Read By Conduct and Courage: A Story of the Days of Nelson Page 27

  Blackie & Son's Illustrated Books for Children



  The Big Book of Nursery Rhymes. Selected and edited by WALTER JERROLD.With nearly 400 Illustrations in Colour or Black-and-White by CHARLESROBINSON. Large 4to, cloth elegant, gilt edges, 7_s._ 6_d._ net.

  This beautiful volume, in which Mr. Charles Robinson has interpreted withdelightful humour and rare artistic skill the old familiar rhymes of thenursery, will be an unfailing source of pleasure to children of all ages.The pictures are bold, clear, and direct, as befits a book intended in thefirst place for little folk, but they exhibit at the same time a power ofdraughtsmanship that will give the volume a permanent artistic value.

  "This is a really magnificent gift-book for quite little children."--_Saturday Review_.


  Six and Twenty Boys and Girls. Pictures by JOHN HASSALL; Verses by CLIFTONBINGHAM. 25 pages in full colour, and 24 pages of letterpress. Pictureboards, 9 inches by 111/4 inches, cloth back, 3_s._ 6_d._; also clothelegant, 5_s._

  Most of us know some at least of the little girls and boys portrayed byMr. Hassall in this amusing picture-book. As depicted with Mr. Hassall'sinimitable skill, and described in humorous verse by Mr. Bingham, they maychallenge comparison with the classic Struwwelpeter. Each picture is notonly attractive and amusing in itself, but furnishes a hint of virtues tobe imitated or faults to be avoided.

  "A most original picture-book."--_World_.


  Roundabout Rhymes. With 20 full-page Illustrations in colour by Mrs. PERCYDEARMER. Imperial 8vo, cloth extra, 2_s._ 6_d._

  A charming volume of verses and colour pictures for little folk-rhymes andpictures about most of the everyday events of nursery life.

  "The best verses written for children since Stevenson's _Child's Garden_."--_The Guardian_.


  Gammon and Spinach. Pictures by STEWART ORR. Verses by JOHN BRYMER. Coverdesign and 24 pages in Full Colour. Picture boards, cloth back, 6_s._

  In _Gammon and Spinach_ Mr. Stewart Orr has produced a picture-book uniqueof its kind. Nothing could be more droll than the situations in which herepresents the frog, the pig, the mouse, the elephant, and the otherwell-known characters who appear in his pages. Little folk will find inthese pictures a source of endless delight, and the artistic skill whichthey display will have a special appeal to children of an older growth.

  "Merry and handsome enough to make thousands of friends among little folk, what with its original verses and its amusing pictures."--_Literary World_.

  "The book should attain a wide popularity in the nursery."--_Morning Post_.

  --Two Merry Mariners. Pictures by STEWART ORR. Verses by JOHN BRYMER. Coverdesign and 24 pages in full colour. Picture boards, cloth back, 6_s._

  This delightful volume tells in picture and verse how Dick and his friendthe Hare sailed to the Downy Isle, the adventures they met with in thatstrange country, their encounter with the Dragon, and their remarkablevoyage home. Mr. Orr exhibits in these designs a rare combination ofhumorous invention with brilliant draughtsmanship and command of colour,and the author supports him with a series of racy verses.

  "The illustrations are masterpieces of drollery."--_Manchester Courier_.

  "The verses are very funny and original."--_World_.


  The Animal Book. A Natural History for Little Folk with a ColouredFrontispiece and 34 full-page Illustrations by F. SPECHT. Crown quarto,111/4 inches by 91/2 inches, picture boards, cloth back, 2_s._ 6_d._

  This book consists of a series of bright and instructive sketches of thebetter-known wild beasts, describing their appearance, character andhabits, and the position they hold in the animal kingdom. The text isprinted in a large, clear type, and is admirably illustrated withpowerful, realistic pictures of the various creatures in their nativestate by that eminent animal artist F. Specht.

  "A work of the greatest value to the young."--_Eastern Morning News_.


