Read Broken Page 2

  Richard visibly relaxed. ''She should know who is the boss here, she have to obey every single order of mine.''

  Charles inhaled deeply. ''That is the problem Richard, she is your girlfriend not your servant and you shouldn't treat her like she is beneath your foot. She has a right to have a mind of her own.'' He said angrily.

  Richard got in his face. ''Why don't you mind your own business little brother? I don't need you poking your nose in my affairs. How I treat my girlfriend is no concern of yours.'' Anger was rolling off him and Charles knew he had to back off except he wants a fight.

  ''You are a bastard if you don't beat her to death and you,'' he turned icy eyes to Henrie who was sniffing on the couch, ''you will be more stupid if you stay with this loser. I need my sleep so quiet it down would you?'' He stalked back to his room and slammed the door enough to unhinge it.

  The next morning Henrie and Richard had reached an agreement, he would let her go but she could only stay for an hour and a half and he would come pick her up. No matter how hard they fought and how much she got hurt Richard always placate her with promises to never do so again and how he was doing all that because he loves her. Same old story every time and Henrie knew she shouldn't believe it but she always go for it, believing he might change back to the old Richard she met and fell in love with all those years ago.

  She tried to hide her bruises with cosmetics. She didn't want her friends asking her about how she got it. She would think of something anyway, she always does.

  When Henrie got out of the bedroom she almost collided with Charles and he gave her a sourly look. She knew he is not in a good mood so she didn't bother to greet him and he never greeted her either. She knew when to leave him be and that was exactly what she did.

  Later that night, Henrie was with her friends at an Eatery not far from her office. She had agreed to treat them all to dinner. There was much laughter and teasing that Henrie wanted the evening to go on and never end. So this was what she had been missing out on because Richard had her cooped up in the house. If it were up to him she wouldn't even have any friends let alone go out for a night out with the girls. She couldn't believe how dull her life had been since Richard. At first she had thought he was keeping her for himself because he loves her but now she knows better, he is being possessive in an unhealthy way.

  A finger snapped in front of her face and she startled. ''What was that for?''

  Joan giggled. ''You are lost in your head. What were you thinking about?'' She tickled her in the sides.

  ''Her boyfriend no doubt,'' Lola put in. ''I wish I could also snag up a guy like Richard.'' She said wistfully.

  ''Don't forget about the younger brother,'' Emmanuella put in. ''I like him best.''

  Henrie snorted. ''Charles? He won't give you the time of day.'' She said matter-of-factly.

  Emmanuella furrowed her brows. ''How would you know? If I want Charles I will get him.'' She said firmly.

  ''He has a girlfriend.'' Henrie said.

  Emmanuella shrugged. ''Do I care about that?''

  Lola mused. ''You are horrible Emmanuella, you really don't mean to steal him away from his girlfriend do you?''

  Joan laughed. ''I won't hesitate to do the same thing if I am interested in him.''

  Henrie drowned out her friends' chatter. She had no idea why she said Charles had a girlfriend. Like Big Mummy she was also curious about the relationship between Charles and Adanne, but so far their behaviour towards each other doesn't indicate that they are dating, but surely he must have a girlfriend somewhere even though he never introduced her to Richard or her. Now, what could Emmanuella possibly see in Charles enough to be interested in him?

  ''She is doing it again.'' Joan jabbed her in the ribs and she squealed. ''Come back to earth girl.'' She said with a smile.

  ''Right about time,'' Henrie murmured.

  Emmanuella turned to her. ''Do you think Richard will propose anytime soon?''

  Henrie choked, her eyes going round in her sockets. She coughed into her hands while Lola gently patted her on the back, typical of her friends to change conversations with an amazing speed. ''You said what?'' She asked.

  Emmanuella sighed. ''I asked if you think Richard will propose to you anytime soon.''

  She heard her right the first time. Propose? Really, what would she do if he were to ask her to marry him? Would she say 'Yes' and pray he will change once they get married or would she say 'No' and run away as fast as her legs would carry her? What would she do?

