Read Broken Page 3

  Charles got home to the sounds of scream. He quickly pulled over and ran into the house. He was shocked when he got inside and saw the source of the screaming. Henrie laid on the floor, writhing in pain while Richard hovered above her, a belt in his hand, a raw look of fury in his eyes.

  Henrie is bloodied her hair pulled mercilessly, her lips busted and bruises already forming on her body. She is weeping profusely.

  Charles was furious. He turned to Richard and grabbed him by the collar. ''Are you crazy, do you want to kill her?'' He yelled right in his face.

  Richard pushed him off him. ''What I do with my girlfriend is none of your business Charles. She is mine and I will do with her as I please. So, stay out of this.'' He said grimly. He turned to Henrie who was still lying on the floor. ''The very next time you go against my orders will be the last.'' He said and stalked to the bedroom, the slam of the bedroom door echoing in the hall.

  Henrie couldn't stand up even if she wanted and she couldn't seem to stop crying. How could she have let things escalate to this level? She had always known a future with Richard is bleak but she had been helpless, afraid of what he would do to her if she were to attempt to leave him.

  Charles knelt down beside her and carried her to the couch. He didn't say anything as he went to his room and returned with a towel which he took to the kitchen and ran under the tap water. He came back to her with a small basin and wiped her body gingerly, taking note of her injuries. ''I should probably take you to the Hospital.'' He said to no one in particular.

  Henrie was too weak to protest.

  He stood up and carried the basin with him. A few minutes later he came back having changed his work clothes to a pair of jeans and a turtle neck. He carried her gently out the door and opened his back seat to lay her on the seat. Henrie moaned in pain. He got into the driver's seat and drove out of the compound.

  Henrie was admitted for a few days and got the shock of her life when she got back home that Richard had helped her resign from her job. She couldn't believe he could do this to her. He had been the one to get her the job but does that mean he should deprive her of that because they had a fight? He had not visited her once while she was in the hospital, it was Charles she saw and she was grateful he kept her situation secret so none of her friends had any idea she was hospitalized.

  ''I should have told you earlier but I didn't want to while you are still at the hospital.'' Charles said as he helped her inside.

  Henrie sat down on the first seat she could and sighed. She put her head on her hands and sobbed quietly. ''I can't believe Richard could do this to me. What am I going to do now?''

  Charles sat beside her. He knew what he should say but he doesn't want to upset her more. ''I'm sorry Henrie. You can come and work for me.'' He suggested.

  Henrie turned to look at him. ''You don't have to do that Charles, I'm sure I can find something for myself.'' She really doesn't think working for Charles is the smartest thing to do.

  ''I am the one offering. I don't mind giving you a job, besides Richard would not have the upper hand if you are working for me and he can't make you quit.''

  Why am I still contemplating staying with this family? And why is Charles being nice to her? Is she really that pathetic or is she really hoping that maybe someday Richard would finally change for good? Should she accept Charles offer or refuse it?

  Charles was watching her intently and he knew she was thinking hard about something, trying to reach a decision. ''I am just trying to help Henrie, I won't force you into working for me or anything, I just want you to know that I won't treat you the way Richard does. I won't feel offended if you refused.'' He said, trying to let her know he won't exert force or pressure on her the way her jerk of a boyfriend does.

  Henrie managed a hesitant smile. ''Thank you Charles, I will be honoured to work for you.'' She would work for him for the time being but she would start looking for job on her own, a job she would secure for herself without the help of anyone, a job she can call her own. ''Thanks for the offer,'' She knew he was only trying to help and she appreciates that.

  ''Ada is coming over tonight, I will like it if both of you can talk.'' He could feel that she was trying to protest and start giving excuses, so he raised a finger to wave her off. ''I know you might think we are trying to poke our noses into your affairs, but I promise you we are just trying to help. Let her help you Henrie.'' He said wistfully.

  Henrie gulped and stared into oblivion. The last time she had saw Ada, Charles had humiliated her in front of her. Now he expects her to sit through some sort of a counseling session with her? A woman has got to have some pride.

