Henrie breathed a sigh of relief. The few days before the wedding was almost unbearable, she is so nervous that she almost drove them crazy. She cries over everything but seeing her radiant face now the sleepless nights trying to calm her down and the endless sleepover at her house is worth it.

  ''She is so beautiful.'' She said to Charles at the reception. ''She was so nervous but everything is so perfect.'' She dabbed at a tear with her handkerchief.

  Charles doesn't know why women get emotional at weddings. ''She is stunning and her husband is a lucky man.''

  ''Of course, he is lucky for getting her.'' It was time to cut the cake so she stood up. ''Come on,'' she grabbed his arm and dragged him behind her.

  There were smiles and few tears, the friends were so happy that one of them is getting married and the husband's joy knew no bounds, he was staring at her as if he found it difficult to believe that they are actually married. When it was time to throw the bouquet Emmanuella turned her back to the people and threw it over her back. Henrie was sitting down then but the bouquet landed on her lap and there was screaming as her friends rushed to her and hugged her.

  ''Told you that you are next in line.'' Lola stated with a wink.

  Henrie stuck out at tongue at the Bride who was beaming at her. ''That was intentional.''

  ''No it wasn't.'' Emmanuella gave her a cheeky grin.

  ''Congratulations girls,'' Joan hugged her friends. ''Today is a perfect day.''

  John came to get his wife. ''Excuse me ladies but I want to take my wife.'' There was much laughter as the girls took their friend's hand and gave it to her husband. ''She is yours, handle with care.''

  ''With my life I will.''

  ''That is so romantic.'' Lola pressed a hand to her heart. ''I can't wait to get married.''

  ''That is the same thing you say every time you attend a wedding.'' Joan observed.

  ''That is the essence of weddings, it must move a girl to want to get married too.'' Lola said defensively.

  Henrie clutched her bouquet. ''Do you want this?'' She e
xtends the bouquet to Lola.

  Lola shook her head. ''It's yours, I will get mine soon enough. I am going to dance.'' She weaved her way through the crowd and quickly snagged up a guy for a dance.

  ''She can be dramatic at times.''

  ''She is the drama queen.'' Henrie affirmed.

  People were still dancing after the Newlyweds left and Henrie and her friends were also there. Henrie was sitting down on a chair, her legs splayed out. Her ankles feels like it will come off any moment from now. ''I can't believe I let myself be talked into dancing again and again.'' She whined to Charles who sat down beside her.

  ''Do you want me to massage your ankle.''

  ''Will you?''

  ''Of course.'' He took her legs in his hands and placed them on his thigh and removed her 4 inch heels. ''I am not surprised your ankle is throbbing, this is too high.'' He shook his head as he observed the shoes before dropping them on the floor beside him.

  ''That is why they are called high heels.'' It has been so long she wore heels and it felt strange to her. Charles was massaging her legs and ankles and she felt herself relaxing to his touch. ''You can really get a job being a masseur.''

  Charles grinned. ''I am flattered.''

  ''Don't be,''

  ''Jealous? Isn't that interesting.''

  ''I am not jealous, besides it's not only women that goes for massages.''

  Charles just smiled. This was his chance. With her legs still in his thighs he gently lowered himself on one knee and held her legs in his hands. He dug a hand in his suit jacket and brought out a pouch. He gently dropped her feet to the ground and opened the pouch. ''Henrietta Aramide Daniel, will you do me the favour of marrying me?''

  Henrie opened her mouth and stared at him. Marry? He's proposing to her? ''You want to marry me?''

  ''Yes, if you will be so considerate to accept my proposal.''

  ''Of course I will marry you.'' She all but screamed. He took her hand and slipped the ring on her finger. ''Thank you Henrie for accepting me.''

  Henrie heard screams before she could have a one of her own. ''I knew it.'' Lola screamed and was at her side in a minute admiring the ring. ''It is so beautiful.'' She said excitedly and hugged her.