  She shrugged. ''I don't know.'' She said quietly.

  Joan rolled her eyes. ''You don't have to pretend with us Henrie.''

  Henrie felt guilty. If only her friends knew how much she had been holding out on them. ''I think so, that he will propose soon.''

  Screams rent the air and Henrie felt more guilty, but really would they believe her if she told them who Richard truly is? Won't they think she was been greedy and ungrateful?

  ''That is so great. That is fabulous news Henrie. I will be the Bridesmaid and then I can be paired up with Charles as the Best man.'' Lola said giddily.

  Joan narrowed her eyes. ''I thought you said you are not interested in Charles?''

  ''I never said that.''

  Emmanuella chuckled. ''I guess the only one who doesn't like Charles here is Henrie

  ''I do not hate him Emma, I never said that.'' Henrie said quickly.

  Emmanuella nodded. ''I know. I am just saying you are the only one who isn't interested in snatching him from his girlfriend.''

  Henrie laughed. Charles is the last guy on earth she could ever develop feelings for. ''You are right.

  The girls talked some more. And as much as Henrie enjoyed their company she knew she had to leave before Richard starts texting her. He wouldn't call her, God forbid he would give her friends any indication that he really didn't want her there. They promised to meet more often and they made her promise she would call them immediately after Richard proposed.


  Henrie took a cab home. She opened the door and was surprised when she saw Adanne with Charles. The two cuddled upon the couch, talking and laughing. Seriously if Charles is not dating this girl how does he expect her to have a boyfriend if he is always with her like this? Does Adanne even give any thought to the fact that she might want to marry someday? Everyone would think she is dating Charles and therefore there won't be suitors for her, or are they dating finally?

  She greeted them and trudged to the bedroom. Where is Richard? She had thought he was in the bedroom because he wanted to give the couple or whatever they are space. Now she would have to go and ask Charles where his brother is. She just hopes he is in a better mood now.

  She went back to the living room and met them the same way they were when she came in. ''Hmm, Charles, do you know where Richard is?'' She asked uncertainly.

  Charles didn't look up when he addressed her. ''Why can't you just call him on his cell phone?''

  Henrie felt her cheeks getting hot in embarrassment. She gulped and looked away. ''Never mind,'' she said and turned back on her heels, heading to the bedroom and slamming the door shut. None annoyed her greatly than Charles, not even Richard.

  Ada sat up on the couch and gave Charles a pointed look. ''That is no way to talk to your brother's fianc?e. You embarrassed her.'' She pointed out.

  Charles didn't look remorseful. ''So what, I don't care about the way I talk to her as long as I get my message passed across. She knew what I meant by that, what is the big deal in that?''

  Ada shook her head. ''You shouldn't have talked to her like that Charles, it's uncalled for. You should have just told her you have no idea where your brother is.'' She tried to reason with him.

  Charles got angry and stood up. ''I think you should mind your own business Ada.''

  Ada also stood up. ''Why don't I stay in my own house and refuse coming here?'' she grabbed her bag and shoved him out of the way on her way out.

  Charles caught her at the d
oor. ''I'm sorry Ada, I don't mean that.'' He said as he held on to her arm.

  Ada looked away from him. ''It's late Charles, I should go.''

  Charles shook his head. ''You can sleep here tonight, in my room or one of the guest rooms. I don't want you to leave while you are mad at me.''

  Ada sighed and shook her head. ''I can't sleep here Charles.''

  Charles frowned. ''Why can't you?''

  Ada looked down at her hands uneasily. ''It is not proper.'' She said quietly.

  Charles gave her a confused stare. ''What is not proper? What is improper about you sleeping here?''

  Ada smiled at him, the smile not reaching her eyes. ''I have to go out early tomorrow morning,''

  ''To work,'' Charles put in. ''I know. That still doesn't mean you can't stay here.''