  She shook her head in disapproval. ''I can handle this Charles, you don't have to do that.'' She said in a small voice.

  Charles exhaled noisily. ''Now is not the time to feel embarrassed Henrie,''

  Henrie doesn't really know how she feels concerning Charles' friend, and the last thing she wants is her pitying her. She shook her head more firmly. ''Thank you all the same but I am okay, this is not the end of the world.'' She said, trying to put on a brave front.

  Charles nodded. He knew she was feeling mortified, so he decided not to push her. ''No problem, it's your decision and I already guaranteed you that I won't impose on you.''

  Henrie was glad he was letting this go so easily. ''Thank you Charles,'' Moments like these are times when Henrie wishes she and Charles could be good friends.

  Henrie was asleep in one of the guestrooms when the door creaked open. She yawned and sat up in bed and narrowed her eyes in the darkness. She could see a silhouette by the doorway and as her vision adjusted she could tell it was none other than Richard. She reached for the bedside lamp and switched it on. ''What do you want?'' She asked impassively.

  Richard moved in and sat down on the edge of the bed, his expression solemn. He saw her shift away and he swallowed audibly. ''Henrie,'' he called softly but she turned her face away from him. He reached for her but she jerked out of his reach. ''Don't touch me.'' She hissed.

  Richard knew she is mad at him and she had every right to be. He doesn't know what has come over him these past months. He really doesn't want to hurt her. She's his life, the very essence of his existence, why would he want to hurt her? Henrie just annoy him most times. He is always trying to do what is best for her but she doesn't see it that way and he wondered why. He makes sure she wore the best clothes, the best shoes, jewelries and accessories, what else could a man do? All he expected from her is compliance, is that too much to hope for? He has no idea why she can't see how much he loves her.

  ''I am so sorry Henrie; I don't even know what to say to you. I shouldn't have hit you and I'm sorry I didn't come to check on you at the hospital. Forgive me Henrie, I promise you that would be the last time I will ever hit you.'' He said ruefully.

  Same old promises, she is tired of them. ''I am sick and tired of your fake promises Richard, I have had enough of this,'' she extended her arms. She has thought about her situation since Ada arrived and she had escaped to this room to avoid her before falling asleep, and realized that staying with Richard might not be the ideal thing to do. If he really loves her he won't be hitting her as frequently as he does. ''I'm leaving you Richard, in the morning. I can't do this anymore.'' She said brazenly.

  Immediately, Richard went on his knees beside the bed. ''I am so sorry Henrie; I promise you I will never hit you again. Please don't leave me.'' He said mournfully. He grabbed her hand and held on for dear life. ''Please Henrie, don't, I can't bear it if you leave me. You are my life. Please don't break up with me.'' He was so close to sobbing that Henrie couldn't stop the tears streaming down her face. Sensing an opening, Richard held on more tightly. ''I assure you that we will do things your way. I promise you I will always make you happy, please my love.''

  Henrie broke out sobbing. ''How can I be sure you mean any of these? You are always eager to apologize but you don't keep your words Richard, you never have.''

hard moved up to sit beside her on the bed, cradling her against his chest. ''The first time I saw you I was bewitched. No girl has ever had that kind of effect on me and for certain I know you are mine. Everything I have been doing was because of you Henrie, I wanted you to be happy with me and I don't want you to be with anyone else apart from myself. I have never been unfaithful to you Henrie and I promised you once more that I will do everything it takes to make this work.

  I am always proud of you every time I see you and always proud to say you are mine,'' he said with a fond smile. ''I am blessed to call you mine. I have thought about this before coming to you tonight and I have decided we should get married, that way I can be rest assured no one will take you away from me.''

  Henrie's breath hitched. ''Is that a proposal? You are proposing to me because you want to be secured about the fact that I will be fully yours?'' This is incredulous. Where is his pledge of undying love?