  _From MY BOOK OF TRUE STORIES_ (See page 31) SIR PHILIP SIDNEY AND THE DYING SOLDIER (_Reduced from a Colour Illustration_)]


  The Animals' Academy. With 24 full-page Colour Illustrations and manyBlack-and-White Vignettes. Picture-boards, cloth back, 3_s._ 6_d._; cloth,5_s._

  In _The Animals' Academy_ Mr. Neilson and Mr. Bingham have again combinedtheir forces, and have turned out a picture-book which for fun and varietywill be difficult to equal. In bright, musical, "catchy" verse Mr. Binghamtells of the many amusing events that take place at a school in which theelephant is master and other well-known animals are the scholars, and Mr.Neilson illustrates the story as only he can illustrate animal frolics.

  "A humorous, clever, and delightful book. The pictures of the dressed-up animals will captivate little children."--_British Weekly_.


  Games and Gambols. Illustrated by HARRY B. NEILSON; with Verses by JOHNBRYMER. 26 pages in colour, and 24 pages of letterpress. Picture boards, 9inches by 111/4 inches, cloth back, 2_s._ 6_d._; also cloth elegant, 3_s._6_d._

  Mr. Neilson surpasses himself in these irresistible colour picturesrepresenting the animal world at play. The great test match between theLions and the Kangaroos, Mrs. Mouse's Ping-Pong Party, Mr. Bruin playingGolf, Towser's Bicycle Tour, and the Kittens _v._ Bunnies Football Match,are a few among the many droll subjects illustrated in this amusing andoriginal series.

  "Mr. Neilson has a positive genius for making animals comic."--_Academy_.

  "Children will revel in his work."--_Daily Graphic_.


  How They Went to School. With 24 full-page pictures in full colour.Picture-boards, cloth back, 2_s._ 6_d._; cloth extra, 3_s._ 6_d._

  A pretty picture-book for the little ones, full of quiet humour and shrewdobservation of child life. The book tells in picture and story how Hal andKitty, two tiny scholars, set out on their way to school, and the variousadventures that happen to them on the road.

  "Quite the most charming book we have yet seen."--_Daily News_.


  Bright Pictures and Easy Lessons for Little Folk. Quarto, 10{~VULGAR FRACTION ONE EIGHTH~} inches by 73/4inches, picture boards, 1_s._; cloth, gilt edges, 2_s._

  An interesting and instructive picture lesson-book for very little folk.Beginning with an illustrated alphabet of large letters, the little readergoes forward by easy stages to word-making, reading, counting, writing,and finally to the most popular nursery rhymes and tales.

  "The very perfection of a child's alphabet and spelling-book."--_St. James's Budget_.


  Those Twins! With a Frontispiece and 28 Illustrations by S. B. PEARSE.Cloth elegant, 2_s._ 6_d._

  Two little rogues are the twins, Horatio and Tommy; but loyal-hearted andgenerous to boot, and determined to resist the stern decree of their auntthat they shall forsake the company of their scapegrace grown-up cousinAlgy. So they deliberately set to work to "reform" the scapegrace; andsucceed so well that he wins back the love of his aunt, and delights thetwins by earning a V.C. in South Africa.

  "A merry story for young and old."--_World_.


  Little Village Folk. With 37 Illustrations by ROBERT HOPE. 2_s._ 6_d._

  A series of delightful stories of Irish village children. Miss Romneyopens up a new field in these beautiful little tales, which have thetwofold charm of humour and poetic feeling.

  "A story-book that will be welcomed wherever it makes its way."--_Literary World_.


  Stories, Verses, and Pictures for the Little Ones. 290 pages,
of which 48are in colour. Cloth; 2_s._ 6_d._

  A treasury of entertainment for the nursery. The contents are extremelyvaried both as regards the text and the illustrations, and carefullydesigned to meet the tastes of the little ones. The many bright colourpictures will be in themselves a never-failing source of delight.

  "A fascinating little volume, well filled with stories and quaint and pretty illustrations."--_Guardian_.