  ''Good night, Charles,'' Ada said in a voice that does not warrant argument.

  ''I will drive you home.'' He said, accepting defeat.


  Henrie called Richard's cell but he didn't pick up. She tried several times but still he wasn't picking her calls. Where could he be? He told her he would be home earlier today. Is he mad at her because she went out with her friends? Haven't they settled this last night? Asking Charles is out of the question but who would she ask?

  She got out of the bedroom and walked to the living room. Charles is not there either, that means he has taken Ada home. Good. She walked to the door and opened it. She peered into the night but of course the two cars are not parked. She knew she should not panic. Richard is probably doing this to make her feel bad, but seriously? It's only girls that pull up these kinds of things, not a grown up.

  She sat down on the steps leading to the porch. He would meet her here any time he finally decides to turn up.

  Half an hour later, Charles drove in and was surprised to find Henrie sitting down on the steps. He checked his wristwatch and groaned, although she is safe in the compound but it is still dumb of her to sit down outside like a forlorn cat.

  ''What are you doing sitting down there?'' He asked her when he got to her, standing in front of her.

  He is finally ready to talk after that brush off? Not happening. Henrie ignored him. She really doesn't like Charles and it is about time she stops pretending to like him. She drew out her phone from her jeans pocket, 10:41pm. Where the hell is Richard?

  Charles folded his arms across his chest. ''Rita, I just asked you a question.'' He knew she was deliberately ignoring him, but she doesn't get to do that.

  Henrie tilted her face up to stare at him. ''Since when do I answer to you Charles?'' She said rudely.

  Charles' mouth opened in shock. ''You said what?''

  ''You heard me.'' She snapped at him and stood up, standing on the steps made her eyes level with his. ''Let's stop pretending we can tolerate each other Charles. I don't like you a tiny bit and I know the feeling is mutual, just leave me be and mind your damn business.'' She knew she was taking out her anger at him but she doesn't care. The only two people whoever caused her any form of distress is Richard and his stupid brother, so pardon her for lashing out at one of the annoying brothers.

  Charles was quiet for a minute as he stared at her. Is this happening? She is giving him attitude?

  He looked around and realized Richard isn't back yet. ''Somehow I think the person you should be mad at is Richard not me.'' He tried to verify.

  Henrie snorted. ''You made it clear with your curt behaviour with me that you don't like me, who I should be mad at is none of your business. All I know is that your brother and you are assholes, you are just the same.'' She spat out angrily.

  Charles flinched. ''Don't compare me to my brother Henrie. I am nothing like him.'' He grounded out.

  Henrie rolled her eyes. ''Spare me the details Charles, and you can't call me Henrie.''

  Charles gave her an odd look. ''Meaning?''

  ''You've always call me Rita to get under my skin and good news it doesn't bother me anymore, so keep on with it.'' She knew the main reason she was lashing at him was because of the way he embarrassed her in front of Ada, he had made her feel like a fool.

  Charles held her eyes with his and mounted a step, making her to take a step backward and she lost her footing, his hand on her arm kept her steady and he held on tight when she tried to jerk away from him. ''Now if all those accusations are true I would have gotten a kick from watching you fall.'' He said with a smile.

  Henrie gave him a glassy look. ''I didn't ask you to pull me.'' She said grimly. ''I don't need your help Charles so don't offer it.''

  He dropped her so suddenly that she stumbled back and tripped, her rear hitting the floor dully. ''You are right and I wouldn't bother myself with you anymore Rita. I've had enough of?'' he broke off and stared overhead. ''Whatever,'' he stepped by her, opened the door and banged it shut behind him.

  Henrie groaned as she plucked her ass from the ground. She really shouldn't have said that but she can't help herself and she won't apologize for that. Richard might as well rot in hell she thought darkly. She went in and locked the door. The idiot can sleep out and watch if she cares. Fuck the Agbaje brothers.