  Richard smiled. ''Of course not love, I would never propose to you if I don't love you. I have loved you for years and there is no one I would rather be with more than you. I love you Henrietta Daniel, from here to the moon and back.'' He said and kissed her forehead.

  Henrie could feel hope budding. This is the most sincere she had ever seen him when it comes to apology. ''Really?''

  Richard affirmed with a nod of his head. ''I will take the day off tomorrow so we could go shopping for an engagement ring.'' He offered eagerly.

  ''Is that necessary? We should buy the rings when we want to get married, both the engagement and wedding rings.'' She suggested.

  Richard shook his head. ''We can buy the engagement ring now. It is my symbol of love to you. We will buy another one when we are getting married.'' He appeared to be thinking about something then he said, ''I think the wedding will be perfect in August.'' He recommended.

  Henrie pushed away to stare up at him. ''August? That is just two months away. It's too soon.'' She rejected the idea. ''Weddings requires lot of planning, we can't just rush through everything, besides I have to talk to my family members first, they will be the one to choose the date. In fact, I think the first thing we should do is you and your family members meeting with my family to ask for my hand in marriage, after that you will pay my bride price and then you can have me all to yourself.'' She said with a satisfied smile. She has always dreamt of the day he will propose to her and here they are, very soon she will be Mrs. Henrietta Daniel Agbaje, isn't that fabulous?

  Richard puckered his mouth, ''I wasn't thinking about that. I guess I was too happy you accepted my proposal.''

  ''I haven't accepted your proposal Mr. Agbaje because you haven't really asked.'' She said suggestively.

  Richard laughed and for a second, Henrie could see the man she fell in love with. ''Okay Miss Daniel, will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?''

  Henrie squealed in delight and embraced him tightly. ''Yes I will. I love you so much Richard.'' She said truthfully.

  ''I love you too Henrie.'' He said with all the sincerity in his heart and kissed her.

  Richard stood up and pulled her up with himself. ''Let's go and break the news to Charles and his girlfriend.'' He said as he tucked her against his side and walked with her to the door.

  Henrie's step faltered slightly. ''They are dating? I thought they were just friends.'' She stated.

  Richard turned to look at her, amusement playing on his lips. ''A man and a woman are never just friends.'' He observed.

  What is wrong with a man and a woman being just friends?

  Chapter Four

  Henrie and Richard walked to the living room and found Charles and Adanne huddled together on the couch settee in front of the television. Charles had his arm on the back of the Sofa and Ada rested her head on his shoulder. ''Told you so,'' Richard whispered in Henrie's ear.

  The duo on the settee looked up at them. Ada gave them both a cautious smile while Charles was watching them intently.

  Richard pulled Henrie closer to himself. ''We have an announcement to make to you both.'' He said excitedly.

  Charles mentally rolled his eyes. Richard in a good mood doesn't usually last for a long time. He watched Henrie and he could tell she was happy. What could Richard have been feeding her since he went in half an hour ago to bring out the glow in her eyes? ''What would that be?'' He was really curious.

  Still beaming, Richard linked their fingers. ''Henrie and I are getting married.''

  There was absolute silence after Charles' sharp intake of breath. The pair on the couch stared surprisingly at the duo standing side by side. Ada broke the uncomfortable silence by pasting on a huge smile and stood up to extend her hand to the couple. ''Congratulations guys, that's great news.''

  ''Thank you,'' Richard said and shook her hand. ''Don't we look perfect for each other?''

  ''You certainly do.'' Ada confirmed.

  Henrie found herself watching Charles, she could tell he was shocked, surprised and then he got infuriated. ''Thank you Ada,'' she said and shook her hand because that was the expected thing to do.

  Richard exchanged looks with her then turned to Charles who was still quiet. ''Charles?''

  Charles looked up at his brother and stood up. ''Sorry brother but you won't be getting any sort of congratulatory remark from me.'' He said and then walked past them to his bedroom.

  Ada didn't know what to say. ''I am sorry for his behaviour, I will go talk to him.'' She excused herself and left to go after him.