  The next morning Henrie woke up early and quickly got out of bed. She went to the living room but found no traces of Richard. She also checked the two spare rooms to check if he came home after she slept but none of the beds looked slept in. she went outside and could see that his car was not in park. He definitely didn't come home last night then, she thought.

  She went back to the bedroom to bathe and dress up for work. She went to the kitchen to fix breakfast but she found Charles in it. This is the norm and usually the time they get to say ''Good mornings'' to each other but they had a huge fight and she wasn't going to apologize. She doesn't feel guilty for what she did last night.

  Charles watched Henrie entered the kitchen. He ignored her as she was definitely ignoring him. He really doesn't know why he is still poking his nose in hers and Richard's affairs, but he felt that she ought to know better and realize that she doesn't have a future with Richard.

  He maneuvered himself so that they won't have to touch until he got out of the Kitchen. Going out to the Office he met her in the sitting room yet again, also leaving for work. He knew most mornings Richard drives her to work but only God knows where that annoying brother of his is. Should he offer her a ride? Would she be glad he did so or would she insult him again? The decision was made for him when without a word Henrie got out of the house and headed for the gate. Clearly not interested in a car ride with him, that is just great. He only meant to be courteous before. He locked the door, got into his car and drove off, ignoring her still walking to the gate.

  Henrie would never ride in Charles' car, not after what happened yesterday night. If she were to ask him for a ride he would have probably look down at her in contempt and find choice words of insult. She would rather take a taxi to work than endure Charles insolence. She would try Richard's cell when she gets to the Office, but right now she needs to think about not been late.

  Later that morning she called Richard and he eventually picked up. He didn't even bother giving her an explanation for staying out last night, all he said was that he was hanging out with friends and he couldn't come back home because it was so late. Is that even an excuse? She knew he intentionally did it because she went out with her friends, if only she had known he would pull out this stupid tantrum she would spend the night with one of her friends but of course Charles would have been too eager to report her to Richard.

  ''Miss Daniel,'' Henrie looked up to realize that she had kept someone waiting. ''I'm sorry.'' She said with a tentative smile as she took the document from her fellow colleague and signed it before giving it back to her.

  She wondered what Richard would have in stock for her when she got home.


  Chapter Three

  ''You look angry.'' Ade remarked after watching the scowling Charles for minutes. ''Who could possibly be
the reason behind it this time around?'' He asked.

  Charles and Ade had been friends for as long as each can remember same with Adanne. Ade knows Charles very well and apart from the fact that he is always annoyed, he knew when he is really disturbed. He can tell he is disturbed about something and his mood has turned sour.

  He flicked his fingers in his face and Charles scowled at his friend. ''Who was it this time?''

  Charles knew what his friend was talking about but he wasn't ready to talk about it. Instead he deliberately changed the topic. ''I was thinking that Ada can move in with me. I have no idea why she insisted on staying put in that horrible apartment of hers.''

  Ade watched him in silence for a few seconds and crossed his arms over his chest. ''Her apartment is not horrible you are only saying that because you are accustomed to wealth and she is not, besides why would you want her to move in with you?''

  Charles shrugged. ''I still believe her apartment is horrible. I have no idea why she doesn't like accepting favours from me, if it is you she will be eager to accept but with me she is always refusing. Why is that?'' He had been observant with Ada's attitude these days, before he hadn't given it much thought but now he finally realized that every time he offers to do something for her she is quick to reject it. He had offered to rent a new place for her but she had refused, claiming she could take care of herself.

  Does it hurt to accept favours from dear friends?

  ''How is Henrie?'' Ade deliberately changed the subject. If only Charles would be smart enough to see what is dangling right in front of him, but with Charles, you never know what he is thinking at times.

  Charles' lips thinned. ''Why should I concern myself with her? She is Richard's girlfriend not mine, why should I care?''

  Ade mused. ''I'm just worried about her, it has been so long?'' he trailed off, looking into the distance.

  Charles shrugged. ''I can't do anything about it, I would have if I can; besides she doesn't even like me.''