  Richard lowered himself to the sofa, bringing Henrie with him. ''What was that about? He doesn't seem to be happy with this.'' He stated and Henrie could see the hurt in his eyes.

  ''You know Charles could be difficult at times.'' She said evasively. She knew why he behaved like that. With what they had talked about earlier that day he would never had thought she would have forgiven him so fast and the marriage news would have come as a shock. ''Ada will talk to him, you have nothing to worry about.'' She said reassuringly.

  Richard just shrugged. ''I won't let him damp my spirits,'' he said with a wink and pulled her close to himself, pressing a kiss to her forehead.

  Charles slumped down on his bed, shaking his foot uncontrollably in anger. This is the most stupid news he had ever had the courtesy of hearing in his whole life. Getting married? That is the most stupid thing he had ever heard. The door creaked open and he doesn't have to look at the doorway to know who it was. ''Not now Ada,'' he groaned.

  Ada ignored him and stepped into the room, closing the door behind her. She walked around the bed until she was standing in front of him. ''What was that in there? You just insulted your brother by walking out on him.'' She said chidingly.

  Charles scowled at her. ''I am not in the mood for small talks Ada, just leave me be.'' He said icily.

  Ada swallowed audibly. Why is he trying to be difficult again? ''Does that mean I am spouting rubbish?'' she said with a hurtful expression.

  ''I am not falling for that, not tonight.'' Charles pointed out. ''You are always so eager to talk me into submission when it comes to me, my brother and his fantastic girlfriend, but when it comes to you and me you find it very easy to evade.''

  Ada sat down beside him on the bed. ''We are not talking about you and I Charles. I am just trying to tell you that you should have been happy for your brother. He told you because he wants you to be happy for him, how do you think him and Henrie would feel by your outburst?'' She said quietly, trying to get him to reason with her words.

  ''Oh spare me the sordid details, he should never expect any sort of best wishes from me.'' He sneered.

  ''I can't talk with you,'' Ada complained exasperatedly. ''You are always so difficult to reason with and that is because of your pigheadedness.'' She puffed angrily.

  Charles narrowed his eyes. ''I think we should talk about you and I and not concern ourselves with other's lives.''

  Ada pinned him with a pointed glare. ''Your brother and his fianc? are not 'others' as you regard them.''

>   Charles groaned. ''I see no reason why you should still be concerned about this Ada, I would rather talk about us.'' He said stubbornly.

  Ada knew he wouldn't listen to her, so she decided to let the matter go for now. ''I am not sure I know what you are talking about.''

  Charles gave her a disbelieving look. ''Whatever is that supposed to mean? Of course you do know what I am talking about.''

  Ada indeed does know what he was talking about but she was torn about how others would see their situation and how much she would like to stay with him. He hasn't make any moves on her and she really doesn't know how he sees her and she isn't about to force herself upon him. What would living with him entail? And then what about his brother and his fianc?e, she is certain Henrie doesn't like her and frankly she can't say she really likes her either, but what if Charles had been living alone, would she have gladly accepted his proposal?

  ''You are not saying anything Ada,' Charles' statement brought her back to earth and she turned face him. ''I would love to stay with you Charles, but I doubt your brother and his fianc?e would appreciate it if I were here. I don't want to break their bubble.''

  Charles gave her a dubious look. ''Bubble? What bubble?''

  ''They are getting married, I'm sure they won't want me in the way.'' She verified.

  ''I don't think you should get worked up because of that. I am a grown up man and I have the same rights as my brother in this house, me bringing you here to live with me is really none of his business. You will be here because of me not because of anyone else.'' He said to clarify.

  ''Why would you want me here so badly? We have been arguing about this for the last few months and you never really told me the actual reason you want me here with you.'' Just maybe he would let something slip and she could know relate it to the thousands reasons she had told herself was behind his insistence.

  Charles shrugged. ''For starters, I don't like you living in that shit hole, I will?''